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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A general map/reduce style salt runner for aggregating results
returned by several different minions.

.. versionadded:: 2014.7.0

Aggregated results are sorted by the size of the minion pools which returned
matching results.

Useful for playing the game: *"some of these things are not like the others..."*
when identifying discrepancies in a large infrastructure managed by salt.

# Import python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

# Import salt libs
import salt.client
from salt.exceptions import SaltClientError

# Import 3rd-party libs
from salt.ext import six
from salt.ext.six.moves import range

def hash(*args, **kwargs):
    Return the MATCHING minion pools from the aggregated and sorted results of
    a salt command

    .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0

    This command is submitted via a salt runner using the
    general form::

        salt-run survey.hash [survey_sort=up/down] <target>
                  <salt-execution-module> <salt-execution-module parameters>

    Optionally accept a ``survey_sort=`` parameter. Default: ``survey_sort=down``

    CLI Example #1: (functionally equivalent to ``salt-run manage.up``)

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt-run survey.hash "*"

    CLI Example #2: (find an "outlier" minion config file)

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt-run survey.hash "*" file.get_hash /etc/salt/minion survey_sort=up

    return _get_pool_results(*args, **kwargs)

def diff(*args, **kwargs):
    Return the DIFFERENCE of the result sets returned by each matching minion

    .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0

    These pools are determined from the aggregated and sorted results of
    a salt command.

    This command displays the "diffs" as a series of 2-way differences --
    namely the difference between the FIRST displayed minion pool
    (according to sort order) and EACH SUBSEQUENT minion pool result set.

    Differences are displayed according to the Python ``difflib.unified_diff()``
    as in the case of the salt execution module ``file.get_diff``.

    This command is submitted via a salt runner using the general form::

        salt-run survey.diff [survey_sort=up/down] <target>
                     <salt-execution-module> <salt-execution-module parameters>

    Optionally accept a ``survey_sort=`` parameter. Default:

    CLI Example #1: (Example to display the "differences of files")

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt-run survey.diff survey_sort=up "*" cp.get_file_str file:///etc/hosts
    # TODO: The salt execution module "cp.get_file_str file:///..." is a
    # non-obvious way to display the differences between files using
    # survey.diff .  A more obvious method needs to be found or developed.

    import difflib

    bulk_ret = _get_pool_results(*args, **kwargs)

    is_first_time = True
    for k in bulk_ret:
        print('minion pool :\n'
        print('pool size :\n'
        print('    ' + six.text_type(len(k['pool'])))
        if is_first_time:
            is_first_time = False
            print('pool result :\n'
            print('    ' + bulk_ret[0]['result'])

        outs = ('differences from "{0}" results :').format(
        print('-' * (len(outs) - 1))
        from_result = bulk_ret[0]['result'].splitlines()
        for i in range(0, len(from_result)):
            from_result[i] += '\n'
        to_result = k['result'].splitlines()
        for i in range(0, len(to_result)):
            to_result[i] += '\n'
        outs = ''
        outs += ''.join(difflib.unified_diff(from_result,

    return bulk_ret

def _get_pool_results(*args, **kwargs):
    A helper function which returns a dictionary of minion pools along with
    their matching result sets.
    Useful for developing other "survey style" functions.
    Optionally accepts a "survey_sort=up" or "survey_sort=down" kwargs for
    specifying sort order.
    Because the kwargs namespace of the "salt" and "survey" command are shared,
    the name "survey_sort" was chosen to help avoid option conflicts.
    # TODO: the option "survey.sort=" would be preferred for namespace
    # separation but the kwargs parser for the salt-run command seems to
    # improperly pass the options containing a "." in them for later modules to
    # process. The "_" is used here instead.

    import hashlib

    tgt = args[0]
    cmd = args[1]
    ret = {}

    sort = kwargs.pop('survey_sort', 'down')
    direction = sort != 'up'

    tgt_type = kwargs.pop('tgt_type', 'compound')
    if tgt_type not in ['compound', 'pcre']:
        tgt_type = 'compound'

    kwargs_passthru = dict((k, kwargs[k]) for k in six.iterkeys(kwargs) if not k.startswith('_'))

    client = salt.client.get_local_client(__opts__['conf_file'])
        minions = client.cmd(tgt, cmd, args[2:], timeout=__opts__['timeout'], tgt_type=tgt_type, kwarg=kwargs_passthru)
    except SaltClientError as client_error:
        return ret

    # hash minion return values as a string
    for minion in sorted(minions):
        digest = hashlib.sha256(six.text_type(minions[minion]).encode(__salt_system_encoding__)).hexdigest()
        if digest not in ret:
            ret[digest] = {}
            ret[digest]['pool'] = []
            ret[digest]['result'] = six.text_type(minions[minion])


    sorted_ret = []
    for k in sorted(ret, key=lambda k: len(ret[k]['pool']), reverse=direction):
        # return aggregated results, sorted by size of the hash pool


    return sorted_ret