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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Manage CloudFront distributions

.. versionadded:: 2018.3.0

Create, update and destroy CloudFront distributions.

This module accepts explicit AWS credentials but can also utilize
IAM roles assigned to the instance through Instance Profiles.
Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API
and no further configuration is necessary.
More information available `here

If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them,
either in a pillar file or in the minion's config file:

.. code-block:: yaml

    cloudfront.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H
    cloudfront.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs

It's also possible to specify ``key``, ``keyid``, and ``region`` via a profile,
either passed in as a dict, or a string to pull from pillars or minion config:

.. code-block:: yaml

        key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
        region: us-east-1

.. code-block:: yaml

                    keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H
                    key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
                    region: us-east-1

:depends: boto3

# Import Python Libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import difflib
import logging
import uuid
import copy
import json

# Import Salt conveniences
from salt.ext import six
from salt.ext.six.moves import range

#pylint: disable=W0106
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def __virtual__():
    Only load if boto is available.
    if 'boto_cloudfront.get_distribution' not in __salt__:
        msg = 'The boto_cloudfront state module could not be loaded: {}.'
        return (False, msg.format('boto_cloudfront exec module unavailable.'))
    return 'boto_cloudfront'

def present(
    Ensure the CloudFront distribution is present.

    name (string)
        Name of the CloudFront distribution

    config (dict)
        Configuration for the distribution

    tags (dict)
        Tags to associate with the distribution

    region (string)
        Region to connect to

    key (string)
        Secret key to use

    keyid (string)
        Access key to use

    profile (dict or string)
        A dict with region, key, and keyid,
        or a pillar key (string) that contains such a dict.


    .. code-block:: yaml

        Manage my_distribution CloudFront distribution:
              - name: my_distribution
              - config:
                  Comment: 'partial config shown, most parameters elided'
                  Enabled: True
              - tags:
                  testing_key: testing_value
    ret = {
        'name': name,
        'comment': '',
        'changes': {},

    res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_distribution'](
    if 'error' in res:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = 'Error checking distribution {0}: {1}'.format(
        return ret

    old = res['result']
    if old is None:
        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['result'] = None
            ret['comment'] = 'Distribution {0} set for creation.'.format(name)
            ret['changes'] = {'old': None, 'new': name}
            return ret

        res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.create_distribution'](
        if 'error' in res:
            ret['result'] = False
            ret['comment'] = 'Error creating distribution {0}: {1}'.format(
            return ret

        ret['result'] = True
        ret['comment'] = 'Created distribution {0}.'.format(name)
        ret['changes'] = {'old': None, 'new': name}
        return ret
        full_config_old = {
            'config': old['distribution']['DistributionConfig'],
            'tags': old['tags'],
        full_config_new = {
            'config': config,
            'tags': tags,
        diffed_config = __utils__['dictdiffer.deep_diff'](

        def _yaml_safe_dump(attrs):
            Safely dump YAML using a readable flow style
            dumper_name = 'IndentedSafeOrderedDumper'
            dumper = __utils__['yaml.get_dumper'](dumper_name)
            return __utils__['yaml.dump'](

        changes_diff = ''.join(difflib.unified_diff(

        any_changes = bool('old' in diffed_config or 'new' in diffed_config)
        if not any_changes:
            ret['result'] = True
            ret['comment'] = 'Distribution {0} has correct config.'.format(
            return ret

        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['result'] = None
            ret['comment'] = '\n'.join([
                'Distribution {0} set for new config:'.format(name),
            ret['changes'] = {'diff': changes_diff}
            return ret

        res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.update_distribution'](
        if 'error' in res:
            ret['result'] = False
            ret['comment'] = 'Error updating distribution {0}: {1}'.format(
            return ret

        ret['result'] = True
        ret['comment'] = 'Updated distribution {0}.'.format(name)
        ret['changes'] = {'diff': changes_diff}
        return ret

def _fix_quantities(tree):
    Stupidly simple function to fix any Items/Quantity disparities inside a
    DistributionConfig block before use. Since AWS only accepts JSON-encodable
    data types, this implementation is "good enough" for our purposes.
    if isinstance(tree, dict):
        tree = {k: _fix_quantities(v) for k, v in tree.items()}
        if isinstance(tree.get('Items'), list):
            tree['Quantity'] = len(tree['Items'])
            if not tree['Items']:
                tree.pop('Items')  # Silly, but AWS requires it....
        return tree
    elif isinstance(tree, list):
        return [_fix_quantities(t) for t in tree]
        return tree

def distribution_present(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, **kwargs):
    Ensure the given CloudFront distribution exists in the described state.

