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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for running vmadm command on SmartOS
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function

# Import Python libs
import logging
import os
    from shlex import quote as _quote_args  # pylint: disable=E0611
except ImportError:
    from pipes import quote as _quote_args

# Import Salt libs
import salt.utils.args
import salt.utils.files
import salt.utils.json
import salt.utils.path
import salt.utils.platform
import salt.utils.stringutils
from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict

# Import 3rd-party libs
from salt.ext import six

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Function aliases
__func_alias__ = {
    'list_vms': 'list'

# Define the module's virtual name
__virtualname__ = 'vmadm'

def __virtual__():
    Provides vmadm on SmartOS
    if salt.utils.platform.is_smartos_globalzone() and \
            salt.utils.path.which('vmadm') and \
        return __virtualname__
    return (
        '{0} module can only be loaded on SmartOS compute nodes'.format(

def _exit_status(retcode):
    Translate exit status of vmadm
    ret = {0: 'Successful completion.',
           1: 'An error occurred.',
           2: 'Usage error.'}[retcode]
    return ret

def _create_update_from_file(mode='create', uuid=None, path=None):
    Create vm from file
    ret = {}
    if not os.path.isfile(path) or path is None:
        ret['Error'] = 'File ({0}) does not exists!'.format(path)
        return ret
    # vmadm validate create|update [-f <filename>]
    cmd = 'vmadm validate {mode} {brand} -f {path}'.format(
        brand=get(uuid)['brand'] if uuid is not None else '',
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = _exit_status(retcode)
        if 'stderr' in res:
            if res['stderr'][0] == '{':
                ret['Error'] = salt.utils.json.loads(res['stderr'])
                ret['Error'] = res['stderr']
        return ret
    # vmadm create|update [-f <filename>]
    cmd = 'vmadm {mode} {uuid} -f {path}'.format(
        uuid=uuid if uuid is not None else '',
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = _exit_status(retcode)
        if 'stderr' in res:
            if res['stderr'][0] == '{':
                ret['Error'] = salt.utils.json.loads(res['stderr'])
                ret['Error'] = res['stderr']
        return ret
        if res['stderr'].startswith('Successfully created VM'):
            return res['stderr'][24:]
    return True

def _create_update_from_cfg(mode='create', uuid=None, vmcfg=None):
    Create vm from configuration
    ret = {}

    # write json file
    vmadm_json_file = __salt__['temp.file'](prefix='vmadm-')
    with salt.utils.files.fopen(vmadm_json_file, 'w') as vmadm_json:
        salt.utils.json.dump(vmcfg, vmadm_json)

    # vmadm validate create|update [-f <filename>]
    cmd = 'vmadm validate {mode} {brand} -f {vmadm_json_file}'.format(
        brand=get(uuid)['brand'] if uuid is not None else '',
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=True)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = _exit_status(retcode)
        if 'stderr' in res:
            if res['stderr'][0] == '{':
                ret['Error'] = salt.utils.json.loads(res['stderr'])
                ret['Error'] = res['stderr']
        return ret
    # vmadm create|update [-f <filename>]
    cmd = 'vmadm {mode} {uuid} -f {vmadm_json_file}'.format(
        uuid=uuid if uuid is not None else '',
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=True)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = _exit_status(retcode)
        if 'stderr' in res:
            if res['stderr'][0] == '{':
                ret['Error'] = salt.utils.json.loads(res['stderr'])
                ret['Error'] = res['stderr']
        return ret
        # cleanup json file (only when successful to help troubleshooting)

        # return uuid
        if res['stderr'].startswith('Successfully created VM'):
            return res['stderr'][24:]

    return True

def start(vm, options=None, key='uuid'):
    Start a vm

    vm : string
        vm to be started
    options : string
        optional additional options
    key : string [uuid|alias|hostname]
        value type of 'vm' parameter

