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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 SUSE LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.

Philips HUE lamps module for proxy.

.. versionadded:: 2015.8.3

First create a new user on the Hue bridge by following the
`Meet hue <>`_ instructions.

To configure the proxy minion:

.. code-block:: yaml

      proxytype: philips_hue
      host: [hostname or ip]
      user: [username]


# pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,redefined-builtin
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import salt.ext.six.moves.http_client as http_client

# Import python libs
import logging
import time
import salt.utils.json
from salt.exceptions import (CommandExecutionError, MinionError)
from salt.ext import six

__proxyenabled__ = ['philips_hue']

log = logging.getLogger(__file__)

class Const(object):
    Constants for the lamp operations.
    LAMP_ON = {"on": True, "transitiontime": 0}
    LAMP_OFF = {"on": False, "transitiontime": 0}

    COLOR_WHITE = {"xy": [0.3227, 0.329]}
    COLOR_DAYLIGHT = {"xy": [0.3806, 0.3576]}
    COLOR_RED = {"hue": 0, "sat": 254}
    COLOR_GREEN = {"hue": 25500, "sat": 254}
    COLOR_ORANGE = {"hue": 12000, "sat": 254}
    COLOR_PINK = {"xy": [0.3688, 0.2095]}
    COLOR_BLUE = {"hue": 46920, "sat": 254}
    COLOR_YELLOW = {"xy": [0.4432, 0.5154]}
    COLOR_PURPLE = {"xy": [0.3787, 0.1724]}

def __virtual__():
    Validate the module.
    return True

def init(cnf):
    Initialize the module.
    CONFIG['host'] = cnf.get('proxy', {}).get('host')
    if not CONFIG['host']:
        raise MinionError(message="Cannot find 'host' parameter in the proxy configuration")

    CONFIG['user'] = cnf.get('proxy', {}).get('user')
    if not CONFIG['user']:
        raise MinionError(message="Cannot find 'user' parameter in the proxy configuration")

    CONFIG['uri'] = "/api/{0}".format(CONFIG['user'])

def ping(*args, **kw):
    Ping the lamps.
    # Here blink them
    return True

def shutdown(opts, *args, **kw):
    Shuts down the service.
    # This is no-op method, which is required but makes nothing at this point.
    return True

def _query(lamp_id, state, action='', method='GET'):
    Query the URI

    # Because salt.utils.query is that dreadful... :(

    err = None
    url = "{0}/lights{1}".format(CONFIG['uri'],
                                 lamp_id and '/{0}'.format(lamp_id) or '') \
          + (action and "/{0}".format(action) or '')
    conn = http_client.HTTPConnection(CONFIG['host'])
    if method == 'PUT':
        conn.request(method, url, salt.utils.json.dumps(state))
        conn.request(method, url)
    resp = conn.getresponse()

    if resp.status == http_client.OK:
        res = salt.utils.json.loads(
        err = "HTTP error: {0}, {1}".format(resp.status, resp.reason)
    if err:
        raise CommandExecutionError(err)

    return res

def _set(lamp_id, state, method="state"):
    Set state to the device by ID.

    :param lamp_id:
    :param state:
        res = _query(lamp_id, state, action=method, method='PUT')
    except Exception as err:
        raise CommandExecutionError(err)

    res = len(res) > 1 and res[-1] or res[0]
    if res.get('success'):
        res = {'result': True}
    elif res.get('error'):
        res = {'result': False,
               'description': res['error']['description'],
               'type': res['error']['type']}

    return res

def _get_devices(params):
    Parse device(s) ID(s) from the common params.

    :param params:
    if 'id' not in params:
        raise CommandExecutionError("Parameter ID is required.")

    return type(params['id']) == int and [params['id']] \
           or [int(dev) for dev in params['id'].split(",")]

def _get_lights():
    Get all available lighting devices.
    return _query(None, None)

# Callers
def call_lights(*args, **kwargs):
    Get info about all available lamps.


    * **id**: Specifies a device ID. Can be a comma-separated values. All, if omitted.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' hue.lights
        salt '*' hue.lights id=1
        salt '*' hue.lights id=1,2,3
    res = dict()
    lights = _get_lights()
    for dev_id in 'id' in kwargs and _get_devices(kwargs) or sorted(lights.keys()):
        if lights.get(six.text_type(dev_id)):
            res[dev_id] = lights[six.text_type(dev_id)]

    return res or False

def call_switch(*args, **kwargs):
    Switch lamp ON/OFF.

