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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides the service module for systemd

.. versionadded:: 0.10.0

.. important::
    If you feel that Salt should be using this module to manage services on a
    minion, and it is using a different module (or gives an error similar to
    *'service.start' is not available*), see :ref:`here

.. important::
    This is an implementation of virtual 'service' module. As such, you must
    call it under the name 'service' and NOT 'systemd'. You can see that also
    in the examples below.
# Import Python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import errno
import glob
import logging
import os
import fnmatch
import re
import shlex

# Import Salt libs
import salt.utils.files
import salt.utils.itertools
import salt.utils.path
import salt.utils.stringutils
import salt.utils.systemd
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError

# Import 3rd-party libs
from salt.ext import six

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__func_alias__ = {
    'reload_': 'reload',
    'unmask_': 'unmask',

SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATHS = ('/lib/systemd/system', '/usr/lib/systemd/system')
LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH = '/etc/systemd/system'
INITSCRIPT_PATH = '/etc/init.d'
VALID_UNIT_TYPES = ('service', 'socket', 'device', 'mount', 'automount',
                    'swap', 'target', 'path', 'timer')

# Define the module's virtual name
__virtualname__ = 'service'

# Disable check for string substitution
# pylint: disable=E1321

def __virtual__():
    Only work on systems that have been booted with systemd
    if __grains__.get('kernel') == 'Linux' \
       and salt.utils.systemd.booted(__context__):
        return __virtualname__
    return (
        'The systemd execution module failed to load: only available on Linux '
        'systems which have been booted with systemd.'

def _root(path, root):
    Relocate an absolute path to a new root directory.
    if root:
        return os.path.join(root, os.path.relpath(path, os.path.sep))
        return path

def _canonical_unit_name(name):
    Build a canonical unit name treating unit names without one
    of the valid suffixes as a service.
    if not isinstance(name, six.string_types):
        name = six.text_type(name)
    if any(name.endswith(suffix) for suffix in VALID_UNIT_TYPES):
        return name
    return '%s.service' % name

def _check_available(name):
    Returns boolean telling whether or not the named service is available
    _status = _systemctl_status(name)
    sd_version = salt.utils.systemd.version(__context__)
    if sd_version is not None and sd_version >= 231:
        # systemd 231 changed the output of "systemctl status" for unknown
        # services, and also made it return an exit status of 4. If we are on
        # a new enough version, check the retcode, otherwise fall back to
        # parsing the "systemctl status" output.
        # See:
        # Also:
        return 0 <= _status['retcode'] < 4

    out = _status['stdout'].lower()
    if 'could not be found' in out:
        # Catch cases where the systemd version is < 231 but the return code
        # and output changes have been backported (e.g. RHEL 7.3).
        return False

    for line in salt.utils.itertools.split(out, '\n'):
        match = re.match(r'\s+loaded:\s+(\S+)', line)
        if match:
            ret = != 'not-found'
        raise CommandExecutionError(
            'Failed to get information on unit \'%s\'' % name
    return ret

def _check_for_unit_changes(name):
    Check for modified/updated unit files, and run a daemon-reload if any are
    contextkey = 'systemd._check_for_unit_changes.{0}'.format(name)
    if contextkey not in __context__:
        if _untracked_custom_unit_found(name) or _unit_file_changed(name):
        # Set context key to avoid repeating this check
        __context__[contextkey] = True

def _check_unmask(name, unmask, unmask_runtime, root=None):
    Common code for conditionally removing masks before making changes to a
    service's state.
    if unmask:
        unmask_(name, runtime=False, root=root)
    if unmask_runtime:
        unmask_(name, runtime=True, root=root)

def _clear_context():
    Remove context
    # Using list() here because modifying a dictionary during iteration will
    # raise a RuntimeError.
    for key in list(__context__):
            if key.startswith('systemd._systemctl_status.'):
        except AttributeError:

def _default_runlevel():
    Try to figure out the default runlevel.  It is kept in
    /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf, but can be overridden with entries
    in /etc/inittab, or via the kernel command-line at boot
    # Try to get the "main" default.  If this fails, throw up our
    # hands and just guess "2", because things are horribly broken
        with salt.utils.files.fopen('/etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf') as fp_:
            for line in fp_:
                line = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(line)
                if line.startswith('env DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL'):
                    runlevel = line.split('=')[-1].strip()
    except Exception:
        return '2'

