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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for returning various status data about a minion.
These data can be useful for compiling into stats later.

# Import python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import datetime
import os
import re
import logging
import fnmatch
import collections
import copy
import time
import logging

# Import 3rd-party libs
from salt.ext import six
from salt.ext.six.moves import range  # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,redefined-builtin

# Import salt libs
import salt.config
import salt.minion
import salt.utils.event
import salt.utils.files
import salt.utils.path
import salt.utils.platform
import salt.utils.stringutils
from salt.ext.six.moves import zip
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError

log = logging.getLogger(__file__)

__virtualname__ = 'status'
__opts__ = {}

# Don't shadow built-in's.
__func_alias__ = {
    'time_': 'time'

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def __virtual__():
    Not all functions supported by Windows
    if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
        return False, 'Windows platform is not supported by this module'

    return __virtualname__

def _number(text):
    Convert a string to a number.
    Returns an integer if the string represents an integer, a floating
    point number if the string is a real number, or the string unchanged
    if text.isdigit():
        return int(text)
        return float(text)
    except ValueError:
        return text

def _get_boot_time_aix():
    Return the number of seconds since boot time on AIX

    t=$(LC_ALL=POSIX ps -o etime= -p 1)
    d=0 h=0
    case $t in *-*) d=${t%%-*}; t=${t#*-};; esac
    case $t in *:*:*) h=${t%%:*}; t=${t#*:};; esac
    s=$((d*86400 + h*3600 + ${t%%:*}*60 + ${t#*:}))

    t is 7-20:46:46
    boot_secs = 0
    res = __salt__['cmd.run_all']('ps -o etime= -p 1')
    if res['retcode'] > 0:
        raise CommandExecutionError('Unable to find boot_time for pid 1.')
    bt_time = res['stdout']
    days = bt_time.split('-')
    hms = days[1].split(':')
    boot_secs = _number(days[0]) * 86400 + _number(hms[0]) * 3600 + _number(hms[1]) * 60 + _number(hms[2])
    return boot_secs

def _aix_loadavg():
    Return the load average on AIX
    #  03:42PM   up 9 days,  20:41,  2 users,  load average: 0.28, 0.47, 0.69
    uptime = __salt__['']('uptime')
    ldavg = uptime.split('load average')
    load_avg = ldavg[1].split()
    return {'1-min': load_avg[1].strip(','),
            '5-min': load_avg[2].strip(','),
            '15-min': load_avg[3]}

def _aix_nproc():
    Return the maximun number of PROCESSES allowed per user on AIX
    nprocs = __salt__['']('lsattr -E -l sys0 | grep maxuproc', python_shell=True).split()
    return _number(nprocs[1])

def procs():
    Return the process data

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.procs
    # Get the user, pid and cmd
    ret = {}
    uind = 0
    pind = 0
    cind = 0
    plines = __salt__[''](__grains__['ps'], python_shell=True).splitlines()
    guide = plines.pop(0).split()
    if 'USER' in guide:
        uind = guide.index('USER')
    elif 'UID' in guide:
        uind = guide.index('UID')
    if 'PID' in guide:
        pind = guide.index('PID')
    if 'COMMAND' in guide:
        cind = guide.index('COMMAND')
    elif 'CMD' in guide:
        cind = guide.index('CMD')
    for line in plines:
        if not line:
        comps = line.split()
        ret[comps[pind]] = {'user': comps[uind],
                            'cmd': ' '.join(comps[cind:])}
    return ret

def custom():
    Return a custom composite of status data and info for this minion,
    based on the minion config file. An example config like might be::

        status.cpustats.custom: [ 'cpu', 'ctxt', 'btime', 'processes' ]

    Where status refers to, cpustats is the function
    where we get our data, and custom is this function It is followed
    by a list of keys that we want returned.

    This function is meant to replace all_status(), which returns
    anything and everything, which we probably don't want.

    By default, nothing is returned. Warning: Depending on what you
    include, there can be a LOT here!

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.custom
    ret = {}
    conf = __salt__['config.dot_vals']('status')
    for key, val in six.iteritems(conf):
        func = '{0}()'.format(key.split('.')[1])
        vals = eval(func)  # pylint: disable=W0123

        for item in val:
            ret[item] = vals[item]

    return ret

def uptime():
    Return the uptime for this system.

    .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.9
        The uptime function was changed to return a dictionary of easy-to-read
        key/value pairs containing uptime information, instead of the output
        from a ```` call.

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.0
        Support for OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, MacOS, and Solaris

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.uptime
    curr_seconds = time.time()

    # Get uptime in seconds
    if salt.utils.platform.is_linux():
        ut_path = "/proc/uptime"
        if not os.path.exists(ut_path):
            raise CommandExecutionError("File {ut_path} was not found.".format(ut_path=ut_path))
        with salt.utils.files.fopen(ut_path) as rfh:
            seconds = int(float([0]))
    elif salt.utils.platform.is_sunos():
        # note: some flavors/versions report the host uptime inside a zone
        res = __salt__['cmd.run_all']('kstat -p unix:0:system_misc:boot_time')
        if res['retcode'] > 0:
            raise CommandExecutionError('The boot_time kstat was not found.')
        seconds = int(curr_seconds - int(res['stdout'].split()[-1]))
    elif salt.utils.platform.is_openbsd() or salt.utils.platform.is_netbsd():
        bt_data = __salt__['sysctl.get']('kern.boottime')
        if not bt_data:
            raise CommandExecutionError('Cannot find kern.boottime system parameter')
        seconds = int(curr_seconds - int(bt_data))
    elif salt.utils.platform.is_freebsd() or salt.utils.platform.is_darwin():
        # format: { sec = 1477761334, usec = 664698 } Sat Oct 29 17:15:34 2016
        bt_data = __salt__['sysctl.get']('kern.boottime')
        if not bt_data:
            raise CommandExecutionError('Cannot find kern.boottime system parameter')
        data = bt_data.split("{")[-1].split("}")[0].strip().replace(' ', '')
        uptime = dict([(k, int(v,)) for k, v in [p.strip().split('=') for p in data.split(',')]])
        seconds = int(curr_seconds - uptime['sec'])
    elif salt.utils.platform.is_aix():
        seconds = _get_boot_time_aix()
        return __salt__['']('uptime')

