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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A salt interface to psutil, a system and process library.

:depends:   - psutil Python module, version 0.3.0 or later
            - python-utmp package (optional)

# Import python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function
import time
import datetime
import re

# Import salt libs
from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError, CommandExecutionError

# Import third party libs
import salt.utils.decorators.path
from salt.ext import six
# pylint: disable=import-error
    import salt.utils.psutil_compat as psutil

    HAS_PSUTIL = True
    PSUTIL2 = getattr(psutil, 'version_info', ()) >= (2, 0)
except ImportError:
    HAS_PSUTIL = False
# pylint: enable=import-error

def __virtual__():
    if not HAS_PSUTIL:
        return False, 'The ps module cannot be loaded: python module psutil not installed.'

    # Functions and attributes used in this execution module seem to have been
    # added as of psutil 0.3.0, from an inspection of the source code. Only
    # make this module available if the version of psutil is >= 0.3.0. Note
    # that this may need to be tweaked if we find post-0.3.0 versions which
    # also have problems running the functions in this execution module, but
    # most distributions have already moved to later versions (for example,
    # as of Dec. 2013 EPEL is on 0.6.1, Debian 7 is on 0.5.1, etc.).
    if psutil.version_info >= (0, 3, 0):
        return True
    return (False, 'The ps execution module cannot be loaded: the psutil python module version {0} is less than 0.3.0'.format(psutil.version_info))

def _get_proc_cmdline(proc):
    Returns the cmdline of a Process instance.

    It's backward compatible with < 2.0 versions of psutil.
        return if PSUTIL2 else proc.cmdline)
    except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied):
        return []

def _get_proc_create_time(proc):
    Returns the create_time of a Process instance.

    It's backward compatible with < 2.0 versions of psutil.
        return if PSUTIL2 else proc.create_time)
    except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied):
        return None

def _get_proc_name(proc):
    Returns the name of a Process instance.

    It's backward compatible with < 2.0 versions of psutil.
        return if PSUTIL2 else
    except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied):
        return []

def _get_proc_status(proc):
    Returns the status of a Process instance.

    It's backward compatible with < 2.0 versions of psutil.
        return if PSUTIL2 else proc.status)
    except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied):
        return None

def _get_proc_username(proc):
    Returns the username of a Process instance.

    It's backward compatible with < 2.0 versions of psutil.
        return if PSUTIL2 else proc.username)
    except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, KeyError):
        return None

def _get_proc_pid(proc):
    Returns the pid of a Process instance.

    It's backward compatible with < 2.0 versions of psutil.

def top(num_processes=5, interval=3):
    Return a list of top CPU consuming processes during the interval.
    num_processes = return the top N CPU consuming processes
    interval = the number of seconds to sample CPU usage over

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*'

        salt '*' 5 10
    result = []
    start_usage = {}
    for pid in psutil.pids():
            process = psutil.Process(pid)
            user, system = process.cpu_times()
        except ValueError:
            user, system, _, _ = process.cpu_times()
        except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
        start_usage[process] = user + system
    usage = set()
    for process, start in six.iteritems(start_usage):
            user, system = process.cpu_times()
        except ValueError:
            user, system, _, _ = process.cpu_times()
        except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
        now = user + system
        diff = now - start
        usage.add((diff, process))

    for idx, (diff, process) in enumerate(reversed(sorted(usage))):
        if num_processes and idx >= num_processes:
        if not _get_proc_cmdline(process):
            cmdline = _get_proc_name(process)
            cmdline = _get_proc_cmdline(process)
        info = {'cmd': cmdline,
                'user': _get_proc_username(process),
                'status': _get_proc_status(process),
                'pid': _get_proc_pid(process),
                'create_time': _get_proc_create_time(process),
                'cpu': {},
                'mem': {},
        for key, value in six.iteritems(process.cpu_times()._asdict()):
            info['cpu'][key] = value
        for key, value in six.iteritems(process.memory_info()._asdict()):
            info['mem'][key] = value

    return result

def get_pid_list():
    Return a list of process ids (PIDs) for all running processes.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.get_pid_list
    return psutil.pids()

def proc_info(pid, attrs=None):
    Return a dictionary of information for a process id (PID).

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.proc_info 2322
        salt '*' ps.proc_info 2322 attrs='["pid", "name"]'

        PID of process to query.

        Optional list of desired process attributes.  The list of possible
        attributes can be found here:
        proc = psutil.Process(pid)
        return proc.as_dict(attrs)
    except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, AttributeError) as exc:
        raise CommandExecutionError(exc)

def kill_pid(pid, signal=15):
    Kill a process by PID.

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt 'minion' ps.kill_pid pid [signal=signal_number]

        PID of process to kill.