    # Look for an optional "legacy" override in /etc/inittab
        with salt.utils.files.fopen('/etc/inittab') as fp_:
            for line in fp_:
                line = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(line)
                if not line.startswith('#') and 'initdefault' in line:
                    runlevel = line.split(':')[1]
    except Exception:

    # The default runlevel can also be set via the kernel command-line.
    # Kinky.
        valid_strings = set(
            ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', 's', 'S', '-s', 'single'))
        with salt.utils.files.fopen('/proc/cmdline') as fp_:
            for line in fp_:
                line = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(line)
                for arg in line.strip().split():
                    if arg in valid_strings:
                        runlevel = arg
    except Exception:

    return runlevel

def _get_systemd_services(root):
    Use os.listdir() to get all the unit files
    ret = set()
        # Make sure user has access to the path, and if the path is a
        # link it's likely that another entry in SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATHS
        # or LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH points to it, so we can ignore it.
        path = _root(path, root)
        if os.access(path, os.R_OK) and not os.path.islink(path):
            for fullname in os.listdir(path):
                    unit_name, unit_type = fullname.rsplit('.', 1)
                except ValueError:
                if unit_type in VALID_UNIT_TYPES:
                    ret.add(unit_name if unit_type == 'service' else fullname)
    return ret

def _get_sysv_services(root, systemd_services=None):
    Use os.listdir() and os.access() to get all the initscripts
    initscript_path = _root(INITSCRIPT_PATH, root)
        sysv_services = os.listdir(initscript_path)
    except OSError as exc:
        if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
        elif exc.errno == errno.EACCES:
                'Unable to check sysvinit scripts, permission denied to %s',
                'Error %d encountered trying to check sysvinit scripts: %s',
        return []

    if systemd_services is None:
        systemd_services = _get_systemd_services(root)

    ret = []
    for sysv_service in sysv_services:
        if os.access(os.path.join(initscript_path, sysv_service), os.X_OK):
            if sysv_service in systemd_services:
                    'sysvinit script \'%s\' found, but systemd unit '
                    '\'%s.service\' already exists',
                    sysv_service, sysv_service
    return ret

def _get_service_exec():
    Returns the path to the sysv service manager (either update-rc.d or
    contextkey = 'systemd._get_service_exec'
    if contextkey not in __context__:
        executables = ('update-rc.d', 'chkconfig')
        for executable in executables:
            service_exec = salt.utils.path.which(executable)
            if service_exec is not None:
            raise CommandExecutionError(
                'Unable to find sysv service manager (tried {0})'.format(
                    ', '.join(executables)
        __context__[contextkey] = service_exec
    return __context__[contextkey]

def _runlevel():
    Return the current runlevel
    contextkey = 'systemd._runlevel'
    if contextkey in __context__:
        return __context__[contextkey]
    out = __salt__['']('runlevel', python_shell=False, ignore_retcode=True)
        ret = out.split()[1]
    except IndexError:
        # The runlevel is unknown, return the default
        ret = _default_runlevel()
    __context__[contextkey] = ret
    return ret

def _strip_scope(msg):
    Strip unnecessary message about running the command with --scope from
    stderr so that we can raise an exception with the remaining stderr text.
    ret = []
    for line in msg.splitlines():
        if not line.endswith('.scope'):
    return '\n'.join(ret).strip()

def _systemctl_cmd(action, name=None, systemd_scope=False, no_block=False,
    Build a systemctl command line. Treat unit names without one
    of the valid suffixes as a service.
    ret = []
    if systemd_scope \
            and salt.utils.systemd.has_scope(__context__) \
            and __salt__['config.get']('systemd.scope', True):
        ret.extend(['systemd-run', '--scope'])
    if no_block:
    if root:
        ret.extend(['--root', root])
    if isinstance(action, six.string_types):
        action = shlex.split(action)
    if name is not None:
    if 'status' in ret:
        ret.extend(['-n', '0'])
    return ret

