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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:maintainer:    SaltStack
:maturity:      new
:platform:      all

Runner functions supporting the Vault modules. Configuration instructions are
documented in the execution module docs.
# Import Python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import base64
import json
import logging
import string
import requests

# Import Salt libs
import salt.crypt
import salt.exceptions

# Import 3rd-party libs
from salt.ext import six

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def generate_token(minion_id, signature, impersonated_by_master=False):
    Generate a Vault token for minion minion_id

        The id of the minion that requests a token

        Cryptographic signature which validates that the request is indeed sent
        by the minion (or the master, see impersonated_by_master).

        If the master needs to create a token on behalf of the minion, this is
        True. This happens when the master generates minion pillars.
        'Token generation request for %s (impersonated by master: %s)',
        minion_id, impersonated_by_master
    _validate_signature(minion_id, signature, impersonated_by_master)

        config = __opts__['vault']
        verify = config.get('verify', None)

        if config['auth']['method'] == 'approle':
            if _selftoken_expired():
                log.debug('Vault token expired. Recreating one')
                # Requesting a short ttl token
                url = '{0}/v1/auth/approle/login'.format(config['url'])

                payload = {'role_id': config['auth']['role_id']}
                if 'secret_id' in config['auth']:
                    payload['secret_id'] = config['auth']['secret_id']
                response =, json=payload, verify=verify)
                if response.status_code != 200:
                    return {'error': response.reason}
                config['auth']['token'] = response.json()['auth']['client_token']

        url = _get_token_create_url(config)
        headers = {'X-Vault-Token': config['auth']['token']}
        audit_data = {
            'saltstack-jid': globals().get('__jid__', '<no jid set>'),
            'saltstack-minion': minion_id,
            'saltstack-user': globals().get('__user__', '<no user set>')
        payload = {
                    'policies': _get_policies(minion_id, config),
                    'num_uses': 1,
                    'meta': audit_data

        if payload['policies'] == []:
            return {'error': 'No policies matched minion'}

        log.trace('Sending token creation request to Vault')
        response =, headers=headers, json=payload, verify=verify)

        if response.status_code != 200:
            return {'error': response.reason}

        auth_data = response.json()['auth']
        return {
            'token': auth_data['client_token'],
            'url': config['url'],
            'verify': verify,
    except Exception as e:
        return {'error': six.text_type(e)}

def unseal():
    Unseal Vault server

    This function uses the 'keys' from the 'vault' configuration to unseal vault server

        - n63/TbrQuL3xaIW7ZZpuXj/tIfnK1/MbVxO4vT3wYD2A
        - S9OwCvMRhErEA4NVVELYBs6w/Me6+urgUr24xGK44Uy3
        - F1j4b7JKq850NS6Kboiy5laJ0xY8dWJvB3fcwA+SraYl
        - 1cYtvjKJNDVam9c7HNqJUfINk4PYyAXIpjkpN/sIuzPv
        - 3pPK5X6vGtwLhNOFv1U2elahECz3HpRUfNXJFYLw6lid

    .. note: This function will send unsealed keys until the api returns back
             that the vault has been unsealed

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt-run vault.unseal
    for key in __opts__['vault']['keys']:
        ret = __utils__['vault.make_request']('PUT', 'v1/sys/unseal', data=json.dumps({'key': key})).json()
        if ret['sealed'] is False:
            return True
    return False

def show_policies(minion_id):
    Show the Vault policies that are applied to tokens for the given minion

        The minions id

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt-run vault.show_policies myminion
    config = __opts__['vault']
    return _get_policies(minion_id, config)

def _validate_signature(minion_id, signature, impersonated_by_master):
    Validate that either minion with id minion_id, or the master, signed the
    pki_dir = __opts__['pki_dir']
    if impersonated_by_master:
        public_key = '{0}/'.format(pki_dir)
        public_key = '{0}/minions/{1}'.format(pki_dir, minion_id)

    log.trace('Validating signature for %s', minion_id)
    signature = base64.b64decode(signature)
    if not salt.crypt.verify_signature(public_key, minion_id, signature):
        raise salt.exceptions.AuthenticationError(
            'Could not validate token request from {0}'.format(minion_id)
    log.trace('Signature ok')

def _get_policies(minion_id, config):
    Get the policies that should be applied to a token for minion_id
    _, grains, _ = salt.utils.minions.get_minion_data(minion_id, __opts__)
    policy_patterns = config.get(
                                 ['saltstack/minion/{minion}', 'saltstack/minions']
    mappings = {'minion': minion_id, 'grains': grains or {}}

    policies = []
    for pattern in policy_patterns:
            for expanded_pattern in _expand_pattern_lists(pattern, **mappings):
                                                .lower()  # Vault requirement
        except KeyError:
            log.warning('Could not resolve policy pattern %s', pattern)

    log.debug('%s policies: %s', minion_id, policies)
    return policies

def _expand_pattern_lists(pattern, **mappings):
    Expands the pattern for any list-valued mappings, such that for any list of
    length N in the mappings present in the pattern, N copies of the pattern are
    returned, each with an element of the list substituted.

        A pattern to expand, for example ``by-role/{grains[roles]}``

        A dictionary of variables that can be expanded into the pattern.

    Example: Given the pattern `` by-role/{grains[roles]}`` and the below grains

    .. code-block:: yaml

                - web
                - database

    This function will expand into two patterns,
    ``[by-role/web, by-role/database]``.

    Note that this method does not expand any non-list patterns.
    expanded_patterns = []
    f = string.Formatter()
    This function uses a string.Formatter to get all the formatting tokens from
    the pattern, then recursively replaces tokens whose expanded value is a
    list. For a list with N items, it will create N new pattern strings and
    then continue with the next token. In practice this is expected to not be
    very expensive, since patterns will typically involve a handful of lists at
    '''  # pylint: disable=W0105
    for (_, field_name, _, _) in f.parse(pattern):
        if field_name is None:
        (value, _) = f.get_field(field_name, None, mappings)
        if isinstance(value, list):
            token = '{{{0}}}'.format(field_name)
            expanded = [pattern.replace(token, six.text_type(elem)) for elem in value]
            for expanded_item in expanded:
                result = _expand_pattern_lists(expanded_item, **mappings)
                expanded_patterns += result
            return expanded_patterns
    return [pattern]

def _selftoken_expired():
    Validate the current token exists and is still valid
        verify = __opts__['vault'].get('verify', None)
        url = '{0}/v1/auth/token/lookup-self'.format(__opts__['vault']['url'])
        if 'token' not in __opts__['vault']['auth']:
            return True
        headers = {'X-Vault-Token': __opts__['vault']['auth']['token']}
        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=verify)
        if response.status_code != 200:
            return True
        return False
    except Exception as e:
        raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError(
            'Error while looking up self token : {0}'.format(six.text_type(e))

def _get_token_create_url(config):
    Create Vault url for token creation
    role_name = config.get('role_name', None)
    auth_path = '/v1/auth/token/create'
    base_url = config['url']
    return '/'.join(x.strip('/') for x in (base_url, auth_path, role_name) if x)