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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for working with the Glassfish/Payara 4.x management API
.. versionadded:: Carbon
:depends: requests
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

try:  # python2
    from urllib import quote, unquote
except ImportError:  # python3
    from urllib.parse import quote, unquote

    import requests
    import salt.defaults.exitcodes
    import salt.utils.json
    from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
    HAS_LIBS = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_LIBS = False

__virtualname__ = 'glassfish'

# Default server
DEFAULT_SERVER = {'ssl': False, 'url': 'localhost', 'port': 4848, 'user': None, 'password': None}

def __virtual__():
    Only load if requests is installed
    if HAS_LIBS:
        return __virtualname__
        return False, 'The "{0}" module could not be loaded: ' \
                      '"requests" is not installed.'.format(__virtualname__)

def _get_headers():
    Return fixed dict with headers (JSON data + mandatory "Requested by" header)
    return {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'X-Requested-By': 'GlassFish REST HTML interface'

def _get_auth(username, password):
    Returns the HTTP auth header
    if username and password:
        return requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)
        return None

def _get_url(ssl, url, port, path):
    Returns the URL of the endpoint
    if ssl:
        return 'https://{0}:{1}/management/domain/{2}'.format(url, port, path)
        return 'http://{0}:{1}/management/domain/{2}'.format(url, port, path)

def _get_server(server):
    Returns the server information if provided, or the defaults
    return server if server else DEFAULT_SERVER

def _clean_data(data):
    Removes SaltStack params from **kwargs
    for key in list(data):
        if key.startswith('__pub'):
            del data[key]
    return data

def _api_response(response):
    Check response status code + success_code returned by glassfish
    if response.status_code == 404:
        __context__['retcode'] = salt.defaults.exitcodes.SALT_BUILD_FAIL
        raise CommandExecutionError('Element doesn\'t exists')
    if response.status_code == 401:
        __context__['retcode'] = salt.defaults.exitcodes.SALT_BUILD_FAIL
        raise CommandExecutionError('Bad username or password')
    elif response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 500:
            data = salt.utils.json.loads(response.content)
            if data['exit_code'] != 'SUCCESS':
                __context__['retcode'] = salt.defaults.exitcodes.SALT_BUILD_FAIL
                raise CommandExecutionError(data['message'])
            return data
        except ValueError:
            __context__['retcode'] = salt.defaults.exitcodes.SALT_BUILD_FAIL
            raise CommandExecutionError('The server returned no data')

def _api_get(path, server=None):
    Do a GET request to the API
    server = _get_server(server)
    response = requests.get(
            url=_get_url(server['ssl'], server['url'], server['port'], path),
            auth=_get_auth(server['user'], server['password']),
    return _api_response(response)

def _api_post(path, data, server=None):
    Do a POST request to the API
    server = _get_server(server)
    response =
            url=_get_url(server['ssl'], server['url'], server['port'], path),
            auth=_get_auth(server['user'], server['password']),
    return _api_response(response)

def _api_delete(path, data, server=None):
    Do a DELETE request to the API
    server = _get_server(server)
    response = requests.delete(
            url=_get_url(server['ssl'], server['url'], server['port'], path),
            auth=_get_auth(server['user'], server['password']),
    return _api_response(response)

# "Middle layer": uses _api_* functions to enum/get/create/update/delete elements
def _enum_elements(name, server=None):
    Enum elements
    elements = []
    data = _api_get(name, server)

    if any(data['extraProperties']['childResources']):
        for element in data['extraProperties']['childResources']:
        return elements
    return None

def _get_element_properties(name, element_type, server=None):
    Get an element's properties
    properties = {}
    data = _api_get('{0}/{1}/property'.format(element_type, name), server)

    # Get properties into a dict
    if any(data['extraProperties']['properties']):
        for element in data['extraProperties']['properties']:
            properties[element['name']] = element['value']
        return properties
    return {}

def _get_element(name, element_type, server=None, with_properties=True):
    Get an element with or without properties
    element = {}
    name = quote(name, safe='')
    data = _api_get('{0}/{1}'.format(element_type, name), server)