    If no particular state is passed,
    then lamp will be switched to the opposite state.


    * **id**: Specifies a device ID. Can be a comma-separated values. All, if omitted.
    * **on**: True or False. Inverted current, if omitted

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' hue.switch
        salt '*' hue.switch id=1
        salt '*' hue.switch id=1,2,3 on=True
    out = dict()
    devices = _get_lights()
    for dev_id in 'id' not in kwargs and sorted(devices.keys()) or _get_devices(kwargs):
        if 'on' in kwargs:
            state = kwargs['on'] and Const.LAMP_ON or Const.LAMP_OFF
            # Invert the current state
            state = devices[six.text_type(dev_id)]['state']['on'] and Const.LAMP_OFF or Const.LAMP_ON
        out[dev_id] = _set(dev_id, state)

    return out

def call_blink(*args, **kwargs):
    Blink a lamp. If lamp is ON, then blink ON-OFF-ON, otherwise OFF-ON-OFF.


    * **id**: Specifies a device ID. Can be a comma-separated values. All, if omitted.
    * **pause**: Time in seconds. Can be less than 1, i.e. 0.7, 0.5 sec.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' hue.blink id=1
        salt '*' hue.blink id=1,2,3
    devices = _get_lights()
    pause = kwargs.get('pause', 0)
    res = dict()
    for dev_id in 'id' not in kwargs and sorted(devices.keys()) or _get_devices(kwargs):
        state = devices[six.text_type(dev_id)]['state']['on']
        _set(dev_id, state and Const.LAMP_OFF or Const.LAMP_ON)
        if pause:
        res[dev_id] = _set(dev_id, not state and Const.LAMP_OFF or Const.LAMP_ON)

    return res

def call_ping(*args, **kwargs):
    Ping the lamps by issuing a short inversion blink to all available devices.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*'
    errors = dict()
    for dev_id, dev_status in call_blink().items():
        if not dev_status['result']:
            errors[dev_id] = False

    return errors or True

def call_status(*args, **kwargs):
    Return the status of the lamps.


    * **id**: Specifies a device ID. Can be a comma-separated values. All, if omitted.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' hue.status
        salt '*' hue.status id=1
        salt '*' hue.status id=1,2,3
    res = dict()
    devices = _get_lights()
    for dev_id in 'id' not in kwargs and sorted(devices.keys()) or _get_devices(kwargs):
        dev_id = six.text_type(dev_id)
        res[dev_id] = {
            'on': devices[dev_id]['state']['on'],
            'reachable': devices[dev_id]['state']['reachable']

    return res

def call_rename(*args, **kwargs):
    Rename a device.


    * **id**: Specifies a device ID. Only one device at a time.
    * **title**: Title of the device.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' hue.rename id=1 title='WC for cats'
    dev_id = _get_devices(kwargs)
    if len(dev_id) > 1:
        raise CommandExecutionError("Only one device can be renamed at a time")

    if 'title' not in kwargs:
        raise CommandExecutionError("Title is missing")

    return _set(dev_id[0], {"name": kwargs['title']}, method="")

def call_alert(*args, **kwargs):
    Lamp alert


    * **id**: Specifies a device ID. Can be a comma-separated values. All, if omitted.
    * **on**: Turns on or off an alert. Default is True.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' hue.alert
        salt '*' hue.alert id=1
        salt '*' hue.alert id=1,2,3 on=false
    res = dict()

    devices = _get_lights()
    for dev_id in 'id' not in kwargs and sorted(devices.keys()) or _get_devices(kwargs):
        res[dev_id] = _set(dev_id, {"alert": kwargs.get("on", True) and "lselect" or "none"})

    return res

def call_effect(*args, **kwargs):
    Set an effect to the lamp.


