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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Control Modjk via the Apache Tomcat "Status" worker

Below is an example of the configuration needed for this module. This
configuration data can be placed either in :ref:`grains
<targeting-grains>` or :ref:`pillar <salt-pillars>`.

If using grains, this can be accomplished :ref:`statically
<static-custom-grains>` or via a :ref:`grain module <writing-grains>`.

If using pillar, the yaml configuration can be placed directly into a pillar
SLS file, making this both the easier and more dynamic method of configuring
this module.

.. code-block:: yaml

        url: http://localhost/jkstatus
        user: modjk
        pass: secret
        realm: authentication realm for digest passwords
        timeout: 5
        url: http://otherVhost/jkstatus
        user: modjk
        pass: secret2
        realm: authentication realm2 for digest passwords
        timeout: 600
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

# Import 3rd-party libs
# pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
from salt.ext import six
from salt.ext.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode as _urlencode
from salt.ext.six.moves.urllib.request import (
        HTTPBasicAuthHandler as _HTTPBasicAuthHandler,
        HTTPDigestAuthHandler as _HTTPDigestAuthHandler,
        urlopen as _urlopen,
        build_opener as _build_opener,
        install_opener as _install_opener
# pylint: enable=import-error,no-name-in-module

def __virtual__():
    Always load
    return True

def _auth(url, user, passwd, realm):
    returns a authentication handler.

    basic = _HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
    basic.add_password(realm=realm, uri=url, user=user, passwd=passwd)
    digest = _HTTPDigestAuthHandler()
    digest.add_password(realm=realm, uri=url, user=user, passwd=passwd)
    return _build_opener(basic, digest)

def _do_http(opts, profile='default'):
    Make the http request and return the data

    ret = {}

    url = __salt__['config.get']('modjk:{0}:url'.format(profile), '')
    user = __salt__['config.get']('modjk:{0}:user'.format(profile), '')
    passwd = __salt__['config.get']('modjk:{0}:pass'.format(profile), '')
    realm = __salt__['config.get']('modjk:{0}:realm'.format(profile), '')
    timeout = __salt__['config.get']('modjk:{0}:timeout'.format(profile), '')

    if not url:
        raise Exception('missing url in profile {0}'.format(profile))

    if user and passwd:
        auth = _auth(url=url, realm=realm, user=user, passwd=passwd)

    url += '?{0}'.format(_urlencode(opts))

    for line in _urlopen(url, timeout=timeout).read().splitlines():
        splt = line.split('=', 1)
        if splt[0] in ret:
            ret[splt[0]] += ',{0}'.format(splt[1])
            ret[splt[0]] = splt[1]

    return ret

def _worker_ctl(worker, lbn, vwa, profile='default'):
    enable/disable/stop a worker

    cmd = {
        'cmd': 'update',
        'mime': 'prop',
        'w': lbn,
        'sw': worker,
        'vwa': vwa,
    return _do_http(cmd, profile)['worker.result.type'] == 'OK'

def version(profile='default'):
    Return the modjk version

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.version
        salt '*' modjk.version other-profile

    cmd = {
        'cmd': 'version',
        'mime': 'prop',
    return _do_http(cmd, profile)['worker.jk_version'].split('/')[-1]

def get_running(profile='default'):
    Get the current running config (not from disk)

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.get_running
        salt '*' modjk.get_running other-profile

    cmd = {
        'cmd': 'list',
        'mime': 'prop',
    return _do_http(cmd, profile)

def dump_config(profile='default'):
    Dump the original configuration that was loaded from disk

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.dump_config
        salt '*' modjk.dump_config other-profile

    cmd = {
        'cmd': 'dump',
        'mime': 'prop',
    return _do_http(cmd, profile)

def list_configured_members(lbn, profile='default'):
    Return a list of member workers from the configuration files

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.list_configured_members loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.list_configured_members loadbalancer1 other-profile

    config = dump_config(profile)

        ret = config['worker.{0}.balance_workers'.format(lbn)]
    except KeyError:
        return []

    return [_f for _f in ret.strip().split(',') if _f]

def workers(profile='default'):
    Return a list of member workers and their status

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.workers
        salt '*' modjk.workers other-profile

    config = get_running(profile)
    lbn = config['worker.list'].split(',')
    worker_list = []
    ret = {}

    for lb in lbn:
        except KeyError:

    worker_list = list(set(worker_list))

    for worker in worker_list:
        ret[worker] = {
            'activation': config['worker.{0}.activation'.format(worker)],
            'state': config['worker.{0}.state'.format(worker)],

    return ret

def recover_all(lbn, profile='default'):
    Set the all the workers in lbn to recover and activate them if they are not

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.recover_all loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.recover_all loadbalancer1 other-profile

    ret = {}
    config = get_running(profile)
        workers_ = config['worker.{0}.balance_workers'.format(lbn)].split(',')
    except KeyError:
        return ret

    for worker in workers_:
        curr_state = worker_status(worker, profile)
        if curr_state['activation'] != 'ACT':
            worker_activate(worker, lbn, profile)
        if not curr_state['state'].startswith('OK'):
            worker_recover(worker, lbn, profile)
        ret[worker] = worker_status(worker, profile)

    return ret

def reset_stats(lbn, profile='default'):
    Reset all runtime statistics for the load balancer