    # Format data, get properties if asked, and return the whole thing
    if any(data['extraProperties']['entity']):
        for key, value in data['extraProperties']['entity'].items():
            element[key] = value
        if with_properties:
            element['properties'] = _get_element_properties(name, element_type)
        return element
    return None

def _create_element(name, element_type, data, server=None):
    Create a new element
    # Define property and id from name and properties + remove SaltStack parameters
    if 'properties' in data:
        data['property'] = ''
        for key, value in data['properties'].items():
            if not data['property']:
                data['property'] += '{0}={1}'.format(key, value.replace(':', '\\:'))
                data['property'] += ':{0}={1}'.format(key, value.replace(':', '\\:'))
        del data['properties']

    # Send request
    _api_post(element_type, _clean_data(data), server)
    return unquote(name)

def _update_element(name, element_type, data, server=None):
    Update an element, including it's properties
    # Urlencode the name (names may have slashes)
    name = quote(name, safe='')

    # Update properties first
    if 'properties' in data:
        properties = []
        for key, value in data['properties'].items():
            properties.append({'name': key, 'value': value})
        _api_post('{0}/{1}/property'.format(element_type, name), properties, server)
        del data['properties']

        # If the element only contained properties
        if not data:
            return unquote(name)

    # Get the current data then merge updated data into it
    update_data = _get_element(name, element_type, server, with_properties=False)
    if update_data:
        __context__['retcode'] = salt.defaults.exitcodes.SALT_BUILD_FAIL
        raise CommandExecutionError('Cannot update {0}'.format(name))

    # Finally, update the element
    _api_post('{0}/{1}'.format(element_type, name), _clean_data(update_data), server)
    return unquote(name)

def _delete_element(name, element_type, data, server=None):
    Delete an element
    _api_delete('{0}/{1}'.format(element_type, quote(name, safe='')), data, server)
    return name

# Connector connection pools
def enum_connector_c_pool(server=None):
    Enum connection pools
    return _enum_elements('resources/connector-connection-pool', server)

def get_connector_c_pool(name, server=None):
    Get a specific connection pool
    return _get_element(name, 'resources/connector-connection-pool', server)

def create_connector_c_pool(name, server=None, **kwargs):
    Create a connection pool
    defaults = {
        'connectionDefinitionName': 'javax.jms.ConnectionFactory',
        'resourceAdapterName': 'jmsra',
        'associateWithThread': False,
        'connectionCreationRetryAttempts': 0,
        'connectionCreationRetryIntervalInSeconds': 0,
        'connectionLeakReclaim': False,
        'connectionLeakTimeoutInSeconds': 0,
        'description': '',
        'failAllConnections': False,
        'id': name,
        'idleTimeoutInSeconds': 300,
        'isConnectionValidationRequired': False,
        'lazyConnectionAssociation': False,
        'lazyConnectionEnlistment': False,
        'matchConnections': True,
        'maxConnectionUsageCount': 0,
        'maxPoolSize': 32,
        'maxWaitTimeInMillis': 60000,
        'ping': False,
        'poolResizeQuantity': 2,
        'pooling': True,
        'steadyPoolSize': 8,
        'target': 'server',
        'transactionSupport': '',
        'validateAtmostOncePeriodInSeconds': 0

    # Data = defaults + merge kwargs + remove salt
    data = defaults

    # Check TransactionSupport against acceptable values
    if data['transactionSupport'] and data['transactionSupport'] not in (
        raise CommandExecutionError('Invalid transaction support')

    return _create_element(name, 'resources/connector-connection-pool', data, server)

def update_connector_c_pool(name, server=None, **kwargs):
    Update a connection pool
    if 'transactionSupport' in kwargs and kwargs['transactionSupport'] not in (
        raise CommandExecutionError('Invalid transaction support')
    return _update_element(name, 'resources/connector-connection-pool', kwargs, server)

def delete_connector_c_pool(name, target='server', cascade=True, server=None):
    Delete a connection pool
    data = {'target': target, 'cascade': cascade}
    return _delete_element(name, 'resources/connector-connection-pool', data, server)