    The implementation of this function, and all those following, is orthagonal
    to that of :py:mod:`boto_cloudfront.present
    <salt.states.boto_cloudfront.present>`. Resources created with
    :py:mod:`boto_cloudfront.present <salt.states.boto_cloudfront.present>`
    will not be correctly managed by this function, as a different method is
    used to store Salt's state signifier. This function and those following are
    a suite, designed to work together. As an extra bonus, they correctly
    process updates of the managed resources, so it is recommended to use them
    in preference to :py:mod:`boto_cloudfront.present
    <salt.states.boto_cloudfront.present>` above.

    Note that the semantics of DistributionConfig (below) are rather arcane,
    and vary wildly depending on whether the distribution already exists or not
    (e.g. is being initially created, or being updated in place). Many more
    details can be found here__.

    .. __:

    name (string)
        Name of the state definition.

    Name (string)
        Name of the resource (for purposes of Salt's idempotency). If not
        provided, the value of ``name`` will be used.

    DistributionConfig (dict)
        Configuration for the distribution.


        - The CallerReference field should NOT be provided - it will be
          autopopulated by Salt.

        - A large number of sub- (and sub-sub-) fields require a ``Quantity``
          element, which simply COUNTS the number of items in the ``Items``
          element. This is bluntly stupid, so as a convenience, Salt will
          traverse the provided configuration, and add (or fix) a ``Quantity``
          element for any ``Items`` elements of list-type it encounters. This
          adds a bit of sanity to an otherwise error-prone situation. Note
          that for this to work, zero-length lists must be inlined as ``[]``.

        - Due to the unavailibity of a better way to store stateful idempotency
          information about Distributions, the Comment sub-element (as the only
          user-settable attribute without weird self-blocking semantics, and
          which is available from the core ``get_distribution()`` API call) is
          utilized to store the Salt state signifier, which is used to
          determine resource existence and state. That said, to enable **some**
          usability of this field, only the value up to the first colon
          character is taken as the signifier, with everything afterward
          free-form, and ignored (but preserved) by Salt.

    Tags (dict)
        Tags to associate with the distribution.

    region (string)
        Region to connect to.

    key (string)
        Secret key to use.

    keyid (string)
        Access key to use.

    profile (dict or string)
        Dict, or pillar key pointing to a dict, containing AWS region/key/keyid.


    .. code-block:: yaml

            - Name: plt-dev-spaapi-cf-dist
            - DistributionConfig:
                Comment: SPA
                  Enabled: false
                  Prefix: ''
                  Bucket: ''
                  IncludeCookies: false
                WebACLId: ''
                  - S3OriginConfig:
                      OriginAccessIdentity: the-SPA-OAI
                    OriginPath: ''
                      Items: []
                    Id: S3-hs-backend-srpms
                PriceClass: PriceClass_All
                DefaultRootObject: ''
                Enabled: true
                  ViewerProtocolPolicy: allow-all
                    Items: []
                    Enabled: false
                  SmoothStreaming: false
                  TargetOriginId: S3-hs-backend-srpms
                  FieldLevelEncryptionId: ''
                      Items: []
                      Forward: none
                      Items: []
                    QueryString: false
                  MaxTTL: 31536000
                    Items: []
                  DefaultTTL: 86400
                      - HEAD
                      - GET
                    - HEAD
                    - GET
                  MinTTL: 0
                  Compress: false
                IsIPV6Enabled: true
                  CloudFrontDefaultCertificate: true
                  MinimumProtocolVersion: TLSv1
                  CertificateSource: cloudfront
                HttpVersion: http2
            - Tags:
                Owner: dev_engrs

    ret = {'name': name, 'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}}
    kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if not k.startswith('_')}
    authargs = {'region': region, 'key': key, 'keyid': keyid, 'profile': profile}
    Name = kwargs.pop('Name', name)
    Tags = kwargs.pop('Tags', None)
    DistributionConfig = kwargs.get('DistributionConfig', {})