        Signal to send to the process. See manpage entry for kill
        for possible values. Default: 15 (SIGTERM).


    Send SIGKILL to process with PID 2000:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt 'minion' ps.kill_pid 2000 signal=9
        return True
    except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
        return False

def pkill(pattern, user=None, signal=15, full=False):
    Kill processes matching a pattern.

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.pkill pattern [user=username] [signal=signal_number] \\

        Pattern to search for in the process list.

        Limit matches to the given username. Default: All users.

        Signal to send to the process(es). See manpage entry for kill
        for possible values. Default: 15 (SIGTERM).

        A boolean value indicating whether only the name of the command or
        the full command line should be matched against the pattern.


    Send SIGHUP to all httpd processes on all 'www' minions:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt 'www.*' ps.pkill httpd signal=1

    Send SIGKILL to all bash processes owned by user 'tom':

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.pkill bash signal=9 user=tom

    killed = []
    for proc in psutil.process_iter():
        name_match = pattern in ' '.join(_get_proc_cmdline(proc)) if full \
            else pattern in _get_proc_name(proc)
        user_match = True if user is None else user == _get_proc_username(proc)
        if name_match and user_match:
            except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
    if not killed:
        return None
        return {'killed': killed}

def pgrep(pattern, user=None, full=False, pattern_is_regex=False):
    Return the pids for processes matching a pattern.

    If full is true, the full command line is searched for a match,
    otherwise only the name of the command is searched.

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.pgrep pattern [user=username] [full=(true|false)]

        Pattern to search for in the process list.

        Limit matches to the given username. Default: All users.

        A boolean value indicating whether only the name of the command or
        the full command line should be matched against the pattern.

        This flag enables ps.pgrep to mirror the regex search functionality
         found in the pgrep command line utility.

        .. versionadded:: Neon


    Find all httpd processes on all 'www' minions:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt 'www.*' ps.pgrep httpd

    Find all bash processes owned by user 'tom':

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.pgrep bash user=tom
    procs = []

    if pattern_is_regex:
        pattern = re.compile(str(pattern))

    procs = []
    for proc in psutil.process_iter():
        if full:
            process_line = ' '.join(_get_proc_cmdline(proc))
            process_line = _get_proc_name(proc)

        if pattern_is_regex:
            name_match =, process_line)
            name_match = pattern in process_line

        user_match = True if user is None else user == _get_proc_username(proc)

        if name_match and user_match:

    return procs or None

def cpu_percent(interval=0.1, per_cpu=False):
    Return the percent of time the CPU is busy.

        the number of seconds to sample CPU usage over
        if True return an array of CPU percent busy for each CPU, otherwise
        aggregate all percents into one number

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.cpu_percent
    if per_cpu:
        result = list(psutil.cpu_percent(interval, True))
        result = psutil.cpu_percent(interval)
    return result

def cpu_times(per_cpu=False):
    Return the percent of time the CPU spends in each state,
    e.g. user, system, idle, nice, iowait, irq, softirq.

        if True return an array of percents for each CPU, otherwise aggregate
        all percents into one number

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.cpu_times
    if per_cpu:
        result = [dict(times._asdict()) for times in psutil.cpu_times(True)]
        result = dict(psutil.cpu_times(per_cpu)._asdict())
    return result

def virtual_memory():
    .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0

    Return a dict that describes statistics about system memory usage.

    .. note::

        This function is only available in psutil version 0.6.0 and above.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.virtual_memory
    if psutil.version_info < (0, 6, 0):
        msg = 'virtual_memory is only available in psutil 0.6.0 or greater'
        raise CommandExecutionError(msg)
    return dict(psutil.virtual_memory()._asdict())

def swap_memory():
    .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0

    Return a dict that describes swap memory statistics.

    .. note::

        This function is only available in psutil version 0.6.0 and above.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.swap_memory
    if psutil.version_info < (0, 6, 0):
        msg = 'swap_memory is only available in psutil 0.6.0 or greater'
        raise CommandExecutionError(msg)
    return dict(psutil.swap_memory()._asdict())

def disk_partitions(all=False):
    Return a list of disk partitions and their device, mount point, and
    filesystem type.

        if set to False, only return local, physical partitions (hard disk,
        USB, CD/DVD partitions).  If True, return all filesystems.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.disk_partitions
    result = [dict(partition._asdict()) for partition in
    return result

def disk_usage(path):
    Given a path, return a dict listing the total available space as well as
    the free space, and used space.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.disk_usage /home
    return dict(psutil.disk_usage(path)._asdict())

def disk_partition_usage(all=False):
    Return a list of disk partitions plus the mount point, filesystem and usage