    # Setup datetime and timedelta objects
    boot_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(curr_seconds - seconds)
    curr_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(curr_seconds)
    up_time = curr_time - boot_time

    # Construct return information
    ut_ret = {
        'seconds': seconds,
        'since_iso': boot_time.isoformat(),
        'since_t': int(curr_seconds - seconds),
        'days': up_time.days,
        'time': '{0}:{1}'.format(up_time.seconds // 3600, up_time.seconds % 3600 // 60),

    if salt.utils.path.which('who'):
        who_cmd = 'who' if salt.utils.platform.is_openbsd() else 'who -s'  # OpenBSD does not support -s
        ut_ret['users'] = len(__salt__[''](who_cmd).split(os.linesep))

    return ut_ret

def loadavg():
    Return the load averages for this minion

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.loadavg

        :raises CommandExecutionError: If the system cannot report loadaverages to Python
    if __grains__['kernel'] == 'AIX':
        return _aix_loadavg()

        load_avg = os.getloadavg()
    except AttributeError:
        # Some UNIX-based operating systems do not have os.getloadavg()
        raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError('status.loadavag is not available on your platform')
    return {'1-min': load_avg[0],
            '5-min': load_avg[1],
            '15-min': load_avg[2]}

def cpustats():
    Return the CPU stats for this minion

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    .. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0
        Added support for OpenBSD

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.cpustats
    def linux_cpustats():
        linux specific implementation of cpustats
        ret = {}
            with salt.utils.files.fopen('/proc/stat', 'r') as fp_:
                stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
        except IOError:
            for line in stats.splitlines():
                if not line:
                comps = line.split()
                if comps[0] == 'cpu':
                    ret[comps[0]] = {'idle': _number(comps[4]),
                                     'iowait': _number(comps[5]),
                                     'irq': _number(comps[6]),
                                     'nice': _number(comps[2]),
                                     'softirq': _number(comps[7]),
                                     'steal': _number(comps[8]),
                                     'system': _number(comps[3]),
                                     'user': _number(comps[1])}
                elif comps[0] == 'intr':
                    ret[comps[0]] = {'total': _number(comps[1]),
                                     'irqs': [_number(x) for x in comps[2:]]}
                elif comps[0] == 'softirq':
                    ret[comps[0]] = {'total': _number(comps[1]),
                                     'softirqs': [_number(x) for x in comps[2:]]}
                    ret[comps[0]] = _number(comps[1])
        return ret

    def freebsd_cpustats():
        freebsd specific implementation of cpustats
        vmstat = __salt__['']('vmstat -P').splitlines()
        vm0 = vmstat[0].split()
        cpu0loc = vm0.index('cpu0')
        vm1 = vmstat[1].split()
        usloc = vm1.index('us')
        vm2 = vmstat[2].split()
        cpuctr = 0
        ret = {}
        for cpu in vm0[cpu0loc:]:
            ret[cpu] = {'us': _number(vm2[usloc + 3 * cpuctr]),
                        'sy': _number(vm2[usloc + 1 + 3 * cpuctr]),
                        'id': _number(vm2[usloc + 2 + 3 * cpuctr]), }
            cpuctr += 1
        return ret

    def sunos_cpustats():
        sunos specific implementation of cpustats
        mpstat = __salt__['']('mpstat 1 2').splitlines()
        fields = mpstat[0].split()
        ret = {}
        for cpu in mpstat:
            if cpu.startswith('CPU'):
            cpu = cpu.split()
            ret[_number(cpu[0])] = {}
            for i in range(1, len(fields)-1):
                ret[_number(cpu[0])][fields[i]] = _number(cpu[i])
        return ret

    def aix_cpustats():
        AIX specific implementation of cpustats
        ret = {}
        ret['mpstat'] = []
        procn = None
        fields = []
        for line in __salt__['']('mpstat -a').splitlines():
            if not line:
            procn = len(ret['mpstat'])
            if line.startswith('System'):
                comps = line.split(':')
                ret['mpstat'][procn]['system'] = {}
                cpu_comps = comps[1].split()
                for i in range(0, len(cpu_comps)):
                    cpu_vals = cpu_comps[i].split('=')
                    ret['mpstat'][procn]['system'][cpu_vals[0]] = cpu_vals[1]

            if line.startswith('cpu'):
                fields = line.split()

            if fields:
                cpustat = line.split()
                ret[_number(cpustat[0])] = {}
                for i in range(1, len(fields)-1):
                    ret[_number(cpustat[0])][fields[i]] = _number(cpustat[i])

        return ret

    def openbsd_cpustats():
        openbsd specific implementation of cpustats
        systat = __salt__['']('systat -s 2 -B cpu').splitlines()
        fields = systat[3].split()
        ret = {}
        for cpu in systat[4:]:
            cpu_line = cpu.split()
            cpu_idx = cpu_line[0]
            ret[cpu_idx] = {}

            for idx, field in enumerate(fields[1:]):
                ret[cpu_idx][field] = cpu_line[idx+1]

        return ret

    # dict that return a function that does the right thing per platform
    get_version = {
        'Linux': linux_cpustats,
        'FreeBSD': freebsd_cpustats,
        'OpenBSD': openbsd_cpustats,
        'SunOS': sunos_cpustats,
        'AIX': aix_cpustats,

    errmsg = 'This method is unsupported on the current operating system!'
    return get_version.get(__grains__['kernel'], lambda: errmsg)()

def meminfo():
    Return the memory info for this minion

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    .. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0
        Added support for OpenBSD