    ## Sub-element munging on config data should go in here, before we proceed:
    #  For instance, origin access identities must be of the form
    #  `origin-access-identity/cloudfront/ID-of-origin-access-identity`, but we can't really
    #  know that ID apriori, so any OAI state names inside the config data must be resolved
    #  and converted into that format before submission. Be aware that the `state names` of
    #  salt managed OAIs are stored in their Comment fields for lack of any better place...
    for item in range(len(DistributionConfig.get('Origins', {}).get('Items', []))):
        oai = DistributionConfig['Origins']['Items'][item].get('S3OriginConfig',
                                                   {}).get('OriginAccessIdentity', '')
        if oai and not oai.startswith('origin-access-identity/cloudfront/'):
            res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identities_by_comment'](
                    Comment=oai, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
            if res is None:  # An error occurred, bubble it up...
                log.warning('Error encountered while trying to determine the Resource ID of'
                            ' CloudFront origin access identity `%s`.  Passing as-is.', oai)
            elif not res:
                log.warning('Failed to determine the Resource ID of CloudFront origin access'
                            ' identity `%s`.  Passing as-is.', oai)
            elif len(res) > 1:
                log.warning('Failed to find unique Resource ID for CloudFront origin access'
                            ' identity `%s`.  Passing as-is.', oai)
                # One unique OAI resource found -- deref and replace it...
                new = 'origin-access-identity/cloudfront/{}'.format(res[0]['Id'])
                DistributionConfig['Origins']['Items'][item]['S3OriginConfig']['OriginAccessIdentity'] = new
    # Munge Name into the Comment field...
    DistributionConfig['Comment'] = '{}:{}'.format(Name, DistributionConfig['Comment']) \
            if DistributionConfig.get('Comment') else Name

    # Fix up any missing (or wrong) Quantity sub-elements...
    DistributionConfig = _fix_quantities(DistributionConfig)
    kwargs['DistributionConfig'] = DistributionConfig

    # Current state of the thing?
    res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_distributions_by_comment'](Comment=Name, region=region,
            key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
    if res is None:
        msg = 'Error determining current state of distribution `{}`.'.format(Name)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret
    if len(res) > 1:
        msg = 'Multiple CloudFront distibutions matched `{}`.'.format(Name)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret

    # Luckily, the `DistributionConfig` structure returned by `get_distribution()` (as a sub-
    # element of `Distribution`) is identical to that returned by `get_distribution_config(),
    # and as a bonus, the ETag's are ALSO compatible...
    # Since "updates" are actually "replace everything from scratch" events, this implies that
    # it's enough to simply determine SOME update is necessary to trigger one, rather than
    # exhaustively calculating all changes needed - this makes life MUCH EASIER :)
    # Thus our workflow here is:
    # - check if the distribution exists
    # - if it doesn't, create it fresh with the requested DistributionConfig, and Tag it if needed
    # - if it does, grab its ETag, and TWO copies of the current DistributionConfig
    # - merge the requested DistributionConfig on top of one of them
    # - compare the copy we just merged against the one we didn't
    # - if they differ, send the merged copy, along with the ETag we got, back as an update
    # - lastly, verify and set/unset any Tags which may need changing...
    exists = bool(res)
    if not exists:
        if 'CallerReference' not in kwargs['DistributionConfig']:
            kwargs['DistributionConfig']['CallerReference'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['result'] = None
            ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront distribution `{}` would be created.'.format(Name)
            new = {'DistributionConfig': kwargs['DistributionConfig']}
            new.update({'Tags': Tags}) if Tags else None
            ret['pchanges'] = {'old': None, 'new': new}
            return ret
        comments = []
        res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.create_distribution_v2'](**kwargs)
        if res is None:
            ret['result'] = False
            msg = 'Error occurred while creating distribution `{}`.'.format(Name)
            ret['comment'] = msg
            return ret
        new = {'DistributionConfig': res['Distribution']['DistributionConfig']}
        comments += ['Created distribution `{}`.'.format(Name)]
        newARN = res.get('Distribution', {}).get('ARN')
        tagged = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.tag_resource'](Tags=Tags, **authargs)
        if tagged is False:
            ret['result'] = False
            msg = 'Error occurred while tagging distribution `{}`.'.format(Name)
            comments += [msg]
            ret['comment'] = '  '.join(comments)
            return ret
        comments += ['Tagged distribution `{}`.'.format(Name)]
        new['Tags'] = Tags
        ret['comment'] = '  '.join(comments)
        ret['changes'] = {'old': None, 'new': new}
        return ret
        currentId = res[0]['Id']
        current = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_distribution_v2'](Id=currentId, **authargs)
        # Insanely unlikely given that we JUST got back this Id from the previous search, but....
        if not current:
            msg = 'Failed to lookup CloudFront distribution with Id `{}`.'.format(currentId)
            ret['comment'] = msg
            ret['result'] = False
            return ret
        currentDC = current['Distribution']['DistributionConfig']
        currentARN = current['Distribution']['ARN']
        currentETag = current['ETag']
        currentTags = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.list_tags_for_resource'](Resource=currentARN,
        copyOne = copy.deepcopy(currentDC)
        copyTwo = copy.deepcopy(currentDC)
        correct = __utils__['boto3.json_objs_equal'](copyOne, copyTwo)
        tags_correct = (currentTags == Tags)
        comments = []
        old = {}
        new = {}