def _systemctl_status(name):
    Helper function which leverages __context__ to keep from running 'systemctl
    status' more than once.
    contextkey = 'systemd._systemctl_status.%s' % name
    if contextkey in __context__:
        return __context__[contextkey]
    __context__[contextkey] = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](
        _systemctl_cmd('status', name),
    return __context__[contextkey]

def _sysv_enabled(name, root):
    A System-V style service is assumed disabled if the "startup" symlink
    (starts with "S") to its script is found in /etc/init.d in the current
    # Find exact match (disambiguate matches like "S01anacron" for cron)
    rc = _root('/etc/rc{}.d/S*{}'.format(_runlevel(), name), root)
    for match in glob.glob(rc):
        if re.match(r'S\d{,2}%s' % name, os.path.basename(match)):
            return True
    return False

def _untracked_custom_unit_found(name, root=None):
    If the passed service name is not available, but a unit file exist in
    /etc/systemd/system, return True. Otherwise, return False.
    system = _root('/etc/systemd/system', root)
    unit_path = os.path.join(system, _canonical_unit_name(name))
    return os.access(unit_path, os.R_OK) and not _check_available(name)

def _unit_file_changed(name):
    Returns True if systemctl reports that the unit file has changed, otherwise
    returns False.
    status = _systemctl_status(name)['stdout'].lower()
    return "'systemctl daemon-reload'" in status

def systemctl_reload():
    .. versionadded:: 0.15.0

    Reloads systemctl, an action needed whenever unit files are updated.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.systemctl_reload
    out = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](
        _systemctl_cmd('--system daemon-reload'),
    if out['retcode'] != 0:
        raise CommandExecutionError(
            'Problem performing systemctl daemon-reload: %s' % out['stdout']
    return True

def get_running():
    Return a list of all running services, so far as systemd is concerned

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.get_running
    ret = set()
    # Get running systemd units
    out = __salt__[''](
        _systemctl_cmd('--full --no-legend --no-pager'),
    for line in salt.utils.itertools.split(out, '\n'):
            comps = line.strip().split()
            fullname = comps[0]
            if len(comps) > 3:
                active_state = comps[3]
        except ValueError as exc:
            if active_state != 'running':
            unit_name, unit_type = fullname.rsplit('.', 1)
        except ValueError:
        if unit_type in VALID_UNIT_TYPES:
            ret.add(unit_name if unit_type == 'service' else fullname)

    return sorted(ret)

def get_enabled(root=None):
    Return a list of all enabled services

        Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.get_enabled
    ret = set()
    # Get enabled systemd units. Can't use --state=enabled here because it's
    # not present until systemd 216.
    out = __salt__[''](
        _systemctl_cmd('--full --no-legend --no-pager list-unit-files',
    for line in salt.utils.itertools.split(out, '\n'):
            fullname, unit_state = line.strip().split(None, 1)
        except ValueError:
            if unit_state != 'enabled':
            unit_name, unit_type = fullname.rsplit('.', 1)
        except ValueError:
        if unit_type in VALID_UNIT_TYPES:
            ret.add(unit_name if unit_type == 'service' else fullname)

    # Add in any sysvinit services that are enabled
        [x for x in _get_sysv_services(root) if _sysv_enabled(x, root)]
    return sorted(ret)

def get_disabled(root=None):
    Return a list of all disabled services

        Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.get_disabled
    ret = set()
    # Get disabled systemd units. Can't use --state=disabled here because it's
    # not present until systemd 216.
    out = __salt__[''](
        _systemctl_cmd('--full --no-legend --no-pager list-unit-files',
    for line in salt.utils.itertools.split(out, '\n'):
            fullname, unit_state = line.strip().split(None, 1)
        except ValueError:
            if unit_state != 'disabled':
            unit_name, unit_type = fullname.rsplit('.', 1)
        except ValueError:
        if unit_type in VALID_UNIT_TYPES:
            ret.add(unit_name if unit_type == 'service' else fullname)

