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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. versionadded:: 2019.2.0

Proxy module for managing network devices via
`Netmiko <>`_.

:codeauthor: Mircea Ulinic <> & Kirk Byers <>
:maturity:   new
:depends:    netmiko
:platform:   unix


The ``netmiko`` proxy modules requires Netmiko to be installed: ``pip install netmiko``.


The ``netmiko`` proxy configuration requires the following parameters in order
to connect to the network device:

- ``device_type`` - Class selection based on device type. Supported options:

  - ``a10``: A10 Networks
  - ``accedian``: Accedian Networks
  - ``alcatel_aos``: Alcatel AOS
  - ``alcatel_sros``: Alcatel SROS
  - ``apresia_aeos``: Apresia AEOS
  - ``arista_eos``: Arista EOS
  - ``aruba_os``: Aruba
  - ``avaya_ers``: Avaya ERS
  - ``avaya_vsp``: Avaya VSP
  - ``brocade_fastiron``: Brocade Fastiron
  - ``brocade_netiron``: Brocade Netiron
  - ``brocade_nos``: Brocade NOS
  - ``brocade_vdx``: Brocade NOS
  - ``brocade_vyos``: VyOS
  - ``checkpoint_gaia``: Check Point GAiA
  - ``calix_b6``: Calix B6
  - ``ciena_saos``: Ciena SAOS
  - ``cisco_asa``: Cisco SA
  - ``cisco_ios``: Cisco IOS
  - ``cisco_nxos``: Cisco NX-oS
  - ``cisco_s300``: Cisco S300
  - ``cisco_tp``: Cisco TpTcCe
  - ``cisco_wlc``: Cisco WLC
  - ``cisco_xe``: Cisco IOS
  - ``cisco_xr``: Cisco XR
  - ``coriant``: Coriant
  - ``dell_force10``: Dell Force10
  - ``dell_os10``: Dell OS10
  - ``dell_powerconnect``: Dell PowerConnect
  - ``eltex``: Eltex
  - ``enterasys``: Enterasys
  - ``extreme``: Extreme
  - ``extreme_wing``: Extreme Wing
  - ``f5_ltm``: F5 LTM
  - ``fortinet``: Fortinet
  - ``generic_termserver``: TerminalServer
  - ``hp_comware``: HP Comware
  - ``hp_procurve``: HP Procurve
  - ``huawei``: Huawei
  - ``huawei_vrpv8``: Huawei VRPV8
  - ``juniper``: Juniper Junos
  - ``juniper_junos``: Juniper Junos
  - ``linux``: Linux
  - ``mellanox``: Mellanox
  - ``mrv_optiswitch``: MrvOptiswitch
  - ``netapp_cdot``: NetAppcDot
  - ``netscaler``: Netscaler
  - ``ovs_linux``: OvsLinux
  - ``paloalto_panos``: PaloAlto Panos
  - ``pluribus``: Pluribus
  - ``quanta_mesh``: Quanta Mesh
  - ``ruckus_fastiron``: Ruckus Fastiron
  - ``ubiquiti_edge``: Ubiquiti Edge
  - ``ubiquiti_edgeswitch``: Ubiquiti Edge
  - ``vyatta_vyos``: VyOS
  - ``vyos``: VyOS
  - ``brocade_fastiron_telnet``: Brocade Fastiron over Telnet
  - ``brocade_netiron_telnet``: Brocade Netiron over Telnet
  - ``cisco_ios_telnet``: Cisco IOS over Telnet
  - ``apresia_aeos_telnet``: Apresia AEOS over Telnet
  - ``arista_eos_telnet``: Arista EOS over Telnet
  - ``hp_procurve_telnet``: HP Procurve over Telnet
  - ``hp_comware_telnet``: HP Comware over Telnet
  - ``juniper_junos_telnet``: Juniper Junos over Telnet
  - ``calix_b6_telnet``: Calix B6 over Telnet
  - ``dell_powerconnect_telnet``: Dell PowerConnect over Telnet
  - ``generic_termserver_telnet``: TerminalServer over Telnet
  - ``extreme_telnet``: Extreme Networks over Telnet
  - ``ruckus_fastiron_telnet``: Ruckus Fastiron over Telnet
  - ``cisco_ios_serial``: Cisco IOS over serial port

- ``ip`` - IP address of target device (not required if ``host`` is provided)

- ``host`` - Hostname of target device (not required if ``ip`` is provided)

- ``username`` - Username to authenticate against target device, if required

- ``password`` - Password to authenticate against target device, if required

- ``secret`` - The enable password if target device requires one

- ``port`` - The destination port used to connect to the target device

- ``global_delay_factor`` - Multiplication factor affecting Netmiko delays
  (default: ``1``)

- ``use_keys`` - Connect to target device using SSH keys (default: ``False``)