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.start 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543
        salt '*' vmadm.start 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 'order=c,once=d cdrom=/path/to/image.iso,ide'
        salt '*' vmadm.start vm=nacl key=alias
        salt '*' vmadm.start key=hostname
    ret = {}
    if key not in ['uuid', 'alias', 'hostname']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Key must be either uuid, alias or hostname'
        return ret
    vm = lookup('{0}={1}'.format(key, vm), one=True)
    if 'Error' in vm:
        return vm
    # vmadm start <uuid> [option=value ...]
    cmd = 'vmadm start {uuid} {options}'.format(
        options=options if options else ''
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    return True

def stop(vm, force=False, key='uuid'):
    Stop a vm

    vm : string
        vm to be stopped
    force : boolean
        force stop of vm if true
    key : string [uuid|alias|hostname]
        value type of 'vm' parameter

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.stop 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543
        salt '*' vmadm.stop 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 True
        salt '*' vmadm.stop vm=nacl key=alias
        salt '*' vmadm.stop key=hostname
    ret = {}
    if key not in ['uuid', 'alias', 'hostname']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Key must be either uuid, alias or hostname'
        return ret
    vm = lookup('{0}={1}'.format(key, vm), one=True)
    if 'Error' in vm:
        return vm
    # vmadm stop <uuid> [-F]
    cmd = 'vmadm stop {force} {uuid}'.format(
        force='-F' if force else '',
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    return True

def reboot(vm, force=False, key='uuid'):
    Reboot a vm

    vm : string
        vm to be rebooted
    force : boolean
        force reboot of vm if true
    key : string [uuid|alias|hostname]
        value type of 'vm' parameter

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.reboot 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543
        salt '*' vmadm.reboot 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 True
        salt '*' vmadm.reboot vm=nacl key=alias
        salt '*' vmadm.reboot key=hostname
    ret = {}
    if key not in ['uuid', 'alias', 'hostname']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Key must be either uuid, alias or hostname'
        return ret
    vm = lookup('{0}={1}'.format(key, vm), one=True)
    if 'Error' in vm:
        return vm
    # vmadm reboot <uuid> [-F]
    cmd = 'vmadm reboot {force} {uuid}'.format(
        force='-F' if force else '',
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    return True

def list_vms(search=None, sort=None, order='uuid,type,ram,state,alias', keyed=True):
    Return a list of VMs

    search : string
        vmadm filter property
    sort : string
        vmadm sort (-s) property
    order : string
        vmadm order (-o) property -- Default: uuid,type,ram,state,alias
    keyed : boolean
        specified if the output should be an array (False) or dict (True)
            For a dict the key is the first item from the order parameter.
            Note: If key is not unique last vm wins.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.list
        salt '*' vmadm.list order=alias,ram,cpu_cap sort=-ram,-cpu_cap
        salt '*' vmadm.list search='type=KVM'
    ret = {}
    # vmadm list [-p] [-H] [-o field,...] [-s field,...] [field=value ...]
    cmd = 'vmadm list -p -H {order} {sort} {search}'.format(
        order='-o {0}'.format(order) if order else '',
        sort='-s {0}'.format(sort) if sort else '',
        search=search if search else ''
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    result = OrderedDict() if keyed else []
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret

    fields = order.split(',')

    for vm in res['stdout'].splitlines():
        vm_data = OrderedDict()
        vm = vm.split(':')
        if keyed:
            for field in fields:
                if fields.index(field) == 0:
                vm_data[field.strip()] = vm[fields.index(field)].strip()
            result[vm[0]] = vm_data
            if len(vm) > 1:
                for field in fields:
                    vm_data[field.strip()] = vm[fields.index(field)].strip()
                vm_data = vm[0]
    return result

def lookup(search=None, order=None, one=False):
    Return a list of VMs using lookup

    search : string
        vmadm filter property
    order : string
        vmadm order (-o) property -- Default: uuid,type,ram,state,alias
    one : boolean
        return only one result (vmadm's -1)

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.lookup search='state=running'
        salt '*' vmadm.lookup search='state=running' order=uuid,alias,hostname
        salt '*' vmadm.lookup search='alias=nacl' one=True
    ret = {}
    # vmadm lookup [-j|-1] [-o field,...] [field=value ...]
    cmd = 'vmadm lookup {one} {order} {search}'.format(
        one='-1' if one else '-j',
        order='-o {0}'.format(order) if order else '',
        search=search if search else ''
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    result = []
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret

    if one:
        result = res['stdout']
        for vm in salt.utils.json.loads(res['stdout']):

    return result

def sysrq(vm, action='nmi', key='uuid'):
    Send non-maskable interrupt to vm or capture a screenshot

    vm : string
        vm to be targeted
    action : string
        nmi or screenshot -- Default: nmi
    key : string [uuid|alias|hostname]
        value type of 'vm' parameter