    # Add in any sysvinit services that are disabled
        [x for x in _get_sysv_services(root) if not _sysv_enabled(x, root)]
    return sorted(ret)

def get_static(root=None):
    .. versionadded:: 2015.8.5

    Return a list of all static services

        Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.get_static
    ret = set()
    # Get static systemd units. Can't use --state=static here because it's
    # not present until systemd 216.
    out = __salt__[''](
        _systemctl_cmd('--full --no-legend --no-pager list-unit-files',
    for line in salt.utils.itertools.split(out, '\n'):
            fullname, unit_state = line.strip().split(None, 1)
        except ValueError:
            if unit_state != 'static':
            unit_name, unit_type = fullname.rsplit('.', 1)
        except ValueError:
        if unit_type in VALID_UNIT_TYPES:
            ret.add(unit_name if unit_type == 'service' else fullname)

    # sysvinit services cannot be static
    return sorted(ret)

def get_all(root=None):
    Return a list of all available services

        Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.get_all
    ret = _get_systemd_services(root)
    ret.update(set(_get_sysv_services(root, systemd_services=ret)))
    return sorted(ret)

def available(name):
    .. versionadded:: 0.10.4

    Check that the given service is available taking into account template

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.available sshd
    return _check_available(name)

def missing(name):
    .. versionadded:: 2014.1.0

    The inverse of :py:func:`service.available
    <salt.modules.systemd.available>`. Returns ``True`` if the specified
    service is not available, otherwise returns ``False``.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.missing sshd
    return not available(name)

def unmask_(name, runtime=False, root=None):
    .. versionadded:: 2015.5.0
    .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0
        On minions running systemd>=205, `systemd-run(1)`_ is now used to
        isolate commands run by this function from the ``salt-minion`` daemon's
        control group. This is done to avoid a race condition in cases where
        the ``salt-minion`` service is restarted while a service is being
        modified. If desired, usage of `systemd-run(1)`_ can be suppressed by
        setting a :mod:`config option <salt.modules.config.get>` called
        ``systemd.scope``, with a value of ``False`` (no quotes).

    .. _`systemd-run(1)`:

    Unmask the specified service with systemd

    runtime : False
        Set to ``True`` to unmask this service only until the next reboot

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous versions, this function would remove whichever mask was
            identified by running ``systemctl is-enabled`` on the service.
            However, since it is possible to both have both indefinite and
            runtime masks on a service simultaneously, this function now
            removes a runtime mask only when this argument is set to ``True``,
            and otherwise removes an indefinite mask.

        Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.unmask foo
        salt '*' service.unmask foo runtime=True
    if not masked(name, runtime, root=root):
        log.debug('Service \'%s\' is not %smasked',
                  name, 'runtime-' if runtime else '')
        return True

    cmd = 'unmask --runtime' if runtime else 'unmask'
    out = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](
        _systemctl_cmd(cmd, name, systemd_scope=True, root=root),

    if out['retcode'] != 0:
        raise CommandExecutionError('Failed to unmask service \'%s\'' % name)

    return True

def mask(name, runtime=False, root=None):
    .. versionadded:: 2015.5.0
    .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0
        On minions running systemd>=205, `systemd-run(1)`_ is now used to
        isolate commands run by this function from the ``salt-minion`` daemon's
        control group. This is done to avoid a race condition in cases where
        the ``salt-minion`` service is restarted while a service is being
        modified. If desired, usage of `systemd-run(1)`_ can be suppressed by
        setting a :mod:`config option <salt.modules.config.get>` called
        ``systemd.scope``, with a value of ``False`` (no quotes).

    .. _`systemd-run(1)`:

    Mask the specified service with systemd

    runtime : False
        Set to ``True`` to mask this service only until the next reboot

        .. versionadded:: 2015.8.5

        Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.mask foo
        salt '*' service.mask foo runtime=True

    cmd = 'mask --runtime' if runtime else 'mask'
    out = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](
        _systemctl_cmd(cmd, name, systemd_scope=True, root=root),

    if out['retcode'] != 0:
        raise CommandExecutionError(
            'Failed to mask service \'%s\'' % name,

    return True

def masked(name, runtime=False, root=None):
    .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0
    .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.5
        The return data for this function has changed. If the service is
        masked, the return value will now be the output of the ``systemctl
        is-enabled`` command (so that a persistent mask can be distinguished
        from a runtime mask). If the service is not masked, then ``False`` will
        be returned.
    .. versionchanged:: 2017.7.0
        This function now returns a boolean telling the user whether a mask
        specified by the new ``runtime`` argument is set. If ``runtime`` is
        ``False``, this function will return ``True`` if an indefinite mask is
        set for the named service (otherwise ``False`` will be returned). If
        ``runtime`` is ``False``, this function will return ``True`` if a
        runtime mask is set, otherwise ``False``.