        if correct and tags_correct:
            ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront distribution `{}` is in the correct state.'.format(Name)
            return ret
        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['result'] = None
            if not correct:
                comments += ['CloudFront distribution `{}` config would be updated.'.format(Name)]
                old['DistributionConfig'] = copyOne
                new['DistributionConfig'] = copyTwo
            if not tags_correct:
                comments += ['CloudFront distribution `{}` Tags would be updated.'.format(Name)]
                old['Tags'] = currentTags
                new['Tags'] = Tags
            ret['comment'] = '  '.join(comments)
            ret['pchanges'] = {'old': old, 'new': new}
            return ret
        if not correct:
            kwargs = {'DistributionConfig': copyTwo, 'Id': currentId, 'IfMatch': currentETag}
            log.debug('Calling `boto_cloudfront.update_distribution_v2()` with **kwargs =='
                      ' %s', kwargs)
            res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.update_distribution_v2'](**kwargs)
            if res is None:
                ret['result'] = False
                msg = 'Error occurred while updating distribution `{}`.'.format(Name)
                ret['comment'] = msg
                return ret
            old['DistributionConfig'] = copyOne
            new['DistributionConfig'] = res['Distribution']['DistributionConfig']
            comments += ['CloudFront distribution `{}` config updated.'.format(Name)]
        if not tags_correct:
            tagged = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.enforce_tags'](Resource=currentARN, Tags=Tags,
            if tagged is False:
                ret['result'] = False
                msg = 'Error occurred while updating Tags on distribution `{}`.'.format(Name)
                comments += [msg]
                ret['comment'] = '  '.join(comments)
                return ret
            comments += ['CloudFront distribution `{}` Tags updated.'.format(Name)]
            old['Tags'] = currentTags
            new['Tags'] = Tags
        ret['comment'] = '  '.join(comments)
        ret['changes'] = {'old': old, 'new': new}
        return ret

def oai_bucket_policy_present(name, Bucket, OAI, Policy,
                              region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None):
    Ensure the given policy exists on an S3 bucket, granting access for the given origin access
    identity to do the things specified in the policy.

        The name of the state definition

        The S3 bucket which CloudFront needs access to. Note that this policy
        is exclusive - it will be the only policy definition on the bucket (and
        objects inside the bucket if you specify such permissions in the
        policy). Note that this likely SHOULD reflect the bucket mentioned in
        the Resource section of the Policy, but this is not enforced...

        The value of `Name` passed to the state definition for the origin
        access identity which will be accessing the bucket.

        The full policy document which should be set on the S3 bucket. If a
        ``Principal`` clause is not provided in the policy, one will be
        automatically added, and pointed at the correct value as dereferenced
        from the OAI provided above. If one IS provided, then this is not
        done, and you are responsible for providing the correct values.

    region (string)
        Region to connect to.

    key (string)
        Secret key to use.

    keyid (string)
        Access key to use.

    profile (dict or string)
        Dict, or pillar key pointing to a dict, containing AWS region/key/keyid.


    .. code-block:: yaml

          - Bucket: the_bucket_for_my_distribution
          - OAI: the_OAI_I_just_created_and_attached_to_my_distribution
          - Policy:
              Version: 2012-10-17
              - Effect: Allow
                Action: s3:GetObject
                Resource: arn:aws:s3:::the_bucket_for_my_distribution/*

