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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for handling OpenStack Swift calls
Author: Anthony Stanton <>

Inspired by the S3 and Nova modules

:depends:   - swiftclient Python module
:configuration: This module is not usable until the user, tenant, auth URL, and password or auth_key
    are specified either in a pillar or in the minion's config file.
    For example::

        keystone.user: admin
        keystone.tenant: admin
        keystone.auth_url: ''
        keystone.password: verybadpass
        # or
        keystone.auth_key: 203802934809284k2j34lkj2l3kj43k

    If configuration for multiple OpenStack accounts is required, they can be
    set up as different configuration profiles:
    For example::

          keystone.user: admin
          keystone.tenant: admin
          keystone.auth_url: ''
          keystone.password: verybadpass
          # or
          keystone.auth_key: 203802934809284k2j34lkj2l3kj43k

          keystone.user: admin
          keystone.tenant: admin
          keystone.auth_url: ''
          keystone.password: verybadpass
          # or
          keystone.auth_key: 303802934809284k2j34lkj2l3kj43k

    With this configuration in place, any of the swift functions can make use of
    a configuration profile by declaring it explicitly.
    For example::

        salt '*' swift.get mycontainer myfile /tmp/file profile=openstack1

    NOTE: For Rackspace cloud files setting keystone.auth_version = 1 is recommended.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function

# Import python libs
import logging

# Import salt libs
import salt.utils.openstack.swift as suos

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def __virtual__():
    Only load this module if swift
    is installed on this minion.
    return suos.check_swift()

__opts__ = {}

def _auth(profile=None):
    Set up openstack credentials
    if profile:
        credentials = __salt__['config.option'](profile)
        user = credentials['keystone.user']
        password = credentials.get('keystone.password', None)
        tenant = credentials['keystone.tenant']
        auth_url = credentials['keystone.auth_url']
        auth_version = credentials.get('keystone.auth_version', 2)
        region_name = credentials.get('keystone.region_name', None)
        api_key = credentials.get('keystone.api_key', None)
        os_auth_system = credentials.get('keystone.os_auth_system', None)
        user = __salt__['config.option']('keystone.user')
        password = __salt__['config.option']('keystone.password', None)
        tenant = __salt__['config.option']('keystone.tenant')
        auth_url = __salt__['config.option']('keystone.auth_url')
        auth_version = __salt__['config.option']('keystone.auth_version', 2)
        region_name = __salt__['config.option']('keystone.region_name')
        api_key = __salt__['config.option']('keystone.api_key')
        os_auth_system = __salt__['config.option']('keystone.os_auth_system')
    kwargs = {
        'user': user,
        'password': password,
        'key': api_key,
        'tenant_name': tenant,
        'auth_url': auth_url,
        'auth_version': auth_version,
        'region_name': region_name

    return suos.SaltSwift(**kwargs)

def delete(cont, path=None, profile=None):
    Delete a container, or delete an object from a container.

    CLI Example to delete a container::

        salt myminion swift.delete mycontainer

    CLI Example to delete an object from a container::

        salt myminion swift.delete mycontainer remoteobject
    swift_conn = _auth(profile)

    if path is None:
        return swift_conn.delete_container(cont)
        return swift_conn.delete_object(cont, path)

def get(cont=None, path=None, local_file=None, return_bin=False, profile=None):
    List the contents of a container, or return an object from a container. Set
    return_bin to True in order to retrieve an object wholesale. Otherwise,
    Salt will attempt to parse an XML response.

    CLI Example to list containers:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt myminion swift.get

    CLI Example to list the contents of a container:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt myminion swift.get mycontainer

    CLI Example to return the binary contents of an object:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt myminion swift.get mycontainer myfile.png return_bin=True

    CLI Example to save the binary contents of an object to a local file:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt myminion swift.get mycontainer myfile.png local_file=/tmp/myfile.png

    swift_conn = _auth(profile)

    if cont is None:
        return swift_conn.get_account()

    if path is None:
        return swift_conn.get_container(cont)

    if return_bin is True:
        return swift_conn.get_object(cont, path, return_bin)

    if local_file is not None:
        return swift_conn.get_object(cont, path, local_file)

    return False

def head():

def put(cont, path=None, local_file=None, profile=None):
    Create a new container, or upload an object to a container.

    CLI Example to create a container:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt myminion swift.put mycontainer

    CLI Example to upload an object to a container:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt myminion swift.put mycontainer remotepath local_file=/path/to/file
    swift_conn = _auth(profile)

    if path is None:
        return swift_conn.put_container(cont)
    elif local_file is not None:
        return swift_conn.put_object(cont, path, local_file)
        return False