    Check whether or not a service is masked

    runtime : False
        Set to ``True`` to check for a runtime mask

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous versions, this function would simply return the output
            of ``systemctl is-enabled`` when the service was found to be
            masked. However, since it is possible to both have both indefinite
            and runtime masks on a service simultaneously, this function now
            only checks for runtime masks if this argument is set to ``True``.
            Otherwise, it will check for an indefinite mask.

        Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.masked foo
        salt '*' service.masked foo runtime=True
    root_dir = _root('/run' if runtime else '/etc', root)
    link_path = os.path.join(root_dir,
        return os.readlink(link_path) == '/dev/null'
    except OSError as exc:
        if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                'Path %s does not exist. This is normal if service \'%s\' is '
                'not masked or does not exist.', link_path, name
        elif exc.errno == errno.EINVAL:
                'Failed to check mask status for service %s. Path %s is a '
                'file, not a symlink. This could be caused by changes in '
                'systemd and is probably a bug in Salt. Please report this '
                'to the developers.', name, link_path
        return False

def start(name, no_block=False, unmask=False, unmask_runtime=False):
    .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0
        On minions running systemd>=205, `systemd-run(1)`_ is now used to
        isolate commands run by this function from the ``salt-minion`` daemon's
        control group. This is done to avoid a race condition in cases where
        the ``salt-minion`` service is restarted while a service is being
        modified. If desired, usage of `systemd-run(1)`_ can be suppressed by
        setting a :mod:`config option <salt.modules.config.get>` called
        ``systemd.scope``, with a value of ``False`` (no quotes).

    .. _`systemd-run(1)`:

    Start the specified service with systemd

    no_block : False
        Set to ``True`` to start the service using ``--no-block``.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0

    unmask : False
        Set to ``True`` to remove an indefinite mask before attempting to start
        the service.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous releases, Salt would simply unmask a service before
            starting. This behavior is no longer the default.

    unmask_runtime : False
        Set to ``True`` to remove a runtime mask before attempting to start the

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous releases, Salt would simply unmask a service before
            starting. This behavior is no longer the default.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.start <service name>
    _check_unmask(name, unmask, unmask_runtime)
    ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](
        _systemctl_cmd('start', name, systemd_scope=True, no_block=no_block),

    if ret['retcode'] != 0:
        # Instead of returning a bool, raise an exception so that we can
        # include the error message in the return data. This helps give more
        # information to the user in instances where the service is masked.
        raise CommandExecutionError(_strip_scope(ret['stderr']))
    return True

def stop(name, no_block=False):
    .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0
        On minions running systemd>=205, `systemd-run(1)`_ is now used to
        isolate commands run by this function from the ``salt-minion`` daemon's
        control group. This is done to avoid a race condition in cases where
        the ``salt-minion`` service is restarted while a service is being
        modified. If desired, usage of `systemd-run(1)`_ can be suppressed by
        setting a :mod:`config option <salt.modules.config.get>` called
        ``systemd.scope``, with a value of ``False`` (no quotes).

    .. _`systemd-run(1)`:

    Stop the specified service with systemd

    no_block : False
        Set to ``True`` to start the service using ``--no-block``.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.stop <service name>
    # Using cmd.run_all instead of cmd.retcode here to make unit tests easier
    return __salt__['cmd.run_all'](
        _systemctl_cmd('stop', name, systemd_scope=True, no_block=no_block),
        python_shell=False)['retcode'] == 0

def restart(name, no_block=False, unmask=False, unmask_runtime=False):
    .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0
        On minions running systemd>=205, `systemd-run(1)`_ is now used to
        isolate commands run by this function from the ``salt-minion`` daemon's
        control group. This is done to avoid a race condition in cases where
        the ``salt-minion`` service is restarted while a service is being
        modified. If desired, usage of `systemd-run(1)`_ can be suppressed by
        setting a :mod:`config option <salt.modules.config.get>` called
        ``systemd.scope``, with a value of ``False`` (no quotes).