    ret = {'name': name, 'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}}
    oais = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identities_by_comment'](
            Comment=OAI, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
    if len(oais) > 1:
        msg = 'Multiple origin access identities matched `{}`.'.format(OAI)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret
    if not oais:
        msg = 'No origin access identities matched `{}`.'.format(OAI)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret
    canonical_user = oais[0].get('S3CanonicalUserId')
    oai_id = oais[0].get('Id')
    if isinstance(Policy, six.string_types):
        Policy = json.loads(Policy)
    for stanza in range(len(Policy.get('Statement', []))):
        if 'Principal' not in Policy['Statement'][stanza]:
            Policy['Statement'][stanza]['Principal'] = {"CanonicalUser": canonical_user}
    bucket = __salt__['boto_s3_bucket.describe'](Bucket=Bucket, region=region, key=key,
            keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
    if not bucket or 'bucket' not in bucket:
        msg = 'S3 bucket `{}` not found.'.format(Bucket)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret
    curr_policy = bucket['bucket'].get('Policy', {}).get('Policy', {})  # ?!? dunno, that's just how it gets returned...
    curr_policy = json.loads(curr_policy) if isinstance(curr_policy,
            six.string_types) else curr_policy
    # Sooooo, you have to SUBMIT Principals of the form
    #   Principal: {'S3CanonicalUserId': someCrazyLongMagicValueAsDerivedAbove}
    # BUT, they RETURN the Principal as something WILDLY different
    #   Principal: {'AWS': arn:aws:iam::cloudfront:user/CloudFront Origin Access Identity E30ABCDEF12345}
    # which obviously compare different on every run... So we fake it thusly.
    fake_Policy = copy.deepcopy(Policy)
    for stanza in range(len(fake_Policy.get('Statement', []))):
        # Warning: unavoidable hardcoded magic values HO!
        fake_Policy['Statement'][stanza].update({'Principal': {'AWS':
            'arn:aws:iam::cloudfront:user/CloudFront Origin Access Identity {}'.format(oai_id)}})
    if __utils__['boto3.json_objs_equal'](curr_policy, fake_Policy):
        msg = 'Policy of S3 bucket `{}` is in the correct state.'.format(Bucket)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        return ret
    if __opts__['test']:
        ret['comment'] = 'Policy on S3 bucket `{}` would be updated.'.format(Bucket)
        ret['result'] = None
        ret['changes'] = {'old': curr_policy, 'new': fake_Policy}
        return ret
    res = __salt__['boto_s3_bucket.put_policy'](Bucket=Bucket, Policy=Policy,
            region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
    if 'error' in res:
        ret['comment'] = 'Failed to update policy on S3 bucket `{}`: {}'.format(Bucket,
        ret['return'] = False
        return ret
    ret['comment'] = 'Policy on S3 bucket `{}` updated.'.format(Bucket)
    ret['changes'] = {'old': curr_policy, 'new': fake_Policy}
    return ret

def route53_alias_present(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, **kwargs):
    Ensure a Route53 Alias exists and is pointing at the given CloudFront
    distribution. An ``A`` record is always created, and if IPV6 is enabled on
    the given distribution, an ``AAAA`` record will be created as well. Also be
    aware that Alias records for CloudFront distributions are only permitted in
    non-private zones.

        The name of the state definition.

        The name of the CloudFront distribution. Defaults to the value of
        ``name`` if not provided.

        Id of the Route53 hosted zone within which the records should be created.

        The domain name associated with the Hosted Zone. Exclusive with HostedZoneId.

        A Route53 Record Set (with AliasTarget section, suitable for use as an
        ``Alias`` record, if non-default settings are needed on the Alias)
        which should be pointed at the provided CloudFront distribution. Note
        that this MUST correlate with the Aliases set within the
        DistributionConfig section of the distribution.

        Some notes *specifically* about the ``AliasTarget`` subsection of the

        - If not specified, the ``DNSName`` sub-field will be populated by
          dereferencing ``Distribution`` above to the value of its
          ``DomainName`` attribute.

        - The HostedZoneId sub-field should not be provided -- it will be
          automatically populated with a ``magic`` AWS value.

        - The EvaluateTargetHealth can only be False on a CloudFront Alias.

        - The above items taken all together imply that, for most use-cases,
          the AliasTarget sub-section can be entirely omitted, as seen in the
          first code sample below.

        Lastly, note that if you set ``name`` to the desired ResourceRecordSet
        Name, you can entirely omit this parameter, as shown in the second
        example below.