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.reset_stats loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.reset_stats loadbalancer1 other-profile

    cmd = {
        'cmd': 'reset',
        'mime': 'prop',
        'w': lbn,
    return _do_http(cmd, profile)['worker.result.type'] == 'OK'

def lb_edit(lbn, settings, profile='default'):
    Edit the loadbalancer settings

    Data Parameters for the standard Update Action

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.lb_edit loadbalancer1 "{'vlr': 1, 'vlt': 60}"
        salt '*' modjk.lb_edit loadbalancer1 "{'vlr': 1, 'vlt': 60}" other-profile

    settings['cmd'] = 'update'
    settings['mime'] = 'prop'
    settings['w'] = lbn

    return _do_http(settings, profile)['worker.result.type'] == 'OK'

def bulk_stop(workers, lbn, profile='default'):
    Stop all the given workers in the specific load balancer

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.bulk_stop node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.bulk_stop node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 other-profile

        salt '*' modjk.bulk_stop ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.bulk_stop ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1 other-profile

    ret = {}

    if isinstance(workers, six.string_types):
        workers = workers.split(',')

    for worker in workers:
            ret[worker] = worker_stop(worker, lbn, profile)
        except Exception:
            ret[worker] = False

    return ret

def bulk_activate(workers, lbn, profile='default'):
    Activate all the given workers in the specific load balancer

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.bulk_activate node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.bulk_activate node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 other-profile

        salt '*' modjk.bulk_activate ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.bulk_activate ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1 other-profile

    ret = {}

    if isinstance(workers, six.string_types):
        workers = workers.split(',')

    for worker in workers:
            ret[worker] = worker_activate(worker, lbn, profile)
        except Exception:
            ret[worker] = False

    return ret

def bulk_disable(workers, lbn, profile='default'):
    Disable all the given workers in the specific load balancer

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.bulk_disable node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.bulk_disable node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 other-profile

        salt '*' modjk.bulk_disable ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.bulk_disable ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1 other-profile

    ret = {}

    if isinstance(workers, six.string_types):
        workers = workers.split(',')

    for worker in workers:
            ret[worker] = worker_disable(worker, lbn, profile)
        except Exception:
            ret[worker] = False

    return ret

def bulk_recover(workers, lbn, profile='default'):
    Recover all the given workers in the specific load balancer

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.bulk_recover node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.bulk_recover node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 other-profile

        salt '*' modjk.bulk_recover ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.bulk_recover ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1 other-profile

    ret = {}

    if isinstance(workers, six.string_types):
        workers = workers.split(',')

    for worker in workers:
            ret[worker] = worker_recover(worker, lbn, profile)
        except Exception:
            ret[worker] = False

    return ret

def worker_status(worker, profile='default'):
    Return the state of the worker

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.worker_status node1
        salt '*' modjk.worker_status node1 other-profile

    config = get_running(profile)
        return {
            'activation': config['worker.{0}.activation'.format(worker)],
            'state': config['worker.{0}.state'.format(worker)],
    except KeyError:
        return False

def worker_recover(worker, lbn, profile='default'):
    Set the worker to recover
    this module will fail if it is in OK state

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.worker_recover node1 loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.worker_recover node1 loadbalancer1 other-profile

    cmd = {
        'cmd': 'recover',
        'mime': 'prop',
        'w': lbn,
        'sw': worker,
    return _do_http(cmd, profile)

def worker_disable(worker, lbn, profile='default'):
    Set the worker to disable state in the lbn load balancer

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.worker_disable node1 loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.worker_disable node1 loadbalancer1 other-profile

    return _worker_ctl(worker, lbn, 'd', profile)

def worker_activate(worker, lbn, profile='default'):
    Set the worker to activate state in the lbn load balancer

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.worker_activate node1 loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.worker_activate node1 loadbalancer1 other-profile

    return _worker_ctl(worker, lbn, 'a', profile)

def worker_stop(worker, lbn, profile='default'):
    Set the worker to stopped state in the lbn load balancer

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.worker_activate node1 loadbalancer1
        salt '*' modjk.worker_activate node1 loadbalancer1 other-profile

    return _worker_ctl(worker, lbn, 's', profile)

def worker_edit(worker, lbn, settings, profile='default'):
    Edit the worker settings

    Data Parameters for the standard Update Action

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' modjk.worker_edit node1 loadbalancer1 "{'vwf': 500, 'vwd': 60}"
        salt '*' modjk.worker_edit node1 loadbalancer1 "{'vwf': 500, 'vwd': 60}" other-profile

    settings['cmd'] = 'update'
    settings['mime'] = 'prop'
    settings['w'] = lbn
    settings['sw'] = worker

    return _do_http(settings, profile)['worker.result.type'] == 'OK'