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.meminfo
    def linux_meminfo():
        linux specific implementation of meminfo
        ret = {}
            with salt.utils.files.fopen('/proc/meminfo', 'r') as fp_:
                stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
        except IOError:
            for line in stats.splitlines():
                if not line:
                comps = line.split()
                comps[0] = comps[0].replace(':', '')
                ret[comps[0]] = {
                    'value': comps[1],
                if len(comps) > 2:
                    ret[comps[0]]['unit'] = comps[2]
        return ret

    def freebsd_meminfo():
        freebsd specific implementation of meminfo
        sysctlvm = __salt__['']('sysctl vm').splitlines()
        sysctlvm = [x for x in sysctlvm if x.startswith('vm')]
        sysctlvm = [x.split(':') for x in sysctlvm]
        sysctlvm = [[y.strip() for y in x] for x in sysctlvm]
        sysctlvm = [x for x in sysctlvm if x[1]]  # If x[1] not empty

        ret = {}
        for line in sysctlvm:
            ret[line[0]] = line[1]
        # Special handling for as it's especially important
        sysctlvmtot = __salt__['']('sysctl -n vm.vmtotal').splitlines()
        sysctlvmtot = [x for x in sysctlvmtot if x]
        ret['vm.vmtotal'] = sysctlvmtot
        return ret

    def aix_meminfo():
        AIX specific implementation of meminfo
        ret = {}
        ret['svmon'] = []
        ret['vmstat'] = []
        procn = None
        fields = []
        pagesize_flag = False
        for line in __salt__['']('svmon -G').splitlines():
            # Note: svmon is per-system
            #               size       inuse        free         pin     virtual   mmode
            #memory      1048576     1039740        8836      285078      474993     Ded
            #pg space     917504        2574
            #               work        pers        clnt       other
            #pin          248379           0        2107       34592
            #in use       474993           0      564747
            #PageSize   PoolSize       inuse        pgsp         pin     virtual
            #s    4 KB         -      666956        2574       60726      102209
            #m   64 KB         -       23299           0       14022       23299
            if not line:

            if re.match(r'\s', line):
                # assume fields line
                fields = line.split()

            if line.startswith('memory') or line.startswith('pin'):
                procn = len(ret['svmon'])
                comps = line.split()
                ret['svmon'][procn][comps[0]] = {}
                for i in range(0, len(fields)):
                    if len(comps) > i + 1:
                        ret['svmon'][procn][comps[0]][fields[i]] = comps[i+1]

            if line.startswith('pg space') or line.startswith('in use'):
                procn = len(ret['svmon'])
                comps = line.split()
                pg_space = '{0} {1}'.format(comps[0], comps[1])
                ret['svmon'][procn][pg_space] = {}
                for i in range(0, len(fields)):
                    if len(comps) > i + 2:
                        ret['svmon'][procn][pg_space][fields[i]] = comps[i+2]

            if line.startswith('PageSize'):
                fields = line.split()
                pagesize_flag = False

            if pagesize_flag:
                procn = len(ret['svmon'])
                comps = line.split()
                ret['svmon'][procn][comps[0]] = {}
                for i in range(0, len(fields)):
                    if len(comps) > i:
                        ret['svmon'][procn][comps[0]][fields[i]] = comps[i]

        for line in __salt__['']('vmstat -v').splitlines():
            # Note: vmstat is per-system
            if not line:

            procn = len(ret['vmstat'])
            comps = line.lstrip().split(' ', 1)
            ret['vmstat'][procn][comps[1]] = comps[0]

        return ret

    def openbsd_meminfo():
        openbsd specific implementation of meminfo
        vmstat = __salt__['']('vmstat').splitlines()
        # We're only interested in memory and page values which are printed
        # as subsequent fields.
        fields = ['active virtual pages', 'free list size', 'page faults',
                  'pages reclaimed', 'pages paged in', 'pages paged out',
                  'pages freed', 'pages scanned']
        data = vmstat[2].split()[2:10]
        ret = dict(zip(fields, data))
        return ret

    # dict that return a function that does the right thing per platform
    get_version = {
        'Linux': linux_meminfo,
        'FreeBSD': freebsd_meminfo,
        'OpenBSD': openbsd_meminfo,
        'AIX': aix_meminfo,

    errmsg = 'This method is unsupported on the current operating system!'
    return get_version.get(__grains__['kernel'], lambda: errmsg)()

def cpuinfo():
    .. versionchanged:: 2016.3.2
        Return the CPU info for this minion

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    .. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0
        Added support for NetBSD and OpenBSD

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.cpuinfo
    def linux_cpuinfo():
        linux specific cpuinfo implementation
        ret = {}
            with salt.utils.files.fopen('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') as fp_:
                stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
        except IOError:
            for line in stats.splitlines():
                if not line:
                comps = line.split(':')
                comps[0] = comps[0].strip()
                if comps[0] == 'flags':
                    ret[comps[0]] = comps[1].split()
                    ret[comps[0]] = comps[1].strip()
        return ret

    def bsd_cpuinfo():
        bsd specific cpuinfo implementation
        bsd_cmd = 'sysctl hw.model hw.ncpu'
        ret = {}
        if __grains__['kernel'].lower() in ['netbsd', 'openbsd']:
            sep = '='
            sep = ':'

        for line in __salt__[''](bsd_cmd).splitlines():
            if not line:
            comps = line.split(sep)
            comps[0] = comps[0].strip()
            ret[comps[0]] = comps[1].strip()
        return ret