    .. _`systemd-run(1)`:

    Restart the specified service with systemd

    no_block : False
        Set to ``True`` to start the service using ``--no-block``.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0

    unmask : False
        Set to ``True`` to remove an indefinite mask before attempting to
        restart the service.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous releases, Salt would simply unmask a service before
            restarting. This behavior is no longer the default.

    unmask_runtime : False
        Set to ``True`` to remove a runtime mask before attempting to restart
        the service.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous releases, Salt would simply unmask a service before
            restarting. This behavior is no longer the default.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.restart <service name>
    _check_unmask(name, unmask, unmask_runtime)
    ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](
        _systemctl_cmd('restart', name, systemd_scope=True, no_block=no_block),

    if ret['retcode'] != 0:
        # Instead of returning a bool, raise an exception so that we can
        # include the error message in the return data. This helps give more
        # information to the user in instances where the service is masked.
        raise CommandExecutionError(_strip_scope(ret['stderr']))
    return True

def reload_(name, no_block=False, unmask=False, unmask_runtime=False):
    .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0
        On minions running systemd>=205, `systemd-run(1)`_ is now used to
        isolate commands run by this function from the ``salt-minion`` daemon's
        control group. This is done to avoid a race condition in cases where
        the ``salt-minion`` service is restarted while a service is being
        modified. If desired, usage of `systemd-run(1)`_ can be suppressed by
        setting a :mod:`config option <salt.modules.config.get>` called
        ``systemd.scope``, with a value of ``False`` (no quotes).

    .. _`systemd-run(1)`:

    Reload the specified service with systemd

    no_block : False
        Set to ``True`` to reload the service using ``--no-block``.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0

    unmask : False
        Set to ``True`` to remove an indefinite mask before attempting to
        reload the service.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous releases, Salt would simply unmask a service before
            reloading. This behavior is no longer the default.

    unmask_runtime : False
        Set to ``True`` to remove a runtime mask before attempting to reload
        the service.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous releases, Salt would simply unmask a service before
            reloading. This behavior is no longer the default.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.reload <service name>
    _check_unmask(name, unmask, unmask_runtime)
    ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](
        _systemctl_cmd('reload', name, systemd_scope=True, no_block=no_block),

    if ret['retcode'] != 0:
        # Instead of returning a bool, raise an exception so that we can
        # include the error message in the return data. This helps give more
        # information to the user in instances where the service is masked.
        raise CommandExecutionError(_strip_scope(ret['stderr']))
    return True

def force_reload(name, no_block=True, unmask=False, unmask_runtime=False):
    .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0
        On minions running systemd>=205, `systemd-run(1)`_ is now used to
        isolate commands run by this function from the ``salt-minion`` daemon's
        control group. This is done to avoid a race condition in cases where
        the ``salt-minion`` service is restarted while a service is being
        modified. If desired, usage of `systemd-run(1)`_ can be suppressed by
        setting a :mod:`config option <salt.modules.config.get>` called
        ``systemd.scope``, with a value of ``False`` (no quotes).

    .. _`systemd-run(1)`:

    .. versionadded:: 0.12.0

    Force-reload the specified service with systemd

    no_block : False
        Set to ``True`` to start the service using ``--no-block``.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0

    unmask : False
        Set to ``True`` to remove an indefinite mask before attempting to
        force-reload the service.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous releases, Salt would simply unmask a service before
            force-reloading. This behavior is no longer the default.

    unmask_runtime : False
        Set to ``True`` to remove a runtime mask before attempting to
        force-reload the service.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous releases, Salt would simply unmask a service before
            force-reloading. This behavior is no longer the default.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.force_reload <service name>
    _check_unmask(name, unmask, unmask_runtime)
    ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](
        _systemctl_cmd('force-reload', name,
                       systemd_scope=True, no_block=no_block),

    if ret['retcode'] != 0:
        # Instead of returning a bool, raise an exception so that we can
        # include the error message in the return data. This helps give more
        # information to the user in instances where the service is masked.
        raise CommandExecutionError(_strip_scope(ret['stderr']))
    return True

# The unused sig argument is required to maintain consistency with the API
# established by Salt's service management states.
def status(name, sig=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Return the status for a service via systemd.
    If the name contains globbing, a dict mapping service name to True/False
    values is returned.