    .. code-block:: yaml

        Add a Route53 Alias for my_distribution:
          - Distribution: my_distribution
          - DomainName:
          - ResourceRecordSet:
        # This is even simpler - it uses the value of `name` for ResourceRecordSet.Name
          - Distribution: my_distribution
          - DomainName:

    ret = {'name': name, 'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}}
    Distribution = kwargs['Distribution'] if 'Distribution' in kwargs else name
    ResourceRecordSet = kwargs.get('ResourceRecordSet', {})
    Name = ResourceRecordSet.get('Name', name)
    ResourceRecordSet['Name'] = Name

    res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_distributions_by_comment'](Comment=Distribution,
            region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
    if res is None:
        msg = 'Error resolving CloudFront distribution `{}` to a Resource ID.'.format(Distribution)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret
    if len(res) > 1:
        msg = 'Multiple CloudFront distibutions matched `{}`.'.format(Distribution)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret
    if not res:
        msg = 'No CloudFront distibutions matching `{}` found.'.format(Distribution)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret
    dist = res[0]

    Types = ('A', 'AAAA') if dist.get('IsIPV6Enabled', False) else ('A',)
    DNSName = dist.get('DomainName', '')
    Aliases = dist.get('Aliases', {}).get('Items', [])
    # AWS annoyance #437:
    #   Route53 "FQDNs" (correctly!) REQUIRE trailing periods...
    #   while CloudFront "FQDNs" don't PERMIT trailing periods...
    Aliases += [(a if a.endswith('.') else '{}.'.format(a)) for a in Aliases]
    if Name not in Aliases:
        msg = ('Route53 alias `{}` requested which is not mirrored in the `Aliases`'
              ' sub-section of the DistributionConfig.'.format(Name))
        ret['comment'] = msg
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret

    changes = {'old': [], 'new': []}
    comments = []
    # Now mock out a route53 state def, and use the route53 rr_exists state to enforce it...
    AliasTarget = ResourceRecordSet.get('AliasTarget', {})
    AliasTarget['DNSName'] = AliasTarget['DNSName'] if 'DNSName' in AliasTarget else DNSName
    AliasTarget['DNSName'] += '' if AliasTarget['DNSName'].endswith('.') else '.'  # GRRRR!
    AliasTarget['HostedZoneId'] = MAGIC_CLOUDFRONT_HOSTED_ZONEID
    AliasTarget['EvaluateTargetHealth'] = False   # Route53 limitation
    ResourceRecordSet['name'] = Name
    ResourceRecordSet['AliasTarget'] = AliasTarget
    ResourceRecordSet['PrivateZone'] = False      # Route53 limitation
    ResourceRecordSet['DomainName'] = kwargs.get('DomainName')
    ResourceRecordSet['HostedZoneId'] = kwargs.get('HostedZoneId')
    ResourceRecordSet.update({'region': region, 'key': key, 'keyid': keyid, 'profile': profile})
    for Type in Types:
        ResourceRecordSet['Type'] = Type
        # Checking for `test=True` will occur in the called state....
        log.debug('Calling state function `boto3_route53.rr_present()` with args:  `%s`',
        res = __states__['boto3_route53.rr_present'](**ResourceRecordSet)
        ret['result'] = res['result']
        comments += [res['comment']]
        if ret['result'] not in (True, None):
        changes['old'] += [res['changes']['old']] if res['changes'].get('old') else []
        changes['new'] += [res['changes']['new']] if res['changes'].get('new') else []
    ret['changes'].update({'old': changes['old']}) if changes.get('old') else None
    ret['changes'].update({'new': changes['new']}) if changes.get('new') else None
    ret['comment'] = '  '.join(comments)
    return ret

def distribution_absent(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, **kwargs):
    Ensure a distribution with the given Name tag does not exist.

    Note that CloudFront does not allow directly deleting an enabled
    Distribution. If such is requested, Salt will attempt to first update the
    distribution's status to Disabled, and once that returns success, to then
    delete the resource. THIS CAN TAKE SOME TIME, so be patient :)

    name (string)
        Name of the state definition.

    Name (string)
        Name of the CloudFront distribution to be managed. If not provided, the
        value of ``name`` will be used as a default. The purpose of this
        parameter is only to resolve it to a Resource ID, so be aware that an
        explicit value for ``Id`` below will override any value provided, or
        defaulted, here.

    Id (string)
        The Resource ID of a CloudFront distribution to be managed.

    region (string)
        Region to connect to

    key (string)
        Secret key to use

    keyid (string)
        Access key to use

    profile (dict or string)
        Dict, or pillar key pointing to a dict, containing AWS region/key/keyid.