    def sunos_cpuinfo():
        sunos specific cpuinfo implementation
        ret = {}
        ret['isainfo'] = {}
        for line in __salt__['']('isainfo -x').splitlines():
            # Note: isainfo is per-system and not per-cpu
            # Output Example:
            #amd64: rdrand f16c vmx avx xsave pclmulqdq aes sse4.2 sse4.1 ssse3 popcnt tscp cx16 sse3 sse2 sse fxsr mmx cmov amd_sysc cx8 tsc fpu
            #i386: rdrand f16c vmx avx xsave pclmulqdq aes sse4.2 sse4.1 ssse3 popcnt tscp ahf cx16 sse3 sse2 sse fxsr mmx cmov sep cx8 tsc fpu
            if not line:
            comps = line.split(':')
            comps[0] = comps[0].strip()
            ret['isainfo'][comps[0]] = sorted(comps[1].strip().split())
        ret['psrinfo'] = []
        procn = None
        for line in __salt__['']('psrinfo -v -p').splitlines():
            # Output Example:
            #The physical processor has 6 cores and 12 virtual processors (0-5 12-17)
            #  The core has 2 virtual processors (0 12)
            #  The core has 2 virtual processors (1 13)
            #  The core has 2 virtual processors (2 14)
            #  The core has 2 virtual processors (3 15)
            #  The core has 2 virtual processors (4 16)
            #  The core has 2 virtual processors (5 17)
            #    x86 (GenuineIntel 306E4 family 6 model 62 step 4 clock 2100 MHz)
            #      Intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz
            #The physical processor has 6 cores and 12 virtual processors (6-11 18-23)
            #  The core has 2 virtual processors (6 18)
            #  The core has 2 virtual processors (7 19)
            #  The core has 2 virtual processors (8 20)
            #  The core has 2 virtual processors (9 21)
            #  The core has 2 virtual processors (10 22)
            #  The core has 2 virtual processors (11 23)
            #    x86 (GenuineIntel 306E4 family 6 model 62 step 4 clock 2100 MHz)
            #      Intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz
            # Output Example 2:
            #The physical processor has 4 virtual processors (0-3)
            #  x86 (GenuineIntel 406D8 family 6 model 77 step 8 clock 2400 MHz)
            #        Intel(r) Atom(tm) CPU  C2558  @ 2.40GHz
            if not line:
            if line.startswith('The physical processor'):
                procn = len(ret['psrinfo'])
                line = line.split()
                if 'cores' in line:
                    ret['psrinfo'][procn]['topology'] = {}
                    ret['psrinfo'][procn]['topology']['cores'] = _number(line[4])
                    ret['psrinfo'][procn]['topology']['threads'] = _number(line[7])
                elif 'virtual' in line:
                    ret['psrinfo'][procn]['topology'] = {}
                    ret['psrinfo'][procn]['topology']['threads'] = _number(line[4])
            elif line.startswith(' ' * 6):  # 3x2 space indent
                ret['psrinfo'][procn]['name'] = line.strip()
            elif line.startswith(' ' * 4):  # 2x2 space indent
                line = line.strip().split()
                ret['psrinfo'][procn]['vendor'] = line[1][1:]
                ret['psrinfo'][procn]['family'] = _number(line[4])
                ret['psrinfo'][procn]['model'] = _number(line[6])
                ret['psrinfo'][procn]['step'] = _number(line[8])
                ret['psrinfo'][procn]['clock'] = "{0} {1}".format(line[10], line[11][:-1])
        return ret

    def aix_cpuinfo():
        AIX  specific cpuinfo implementation
        ret = {}
        ret['prtconf'] = []
        ret['lparstat'] = []
        procn = None
        for line in __salt__['']('prtconf | grep -i "Processor"', python_shell=True).splitlines():
            # Note: prtconf is per-system and not per-cpu
            # Output Example:
            #prtconf | grep -i "Processor"
            #Processor Type: PowerPC_POWER7
            #Processor Implementation Mode: POWER 7
            #Processor Version: PV_7_Compat
            #Number Of Processors: 2
            #Processor Clock Speed: 3000 MHz
            #  Model Implementation: Multiple Processor, PCI bus
            #  + proc0                                                           Processor
            #  + proc4                                                           Processor
            if not line:
            procn = len(ret['prtconf'])
            if line.startswith('Processor') or line.startswith('Number'):
                comps = line.split(':')
                comps[0] = comps[0].rstrip()
                ret['prtconf'][procn][comps[0]] = comps[1]

        for line in __salt__['']('prtconf | grep "CPU"', python_shell=True).splitlines():
            # Note: prtconf is per-system and not per-cpu
            # Output Example:
            #CPU Type: 64-bit
            if not line:
            procn = len(ret['prtconf'])
            if line.startswith('CPU'):
                comps = line.split(':')
                comps[0] = comps[0].rstrip()
                ret['prtconf'][procn][comps[0]] = comps[1]

        for line in __salt__['']('lparstat -i | grep CPU', python_shell=True).splitlines():
            # Note: lparstat is per-system and not per-cpu
            # Output Example:
            #Online Virtual CPUs                        : 2
            #Maximum Virtual CPUs                       : 2
            #Minimum Virtual CPUs                       : 1
            #Maximum Physical CPUs in system            : 32
            #Active Physical CPUs in system             : 32
            #Active CPUs in Pool                        : 32
            #Shared Physical CPUs in system             : 32
            #Physical CPU Percentage                    : 25.00%
            #Desired Virtual CPUs                       : 2
            if not line:

            procn = len(ret['lparstat'])
            comps = line.split(':')
            comps[0] = comps[0].rstrip()
            ret['lparstat'][procn][comps[0]] = comps[1]

        return ret

    # dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
    get_version = {
        'Linux': linux_cpuinfo,
        'FreeBSD': bsd_cpuinfo,
        'NetBSD': bsd_cpuinfo,
        'OpenBSD': bsd_cpuinfo,
        'SunOS': sunos_cpuinfo,
        'AIX': aix_cpuinfo,

    errmsg = 'This method is unsupported on the current operating system!'
    return get_version.get(__grains__['kernel'], lambda: errmsg)()

def diskstats():
    .. versionchanged:: 2016.3.2
        Return the disk stats for this minion