# Connector resources
def enum_connector_resource(server=None):
    Enum connection resources
    return _enum_elements('resources/connector-resource', server)

def get_connector_resource(name, server=None):
    Get a specific connection resource
    return _get_element(name, 'resources/connector-resource', server)

def create_connector_resource(name, server=None, **kwargs):
    Create a connection resource
    defaults = {
        'description': '',
        'enabled': True,
        'id': name,
        'poolName': '',
        'objectType': 'user',
        'target': 'server'

    # Data = defaults + merge kwargs + poolname
    data = defaults

    if not data['poolName']:
        raise CommandExecutionError('No pool name!')

    # Fix for lowercase vs camelCase naming differences
    for key, value in list(data.items()):
        del data[key]
        data[key.lower()] = value

    return _create_element(name, 'resources/connector-resource', data, server)

def update_connector_resource(name, server=None, **kwargs):
    Update a connection resource
    # You're not supposed to update jndiName, if you do so, it will crash, silently
    if 'jndiName' in kwargs:
        del kwargs['jndiName']
    return _update_element(name, 'resources/connector-resource', kwargs, server)

def delete_connector_resource(name, target='server', server=None):
    Delete a connection resource
    return _delete_element(name, 'resources/connector-resource', {'target': target}, server)

# JMS Destinations
def enum_admin_object_resource(server=None):
    Enum JMS destinations
    return _enum_elements('resources/admin-object-resource', server)

def get_admin_object_resource(name, server=None):
    Get a specific JMS destination
    return _get_element(name, 'resources/admin-object-resource', server)

def create_admin_object_resource(name, server=None, **kwargs):
    Create a JMS destination
    defaults = {
        'description': '',
        'className': 'com.sun.messaging.Queue',
        'enabled': True,
        'id': name,
        'resAdapter': 'jmsra',
        'resType': 'javax.jms.Queue',
        'target': 'server'

    # Data = defaults + merge kwargs + poolname
    data = defaults

    # ClassName isn't optional, even if the API says so
    if data['resType'] == 'javax.jms.Queue':
        data['className'] = 'com.sun.messaging.Queue'
    elif data['resType'] == 'javax.jms.Topic':
        data['className'] = 'com.sun.messaging.Topic'
        raise CommandExecutionError('resType should be "javax.jms.Queue" or "javax.jms.Topic"!')

    if data['resAdapter'] != 'jmsra':
        raise CommandExecutionError('resAdapter should be "jmsra"!')

    # Fix for lowercase vs camelCase naming differences
    if 'resType' in data:
        data['restype'] = data['resType']
        del data['resType']
    if 'className' in data:
        data['classname'] = data['className']
        del data['className']

    return _create_element(name, 'resources/admin-object-resource', data, server)

def update_admin_object_resource(name, server=None, **kwargs):
    Update a JMS destination
    if 'jndiName' in kwargs:
        del kwargs['jndiName']
    return _update_element(name, 'resources/admin-object-resource', kwargs, server)

def delete_admin_object_resource(name, target='server', server=None):
    Delete a JMS destination
    return _delete_element(name, 'resources/admin-object-resource', {'target': target}, server)

# JDBC Pools
def enum_jdbc_connection_pool(server=None):
    Enum JDBC pools
    return _enum_elements('resources/jdbc-connection-pool', server)

def get_jdbc_connection_pool(name, server=None):
    Get a specific JDBC pool
    return _get_element(name, 'resources/jdbc-connection-pool', server)