    .. code-block:: yaml

        Ensure a distribution named my_distribution is gone:
          - Name: my_distribution

    Name = kwargs['Name'] if 'Name' in kwargs else name
    Id = kwargs.get('Id')
    ref = kwargs['Id'] if 'Id' in kwargs else Name
    ret = {'name': Id if Id else Name, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}, 'result': True}
    authargs = {'region': region, 'key': key, 'keyid': keyid, 'profile': profile}
    if not Id:
        res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_distributions_by_comment'](Comment=Name, **authargs)
        if res is None:
            msg = 'Error dereferencing CloudFront distribution `{}` to a Resource ID.'.format(Name)
            ret['comment'] = msg
            ret['result'] = False
            return ret
        if len(res) > 1:
            msg = ('Multiple CloudFront distibutions matched `{}`, no way to know which to'
                   ' delete.`.'.format(Name))
            ret['comment'] = msg
            ret['result'] = False
            return ret
        if not res:
            msg = 'CloudFront Distribution `{}` already absent.'.format(Name)
            ret['comment'] = msg
            ret['result'] = True
            return ret
        Id = res[0]['Id']

    if not __salt__['boto_cloudfront.distribution_exists'](Id=Id, **authargs):
        msg = 'CloudFront distribution `{}` already absent.'.format(ref)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        return ret

    old = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_distribution_v2'](Id=Id, **authargs)
    if old is None:
        ret['result'] = False
        msg = 'Error getting state of CloudFront distribution `{}`.'.format(ref)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        return ret
    currETag = old['ETag']

    Enabled = old['DistributionConfig']['Enabled']
    if __opts__['test']:
        ret['result'] = None
        ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront distribution `{}` would be {}deleted.'.format(ref,
                ('disabled and ' if Enabled else ''))
        ret['pchanges'] = {'old': old, 'new': None}
        return ret

    comments = []
    if Enabled:
        disabled = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.disable_distribution'](Id=Id, **authargs)
        if disabled is None:
            ret['result'] = False
            msg = 'Error disabling CloudFront distribution `{}`'.format(ref)
            ret['comment'] = msg
            return ret
        comments += ['CloudFront distribution `{}` disabled.'.format(ref)]
        currETag = disabled['ETag']
    deleted = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.delete_distribution'](Id=Id, IfMatch=currETag, **authargs)
    if deleted is False:
        ret['result'] = False
        msg = 'Error deleting CloudFront distribution `{}`'.format(ref)
        comments += [msg]
        ret['comment'] = '  '.join(comments)
        return ret
    msg = 'CloudFront distribution `{}` deleted.'.format(ref)
    comments += [msg]
    ret['comment'] = '  '.join(comments)
    ret['changes'] = {'old': old, 'new': None}
    return ret

def origin_access_identity_present(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, **kwargs):
    Ensure a given CloudFront Origin Access Identity exists.

    .. note::
        Due to the unavailibity of ANY other way to store stateful idempotency
        information about Origin Access Identities (including resource tags),
        the Comment attribute (as the only user-settable attribute without
        weird self-blocking semantics) is necessarily utilized to store the
        Salt state signifier, which is used to determine resource existence and
        state. That said, to enable SOME usability of this field, only the
        value up to the first colon character is taken as the signifier, while
        anything afterward is free-form and ignored by Salt.

    name (string)
        Name of the state definition.

    Name (string)
        Name of the resource (for purposes of Salt's idempotency). If not provided, the value of
        `name` will be used.

        Free-form text description of the origin access identity.

    region (string)
        Region to connect to

    key (string)
        Secret key to use

    keyid (string)
        Access key to use

    profile (dict or string)
        Dict, or pillar key pointing to a dict, containing AWS region/key/keyid.


    .. code-block:: yaml

          - Comment: Simply ensures an OAI named my_OAI exists

    ret = {'name': name, 'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}}
    kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if not k.startswith('_')}
    authargs = {'region': region, 'key': key, 'keyid': keyid, 'profile': profile}
    Name = kwargs.get('Name', name)
    # Munge Name into the Comment field...
    Comment = '{}:{}'.format(Name, kwargs['Comment']) if kwargs.get('Comment') else Name