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.diskstats
    def linux_diskstats():
        linux specific implementation of diskstats
        ret = {}
            with salt.utils.files.fopen('/proc/diskstats', 'r') as fp_:
                stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
        except IOError:
            for line in stats.splitlines():
                if not line:
                comps = line.split()
                ret[comps[2]] = {
                    'major': _number(comps[0]),
                    'minor': _number(comps[1]),
                    'device': _number(comps[2]),
                    'reads_issued': _number(comps[3]),
                    'reads_merged': _number(comps[4]),
                    'sectors_read': _number(comps[5]),
                    'ms_spent_reading': _number(comps[6]),
                    'writes_completed': _number(comps[7]),
                    'writes_merged': _number(comps[8]),
                    'sectors_written': _number(comps[9]),
                    'ms_spent_writing': _number(comps[10]),
                    'io_in_progress': _number(comps[11]),
                    'ms_spent_in_io': _number(comps[12]),
                    'weighted_ms_spent_in_io': _number(comps[13])
        return ret

    def generic_diskstats():
        generic implementation of diskstats
        note: freebsd and sunos
        ret = {}
        iostat = __salt__['']('iostat -xzd').splitlines()
        header = iostat[1]
        for line in iostat[2:]:
            comps = line.split()
            ret[comps[0]] = {}
            for metric, value in zip(header.split()[1:], comps[1:]):
                ret[comps[0]][metric] = _number(value)
        return ret

    def aix_diskstats():
        AIX specific implementation of diskstats
        ret = {}
        procn = None
        fields = []
        disk_name = ''
        disk_mode = ''
        for line in __salt__['']('iostat -dDV').splitlines():
            # Note: iostat -dDV is per-system
            #System configuration: lcpu=8 drives=1 paths=2 vdisks=2
            #hdisk0          xfer:  %tm_act      bps      tps      bread      bwrtn
            #                          0.0      0.8      0.0        0.0        0.8
            #                read:      rps  avgserv  minserv  maxserv   timeouts      fails
            #                          0.0      2.5      0.3     12.4           0          0
            #               write:      wps  avgserv  minserv  maxserv   timeouts      fails
            #                          0.0      0.3      0.2      0.7           0          0
            #               queue:  avgtime  mintime  maxtime  avgwqsz    avgsqsz     sqfull
            #                          0.3      0.0      5.3      0.0        0.0         0.0
            if not line or line.startswith('System') or line.startswith('-----------'):

            if not re.match(r'\s', line):
                #have new disk
                dsk_comps = line.split(':')
                dsk_firsts = dsk_comps[0].split()
                disk_name = dsk_firsts[0]
                disk_mode = dsk_firsts[1]
                fields = dsk_comps[1].split()
                ret[disk_name] = []

                procn = len(ret[disk_name])
                ret[disk_name][procn][disk_mode] = {}

            if ':' in line:
                comps = line.split(':')
                fields = comps[1].split()
                disk_mode = comps[0].lstrip()
                procn = len(ret[disk_name])
                ret[disk_name][procn][disk_mode] = {}
                comps = line.split()
                for i in range(0, len(fields)):
                    if len(comps) > i:
                        ret[disk_name][procn][disk_mode][fields[i]] = comps[i]

        return ret

    # dict that return a function that does the right thing per platform
    get_version = {
        'Linux': linux_diskstats,
        'FreeBSD': generic_diskstats,
        'SunOS': generic_diskstats,
        'AIX': aix_diskstats,

    errmsg = 'This method is unsupported on the current operating system!'
    return get_version.get(__grains__['kernel'], lambda: errmsg)()

def diskusage(*args):
    Return the disk usage for this minion


        salt '*' status.diskusage [paths and/or filesystem types]

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.diskusage         # usage for all filesystems
        salt '*' status.diskusage / /tmp  # usage for / and /tmp
        salt '*' status.diskusage ext?    # usage for ext[234] filesystems
        salt '*' status.diskusage / ext?  # usage for / and all ext filesystems
    selected = set()
    fstypes = set()
    if not args:
        # select all filesystems
        for arg in args:
            if arg.startswith('/'):
                # select path
                # select fstype

    if fstypes:
        # determine which mount points host the specified fstypes
        regex = re.compile(
                fnmatch.translate(fstype).format('(%s)') for fstype in fstypes
        # ifile source of data varies with OS, otherwise all the same
        if __grains__['kernel'] == 'Linux':
                with salt.utils.files.fopen('/proc/mounts', 'r') as fp_:
                    ifile = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
            except OSError:
                return {}
        elif __grains__['kernel'] in ('FreeBSD', 'SunOS'):
            ifile = __salt__['']('mount -p').splitlines()
            raise CommandExecutionError('status.diskusage not yet supported on this platform')

        for line in ifile:
            comps = line.split()
            if __grains__['kernel'] == 'SunOS':
                if len(comps) >= 4:
                    mntpt = comps[2]
                    fstype = comps[3]
                    if regex.match(fstype):
                if len(comps) >= 3:
                    mntpt = comps[1]
                    fstype = comps[2]
                    if regex.match(fstype):

    # query the filesystems disk usage
    ret = {}
    for path in selected:
        fsstats = os.statvfs(path)
        blksz = fsstats.f_bsize
        available = fsstats.f_bavail * blksz
        total = fsstats.f_blocks * blksz
        ret[path] = {"available": available, "total": total}
    return ret

def vmstats():
    .. versionchanged:: 2016.3.2
        Return the virtual memory stats for this minion

