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.. _release-2018-3-0:

Salt 2018.3.0 Release Notes - Codename Oxygen

.. warning::
    If you are using Jinja to dump lists or dictionaries in your SLS files,
    this will now cause errors in Python 2 since Jinja does not produce
    YAML-compatible output when strings in the data structures contain unicode
    types. The dictionary must be passed through a Jinja filter to produce
    YAML-compatible strings.

    The below is an example of invalid SLS:

    .. code-block:: yaml

          - source: salt://foo.conf
          - template: jinja
          - defaults: {{ mydict }}

    To make it valid, use either one of Salt's own ``json`` or ``yaml``

    .. code-block:: yaml

          - source: salt://foo.conf
          - template: jinja
          - defaults: {{ mydict | json }}

Unicode/Python 3 Compatibility Improvements

This release fixes a number of nagging issues with Unicode strings in Salt
under Python 2 (ex.  ``'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd0``). For best
results, use a UTF-8 locale (such as by setting the ``LANG`` environment
variable to one which supports UTF-8. For example ``en_US.UTF-8``,
``de_DE.UTF-8``, ``ru_RU.UTF-8``, ``C.UTF-8``).

Additionally, a number of Python 3 compatibility fixes have been made, many of
them having to do with file I/O and str/bytes mismatches.

We continue to work toward improving both Unicode and Python 3 compatibility
and welcome any feedback.

Lots of Docker Improvements

Much Improved Support for Docker Networking

The :py:func:`docker_network.present <salt.states.docker_network.present>`
state has undergone a full rewrite, which includes the following improvements:

Full API Support for Network Management

The improvements made to input handling in the
:py:func:`docker_container.running <salt.states.docker_container.running>`
state for 2017.7.0 have now been expanded to :py:func:`docker_network.present
<salt.states.docker_network.present>`. This brings with it full support for all
tunable configuration arguments.

Custom Subnets

Custom subnets can now be configured. Both IPv4 and mixed IPv4/IPv6 networks
are supported. See :ref:`here <salt-states-docker-network-present-ipam>` for
more information.

Network Configuration in :py:func:`docker_container.running <salt.states.docker_container.running>` States

A long-requested feature has finally been added! It is now possible to
configure static IPv4/IPv6 addresses, as well as links and labels. See
:ref:`here <salt-states-docker-container-network-management>` for more

.. note::
    While the ``containers`` argument to :py:func:`docker_network.present
    <salt.states.docker_network.present>` will continue to be supported, it
    will no longer be the recommended way of ensuring that a container is
    attached to a network.

Improved Handling of Images from Custom Registries

Rather than attempting to parse the tag from the passed image name, Salt will
now resolve that tag down to an image ID and use that ID instead.

.. important::
    Due to this change, there are some backward-incompatible changes to image
    management. See below for a full list of these changes.

Backward-incompatible Changes to Docker Image Management

Passing image names to the following functions must now be done using separate
``repository`` and ``tag`` arguments:

- :py:func:` <>`
- :py:func:`docker.commit <salt.modules.dockermod.commit>`
- :py:func:`docker.import <salt.modules.dockermod.import_>`
- :py:func:`docker.load <salt.modules.dockermod.load>`
- :py:func:`docker.tag <salt.modules.dockermod.tag_>`
- :py:func:`docker.sls_build <salt.modules.dockermod.sls_build>`

Additionally, the ``tag`` argument must now be explicitly passed to the
:py:func:`docker_image.present <salt.states.docker_image.present>` state,
unless the image is being pulled from a docker registry.

State and Execution Module Support for ``docker run`` Functionality

The :py:func:`docker_container.running <salt.states.docker_container.running>`
state is good for containers which run services, but it is not as useful for
cases in which the container only needs to run once. The ``start`` argument to
:py:func:`docker_container.running <salt.states.docker_container.running>` can
be set to ``False`` to prevent the container from being started again on a
subsequent run, but for many use cases this is not sufficient. Therefore, the
:py:func:`docker.run_container <salt.modules.dockermod.run_container>`
remote-execution function was added. When used on the Salt CLI, it will return
information about the container, such as its name, ID, exit code, and any
output it produces.

State support has also been added via the :py:func:`
<>` state. This state is modeled after the
:py:func:` <>` state, and includes arguments like
``onlyif``, ``unless``, and ``creates`` to control whether or not the container
is run.

Full API Support for :py:func:`docker.logs <salt.modules.dockermod.logs>`

This function now supports all of the functions that its Docker API counterpart
does, allowing you to do things like include timestamps, and also suppress
stdout/stderr, etc. in the return.

`start` Argument Added to :py:func:`docker.create <salt.modules.dockermod.create>` Function

This removes the need to run :py:func:`docker.start
<salt.modules.dockermod.start_>` separately when creating containers on the
Salt CLI.

.. code-block:: bash

    salt myminion docker.create image=foo/bar:baz command=/path/to/command start=True

Use SaltSSH Minions like regular Master-Minions

The Master process can now also call SSH minions as if they were connected to
the master using ZeroMQ.  By setting ``enable_ssh_minions: True`` in the master
config file, the master will create a Salt SSH client process which connects to
the minion and returns the output for the ``salt`` CLI to use like a regular
minion. This can be used anywhere the LocalClient is used.

Exceptions Raised for Authentication/Authorization Errors

When sending ``publish`` commands via ```` and ```` and an
authorization or authentication problem is encountered, Salt will now raise the
appropriate exceptions instead of returning an empty string: ``''``.

The reasoning behind this change is to make it easier to debug various scenarios
surrounding authentication and authorization issues more effectively.

Comparison Operators in Package Installation

Salt now supports using comparison operators (e.g. ``>=1.2.3``) when installing
packages on minions which use :mod:`yum/dnf <salt.modules.yumpkg>` or
:mod:`apt <salt.modules.aptpkg>`. This is supported both in the
:py:func:`pkg.installed <salt.states.pkg.installed>` state and in the ``pkg.install``
remote execution function.