    # Current state of the thing?
    res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identities_by_comment'](
            Comment=Name, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
    if res is None:
        msg = 'Error determining current state of origin access identity `{}`.'.format(Name)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret
    if len(res) > 1:
        msg = 'Multiple CloudFront origin access identities matched `{}`.'.format(Name)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret

    exists = bool(res)
    if not exists:
        CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig = {'Comment': Comment,
                                                'CallerReference': str(uuid.uuid4())}
        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['result'] = None
            ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` would be created.'.format(Name)
            new = {'CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig': CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig}
            ret['pchanges'] = {'old': None, 'new': new}
            return ret
        kwargs = {'CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig': CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig}
        res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.create_cloud_front_origin_access_identity'](**kwargs)
        if res is None:
            ret['result'] = False
            msg = 'Failed to create CloudFront origin access identity `{}`.'.format(Name)
            ret['comment'] = msg
            return ret
        ret['comment'] = 'Created CloudFrong origin access identity`{}`.'.format(Name)
        ret['changes'] = {'old': None, 'new': res}
        return ret
        currentId = res[0]['Id']
        current = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity'](Id=currentId,
        currentETag = current['ETag']
        currentOAIC = current['CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity']['CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig']
        new = copy.deepcopy(currentOAIC)
        new.update({'Comment': Comment})  # Currently the only updatable element :-/
        if currentOAIC == new:
            msg = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` is in the correct state.'.format(Name)
            ret['comment'] = msg
            return ret
        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['result'] = None
            ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` would be updated.'.format(Name)
            ret['pchanges'] = {'old': currentOAIC, 'new': new}
            return ret
        kwargs = {'CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig': new,
                  'Id': currentId, 'IfMatch': currentETag}
        res = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.update_cloud_front_origin_access_identity'](**kwargs)
        if res is None:
            ret['result'] = False
            msg = 'Error occurred while updating origin access identity `{}`.'.format(Name)
            ret['comment'] = msg
            return ret
        ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` config updated.'.format(Name)
        ret['changes'] = {'old': currentOAIC, 'new': new}
        return ret

def origin_access_identity_absent(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, **kwargs):
    Ensure a given CloudFront Origin Access Identity is absent.

        The name of the state definition.

    Name (string)
        Name of the resource (for purposes of Salt's idempotency). If not
        provided, the value of ``name`` will be used.

    Id (string)
        The Resource ID of a CloudFront origin access identity to be managed.

    region (string)
        Region to connect to

    key (string)
        Secret key to use

    keyid (string)
        Access key to use

    profile (dict or string)
        Dict, or pillar key pointing to a dict, containing AWS region/key/keyid.


    .. code-block:: yaml

        Ensure an origin access identity named my_OAI is gone:
          - Name: my_distribution

    Name = kwargs['Name'] if 'Name' in kwargs else name
    Id = kwargs.get('Id')
    ref = kwargs['Id'] if 'Id' in kwargs else Name
    ret = {'name': Id if Id else Name, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}, 'result': True}
    authargs = {'region': region, 'key': key, 'keyid': keyid, 'profile': profile}
    current = None
    if not Id:
        current = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identities_by_comment'](
                Comment=Name, **authargs)
        if current is None:
            msg = 'Error dereferencing origin access identity `{}` to a Resource ID.'.format(Name)
            ret['comment'] = msg
            ret['result'] = False
            return ret
        if len(current) > 1:
            msg = ('Multiple CloudFront origin access identities matched `{}`, no way to know'
                   ' which to delete.`.'.format(Name))
            ret['comment'] = msg
            ret['result'] = False
            return ret
        if not current:
            msg = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` already absent.'.format(Name)
            ret['comment'] = msg
            ret['result'] = True
            return ret
        Id = current[0]['Id']

    if not __salt__['boto_cloudfront.cloud_front_origin_access_identity_exists'](Id=Id, **authargs):
        msg = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` already absent.'.format(ref)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        return ret

    old = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity'](Id=Id, **authargs)
    if old is None:
        ret['result'] = False
        msg = 'Error getting state of CloudFront origin access identity `{}`.'.format(ref)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        return ret

    if __opts__['test']:
        ret['result'] = None
        ret['comment'] = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` would be deleted.'.format(ref)
        ret['pchanges'] = {'old': old, 'new': None}
        return ret

    deleted = __salt__['boto_cloudfront.delete_cloud_front_origin_access_identity'](Id=Id,
            IfMatch=old['ETag'], **authargs)
    if deleted is False:
        ret['result'] = False
        msg = 'Error deleting CloudFront origin access identity `{}`'.format(ref)
        ret['comment'] = msg
        return ret
    msg = 'CloudFront origin access identity `{}` deleted.'.format(ref)
    ret['comment'] = msg
    ret['changes'] = {'old': old, 'new': None}
    return ret