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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
znc - An advanced IRC bouncer

.. versionadded:: 2014.7.0

Provides an interface to basic ZNC functionality
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

# Import python libs
import hashlib
import logging
import os.path
import random
import signal

# Import salt libs
import salt.utils.path
from salt.ext.six.moves import range

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def __virtual__():
    Only load the module if znc is installed
    if salt.utils.path.which('znc'):
        return 'znc'
    return (False, "Module znc: znc binary not found")

def _makepass(password, hasher='sha256'):
    Create a znc compatible hashed password
    # Setup the hasher
    if hasher == 'sha256':
        h = hashlib.sha256(password)
    elif hasher == 'md5':
        h = hashlib.md5(password)
        return NotImplemented

    c = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \
    r = {
        'Salt': ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(c) for x in range(20)),

    # Salt the password hash
    r['Hash'] = h.hexdigest()

    return r

def buildmod(*modules):
    Build module using znc-buildmod

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' znc.buildmod module.cpp [...]
    # Check if module files are missing
    missing = [module for module in modules if not os.path.exists(module)]
    if missing:
        return 'Error: The file ({0}) does not exist.'.format(', '.join(missing))

    cmd = ['znc-buildmod']
    out = __salt__[''](cmd, python_shell=False).splitlines()
    return out[-1]

def dumpconf():
    Write the active configuration state to config file

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' znc.dumpconf
    return __salt__['ps.pkill']('znc', signal=signal.SIGUSR1)

def rehashconf():
    Rehash the active configuration state from config file

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' znc.rehashconf
    return __salt__['ps.pkill']('znc', signal=signal.SIGHUP)

def version():
    Return server version from znc --version

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' znc.version
    cmd = ['znc', '--version']
    out = __salt__[''](cmd, python_shell=False).splitlines()
    ret = out[0].split(' - ')
    return ret[0]