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.vmstats
    def linux_vmstats():
        linux specific implementation of vmstats
        ret = {}
            with salt.utils.files.fopen('/proc/vmstat', 'r') as fp_:
                stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
        except IOError:
            for line in stats.splitlines():
                if not line:
                comps = line.split()
                ret[comps[0]] = _number(comps[1])
        return ret

    def generic_vmstats():
        generic implementation of vmstats
        note: works on FreeBSD, SunOS and OpenBSD (possibly others)
        ret = {}
        for line in __salt__['']('vmstat -s').splitlines():
            comps = line.split()
            if comps[0].isdigit():
                ret[' '.join(comps[1:])] = _number(comps[0].strip())
        return ret

    # dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
    get_version = {
        'Linux': linux_vmstats,
        'FreeBSD': generic_vmstats,
        'OpenBSD': generic_vmstats,
        'SunOS': generic_vmstats,
        'AIX': generic_vmstats,

    errmsg = 'This method is unsupported on the current operating system!'
    return get_version.get(__grains__['kernel'], lambda: errmsg)()

def nproc():
    Return the number of processing units available on this system

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    .. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0
        Added support for Darwin, FreeBSD and OpenBSD

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.nproc
    def linux_nproc():
        linux specific implementation of nproc
            return _number(__salt__['']('nproc').strip())
        except ValueError:
            return 0

    def generic_nproc():
        generic implementation of nproc
        ncpu_data = __salt__['sysctl.get']('hw.ncpu')
        if not ncpu_data:
            # We need at least one CPU to run
            return 1
            return _number(ncpu_data)

    # dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
    get_version = {
        'Linux': linux_nproc,
        'Darwin': generic_nproc,
        'FreeBSD': generic_nproc,
        'OpenBSD': generic_nproc,
        'AIX': _aix_nproc,

    errmsg = 'This method is unsupported on the current operating system!'
    return get_version.get(__grains__['kernel'], lambda: errmsg)()

def netstats():
    Return the network stats for this minion

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    .. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0
        Added support for OpenBSD

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.netstats
    def linux_netstats():
        linux specific netstats implementation
        ret = {}
            with salt.utils.files.fopen('/proc/net/netstat', 'r') as fp_:
                stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
        except IOError:
            headers = ['']
            for line in stats.splitlines():
                if not line:
                comps = line.split()
                if comps[0] == headers[0]:
                    index = len(headers) - 1
                    row = {}
                    for field in range(index):
                        if field < 1:
                            row[headers[field]] = _number(comps[field])
                    rowname = headers[0].replace(':', '')
                    ret[rowname] = row
                    headers = comps
        return ret

    def freebsd_netstats():
        return bsd_netstats()

    def bsd_netstats():
        bsd specific netstats implementation
        ret = {}
        for line in __salt__['']('netstat -s').splitlines():
            if line.startswith('\t\t'):
                continue  # Skip, too detailed
            if not line.startswith('\t'):
                key = line.split()[0].replace(':', '')
                ret[key] = {}
                comps = line.split()
                if comps[0].isdigit():
                    ret[key][' '.join(comps[1:])] = comps[0]
        return ret

    def sunos_netstats():
        sunos specific netstats implementation
        ret = {}
        for line in __salt__['']('netstat -s').splitlines():
            line = line.replace('=', ' = ').split()
            if len(line) > 6:
            if '=' in line:
                if len(line) >= 3:
                    if line[2].isdigit() or line[2][0] == '-':
                        line[2] = _number(line[2])
                    ret[line[0]] = line[2]
                if len(line) >= 6:
                    if line[5].isdigit() or line[5][0] == '-':
                        line[5] = _number(line[5])
                    ret[line[3]] = line[5]
        return ret

    def aix_netstats():
        AIX specific netstats implementation
        ret = {}
        fields = []
        procn = None
        proto_name = None
        for line in __salt__['']('netstat -s').splitlines():
            if not line:

            if not re.match(r'\s', line) and ':' in line:
                comps = line.split(':')
                proto_name = comps[0]
                ret[proto_name] = []
                procn = len(ret[proto_name])
                comps = line.split()
                comps[0] = comps[0].strip()
                if comps[0].isdigit():
                    ret[proto_name][procn][' '.join(comps[1:])] = _number(comps[0])

        return ret

    # dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
    get_version = {
        'Linux': linux_netstats,
        'FreeBSD': bsd_netstats,
        'OpenBSD': bsd_netstats,
        'SunOS': sunos_netstats,
        'AIX': aix_netstats,

    errmsg = 'This method is unsupported on the current operating system!'
    return get_version.get(__grains__['kernel'], lambda: errmsg)()

def netdev():
    .. versionchanged:: 2016.3.2
        Return the network device stats for this minion

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.netdev
    def linux_netdev():
        linux specific implementation of netdev
        ret = {}
            with salt.utils.files.fopen('/proc/net/dev', 'r') as fp_:
                stats = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
        except IOError:
            for line in stats.splitlines():
                if not line:
                if line.find(':') < 0:
                comps = line.split()
                # Fix lines like eth0:9999..'
                comps[0] = line.split(':')[0].strip()
                # Support lines both like eth0:999 and eth0: 9999
                comps.insert(1, line.split(':')[1].strip().split()[0])
                ret[comps[0]] = {'iface': comps[0],
                                 'rx_bytes': _number(comps[2]),
                                 'rx_compressed': _number(comps[8]),
                                 'rx_drop': _number(comps[5]),
                                 'rx_errs': _number(comps[4]),
                                 'rx_fifo': _number(comps[6]),
                                 'rx_frame': _number(comps[7]),
                                 'rx_multicast': _number(comps[9]),
                                 'rx_packets': _number(comps[3]),
                                 'tx_bytes': _number(comps[10]),
                                 'tx_carrier': _number(comps[16]),
                                 'tx_colls': _number(comps[15]),
                                 'tx_compressed': _number(comps[17]),
                                 'tx_drop': _number(comps[13]),
                                 'tx_errs': _number(comps[12]),
                                 'tx_fifo': _number(comps[14]),
                                 'tx_packets': _number(comps[11])}
        return ret