:ref:`Master Tops <master-tops-system>` Changes

When both :ref:`Master Tops <master-tops-system>` and a
:ref:`Top File <states-top>` produce SLS matches for a given minion, the matches
were being merged in an unpredictable manner which did not preserve ordering. This has
been changed. The top file matches now execute in the expected order, followed
by any master tops matches that are not matched via a top file.

To make master tops matches execute first, followed by top file matches, set
the new :conf_minion:`master_tops_first` minion config option to ``True``.

Several Jinja Filters Renamed

The following Jinja filters (originally added in 2017.7.0) have been renamed
due to the fact that they were inaccurately named when initially added. The
original names will be supported until the Neon release of Salt.

- :jinja_ref:`rand_str` renamed to :jinja_ref:`random_hash`
- :jinja_ref:`jinja_decode_dict` renamed to :jinja_ref:`jinja_encode_dict`
- :jinja_ref:`jinja_decode_list` renamed to :jinja_ref:`jinja_encode_list`

Return Codes for Runner/Wheel Functions

When using :ref:`orchestration <orchestrate-runner>`, runner and wheel
functions used to report a ``True`` result if the function ran to completion
without raising an exception. It is now possible to set a return code in the
``__context__`` dictionary, allowing runner and wheel functions to report that
they failed. Here's some example pseudocode:

.. code-block:: python

    def myrunner():
        do stuff
        if some_error_condition:
            __context__['retcode'] = 1
        return result

Variable Update Intervals for Fileserver Backends

Prior to this release, fileservers would be updated as part of a dedicated
"maintenance" process, in which various routine maintenance tasks were
performed. This tied the update interval to the :conf_master:`loop_interval`
config option, and also forced all fileservers to update at the same interval.

2018.3.0 adds the following configuration options for the various fileserver

- :conf_master:`roots_update_interval`
- :conf_master:`azurefs_update_interval`
- :conf_master:`gitfs_update_interval`
- :conf_master:`hgfs_update_interval`
- :conf_master:`minionfs_update_interval`
- :conf_master:`s3fs_update_interval`
- :conf_master:`svnfs_update_interval`

These allow for update intervals to be set for each individual backend. The
default value for each of these is 60 seconds.

In addition, for :ref:`GitFS <tutorial-gitfs>` it is also possible to apply
intervals to individual remotes. See :ref:`here <gitfs-update-intervals>` for

.. note::
    git_pillar does not yet support variable update intervals, this is targeted
    for the next feature release (2019.2.0).

LDAP via External Authentication Changes

In this release of Salt, if LDAP Bind Credentials are supplied, then
these credentials will be used for all LDAP access except the first
authentication when a job is submitted.  The first authentication will
use the user's credentials as passed on the CLI.  This behavior is to
accommodate certain two-factor authentication schemes where the authentication
token can only be used once.

In previous releases the bind credentials would only be used to determine
the LDAP user's existence and group membership.  The user's LDAP credentials
were used from then on.

Stormpath External Authentication Removed

Per Stormpath's announcement, their API will be shutting down on 8/17/2017 at
noon PST so the Stormpath external authentication module has been removed.

New (Proxy) Minion Configuration Options

To be able to connect the Minion to the Master using a certain source IP address
or port, the following options have been added:

- :conf_minion:`source_interface_name`
- :conf_minion:`source_address`
- :conf_minion:`source_ret_port`
- :conf_minion:`source_publish_port`

:conf_minion:`environment` config option renamed to :conf_minion:`saltenv`

The :conf_minion:`environment` config option predates referring to a salt
fileserver environment as a **saltenv**. To pin a minion to a single
environment for running states, one would use :conf_minion:`environment`, but
overriding that environment would be done with the ``saltenv`` argument. For
consistency, :conf_minion:`environment` is now simply referred to as
:conf_minion:`saltenv`. There are no plans to deprecate or remove
:conf_minion:`environment`, if used it will log a warning and its value will be
used as :conf_minion:`saltenv`.

:conf_minion:`lock_saltenv` config option added

If set to ``True``, this option will prevent a minion from allowing the
``saltenv`` argument to override the value set in :conf_minion:`saltenv` when
running states.

Failed Minions for State/Function Orchestration Jobs Added to Changes Dictionary

For orchestration jobs which run states (or run remote execution functions and
also use a :ref:`fail function <orchestrate-runner-fail-functions>` to indicate
success or failure), minions which have ``False`` results were previously
included as a formatted string in the comment field of the return for that
orchestration job. This made the failed returns difficult to :ref:`parse
programatically <orchestrate-runner-parsing-results-programatically>`. The
failed returns in these cases are now included in the changes dictionary,
making for much easier parsing.


- ``fc_wwn`` - Show all fibre channel world wide port names for a host, must be
  enabled with `fibre_channel_grains`

- ``iscsi_iqn`` - Show the iSCSI IQN name for a host

- ``swap_total`` - Show the configured swap_total for Linux, \*BSD, OS X and

- ``virtual``:

    - identifies reports KVM and VMM hypervisors when running an OpenBSD guest

    - for detecting Solaris Logical Domains (LDOMs) running on T-Series SPARC
      hardware. The ``virtual_subtype`` grain is populated as a list of domain

Salt Minion Auto-discovery

Using auto-discovery, the Salt Minion now no longer needs to be configured
against a specific DNS name or IP address of a Master.

For this feature Salt Master now requires port 4520 for UDP broadcast packets to be opened
and the Salt Minion be able to send UDP packets to the same port.


By default, automatic discovery is disabled.

.. warning::
    Due to the current limitations that will be changing in a future release,
    before you turn on auto-discovery, make sure your network is secured and

Auto-discovery is configured on Master and Minion. Both of them are configured via the ``discovery`` option
as follows:

**Master configuration**

To use the default configuration, which accepts any minion, simply set ``discovery`` to True:

.. code-block:: yaml

       discovery: true

A sub-option called `mapping` allows auto-discovery to help find the proper
Master. The mapping contains an arbitrary set of key/value pairs, which the
Minion configuration can target. By default, no mappings are set.


.. code-block:: yaml

           description: SES 5.0
           node: 1

It is also possible to change the port used from the default of ``4520``, by
setting a ``port`` option under the Master's ``discovery`` configuration:

.. code-block:: yaml

      port: 4567

.. note::
    When using a port number other than the default, the Minion's ``discovery``
    configuration must *also* have a port specified, otherwise the Minion will
    still attempt to contact the Master on port ``4520``.