    * **id**: Specifies a device ID. Can be a comma-separated values. All, if omitted.
    * **type**: Type of the effect. Possible values are "none" or "colorloop". Default "none".

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' hue.effect
        salt '*' hue.effect id=1
        salt '*' hue.effect id=1,2,3 type=colorloop
    res = dict()

    devices = _get_lights()
    for dev_id in 'id' not in kwargs and sorted(devices.keys()) or _get_devices(kwargs):
        res[dev_id] = _set(dev_id, {"effect": kwargs.get("type", "none")})

    return res

def call_color(*args, **kwargs):
    Set a color to the lamp.


    * **id**: Specifies a device ID. Can be a comma-separated values. All, if omitted.
    * **color**: Fixed color. Values are: red, green, blue, orange, pink, white,
                 yellow, daylight, purple. Default white.
    * **transition**: Transition 0~200.


    * **gamut**: XY coordinates. Use gamut according to the Philips HUE devices documentation.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' hue.color
        salt '*' hue.color id=1
        salt '*' hue.color id=1,2,3 oolor=red transition=30
        salt '*' hue.color id=1 gamut=0.3,0.5
    res = dict()

    colormap = {
        'red': Const.COLOR_RED,
        'green': Const.COLOR_GREEN,
        'blue': Const.COLOR_BLUE,
        'orange': Const.COLOR_ORANGE,
        'pink': Const.COLOR_PINK,
        'white': Const.COLOR_WHITE,
        'yellow': Const.COLOR_YELLOW,
        'daylight': Const.COLOR_DAYLIGHT,
        'purple': Const.COLOR_PURPLE,

    devices = _get_lights()
    color = kwargs.get("gamut")
    if color:
        color = color.split(",")
        if len(color) == 2:
                color = {"xy": [float(color[0]), float(color[1])]}
            except Exception as ex:
                color = None
            color = None

    if not color:
        color = colormap.get(kwargs.get("color", 'white'), Const.COLOR_WHITE)
    color.update({"transitiontime": max(min(kwargs.get("transition", 0), 200), 0)})

    for dev_id in 'id' not in kwargs and sorted(devices.keys()) or _get_devices(kwargs):
        res[dev_id] = _set(dev_id, color)

    return res

def call_brightness(*args, **kwargs):
    Set an effect to the lamp.


    * **value**: 0~255 brightness of the lamp.


    * **id**: Specifies a device ID. Can be a comma-separated values. All, if omitted.
    * **transition**: Transition 0~200. Default 0.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' hue.brightness value=100
        salt '*' hue.brightness id=1 value=150
        salt '*' hue.brightness id=1,2,3 value=255
    res = dict()

    if 'value' not in kwargs:
        raise CommandExecutionError("Parameter 'value' is missing")

        brightness = max(min(int(kwargs['value']), 244), 1)
    except Exception as err:
        raise CommandExecutionError("Parameter 'value' does not contains an integer")

        transition = max(min(int(kwargs['transition']), 200), 0)
    except Exception as err:
        transition = 0

    devices = _get_lights()
    for dev_id in 'id' not in kwargs and sorted(devices.keys()) or _get_devices(kwargs):
        res[dev_id] = _set(dev_id, {"bri": brightness, "transitiontime": transition})

    return res

def call_temperature(*args, **kwargs):
    Set the mired color temperature. More:


    * **value**: 150~500.


    * **id**: Specifies a device ID. Can be a comma-separated values. All, if omitted.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' hue.temperature value=150
        salt '*' hue.temperature value=150 id=1
        salt '*' hue.temperature value=150 id=1,2,3
    res = dict()

    if 'value' not in kwargs:
        raise CommandExecutionError("Parameter 'value' (150~500) is missing")
        value = max(min(int(kwargs['value']), 500), 150)
    except Exception as err:
        raise CommandExecutionError("Parameter 'value' does not contains an integer")

    devices = _get_lights()
    for dev_id in 'id' not in kwargs and sorted(devices.keys()) or _get_devices(kwargs):
        res[dev_id] = _set(dev_id, {"ct": value})

    return res