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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Glues the VMware vSphere Execution Module to the VMware ESXi Proxy Minions to the
:mod:`esxi proxymodule <salt.proxy.esxi>`.

.. versionadded:: 2015.8.4

Depends: :mod:`vSphere Remote Execution Module (salt.modules.vsphere)

For documentation on commands that you can direct to an ESXi host via proxy,
look in the documentation for :mod:`salt.modules.vsphere <salt.modules.vsphere>`.

This execution module calls through to a function in the ESXi proxy module
called ``ch_config``, which looks up the function passed in the ``command``
parameter in :mod:`salt.modules.vsphere <salt.modules.vsphere>` and calls it.

To execute commands with an ESXi Proxy Minion using the vSphere Execution Module,
use the ``esxi.cmd <vsphere-function-name>`` syntax. Both args and kwargs needed
for various vsphere execution module functions must be passed through in a kwarg-
type manor.

.. code-block:: bash

    salt 'esxi-proxy' esxi.cmd system_info
    salt 'exsi-proxy' esxi.cmd get_service_policy service_name='ssh'


# Import Python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import logging

# Import Salt libs
import salt.utils.platform

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__proxyenabled__ = ['esxi']
__virtualname__ = 'esxi'

def __virtual__():
    Only work on proxy
    if salt.utils.platform.is_proxy():
        return __virtualname__
    return (False, 'The esxi execution module failed to load: '
            'only available on proxy minions.')

def cmd(command, *args, **kwargs):
    proxy_prefix = __opts__['proxy']['proxytype']
    proxy_cmd = proxy_prefix + '.ch_config'

    return __proxy__[proxy_cmd](command, *args, **kwargs)

def get_details():
    return __proxy__['esxi.get_details']()