**Minion configuration**

In addition to the ``mapping`` and ``port`` options, the following additional options are available to Minions:

- ``attempts`` - This option specifies how many broadcast requests should be
  sent to the network, waiting for any Master response. Each attempt takes a
  couple of seconds, so raising this value may result in a slower Minion
  startup. Note that, on a properly-configured network, autodiscovery should
  succeed on the first attempt. By default, this value is set to ``3``.
- ``match`` - This option can be set to either ``all`` or ``any``, and it
  determines how the values configured in ``mapping`` are matched. If set to
  ``all``, then all of the key/value pairs in the Minion's ``mapping`` must
  match a given Master. If set to ``any`` (the default), then any match to a
  key/value mapping will constitute a match.
- ``pause`` - The interval in seconds between attempts (default: 5).
- ``fibre_channel_grains`` - Enables the ``fc_wwn`` grain. (Default: False)
- ``iscsi_grains`` - Enables the ``iscsi_iqn`` grain. (Default: False)

Connection to a type instead of DNS

By now each Minion was connecting to a Master by DNS or IP address. From now on
it is possible also to connect to a _type_ of a Master. For example, in a
network there are three different Masters, each corresponds for a particular
niche or environment or specific role etc. The Minion is supposed to connect
only to one of those Masters that is described appropriately.

To achieve such an effect, each ``/etc/salt/master`` configuration should have
a ``discovery`` option, which should have a ``mapping`` element with arbitrary
key/value pairs. The same configuration should be on the Minion, so then when
mapping matches, Minion recognises Master as its connection target.

Example for Master configuration (``/etc/salt/master``):

.. code-block:: yaml

           description: SES 5.0
           node: 1

The example above describes a system that is running a particular product,
where ``description`` is an arbitrary key and ``SES 5.0`` is just a string. In
order to match exactly this Master, the following configuration at Minion
should be present:

.. code-block:: yaml

         match: all  # Can be "all" or "any"
           description: SES 5.0
           node: 1

Notice ``match`` criteria is set to ``all``. This would mean that from all
found Masters select only that, which ``description`` is set to ``SES 5.0``
_and_ ``node`` is set to ``1``. All other Masters will be ignored.


This feature has a couple of _temporary_ limitations that are subject to change
in the future:

- Only one Master on the network is supported. Currently the Minion cannot
  select which Master out of few the same to choose. This will change to
  choosing the Master that is least loaded.

- Minions will accept _any_ master that matches connection criteria without any
  particular security applied (priv/pub key check, signature, fingerprint etc).
  That implies that administrator is expected to know his network and make sure
  it is clean.

New Modules

- :mod:`salt.modules.purefa <salt.modules.purefa>`

New NaCl Renderer

A new renderer has been added for encrypted data.

New support for Cisco UCS Chassis

The salt proxy minion now allows for control of Cisco USC chassis. See
the ``cimc`` modules for details.

New support for Cassandra v3

The ``cassandra_cql`` module now supports Cassandra v3 which has changed
its internal schema to define keyspaces and columns.

New salt-ssh roster

A new roster has been added that allows users to pull in a list of hosts
for salt-ssh targeting from a ``~/.ssh`` configuration. For full details,
please see the ``sshconfig`` roster.

New GitFS Features

Two new features which affect how GitFS maps branches/tags to fileserver
environments (i.e. ``saltenvs``) have been added:

1. It is now possible to completely turn off Salt's default mapping logic
   (aside from the mapping of the ``base`` saltenv). This can be triggered
   using the new :conf_master:`gitfs_disable_saltenv_mapping` config option.

   .. note::
       When this is disabled, only the ``base`` saltenv and any configured
       using :ref:`per-saltenv configuration parameters
       <gitfs-per-saltenv-config>` will be available.

2. The types of refs which Salt will use as saltenvs can now be controlled. In
   previous releases, branches and tags were both mapped as environments, and
   individual commit SHAs could be specified as saltenvs in states (and when
   caching files using :py:func:`cp.cache_file <salt.modules.cp.cache_file>`).
   Using the new :conf_master:`gitfs_ref_types` config option, the types of
   refs which are used as saltenvs can be restricted. This makes it possible to
   ignore all tags and use branches only, and also to keep SHAs from being made
   available as saltenvs.

Additional output modes

The ``state_output`` parameter now supports ``full_id``, ``changes_id`` and
``terse_id``.  Just like ``mixed_id``, these use the state ID as name in the
highstate output.  For more information on these output modes, see the docs for
the :mod:`Highstate Outputter <salt.output.highstate>`.


Python Version

Python 2 Windows API was design when Windows did not support Unicode. Windows
now supports Unicode however to keep backwards compatibility Python 2 Windows
API has not been changed.  Python 3 Windows API supports Unicode. Salt Python 3
installer is the recommend choice for users who need characters other than
Non-ASCII (7bit) characters.

:py:mod:`pkg <salt.modules.win_pkg>` Execution module changes

Significant changes have been made to the :mod:`win_pkg <salt.modules.win_pkg>`
execution module. Users should test this release against their existing package
sls definition files. These changes are also in 2016.11.9 & 2017.7.3.

- ``pkg.list_available`` no longer defaults to refreshing the winrepo meta

- ``pkg.install`` without a ``version`` parameter no longer upgrades software
  if the software is already installed. Use ``pkg.install version=latest`` or
  in a state use ``pkg.latest`` to get the old behavior.

- ``pkg.list_pkgs`` now returns multiple versions if software installed more
  than once.

- ``pkg.list_pkgs`` now returns 'Not Found' when the version is not found
  instead of '(value not set)' which matches the contents of the sls

- ``pkg.remove()`` will wait up to 3 seconds (normally about a second) to detect
  changes in the registry after removing software, improving reporting of
  version changes.

- ``pkg.remove()`` can remove ``latest`` software, if ``latest`` is defined in
  sls definition.

- Documentation was update for the execution module to match the style in new
  versions, some corrections as well.