    .. versionchanged:: 2018.3.0
        The service name can now be a glob (e.g. ``salt*``)

        name (str): The name of the service to check
        sig (str): Not implemented

        bool: True if running, False otherwise
        dict: Maps service name to True if running, False otherwise

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.status <service name> [service signature]
    contains_globbing = bool('\*|\?|\[.+\]', name))
    if contains_globbing:
        services = fnmatch.filter(get_all(), name)
        services = [name]
    results = {}
    for service in services:
        results[service] = __salt__['cmd.retcode'](
            _systemctl_cmd('is-active', service),
            ignore_retcode=True) == 0
    if contains_globbing:
        return results
    return results[name]

# **kwargs is required to maintain consistency with the API established by
# Salt's service management states.
def enable(name, no_block=False, unmask=False, unmask_runtime=False,
           root=None, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0
        On minions running systemd>=205, `systemd-run(1)`_ is now used to
        isolate commands run by this function from the ``salt-minion`` daemon's
        control group. This is done to avoid a race condition in cases where
        the ``salt-minion`` service is restarted while a service is being
        modified. If desired, usage of `systemd-run(1)`_ can be suppressed by
        setting a :mod:`config option <salt.modules.config.get>` called
        ``systemd.scope``, with a value of ``False`` (no quotes).

    .. _`systemd-run(1)`:

    Enable the named service to start when the system boots

    no_block : False
        Set to ``True`` to start the service using ``--no-block``.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0

    unmask : False
        Set to ``True`` to remove an indefinite mask before attempting to
        enable the service.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous releases, Salt would simply unmask a service before
            enabling. This behavior is no longer the default.

    unmask_runtime : False
        Set to ``True`` to remove a runtime mask before attempting to enable
        the service.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous releases, Salt would simply unmask a service before
            enabling. This behavior is no longer the default.

        Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.enable <service name>
    _check_unmask(name, unmask, unmask_runtime, root)
    if name in _get_sysv_services(root):
        cmd = []
        if salt.utils.systemd.has_scope(__context__) \
                and __salt__['config.get']('systemd.scope', True):
            cmd.extend(['systemd-run', '--scope'])
        service_exec = _get_service_exec()
        if service_exec.endswith('/update-rc.d'):
            cmd.extend([service_exec, '-f', name, 'defaults', '99'])
        elif service_exec.endswith('/chkconfig'):
            cmd.extend([service_exec, name, 'on'])
        return __salt__['cmd.retcode'](cmd,
                                       ignore_retcode=True) == 0
    ret = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](
        _systemctl_cmd('enable', name, systemd_scope=True, no_block=no_block,

    if ret['retcode'] != 0:
        # Instead of returning a bool, raise an exception so that we can
        # include the error message in the return data. This helps give more
        # information to the user in instances where the service is masked.
        raise CommandExecutionError(_strip_scope(ret['stderr']))
    return True

# The unused kwargs argument is required to maintain consistency with the API
# established by Salt's service management states.
def disable(name, no_block=False, root=None, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.12,2016.3.3,2016.11.0
        On minions running systemd>=205, `systemd-run(1)`_ is now used to
        isolate commands run by this function from the ``salt-minion`` daemon's
        control group. This is done to avoid a race condition in cases where
        the ``salt-minion`` service is restarted while a service is being
        modified. If desired, usage of `systemd-run(1)`_ can be suppressed by
        setting a :mod:`config option <salt.modules.config.get>` called
        ``systemd.scope``, with a value of ``False`` (no quotes).