def create_jdbc_connection_pool(name, server=None, **kwargs):
    Create a connection resource
    defaults = {
        'allowNonComponentCallers': False,
        'associateWithThread': False,
        'connectionCreationRetryAttempts': '0',
        'connectionCreationRetryIntervalInSeconds': '10',
        'connectionLeakReclaim': False,
        'connectionLeakTimeoutInSeconds': '0',
        'connectionValidationMethod': 'table',
        'datasourceClassname': '',
        'description': '',
        'driverClassname': '',
        'failAllConnections': False,
        'idleTimeoutInSeconds': '300',
        'initSql': '',
        'isConnectionValidationRequired': False,
        'isIsolationLevelGuaranteed': True,
        'lazyConnectionAssociation': False,
        'lazyConnectionEnlistment': False,
        'matchConnections': False,
        'maxConnectionUsageCount': '0',
        'maxPoolSize': '32',
        'maxWaitTimeInMillis': 60000,
        'name': name,
        'nonTransactionalConnections': False,
        'ping': False,
        'poolResizeQuantity': '2',
        'pooling': True,
        'resType': '',
        'sqlTraceListeners': '',
        'statementCacheSize': '0',
        'statementLeakReclaim': False,
        'statementLeakTimeoutInSeconds': '0',
        'statementTimeoutInSeconds': '-1',
        'steadyPoolSize': '8',
        'target': 'server',
        'transactionIsolationLevel': '',
        'validateAtmostOncePeriodInSeconds': '0',
        'validationClassname': '',
        'validationTableName': '',
        'wrapJdbcObjects': True

    # Data = defaults + merge kwargs + poolname
    data = defaults

    # Check resType against acceptable values
    if data['resType'] not in (
        raise CommandExecutionError('Invalid resource type')

    # Check connectionValidationMethod against acceptable velues
    if data['connectionValidationMethod'] not in (
        raise CommandExecutionError('Invalid connection validation method')

    if data['transactionIsolationLevel'] \
       and data['transactionIsolationLevel'] not in (
        raise CommandExecutionError('Invalid transaction isolation level')

    if not data['datasourceClassname'] \
       and data['resType'] in (
        raise CommandExecutionError('No datasource class name while using datasource resType')
    if not data['driverClassname'] and data['resType'] == 'java.sql.Driver':
        raise CommandExecutionError('No driver class nime while using driver resType')

    return _create_element(name, 'resources/jdbc-connection-pool', data, server)

def update_jdbc_connection_pool(name, server=None, **kwargs):
    Update a JDBC pool
    return _update_element(name, 'resources/jdbc-connection-pool', kwargs, server)

def delete_jdbc_connection_pool(name, target='server', cascade=False, server=None):
    Delete a JDBC pool
    data = {'target': target, 'cascade': cascade}
    return _delete_element(name, 'resources/jdbc-connection-pool', data, server)

# JDBC resources
def enum_jdbc_resource(server=None):
    Enum JDBC resources
    return _enum_elements('resources/jdbc-resource', server)

def get_jdbc_resource(name, server=None):
    Get a specific JDBC resource
    return _get_element(name, 'resources/jdbc-resource', server)

def create_jdbc_resource(name, server=None, **kwargs):
    Create a JDBC resource
    defaults = {
        'description': '',
        'enabled': True,
        'id': name,
        'poolName': '',
        'target': 'server'

    # Data = defaults + merge kwargs + poolname
    data = defaults

    if not data['poolName']:
        raise CommandExecutionError('No pool name!')

    return _create_element(name, 'resources/jdbc-resource', data, server)

def update_jdbc_resource(name, server=None, **kwargs):
    Update a JDBC resource
    # You're not supposed to update jndiName, if you do so, it will crash, silently
    if 'jndiName' in kwargs:
        del kwargs['jndiName']
    return _update_element(name, 'resources/jdbc-resource', kwargs, server)

def delete_jdbc_resource(name, target='server', server=None):
    Delete a JDBC resource
    return _delete_element(name, 'resources/jdbc-resource', {'target': target}, server)

# System properties
def get_system_properties(server=None):
    Get system properties
    properties = {}
    data = _api_get('system-properties', server)

    # Get properties into a dict
    if any(data['extraProperties']['systemProperties']):
        for element in data['extraProperties']['systemProperties']:
            properties[element['name']] = element['value']
        return properties
    return {}

def update_system_properties(data, server=None):
    Update system properties
    _api_post('system-properties', _clean_data(data), server)
    return data

def delete_system_properties(name, server=None):
    Delete a system property
    _api_delete('system-properties/{0}'.format(name), None, server)