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.sysrq 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 nmi
        salt '*' vmadm.sysrq 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 screenshot
        salt '*' vmadm.sysrq nacl nmi key=alias
    ret = {}
    if key not in ['uuid', 'alias', 'hostname']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Key must be either uuid, alias or hostname'
        return ret
    if action not in ['nmi', 'screenshot']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Action must be either nmi or screenshot'
        return ret
    vm = lookup('{0}={1}'.format(key, vm), one=True)
    if 'Error' in vm:
        return vm
    # vmadm sysrq <uuid> <nmi|screenshot>
    cmd = 'vmadm sysrq {uuid} {action}'.format(
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    return True

def delete(vm, key='uuid'):
    Delete a vm

    vm : string
        vm to be deleted
    key : string [uuid|alias|hostname]
        value type of 'vm' parameter

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.delete 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543
        salt '*' vmadm.delete nacl key=alias
    ret = {}
    if key not in ['uuid', 'alias', 'hostname']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Key must be either uuid, alias or hostname'
        return ret
    vm = lookup('{0}={1}'.format(key, vm), one=True)
    if 'Error' in vm:
        return vm
    # vmadm delete <uuid>
    cmd = 'vmadm delete {0}'.format(vm)
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    return True

def get(vm, key='uuid'):
    Output the JSON object describing a VM

    vm : string
        vm to be targeted
    key : string [uuid|alias|hostname]
        value type of 'vm' parameter

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.get 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543
        salt '*' vmadm.get nacl key=alias
    ret = {}
    if key not in ['uuid', 'alias', 'hostname']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Key must be either uuid, alias or hostname'
        return ret
    vm = lookup('{0}={1}'.format(key, vm), one=True)
    if 'Error' in vm:
        return vm
    # vmadm get <uuid>
    cmd = 'vmadm get {0}'.format(vm)
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    return salt.utils.json.loads(res['stdout'])

def info(vm, info_type='all', key='uuid'):
    Lookup info on running kvm

    vm : string
        vm to be targeted
    info_type : string [all|block|blockstats|chardev|cpus|kvm|pci|spice|version|vnc]
        info type to return
    key : string [uuid|alias|hostname]
        value type of 'vm' parameter

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543
        salt '*' 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 vnc
        salt '*' nacl key=alias
        salt '*' nacl vnc key=alias
    ret = {}
    if info_type not in ['all', 'block', 'blockstats', 'chardev', 'cpus', 'kvm', 'pci', 'spice', 'version', 'vnc']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Requested info_type is not available'
        return ret
    if key not in ['uuid', 'alias', 'hostname']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Key must be either uuid, alias or hostname'
        return ret
    vm = lookup('{0}={1}'.format(key, vm), one=True)
    if 'Error' in vm:
        return vm
    # vmadm info <uuid> [type,...]
    cmd = 'vmadm info {uuid} {type}'.format(
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    return salt.utils.json.loads(res['stdout'])

def create_snapshot(vm, name, key='uuid'):
    Create snapshot of a vm

    vm : string
        vm to be targeted
    name : string
        snapshot name
            The snapname must be 64 characters or less
            and must only contain alphanumeric characters and
            characters in the set [-_.:%] to comply with ZFS restrictions.
    key : string [uuid|alias|hostname]
        value type of 'vm' parameter

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.create_snapshot 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 baseline
        salt '*' vmadm.create_snapshot nacl baseline key=alias
    ret = {}
    if key not in ['uuid', 'alias', 'hostname']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Key must be either uuid, alias or hostname'
        return ret
    vm = lookup('{0}={1}'.format(key, vm), one=True)
    if 'Error' in vm:
        return vm
    vmobj = get(vm)
    if 'datasets' in vmobj:
        ret['Error'] = 'VM cannot have datasets'
        return ret
    if vmobj['brand'] in ['kvm']:
        ret['Error'] = 'VM must be of type OS'
        return ret
    if vmobj['zone_state'] not in ['running']:  # work around a vmadm bug
        ret['Error'] = 'VM must be running to take a snapshot'
        return ret
    # vmadm create-snapshot <uuid> <snapname>
    cmd = 'vmadm create-snapshot {uuid} {snapshot}'.format(
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    return True

def delete_snapshot(vm, name, key='uuid'):
    Delete snapshot of a vm

    vm : string
        vm to be targeted
    name : string
        snapshot name
            The snapname must be 64 characters or less
            and must only contain alphanumeric characters and
            characters in the set [-_.:%] to comply with ZFS restrictions.
    key : string [uuid|alias|hostname]
        value type of 'vm' parameter