    def freebsd_netdev():
        freebsd specific implementation of netdev
        _dict_tree = lambda: collections.defaultdict(_dict_tree)
        ret = _dict_tree()
        netstat = __salt__['']('netstat -i -n -4 -b -d').splitlines()
        netstat += __salt__['']('netstat -i -n -6 -b -d').splitlines()[1:]
        header = netstat[0].split()
        for line in netstat[1:]:
            comps = line.split()
            for i in range(4, 13):  # The columns we want
                ret[comps[0]][comps[2]][comps[3]][header[i]] = _number(comps[i])
        return ret

    def sunos_netdev():
        sunos specific implementation of netdev
        ret = {}
        ##NOTE: we cannot use hwaddr_interfaces here, so we grab both ip4 and ip6
        for dev in __grains__['ip4_interfaces'].keys() + __grains__['ip6_interfaces']:
            # fetch device info
            netstat_ipv4 = __salt__['']('netstat -i -I {dev} -n -f inet'.format(dev=dev)).splitlines()
            netstat_ipv6 = __salt__['']('netstat -i -I {dev} -n -f inet6'.format(dev=dev)).splitlines()

            # prepare data
            netstat_ipv4[0] = netstat_ipv4[0].split()
            netstat_ipv4[1] = netstat_ipv4[1].split()
            netstat_ipv6[0] = netstat_ipv6[0].split()
            netstat_ipv6[1] = netstat_ipv6[1].split()

            # add data
            ret[dev] = {}
            for i in range(len(netstat_ipv4[0])-1):
                if netstat_ipv4[0][i] == 'Name':
                if netstat_ipv4[0][i] in ['Address', 'Net/Dest']:
                    ret[dev]['IPv4 {field}'.format(field=netstat_ipv4[0][i])] = netstat_ipv4[1][i]
                    ret[dev][netstat_ipv4[0][i]] = _number(netstat_ipv4[1][i])
            for i in range(len(netstat_ipv6[0])-1):
                if netstat_ipv6[0][i] == 'Name':
                if netstat_ipv6[0][i] in ['Address', 'Net/Dest']:
                    ret[dev]['IPv6 {field}'.format(field=netstat_ipv6[0][i])] = netstat_ipv6[1][i]
                    ret[dev][netstat_ipv6[0][i]] = _number(netstat_ipv6[1][i])

        return ret

    def aix_netdev():
        AIX specific implementation of netdev
        ret = {}
        fields = []
        procn = None
        for dev in __grains__['ip4_interfaces'].keys() + __grains__['ip6_interfaces'].keys():
            # fetch device info
            #root@la68pp002_pub:/opt/salt/lib/python2.7/site-packages/salt/modules# netstat -i -n -I en0 -f inet6
            #Name  Mtu   Network     Address            Ipkts Ierrs    Opkts Oerrs  Coll
            #en0   1500  link#3      e2.eb.32.42.84.c 10029668     0   446490     0     0
            #en0   1500  172.29.128    10029668     0   446490     0     0
            #root@la68pp002_pub:/opt/salt/lib/python2.7/site-packages/salt/modules# netstat -i -n -I en0 -f inet6
            #Name  Mtu   Network     Address            Ipkts Ierrs    Opkts Oerrs  Coll
            #en0   1500  link#3      e2.eb.32.42.84.c 10029731     0   446499     0     0

            netstat_ipv4 = __salt__['']('netstat -i -n -I {dev} -f inet'.format(dev=dev)).splitlines()
            netstat_ipv6 = __salt__['']('netstat -i -n -I {dev} -f inet6'.format(dev=dev)).splitlines()

            # add data
            ret[dev] = []

            for line in netstat_ipv4:
                if line.startswith('Name'):
                    fields = line.split()

                comps = line.split()
                if len(comps) < 3:
                    raise CommandExecutionError('Insufficent data returned by command to process \'{0}\''.format(line))

                if comps[2].startswith('link'):

                procn = len(ret[dev])
                ret[dev][procn]['ipv4'] = {}
                for i in range(1, len(fields)):
                    if len(comps) > i:
                        ret[dev][procn]['ipv4'][fields[i]] = comps[i]

            for line in netstat_ipv6:
                if line.startswith('Name'):
                    fields = line.split()

                comps = line.split()
                if len(comps) < 3:
                    raise CommandExecutionError('Insufficent data returned by command to process \'{0}\''.format(line))

                if comps[2].startswith('link'):

                procn = len(ret[dev])
                ret[dev][procn]['ipv6'] = {}
                for i in range(1, len(fields)):
                    if len(comps) > i:
                        ret[dev][procn]['ipv6'][fields[i]] = comps[i]

        return ret

    # dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
    get_version = {
        'Linux': linux_netdev,
        'FreeBSD': freebsd_netdev,
        'SunOS': sunos_netdev,
        'AIX': aix_netdev,

    errmsg = 'This method is unsupported on the current operating system!'
    return get_version.get(__grains__['kernel'], lambda: errmsg)()

def w():  # pylint: disable=C0103
    Return a list of logged in users for this minion, using the w command