- All install/remove commands are prefix with cmd.exe shell and cmdmod is
  called with a command line string instead of a list. Some sls files in
  saltstack/salt-winrepo-ng expected the commands to be prefixed with cmd.exe
  (i.e. the use of ``&``).

- Some execution module functions results, now behavour more like their
  Unix/Linux versions.


Changes to config handling

Behavior with existing configuration has changed. With previous windows
installers the existing config was used and the master and minion id could be
modified via the installer. It was problematic in that it didn't account for
configuration that may be defined in the ``minion.d`` directory. This change
gives you the option via a drop-down list to use one of the following:

- Default Config: Use the config that comes with the installer
- Existing Config: Use the current config without changes
- Custom Config: Select a custom config using the file picker

The existing config option will only be available if the installer detects an
existing config. If there is an existing config, and you choose ``Default`` or
``Custom``, the existing config will be deleted, including the ``minion.d``
directory, and replaced by your selection.

The ``Default Config`` and ``Custom Config`` options will allow you to modify
the Master and the Minion ID. ``Existing Config`` will leave the existing
configuration unchanged.

These settings can be defined on the command line using the following switches:

- ``/default-config``
- ``/custom-config=C:\Path\To\Custom\Config\minion``

If neither option is passed and there is an existing config, the default is to
use the existing config. If there is no existing config (new install) the
default config will be used.

Multi-master configuration

The installer now has the ability to apply a multi-master configuration either
from the GUI or the command line. The ``master`` field in the GUI can accept
either a single master or a comma-separated list of masters. The command-line
switch (``/master=``) can accept the same.

Command-line help

The Windows installer will now display command-line help when a help switch
(``/?``) is passed.

New utils module ````

A new utils module has been added, which gathers information about windows
installed software. This is currently not used by any salt execution module or
state at this time. Users are encouraged to run this and report any issues.
Running the command with the ``detail`` option will be useful for anyone
developing windows package definitions.  With salt installed in the default
location the following command will print the help message.

.. code-block:: text

    chcp 65001
    c:\salt\bin\python.exe c:\salt\bin\lib\site-packages\salt\utils\pkg\
    c:\salt\bin\python.exe c:\salt\bin\lib\site-packages\salt\utils\pkg\ detail system

Salt Cloud Features

OpenStack Revamp

The OpenStack Driver has been rewritten mostly from scratch.  Salt is now using
the `shade driver <>`.

With this, the ``nova`` driver is being deprecated.

:mod:`openstack driver <>`

There have also been several new modules and states added for managing OpenStack
setups using shade as well.

:mod:`keystone <salt.modules.keystoneng>`
:mod:`keystone role grant <salt.states.keystone_role_grant>`
:mod:`keystone group <salt.states.keystone_group>`
:mod:`keystone role <salt.states.keystone_role>`
:mod:`keystone service <salt.states.keystone_service>`
:mod:`keystone user <salt.states.keystone_user>`
:mod:`keystone domain <salt.states.keystone_domain>`
:mod:`keystone project <salt.states.keystone_project>`
:mod:`keystone endpoint <salt.states.keystone_endpoint>`
:mod:`glance <salt.modules.glanceng>`
:mod:`glance_image <salt.states.glance_image>`
:mod:`neutron <salt.modules.neutronng>`
:mod:`neutron subnet <salt.states.neutron_subnet>`
:mod:`neutron secgroup <salt.states.neutron_secgroup>`
:mod:`neutron secgroup rule <salt.states.neutron_secgroup_rule>`
:mod:`neutron network <salt.states.neutron_network>`

Pre-Flight Commands

Support has been added for specified "preflight commands" to run on a VM before
the deploy script is run. These must be defined as a list in a cloud configuration
file. For example:

.. code-block:: yaml

         provider: linode-config
         image: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
         size: Linode 2048
           - whoami
           - echo 'hello world!'

These commands will run in sequence **before** the bootstrap script is executed.

New salt-cloud Grains

When salt-cloud creates a new minion, it will now add grain information
to the minion configuration file, identifying the resources originally used
to create it.

The generated grain information will appear similar to:

.. code-block:: yaml

        driver: ec2
        provider: my_ec2:ec2
        profile: ec2-web

The generation of salt-cloud grains can be suppressed by the
option ``enable_cloud_grains: 'False'`` in the cloud configuration file.

Upgraded Saltify Driver

The salt-cloud Saltify driver is used to provision machines which
are not controlled by a dedicated cloud supervisor (such as typical hardware
machines) by pushing a salt-bootstrap command to them and accepting them on
the salt master. Creation of a node has been its only function and no other
salt-cloud commands were implemented.

With this upgrade, it can use the salt-api to provide advanced control,
such as rebooting a machine, querying it along with conventional cloud minions,
and, ultimately, disconnecting it from its master.

After disconnection from ("destroying" on) one master, a machine can be
re-purposed by connecting to ("creating" on) a subsequent master.

New Vagrant Driver

The salt-cloud Vagrant driver brings virtual machines running in a limited
environment, such as a programmer's workstation, under salt-cloud control.
This can be useful for experimentation, instruction, or testing salt configurations.

Using salt-api on the master, and a salt-minion running on the host computer,
the Vagrant driver can create (``vagrant up``), restart (``vagrant reload``),
and destroy (``vagrant destroy``) VMs, as controlled by salt-cloud profiles
which designate a ``Vagrantfile`` on the host machine.

The master can be a very limited machine, such as a Raspberry Pi, or a small
VagrantBox VM.

Python PyWinRM Module

Versions of ``pywinrm>=0.2.1`` are finally able to disable validation of self
signed certificates.  :ref:`Here <new-pywinrm>` for more information.


The DigitalOcean driver has been renamed to conform to the company name.  The
new driver name is ``digitalocean``.  The old name ``digital_ocean`` and a
short one ``do`` will still be supported through virtual aliases, this is
mostly cosmetic.

Azure Cloud

The azure sdk used for the ``azurearm`` cloud driver now depends on

New ``saltclass`` pillar/master_tops modules

This module clones the behaviour of reclass (, without the need of an external app, and add several features to improve flexibility.
Saltclass lets you define your nodes from simple ``yaml`` files (``.yml``) through hierarchical class inheritance with the possibility to override pillars down the tree.