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.disk_partition_usage
    result = disk_partitions(all)
    for partition in result:
    return result

def total_physical_memory():
    Return the total number of bytes of physical memory.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.total_physical_memory
    if psutil.version_info < (0, 6, 0):
        msg = 'virtual_memory is only available in psutil 0.6.0 or greater'
        raise CommandExecutionError(msg)
        return psutil.virtual_memory().total
    except AttributeError:
        # TOTAL_PHYMEM is deprecated but with older psutil versions this is
        # needed as a fallback.
        return psutil.TOTAL_PHYMEM

def num_cpus():
    Return the number of CPUs.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.num_cpus
        return psutil.cpu_count()
    except AttributeError:
        # NUM_CPUS is deprecated but with older psutil versions this is needed
        # as a fallback.
        return psutil.NUM_CPUS

def boot_time(time_format=None):
    Return the boot time in number of seconds since the epoch began.

    CLI Example:

        Optionally specify a `strftime`_ format string. Use
        ``time_format='%c'`` to get a nicely-formatted locale specific date and
        time (i.e. ``Fri May  2 19:08:32 2014``).

        .. _strftime:

        .. versionadded:: 2014.1.4

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.boot_time
        b_time = int(psutil.boot_time())
    except AttributeError:
        # get_boot_time() has been removed in newer psutil versions, and has
        # been replaced by boot_time() which provides the same information.
        b_time = int(psutil.boot_time())
    if time_format:
        # Load epoch timestamp as a datetime.datetime object
        b_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(b_time)
            return b_time.strftime(time_format)
        except TypeError as exc:
            raise SaltInvocationError('Invalid format string: {0}'.format(exc))
    return b_time

def network_io_counters(interface=None):
    Return network I/O statistics.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.network_io_counters

        salt '*' ps.network_io_counters interface=eth0
    if not interface:
        return dict(psutil.net_io_counters()._asdict())
        stats = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)
        if interface in stats:
            return dict(stats[interface]._asdict())
            return False

def disk_io_counters(device=None):
    Return disk I/O statistics.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.disk_io_counters

        salt '*' ps.disk_io_counters device=sda1
    if not device:
        return dict(psutil.disk_io_counters()._asdict())
        stats = psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True)
        if device in stats:
            return dict(stats[device]._asdict())
            return False

def get_users():
    Return logged-in users.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.get_users
        recs = psutil.users()
        return [dict(x._asdict()) for x in recs]
    except AttributeError:
        # get_users is only present in psutil > v0.5.0
        # try utmp
            import utmp  # pylint: disable=import-error

            result = []
            while True:
                rec = utmp.utmpaccess.getutent()
                if rec is None:
                    return result
                elif rec[0] == 7:
                    started = rec[8]
                    if isinstance(started, tuple):
                        started = started[0]
                    result.append({'name': rec[4], 'terminal': rec[2],
                                   'started': started, 'host': rec[5]})
        except ImportError:
            return False

def lsof(name):
    Retrieve the lsof information of the given process name.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.lsof apache2
    sanitize_name = six.text_type(name)
    lsof_infos = __salt__['']("lsof -c " + sanitize_name)
    ret = []
    ret.extend([sanitize_name, lsof_infos])
    return ret

def netstat(name):
    Retrieve the netstat information of the given process name.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.netstat apache2
    sanitize_name = six.text_type(name)
    netstat_infos = __salt__['']("netstat -nap")
    found_infos = []
    ret = []
    for info in netstat_infos.splitlines():
        if info.find(sanitize_name) != -1:
    ret.extend([sanitize_name, found_infos])
    return ret

def ss(name):
    Retrieve the ss information of the given process name.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' apache2

    .. versionadded:: 2016.11.6

    sanitize_name = six.text_type(name)
    ss_infos = __salt__['']("ss -neap")
    found_infos = []
    ret = []
    for info in ss_infos.splitlines():
        if info.find(sanitize_name) != -1:
    ret.extend([sanitize_name, found_infos])
    return ret

def psaux(name):
    Retrieve information corresponding to a "ps aux" filtered
    with the given pattern. It could be just a name or a regular
    expression (using python search from "re" module).

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' ps.psaux www-data.+apache2
    sanitize_name = six.text_type(name)
    pattern = re.compile(sanitize_name)
    salt_exception_pattern = re.compile("salt.+ps.psaux.+")
    ps_aux = __salt__['']("ps aux")
    found_infos = []
    ret = []
    nb_lines = 0
    for info in ps_aux.splitlines():
        found =
        if found is not None:
            # remove 'salt' command from results
            if not
                nb_lines += 1
    pid_count = six.text_type(nb_lines) + " occurence(s)."
    ret = []
    ret.extend([sanitize_name, found_infos, pid_count])
    return ret