- ``key_file`` - Filename path of the SSH key file to use

- ``allow_agent`` - Enable use of SSH key-agent

- ``ssh_strict`` - Automatically reject unknown SSH host keys (default:
  ``False``, which means unknown SSH host keys will be accepted)

- ``system_host_keys`` - Load host keys from the user's "known_hosts" file
  (default: ``False``)

- ``alt_host_keys`` - If ``True``,  host keys will be loaded from the file
  specified in ``alt_key_file`` (default: ``False``)

- ``alt_key_file`` - SSH host key file to use (if ``alt_host_keys=True``)

- ``ssh_config_file`` - File name of OpenSSH configuration file

- ``timeout`` - Connection timeout, in seconds (default: ``90``)

- ``session_timeout`` - Set a timeout for parallel requests, in seconds
  (default: ``60``)

- ``keepalive`` - Send SSH keepalive packets at a specific interval, in
  seconds. Currently defaults to ``0``, for backwards compatibility (it will
  not attempt to keep the connection alive using the KEEPALIVE packets).

- ``default_enter`` - Character(s) to send to correspond to enter key (default:

- ``response_return`` - Character(s) to use in normalized return data to
  represent enter key (default: ``\\n``)

- ``always_alive`` - In certain less dynamic environments, maintaining the
  remote connection permanently open with the network device is not always
  beneficial. In that case, the user can select to initialize the connection
  only when needed, by setting this option to ``False``. By default this option
  is set to ``True`` (maintains the connection with the remote network device)

- ``multiprocessing`` - Overrides the :conf_minion:`multiprocessing` option,
  per proxy minion, as the Netmiko communication channel is mainly SSH
  (default: ``False``)

Proxy Pillar Example

.. code-block:: yaml

      proxytype: netmiko
      device_type: juniper_junos
      username: example
      password: example

.. code-block:: yaml

      proxytype: netmiko
      device_type: cisco_ios
      username: test
      use_keys: true
      secret: w3@k
from __future__ import absolute_import

# Import python stdlib
import logging

# Import third party libs
    from netmiko import ConnectHandler
    from netmiko.ssh_exception import NetMikoTimeoutException
    from netmiko.ssh_exception import NetMikoAuthenticationException
    HAS_NETMIKO = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_NETMIKO = False

# Import salt modules
    from salt.utils.args import clean_kwargs
except ImportError:
    from salt.utils import clean_kwargs

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# proxy properties
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

__proxyenabled__ = ['netmiko']
# proxy name

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# globals
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

__virtualname__ = 'netmiko'
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
netmiko_device = {}

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# propery functions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

def __virtual__():
    Proxy module available only if Netmiko is installed.
    if not HAS_NETMIKO:
        return False, 'The netmiko proxy module requires netmiko library to be installed.'
    return __virtualname__

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# proxy functions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

def init(opts):
    Open the connection to the network device
    managed through netmiko.
    proxy_dict = opts.get('proxy', {})
    opts['multiprocessing'] = proxy_dict.get('multiprocessing', False)
    netmiko_connection_args = proxy_dict.copy()
    netmiko_connection_args.pop('proxytype', None)
    netmiko_device['always_alive'] = netmiko_connection_args.pop('always_alive',
                                                                 opts.get('proxy_always_alive', True))
        connection = ConnectHandler(**netmiko_connection_args)
        netmiko_device['connection'] = connection
        netmiko_device['initialized'] = True
        netmiko_device['args'] = netmiko_connection_args
        netmiko_device['up'] = True
        if not netmiko_device['always_alive']:
    except NetMikoTimeoutException as t_err:
        log.error('Unable to setup the netmiko connection', exc_info=True)
    except NetMikoAuthenticationException as au_err:
        log.error('Unable to setup the netmiko connection', exc_info=True)
    return True

def alive(opts):
    Return the connection status with the network device.
    log.debug('Checking if %s is still alive', opts.get('id', ''))
    if not netmiko_device['always_alive']:
        return True
    if ping() and initialized():
        return netmiko_device['connection'].remote_conn.transport.is_alive()
    return False

def ping():
    Connection open successfully?
    return netmiko_device.get('up', False)

def initialized():
    Connection finished initializing?
    return netmiko_device.get('initialized', False)

def shutdown(opts):
    Closes connection with the device.
    return call('disconnect')

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# callable functions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

def conn():
    Return the connection object.
    return netmiko_device.get('connection')

def args():
    Return the Netmiko device args.
    return netmiko_device['args']

def call(method, *args, **kwargs):
    Calls an arbitrary netmiko method.
    kwargs = clean_kwargs(**kwargs)
    if not netmiko_device['always_alive']:
        connection = ConnectHandler(**netmiko_device['args'])
        ret = getattr(connection, method)(*args, **kwargs)
        return ret
    return getattr(netmiko_device['connection'], method)(*args, **kwargs)