    .. _`systemd-run(1)`:

    Disable the named service to not start when the system boots

    no_block : False
        Set to ``True`` to start the service using ``--no-block``.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0

        Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.disable <service name>
    if name in _get_sysv_services(root):
        cmd = []
        if salt.utils.systemd.has_scope(__context__) \
                and __salt__['config.get']('systemd.scope', True):
            cmd.extend(['systemd-run', '--scope'])
        service_exec = _get_service_exec()
        if service_exec.endswith('/update-rc.d'):
            cmd.extend([service_exec, '-f', name, 'remove'])
        elif service_exec.endswith('/chkconfig'):
            cmd.extend([service_exec, name, 'off'])
        return __salt__['cmd.retcode'](cmd,
                                       ignore_retcode=True) == 0
    # Using cmd.run_all instead of cmd.retcode here to make unit tests easier
    return __salt__['cmd.run_all'](
        _systemctl_cmd('disable', name, systemd_scope=True, no_block=no_block,
        ignore_retcode=True)['retcode'] == 0

# The unused kwargs argument is required to maintain consistency with the API
# established by Salt's service management states.
def enabled(name, root=None, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Return if the named service is enabled to start on boot

        Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.enabled <service name>
    # Try 'systemctl is-enabled' first, then look for a symlink created by
    # systemctl (older systemd releases did not support using is-enabled to
    # check templated services), and lastly check for a sysvinit service.
    if __salt__['cmd.retcode'](_systemctl_cmd('is-enabled', name, root=root),
                               ignore_retcode=True) == 0:
        return True
    elif '@' in name:
        # On older systemd releases, templated services could not be checked
        # with ``systemctl is-enabled``. As a fallback, look for the symlinks
        # created by systemctl when enabling templated services.
        local_config_path = _root(LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH, '/')
        cmd = ['find', local_config_path, '-name', name,
               '-type', 'l', '-print', '-quit']
        # If the find command returns any matches, there will be output and the
        # string will be non-empty.
        if bool(__salt__[''](cmd, python_shell=False)):
            return True
    elif name in _get_sysv_services(root):
        return _sysv_enabled(name, root)

    return False

def disabled(name, root=None):
    Return if the named service is disabled from starting on boot

        Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.disabled <service name>
    return not enabled(name, root=root)

def show(name, root=None):
    .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0

    Show properties of one or more units/jobs or the manager

        Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory

    CLI Example:

        salt '*' <service name>
    ret = {}
    out = __salt__[''](_systemctl_cmd('show', name, root=root),
    for line in salt.utils.itertools.split(out, '\n'):
        comps = line.split('=')
        name = comps[0]
        value = '='.join(comps[1:])
        if value.startswith('{'):
            value = value.replace('{', '').replace('}', '')
            ret[name] = {}
            for item in value.split(' ; '):
                comps = item.split('=')
                ret[name][comps[0].strip()] = comps[1].strip()
        elif name in ('Before', 'After', 'Wants'):
            ret[name] = value.split()
            ret[name] = value

    return ret

def execs(root=None):
    .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0

    Return a list of all files specified as ``ExecStart`` for all services.

        Enable/disable/mask unit files in the specified root directory

    CLI Example:

        salt '*' service.execs
    ret = {}
    for service in get_all(root=root):
        data = show(service, root=root)
        if 'ExecStart' not in data:
        ret[service] = data['ExecStart']['path']
    return ret

def firstboot(locale=None, locale_message=None, keymap=None,
              timezone=None, hostname=None, machine_id=None,
    .. versionadded:: TBD

    Call systemd-firstboot to configure basic settings of the system

        Set primary locale (LANG=)

        Set message locale (LC_MESSAGES=)

        Set keymap

        Set timezone

        Set host name

        Set machine ID

        Operate on an alternative filesystem root

    CLI Example:

        salt '*' service.firstboot keymap=jp locale=en_US.UTF-8

    cmd = ['systemd-firstboot']
    parameters = [('locale', locale),
                  ('locale-message', locale_message),
                  ('keymap', keymap),
                  ('timezone', timezone),
                  ('hostname', hostname),
                  ('machine-ID', machine_id),
                  ('root', root)]
    for parameter, value in parameters:
        if value:
            cmd.extend(['--{}'.format(parameter), str(value)])

    out = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd)

    if out['retcode'] != 0:
        raise CommandExecutionError(
            'systemd-firstboot error: {}'.format(out['stderr']))

    return True