- Define your nodes through hierarchical class inheritance

- Reuse your reclass data with minimal modifications

    - applications => states

    - parameters => pillars

- Use Jinja templating in your yaml definitions

- Access to the following Salt objects in Jinja

    - ``__opts__``

    - ``__salt__``

    - ``__grains__``

    - ``__pillars__``

    - ``minion_id``

- Chose how to merge or override your lists using ^ character (see examples)

- Expand variables ${} with possibility to escape them if needed \${} (see

- Ignores missing node/class and will simply return empty without breaking the
  pillar module completely - will be logged

An example subset of data is available here:

==========================  ===========
Terms usable in yaml files  Description
==========================  ===========
classes                     A list of classes that will be processed in order
states                      A list of states that will be returned by master_tops function
pillars                     A yaml dictionary that will be returned by the ext_pillar function
environment                 Node saltenv that will be used by master_tops
==========================  ===========

A class consists of:

- zero or more parent classes
- zero or more states
- any number of pillars

A child class can override pillars from a parent class. A node definition is a
class in itself with an added ``environment`` parameter for ``saltenv``

**Class Names**

Class names mimic salt way of defining states and pillar files.
This means that ``default.users`` class name will correspond to one of these:

- ``<saltclass_path>/classes/default/users.yml``
- ``<saltclass_path>/classes/default/users/init.yml``

**Saltclass Tree**

A saltclass tree would look like this:

.. code-block:: text

    ├── classes
    │   ├── app
    │   │   ├── borgbackup.yml
    │   │   └── ssh
    │   │       └── server.yml
    │   ├── default
    │   │   ├── init.yml
    │   │   ├── motd.yml
    │   │   └── users.yml
    │   ├── roles
    │   │   ├── app.yml
    │   │   └── nginx
    │   │       ├── init.yml
    │   │       └── server.yml
    │   └── subsidiaries
    │       ├── gnv.yml
    │       ├── qls.yml
    │       └── zrh.yml
    └── nodes
        ├── geneva
        │   └── gnv.node1.yml
        ├── lausanne
        │   ├── qls.node1.yml
        │   └── qls.node2.yml
        ├── node127.yml
        └── zurich
            ├── zrh.node1.yml
            ├── zrh.node2.yml
            └── zrh.node3.yml



.. code-block:: jinja

    environment: base

    {% for class in ['default'] %}
      - {{ class }}
    {% endfor %}
      - subsidiaries.{{ __grains__['id'].split('.')[0] }}


.. code-block:: yaml

      - default.users
      - default.motd

      - openssh



.. code-block:: yaml

          sub: Geneva
            uid: 1210
            gid: 1210
            gecos: 'Super user admin1'
            homedir: /srv/app/adm1
            uid: 1203
            gid: 1203
            gecos: 'Super user adm

Variable expansions:

Escaped variables are rendered as is - ``${test}``

Missing variables are rendered as is - ``${net:dns:srv2}``

.. code-block:: yaml

          srv1: ${default:network:dns:srv1}
          srv2: ${net:dns:srv2}
        uri: https://application.domain/call?\${test}
          - p1
          - p2
          - p3
        - app-core
        - app-backend

List override:

Not using ``^`` as the first entry will simply merge the lists

.. code-block:: yaml

          - ^
          - app-frontend

**Known limitation**

Currently you can't have both a variable and an escaped variable in the same
string as the escaped one will not be correctly rendered - '\${xx}' will stay
as is instead of being rendered as '${xx}'

Lists of comments in state returns

State functions can now return a list of strings for the ``comment`` field, as
opposed to only a single string.  This is meant to ease writing states with
multiple or multi-part comments.

Beacon configuration changes

In order to remain consistent and to align with other Salt components such as
states, support for configuring beacons using dictionary based configuration
has been deprecated in favor of list based configuration.  All beacons have a
validation function which will check the configuration for the correct format
and only load if the validation passes.


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        run_once: True
        servicetype: _demo._tcp
        port: 1234
          ProdName: grains.productname
          SerialNo: grains.serialnumber
          Comments: 'this is a test'

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - run_once: True
        - servicetype: _demo._tcp
        - port: 1234
        - txt:
            ProdName: grains.productname
            SerialNo: grains.serialnumber
            Comments: 'this is a test'


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        run_once: True
        servicetype: _demo._tcp
        port: 1234
          ProdName: grains.productname
          SerialNo: grains.serialnumber
          Comments: 'this is a test'

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - run_once: True
        - servicetype: _demo._tcp
        - port: 1234
        - txt:
            ProdName: grains.productname
            SerialNo: grains.serialnumber
            Comments: 'this is a test'


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

      btmp: {}

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

      btmp: []


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        user: frank
        screen_event: True

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - user: frank
        - screen_event: True


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

            - www-backend:
                threshold: 45
                    - web1
                    - web2
            - interval: 120

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - backends:
              threshold: 45
                - web1
                - web2
        - interval: 120


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

              - open
              - create
              - close_write
            recurse: True
            auto_add: True
              - /path/to/file/or/dir/exclude1
              - /path/to/file/or/dir/exclude2
              - /path/to/file/or/dir/regex[a-m]*$:
            regex: True
        coalesce: True

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - files:
                - open
                - create
                - close_write
              recurse: True
              auto_add: True
                - /path/to/file/or/dir/exclude1
                - /path/to/file/or/dir/exclude2
                - /path/to/file/or/dir/regex[a-m]*$:
              regex: True
        - coalesce: True


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

          SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER: sshd
          PRIORITY: 6

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - services:
              SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER: sshd
              PRIORITY: 6


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

          - 0.0
          - 2.0
          - 0.0
          - 1.5
          - 0.1
          - 1.0
        emitatstartup: True
        onchangeonly: False

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - averages:
              - 0.0
              - 2.0
              - 0.0
              - 1.5
              - 0.1
              - 1.0
        - emitatstartup: True
        - onchangeonly: False