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.w
    def linux_w():
        Linux specific implementation for w
        user_list = []
        users = __salt__['']('w -fh').splitlines()
        for row in users:
            if not row:
            comps = row.split()
            rec = {'idle': comps[3],
                   'jcpu': comps[4],
                   'login': comps[2],
                   'pcpu': comps[5],
                   'tty': comps[1],
                   'user': comps[0],
                   'what': ' '.join(comps[6:])}
        return user_list

    def bsd_w():
        Generic BSD implementation for w
        user_list = []
        users = __salt__['']('w -h').splitlines()
        for row in users:
            if not row:
            comps = row.split()
            rec = {'from': comps[2],
                   'idle': comps[4],
                   'login': comps[3],
                   'tty': comps[1],
                   'user': comps[0],
                   'what': ' '.join(comps[5:])}
        return user_list

    # dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
    get_version = {
        'Darwin': bsd_w,
        'FreeBSD': bsd_w,
        'Linux': linux_w,
        'OpenBSD': bsd_w,

    errmsg = 'This method is unsupported on the current operating system!'
    return get_version.get(__grains__['kernel'], lambda: errmsg)()

def all_status():
    Return a composite of all status data and info for this minion.
    Warning: There is a LOT here!

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.all_status
    return {'cpuinfo': cpuinfo(),
            'cpustats': cpustats(),
            'diskstats': diskstats(),
            'diskusage': diskusage(),
            'loadavg': loadavg(),
            'meminfo': meminfo(),
            'netdev': netdev(),
            'netstats': netstats(),
            'uptime': uptime(),
            'vmstats': vmstats(),
            'w': w()}

def pid(sig):
    Return the PID or an empty string if the process is running or not.
    Pass a signature to use to find the process via ps.  Note you can pass
    a Python-compatible regular expression to return all pids of
    processes matching the regexp.

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' <sig>

    cmd = __grains__['ps']
    output = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](cmd, python_shell=True)

    pids = ''
    for line in output.splitlines():
        if '' in line:
        if, line):
            if pids:
                pids += '\n'
            pids += line.split()[1]

    return pids

def version():
    Return the system version for this minion

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    .. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0
        Added support for OpenBSD

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.version
    def linux_version():
        linux specific implementation of version
            with salt.utils.files.fopen('/proc/version', 'r') as fp_:
                return salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(
        except IOError:
            return {}

    def bsd_version():
        bsd specific implementation of version
        return __salt__['']('sysctl -n kern.version')

    # dict that returns a function that does the right thing per platform
    get_version = {
        'Linux': linux_version,
        'FreeBSD': bsd_version,
        'OpenBSD': bsd_version,
        'AIX': lambda: __salt__['']('oslevel -s'),

    errmsg = 'This method is unsupported on the current operating system!'
    return get_version.get(__grains__['kernel'], lambda: errmsg)()

def master(master=None, connected=True):
    .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0

    Return the connection status with master. Fire an event if the
    connection to master is not as expected. This function is meant to be
    run via a scheduled job from the minion. If master_ip is an FQDN/Hostname,
    it must be resolvable to a valid IPv4 address.

    .. versionchanged:: 2016.11.4
        Added support for AIX

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.master
    master_ips = None

    if master:
        master_ips =

    if not master_ips:

    master_connection_status = False
    port = __salt__['config.get']('publish_port', default=4505)
    connected_ips =

    # Get connection status for master
    for master_ip in master_ips:
        if master_ip in connected_ips:
            master_connection_status = True

    # Connection to master is not as expected
    if master_connection_status is not connected:
        with salt.utils.event.get_event('minion', opts=__opts__, listen=False) as event:
            if master_connection_status:
                event.fire_event({'master': master}, salt.minion.master_event(type='connected'))
                event.fire_event({'master': master}, salt.minion.master_event(type='disconnected'))

    return master_connection_status

def ping_master(master):
    .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0

    Sends ping request to the given master. Fires '__master_failback' event on success.
    Returns bool result.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.ping_master localhost
    if master is None or master == '':
        return False

    opts = copy.deepcopy(__opts__)
    opts['master'] = master
    if 'master_ip' in opts:  # avoid 'master ip changed' warning
        del opts['master_ip']
        opts.update(salt.minion.resolve_dns(opts, fallback=False))
    except Exception:
        return False

    timeout = opts.get('auth_timeout', 60)
    load = {'cmd': 'ping'}

    result = False
    channel = salt.transport.client.ReqChannel.factory(opts, crypt='clear')
        payload = channel.send(load, tries=0, timeout=timeout)
        result = True
    except Exception as e:

    if result:
        with salt.utils.event.get_event('minion', opts=__opts__, listen=False) as event:
            event.fire_event({'master': master}, salt.minion.master_event(type='failback'))

    return result

def proxy_reconnect(proxy_name, opts=None):
    Forces proxy minion reconnection when not alive.

        The virtual name of the proxy module.

    opts: None
        Opts dictionary. Not intended for CLI usage.

    CLI Example:

        salt '*' status.proxy_reconnect rest_sample

    if not opts:
        opts = __opts__

    if 'proxy' not in opts:
        return False  # fail

    proxy_keepalive_fn = proxy_name+'.alive'
    if proxy_keepalive_fn not in __proxy__:
        return False  # fail

    is_alive = __proxy__[proxy_keepalive_fn](opts)
    if not is_alive:
        minion_id = opts.get('proxyid', '') or opts.get('id', '')'%s (%s proxy) is down. Restarting.', minion_id, proxy_name)
        __proxy__[proxy_name+'.shutdown'](opts)  # safely close connection
        __proxy__[proxy_name+'.init'](opts)  # reopen connection
        log.debug('Restarted %s (%s proxy)!', minion_id, proxy_name)

    return True  # success

def time_(format='%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p'):
    .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0

    Return the current time on the minion,
    formatted based on the format parameter.

    Default date format: Monday, 27. July 2015 07:55AM

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' status.time

        salt '*' status.time '%s'


    dt =
    return dt.strftime(format)