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.delete_snapshot 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 baseline
        salt '*' vmadm.delete_snapshot nacl baseline key=alias
    ret = {}
    if key not in ['uuid', 'alias', 'hostname']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Key must be either uuid, alias or hostname'
        return ret
    vm = lookup('{0}={1}'.format(key, vm), one=True)
    if 'Error' in vm:
        return vm
    vmobj = get(vm)
    if 'datasets' in vmobj:
        ret['Error'] = 'VM cannot have datasets'
        return ret
    if vmobj['brand'] in ['kvm']:
        ret['Error'] = 'VM must be of type OS'
        return ret
    # vmadm delete-snapshot <uuid> <snapname>
    cmd = 'vmadm delete-snapshot {uuid} {snapshot}'.format(
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    return True

def rollback_snapshot(vm, name, key='uuid'):
    Rollback snapshot of a vm

    vm : string
        vm to be targeted
    name : string
        snapshot name
            The snapname must be 64 characters or less
            and must only contain alphanumeric characters and
            characters in the set [-_.:%] to comply with ZFS restrictions.
    key : string [uuid|alias|hostname]
        value type of 'vm' parameter

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.rollback_snapshot 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 baseline
        salt '*' vmadm.rollback_snapshot nacl baseline key=alias
    ret = {}
    if key not in ['uuid', 'alias', 'hostname']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Key must be either uuid, alias or hostname'
        return ret
    vm = lookup('{0}={1}'.format(key, vm), one=True)
    if 'Error' in vm:
        return vm
    vmobj = get(vm)
    if 'datasets' in vmobj:
        ret['Error'] = 'VM cannot have datasets'
        return ret
    if vmobj['brand'] in ['kvm']:
        ret['Error'] = 'VM must be of type OS'
        return ret
    # vmadm rollback-snapshot <uuid> <snapname>
    cmd = 'vmadm rollback-snapshot {uuid} {snapshot}'.format(
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    return True

def reprovision(vm, image, key='uuid'):
    Reprovision a vm

    vm : string
        vm to be reprovisioned
    image : string
        uuid of new image
    key : string [uuid|alias|hostname]
        value type of 'vm' parameter

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.reprovision 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 c02a2044-c1bd-11e4-bd8c-dfc1db8b0182
        salt '*' vmadm.reprovision nacl c02a2044-c1bd-11e4-bd8c-dfc1db8b0182 key=alias
    ret = {}
    if key not in ['uuid', 'alias', 'hostname']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Key must be either uuid, alias or hostname'
        return ret
    vm = lookup('{0}={1}'.format(key, vm), one=True)
    if 'Error' in vm:
        return vm
    if image not in __salt__['imgadm.list']():
        ret['Error'] = 'Image ({0}) is not present on this host'.format(image)
        return ret
    # vmadm reprovision <uuid> [-f <filename>]
    cmd = six.text_type('echo {image} | vmadm reprovision {uuid}').format(
        image=_quote_args(salt.utils.json.dumps({'image_uuid': image}))
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=True)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    return True

def create(from_file=None, **kwargs):
    Create a new vm

    from_file : string
        json file to create the vm from -- if present, all other options will be ignored
    kwargs : string|int|...
        options to set for the vm

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.create from_file=/tmp/new_vm.json
        salt '*' vmadm.create image_uuid='...' alias='...' nics='[{ "nic_tag": "admin", "ip": "", ...}, {...}]' [...]
    ret = {}
    # prepare vmcfg
    vmcfg = {}
    kwargs = salt.utils.args.clean_kwargs(**kwargs)
    for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs):
        vmcfg[k] = v

    if from_file:
        return _create_update_from_file('create', path=from_file)
        return _create_update_from_cfg('create', vmcfg=vmcfg)

def update(vm, from_file=None, key='uuid', **kwargs):
    Update a new vm

    vm : string
        vm to be updated
    from_file : string
        json file to update the vm with -- if present, all other options will be ignored
    key : string [uuid|alias|hostname]
        value type of 'vm' parameter
    kwargs : string|int|...
        options to update for the vm