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

          file: <path>
            regex: <pattern>

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

          - file: <path>
          - tags:
                regex: <pattern>


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - eth0:
            type: equal
            bytes_sent: 100000
            bytes_recv: 100000
            packets_sent: 100000
            packets_recv: 100000
            errin: 100
            errout: 100
            dropin: 100
            dropout: 100

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - interfaces:
              type: equal
              bytes_sent: 100000
              bytes_recv: 100000
              packets_sent: 100000
              packets_recv: 100000
              errin: 100
              errout: 100
              dropin: 100
              dropout: 100


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

            onvalue: 1

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - interfaces:
            - eth0:
                  onvalue: 1
            - eth1:


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        endpoint: beacon

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - endpoint: beacon


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - salt-master: running
        - mysql: stopped

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - processes:
            salt-master: running
            mysql: stopped


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - p8000: {}
        - p8001: {}

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - proxies:
            p8000: {}
            p8001: {}


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        humidity: 70%
        temperature: [20, 40]
        temperature_from_pressure: 40
        pressure: 1500

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - sensors:
            humidity: 70%
            temperature: [20, 40]
            temperature_from_pressure: 40
            pressure: 1500


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml


New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - services:
                onchangeonly: True
                delay: 30
                uncleanshutdown: /run/


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

      sh: {}

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

      sh: []


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

      status: {}

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

      status: []


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        token: "<bot access token>"
          - "<valid username>"
        interval: 10

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - token: "<bot access token>"
        - accept_from:
          - "<valid username>"
        - interval: 10


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        account_sid: "<account sid>"
        auth_token: "<auth token>"
        twilio_number: "+15555555555"
        interval: 10

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - account_sid: "<account sid>"
        - auth_token: "<auth token>"
        - twilio_number: "+15555555555"
        - interval: 10


Old behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

      wtmp: {}

New behavior:

.. code-block:: yaml

      wtmp: []

New requisites available in state compiler


The use of ``require_any`` demands that one of the required states executes
before the dependent state. The state containing the ``require_any`` requisite
is defined as the dependent state. The states specified in the ``require_any``
statement are defined as the required states. If at least one of the required
state's execution succeeds, the dependent state will then execute. If all of
the executions by the required states fail, the dependent state will not


The state containing the ``watch_any`` requisite is defined as the watching
state. The states specified in the ``watch_any`` statement are defined as the
watched states. When the watched states execute, they will return a dictionary
containing a key named "changes".

If the "result" of any of the watched states is ``True``, the watching state
*will execute normally*, and if all of them are ``False``, the watching state
will never run.  This part of ``watch`` mirrors the functionality of the
``require`` requisite.

If the "result" of any of the watched states is ``True`` *and* the "changes"
key contains a populated dictionary (changes occurred in the watched state),
then the ``watch`` requisite can add additional behavior. This additional
behavior is defined by the ``mod_watch`` function within the watching state
module. If the ``mod_watch`` function exists in the watching state module, it
will be called *in addition to* the normal watching state. The return data from
the ``mod_watch`` function is what will be returned to the master in this case;
the return data from the main watching function is discarded.

If the "changes" key contains an empty dictionary, the ``watch`` requisite acts
exactly like the ``require`` requisite (the watching state will execute if
"result" is ``True``, and fail if "result" is ``False`` in the watched state).


The ``onchanges_any`` requisite makes a state only apply one of the required
states generates changes, and if one of the watched state's "result" is
``True``. This can be a useful way to execute a post hook after changing
aspects of a system.


The ``onfail_any`` requisite allows for reactions to happen strictly as a
response to the failure of at least one other state. This can be used in a
number of ways, such as executing a second attempt to set up a service or begin
to execute a separate thread of states because of a failure.

The ``onfail_any`` requisite is applied in the same way as ``require_any`` and

Basic Slots support in state compiler

Slots extend the state syntax and allows you to do things right before the
state function is executed. So you can make a decision in the last moment right
before a state is executed.

Slot syntax looks close to the simple python function call. Here is a simple example:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - name: __slot__:salt:test.echo(text=/tmp/some_file)
        - source: __slot__:salt:test.echo(/etc/hosts)

Read more :ref:`here <slots-subsystem>`.

Cryptographic layer changes

M2Crypto is coming back. We are making the crypto backend modular but in this
release M2Crypto is enabled if it's importable by Python. If not Cryptodome or
PyCrypto is used as it was in the previous releases. M2Crypto is used in the
same way as PyCrypto so there would be no compatibility issues, different nodes
could use different backends.

NaCL Module and Runner changes

In addition to argument changes in both the NaCL module and runner for future
removal in the Neon release, the default "box_type" has changed from
``secretbox`` to ``sealedbox``.  SecretBox is data encrypted using private key
``sk`` and Sealedbox is encrypted using public key ``pk``.

``utils`` functions reorganized into separate modules

The Salt utility functions from ``salt.utils`` (typically used by those
developing extension modules for Salt) have been moved into different modules,
grouped logically based on their functionality. The old function names will
continue to work until the ``Neon`` release of Salt (due around Q1 2019).

The renamed functions are:

- ``salt.utils.appendproctitle``: use ``salt.utils.process.appendproctitle``
- ``salt.utils.daemonize``: use ``salt.utils.process.daemonize`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.daemonize_if``: use ``salt.utils.process.daemonize_if`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.reinit_crypto``: use ``salt.utils.crypt.reinit_crypto`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.pem_finger``: use ``salt.utils.crypt.pem_finger`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.to_bytes``: use ``salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.to_str``: use ``salt.utils.stringutils.to_str`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.to_unicode``: use ``salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.str_to_num``: use ``salt.utils.stringutils.to_num`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_quoted``: use ``salt.utils.stringutils.is_quoted`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.dequote``: use ``salt.utils.stringutils.dequote`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_hex``: use ``salt.utils.stringutils.is_hex`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_bin_str``: use ``salt.utils.stringutils.is_bin_str`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.rand_string``: use ``salt.utils.stringutils.random`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.contains_whitespace``: use
  ``salt.utils.stringutils.contains_whitespace`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.build_whitespace_split_regex``: use
  ``salt.utils.stringutils.build_whitespace_split_regex`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.expr_match``: use ``salt.utils.stringutils.expr_match`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.check_whitelist_blacklist``: use
  ``salt.utils.stringutils.check_whitelist_blacklist`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.check_include_exclude``: use
  ``salt.utils.stringutils.check_include_exclude`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.print_cli``: use ``salt.utils.stringutils.print_cli`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.clean_kwargs``: use ``salt.utils.args.clean_kwargs`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.invalid_kwargs``: use ``salt.utils.args.invalid_kwargs``
- ``salt.utils.shlex_split``: use ``salt.utils.args.shlex_split`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.arg_lookup``: use ``salt.utils.args.arg_lookup`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.argspec_report``: use ``salt.utils.args.argspec_report``
- ``salt.utils.split_input``: use ``salt.utils.args.split_input`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.test_mode``: use ``salt.utils.args.test_mode`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.format_call``: use ``salt.utils.args.format_call`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.which``: use ``salt.utils.path.which`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.which_bin``: use ``salt.utils.path.which_bin`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.path_join``: use ``salt.utils.path.join`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.check_or_die``: use ``salt.utils.path.check_or_die`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.sanitize_win_path_string``: use
  ``salt.utils.path.sanitize_win_path`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.rand_str``: use ``salt.utils.hashutils.random_hash`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.get_hash``: use ``salt.utils.hashutils.get_hash`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_windows``: use ``salt.utils.platform.is_windows`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_proxy``: use ``salt.utils.platform.is_proxy`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_linux``: use ``salt.utils.platform.is_linux`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_darwin``: use ``salt.utils.platform.is_darwin`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_sunos``: use ``salt.utils.platform.is_sunos`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_smartos``: use ``salt.utils.platform.is_smartos`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_smartos_globalzone``: use
  ``salt.utils.platform.is_smartos_globalzone`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_smartos_zone``: use ``salt.utils.platform.is_smartos_zone``
- ``salt.utils.is_freebsd``: use ``salt.utils.platform.is_freebsd`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_netbsd``: use ``salt.utils.platform.is_netbsd`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_openbsd``: use ``salt.utils.platform.is_openbsd`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_aix``: use ``salt.utils.platform.is_aix`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.safe_rm``: use ``salt.utils.files.safe_rm`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_empty``: use ``salt.utils.files.is_empty`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.fopen``: use ``salt.utils.files.fopen`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.flopen``: use ``salt.utils.files.flopen`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.fpopen``: use ``salt.utils.files.fpopen`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.rm_rf``: use ``salt.utils.files.rm_rf`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.mkstemp``: use ``salt.utils.files.mkstemp`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.istextfile``: use ``salt.utils.files.is_text_file`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_bin_file``: use ``salt.utils.files.is_binary`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.list_files``: use ``salt.utils.files.list_files`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.safe_walk``: use ``salt.utils.files.safe_walk`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.st_mode_to_octal``: use ``salt.utils.files.st_mode_to_octal``
- ``salt.utils.normalize_mode``: use ``salt.utils.files.normalize_mode``
- ``salt.utils.human_size_to_bytes``: use
  ``salt.utils.files.human_size_to_bytes`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.backup_minion``: use ``salt.utils.files.backup_minion`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.str_version_to_evr``: use ``salt.utils.pkg.rpm.version_to_evr``
- ``salt.utils.parse_docstring``: use ``salt.utils.doc.parse_docstring``
- ``salt.utils.compare_versions``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.version_cmp``: use ``salt.utils.versions.version_cmp`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.warn_until``: use ``salt.utils.versions.warn_until`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.kwargs_warn_until``: use
  ``salt.utils.versions.kwargs_warn_until`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.get_color_theme``: use ``salt.utils.color.get_color_theme``
- ``salt.utils.get_colors``: use ``salt.utils.color.get_colors`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.gen_state_tag``: use ``salt.utils.state.gen_tag`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.search_onfail_requisites``: use
  ``salt.utils.state.search_onfail_requisites`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.check_state_result``: use ``salt.utils.state.check_result``
- ``salt.utils.get_user``: use ``salt.utils.user.get_user`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.get_uid``: use ``salt.utils.user.get_uid`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.get_specific_user``: use ``salt.utils.user.get_specific_user``
- ``salt.utils.chugid``: use ``salt.utils.user.chugid`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.chugid_and_umask``: use ``salt.utils.user.chugid_and_umask``
- ``salt.utils.get_default_group``: use ``salt.utils.user.get_default_group``
- ``salt.utils.get_group_list``: use ``salt.utils.user.get_group_list``
- ``salt.utils.get_group_dict``: use ``salt.utils.user.get_group_dict``
- ``salt.utils.get_gid_list``: use ``salt.utils.user.get_gid_list`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.get_gid``: use ``salt.utils.user.get_gid`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.enable_ctrl_logoff_handler``: use
  ``salt.utils.win_functions.enable_ctrl_logoff_handler`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.traverse_dict``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.traverse_dict_and_list``: use
  ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.filter_by``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.subdict_match``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.substr_in_list``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_dictlist``: use ````.
- ``salt.utils.repack_dictlist``: use ````
- ``salt.utils.compare_dicts``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.compare_lists``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.decode_dict``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.decode_list``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.exactly_n``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.exactly_one``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_list``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_iter``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.isorted``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.is_true``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.mysql_to_dict``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.simple_types_filter``: use
  ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.ip_bracket``: use ``salt.utils.zeromq.ip_bracket`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.gen_mac``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.mac_str_to_bytes``: use ````
- ``salt.utils.refresh_dns``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.dns_check``: use ```` instead.
- ``salt.utils.get_context``: use ``salt.utils.stringutils.get_context`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.get_master_key``: use ``salt.utils.master.get_master_key``
- ``salt.utils.get_values_of_matching_keys``: use
  ``salt.utils.master.get_values_of_matching_keys`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.date_cast``: use ``salt.utils.dateutils.date_cast`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.date_format``: use ``salt.utils.dateutils.strftime`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.total_seconds``: use ``salt.utils.dateutils.total_seconds``
- ``salt.utils.find_json``: use ``salt.utils.json.find_json`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.import_json``: use ``salt.utils.json.import_json`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.namespaced_function``: use
  ``salt.utils.functools.namespaced_function`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.alias_function``: use ``salt.utils.functools.alias_function``
- ``salt.utils.profile_func``: use ``salt.utils.profile.profile_func`` instead.
- ``salt.utils.activate_profile``: use ``salt.utils.profile.activate_profile``
- ``salt.utils.output_profile``: use ``salt.utils.profile.output_profile``


Configuration Option Deprecations

- The ``requests_lib`` configuration option has been removed. Please use
  ``backend`` instead.

Profitbricks Cloud Updated Dependency

The minimum version of the ``profitbrick`` python package for the ``profitbricks``
cloud driver has changed from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0.

Execution Module Deprecations

- The ``blockdev`` execution module has been removed. Its functions were merged
  with the :py:mod:`disk <salt.modules.disk>` module.

- The :py:mod:`lxc <salt.modules.lxc>` execution module has been changed as

    - The ``dnsservers`` option to :py:func:`lxc.cloud_init_interface
      <salt.modules.lxc.cloud_init_interface>` no longer defaults to
      ```` and ````.

    - The ``dns_via_dhcp`` option to :py:func:`lxc.cloud_init_interface
      <salt.modules.lxc.cloud_init_interface>` now defaults to ``True`` instead
      of ``False``.

- The :py:mod:`win_psget <salt.modules.win_psget>` module has been changed as

    - The ``psget.psversion`` function was removed. Please use
      :py:func:`cmd.shell_info <salt.modules.cmdmod.shell_info>` instead.

- The :py:mod:`win_service <salt.modules.win_service>` module (which provides
  the ``service`` module on Windows platforms) has been changed as follows:

    - The ``config`` function was removed. Please use :py:func:`service.modify
      <salt.modules.win_service.modify>` instead.

    - The following arguments to the :py:func:`service.create
      <salt.modules.win_service.create>` function have been renamed:

        - ``binpath`` has been renamed to ``bin_path``

        - ``depend`` has been renamed to ``dependencies``

        - ``DisplayName`` has been renamed to ``display_name``

        - ``error`` has been renamed to ``error_control``

        - ``group`` has been renamed to ``load_order_group``

        - ``obj`` has been renamed to ``account_name``

        - ``password`` has been renamed to ``account_password``

        - ``start`` has been renamed to ``start_type``

        - ``type`` has been renamed to ``service_type``

- The :py:mod:`nacl <salt.modules.nacl>` module has been changed as follows:

    - The following arguments have been renamed in the :py:mod:`nacl.keygen
      <salt.modules.nacl.keygen>`, :py:mod:`nacl.enc <salt.modules.nacl.enc>`, and
      :py:mod:`nacl.dec <salt.modules.nacl.dec>`:

        - ``key_file`` has been renamed to ``sk_file``

        - ``key`` has been renamed to ``sk``

Runner Deprecations

- The :py:mod:`manage <salt.runners.manage>` runner has been changed as follows:

    - ``root_user`` argument was removed from the :py:func:`manage.bootstrap
      <salt.runners.manage.bootstrap>` function. Please use ``salt-ssh`` roster
      entries for the host instead.

- The :py:mod:`nacl <salt.modules.nacl>` runner has been changed as follows:

    - The following arguments have been renamed in the :py:mod:`nacl.keygen
      <salt.runners.nacl.keygen>`, :py:mod:`nacl.enc <salt.runners.nacl.enc>`, and
      :py:mod:`nacl.dec <salt.runners.nacl.dec>`:

        - ``key_file`` has been renamed to ``sk_file``

        - ``key`` has been renamed to ``sk``

State Deprecations

- In the :py:func:`archive <salt.modules.archive.extracted>` state, the
  ``tar_options`` and ``zip_options`` options were removed. Please use
  ``options`` instead.

- The :py:func:`cmd <salt.states.cmdmod>` state had the following changes:

    - The ``user`` and ``group`` options were removed from the following functions
      (please use ``runas`` instead):

        - :py:func:` <>`

        - :py:func:`cmd.script <salt.modules.cmdmod.script>`

        - :py:func:`cmd.wait <salt.modules.cmdmod.wait>`

        - :py:func:`cmd.wait_script <salt.modules.cmdmod.wait_script>`

- In the :py:mod:`file <salt.states.file>` states, the ``show_diff`` option was
  removed in all states where it was previously supported. Please use
  ``show_changes`` instead.

Grain Deprecations

- For ``smartos``, some grains have been deprecated. These grains will be
  removed in Neon:

    - The ``hypervisor_uuid`` grain has been replaced with

    - The ``datacenter`` grain has been replaced with

Pillar Deprecations

The legacy configuration for ``git_pillar`` has been removed. Please use the
new configuration for ``git_pillar`` which was added in 2015.8.0, which is
documented :py:mod:`here <salt.pillar.git_pillar>`.

Utils Deprecations

- In ````, the ``fire_event`` function now requires a
  ``sock_dir`` argument. It was previously optional.

Other Miscellaneous Deprecations

- In ````, the ``rc_info`` function was removed. Please use
  ``pre_info`` instead.

- Warnings for moving away from the ``env`` option were removed. ``saltenv``
  should be used instead. The removal of these warnings does not have a
  behavior change. Only the warning text was removed.

Minion Blackout

During a blackout, minions will not execute any remote execution commands,
except for :mod:`saltutil.refresh_pillar
<salt.modules.saltutil.refresh_pillar>`.  Previously, support was added so that
blackouts are enabled using a special pillar key, ``minion_blackout`` set to
``True`` and an optional pillar key ``minion_blackout_whitelist`` to specify
additional functions that are permitted during blackout. This release adds
support for using this feature in the grains as well, by using special grains
keys ``minion_blackout`` and ``minion_blackout_whitelist``.

Sentry Log Handler

Configuring sentry raven python client via ``project``, ``servers``,
``public_key and ``secret_key`` is deprecated and won't work with sentry
clients > 3.0.  Instead, the ``dsn`` config param must be used.

RAET transport

We haven't been doing development on RAET for quite some time and decided that
2018.3.0 is the time to announce the deprecation. RAET support will be removed
in Neon. Please consider to move to ``zeromq`` or ``tcp`` transport instead of