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.update vm=186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 from_file=/tmp/new_vm.json
        salt '*' vmadm.update vm=nacl key=alias from_file=/tmp/new_vm.json
        salt '*' vmadm.update vm=186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 max_physical_memory=1024
    ret = {}
    # prepare vmcfg
    vmcfg = {}
    kwargs = salt.utils.args.clean_kwargs(**kwargs)
    for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs):
        vmcfg[k] = v

    if key not in ['uuid', 'alias', 'hostname']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Key must be either uuid, alias or hostname'
        return ret
    uuid = lookup('{0}={1}'.format(key, vm), one=True)
    if 'Error' in uuid:
        return uuid

    if from_file:
        return _create_update_from_file('update', uuid, path=from_file)
        return _create_update_from_cfg('update', uuid, vmcfg=vmcfg)

def send(vm, target, key='uuid'):
    Send a vm to a directory

    vm : string
        vm to be sent
    target : string
        target directory
    key : string [uuid|alias|hostname]
        value type of 'vm' parameter

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.send 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 /opt/backups
        salt '*' vmadm.send vm=nacl target=/opt/backups key=alias
    ret = {}
    if key not in ['uuid', 'alias', 'hostname']:
        ret['Error'] = 'Key must be either uuid, alias or hostname'
        return ret
    if not os.path.isdir(target):
        ret['Error'] = 'Target must be a directory or host'
        return ret
    vm = lookup('{0}={1}'.format(key, vm), one=True)
    if 'Error' in vm:
        return vm
    # vmadm send <uuid> [target]
    cmd = 'vmadm send {uuid} > {target}'.format(
        target=os.path.join(target, '{0}.vmdata'.format(vm))
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=True)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0:
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    vmobj = get(vm)
    if 'datasets' not in vmobj:
        return True
    log.warning('one or more datasets detected, this is not supported!')
    log.warning('trying to zfs send datasets...')
    for dataset in vmobj['datasets']:
        name = dataset.split('/')
        name = name[-1]
        cmd = 'zfs send {dataset} > {target}'.format(
            target=os.path.join(target, '{0}-{1}.zfsds'.format(vm, name))
        res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=True)
        retcode = res['retcode']
        if retcode != 0:
            ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
            return ret
    return True

def receive(uuid, source):
    Receive a vm from a directory

    uuid : string
        uuid of vm to be received
    source : string
        source directory

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' vmadm.receive 186da9ab-7392-4f55-91a5-b8f1fe770543 /opt/backups
    ret = {}
    if not os.path.isdir(source):
        ret['Error'] = 'Source must be a directory or host'
        return ret
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(source, '{0}.vmdata'.format(uuid))):
        ret['Error'] = 'Unknow vm with uuid in {0}'.format(source)
        return ret
    # vmadm receive
    cmd = 'vmadm receive < {source}'.format(
        source=os.path.join(source, '{0}.vmdata'.format(uuid))
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=True)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0 and not res['stderr'].endswith('datasets'):
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    vmobj = get(uuid)
    if 'datasets' not in vmobj:
        return True
    log.warning('one or more datasets detected, this is not supported!')
    log.warning('trying to restore datasets, mountpoints will need to be set again...')
    for dataset in vmobj['datasets']:
        name = dataset.split('/')
        name = name[-1]
        cmd = 'zfs receive {dataset} < {source}'.format(
            source=os.path.join(source, '{0}-{1}.zfsds'.format(uuid, name))
        res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=True)
        retcode = res['retcode']
        if retcode != 0:
            ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
            return ret
    cmd = 'vmadm install {0}'.format(uuid)
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=True)
    retcode = res['retcode']
    if retcode != 0 and not res['stderr'].endswith('datasets'):
        ret['Error'] = res['stderr'] if 'stderr' in res else _exit_status(retcode)
        return ret
    return True

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