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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Manage Lambda Functions

.. versionadded:: 2016.3.0

Create and destroy Lambda Functions. Be aware that this interacts with Amazon's services,
and so may incur charges.

    - boto
    - boto3

The dependencies listed above can be installed via package or pip.

This module accepts explicit vpc credentials but can also utilize
IAM roles assigned to the instance through Instance Profiles. Dynamic
credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further
configuration is necessary. More information available `here

If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar file or
in the minion's config file:

.. code-block:: yaml

    vpc.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs

It's also possible to specify ``key``, ``keyid`` and ``region`` via a profile,
either passed in as a dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion

.. code-block:: yaml

        key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
            region: us-east-1

.. code-block:: yaml

    Ensure function exists:
            - FunctionName: myfunction
            - Runtime: python2.7
            - Role: iam_role_name
            - Handler: entry_function
            - ZipFile:
            - S3Bucket: bucketname
            - S3Key: keyname
            - S3ObjectVersion: version
            - Description: "My Lambda Function"
            - Timeout: 3
            - MemorySize: 128
            - region: us-east-1
            - keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H
            - key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs


# Import Python Libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import logging
import os
import hashlib

# Import Salt Libs
from salt.ext import six
import salt.utils.dictupdate as dictupdate
import salt.utils.files
import salt.utils.json
from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def __virtual__():
    Only load if boto is available.
    return 'boto_lambda' if 'boto_lambda.function_exists' in __salt__ else False

def function_present(name, FunctionName, Runtime, Role, Handler, ZipFile=None,
                     S3Bucket=None, S3Key=None, S3ObjectVersion=None,
                     Description='', Timeout=3, MemorySize=128,
                     Permissions=None, RoleRetries=5, region=None, key=None,
                     keyid=None, profile=None, VpcConfig=None,
    Ensure function exists.

        The name of the state definition

        Name of the Function.

        The Runtime environment for the function. One of
        'nodejs', 'java8', or 'python2.7'

        The name or ARN of the IAM role that the function assumes when it executes your
        function to access any other AWS resources.

        The function within your code that Lambda calls to begin execution. For Node.js it is the
        module-name.*export* value in your function. For Java, it can be package.classname::handler or

        A path to a .zip file containing your deployment package. If this is
        specified, S3Bucket and S3Key must not be specified.

        Amazon S3 bucket name where the .zip file containing your package is
        stored. If this is specified, S3Key must be specified and ZipFile must
        NOT be specified.

        The Amazon S3 object (the deployment package) key name you want to
        upload. If this is specified, S3Key must be specified and ZipFile must
        NOT be specified.

        The version of S3 object to use. Optional, should only be specified if
        S3Bucket and S3Key are specified.

        A short, user-defined function description. Lambda does not use this value. Assign a meaningful
        description as you see fit.

        The function execution time at which Lambda should terminate this function. Because the execution
        time has cost implications, we recommend you set this value based on your expected execution time.
        The default is 3 seconds.

        The amount of memory, in MB, your function is given. Lambda uses this memory size to infer
        the amount of CPU and memory allocated to your function. Your function use-case determines your
        CPU and memory requirements. For example, a database operation might need less memory compared
        to an image processing function. The default value is 128 MB. The value must be a multiple of
        64 MB.

        If your Lambda function accesses resources in a VPC, you must provide this parameter
        identifying the list of security group IDs/Names and subnet IDs/Name.  These must all belong
        to the same VPC.  This is a dict of the form:

        .. code-block:: yaml

                - mysecgroup1
                - mysecgroup2
                - sg-abcdef1234
                - mysubnet1
                - subnet-1234abcd
                - subnet-abcd1234

        If VpcConfig is provided at all, you MUST pass at least one security group and one subnet.

        A list of permission definitions to be added to the function's policy

        IAM Roles may take some time to propagate to all regions once created.
        During that time function creation may fail; this state will
        atuomatically retry this number of times. The default is 5.

        The parent object that contains your environment's configuration
        settings.  This is a dictionary of the form:

        .. code-block:: python

                'Variables': {
                    'VariableName': 'VariableValue'

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0

        Region to connect to.

        Secret key to be used.

        Access key to be used.

        A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that
        contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
    ret = {'name': FunctionName,
           'result': True,
           'comment': '',
           'changes': {}

    if Permissions is not None:
        if isinstance(Permissions, six.string_types):
            Permissions = salt.utils.json.loads(Permissions)
        required_keys = set(('Action', 'Principal'))
        optional_keys = set(('SourceArn', 'SourceAccount', 'Qualifier'))
        for sid, permission in six.iteritems(Permissions):
            keyset = set(permission.keys())
            if not keyset.issuperset(required_keys):
                raise SaltInvocationError('{0} are required for each permission '
                                          'specification'.format(', '.join(required_keys)))
            keyset = keyset - required_keys
            keyset = keyset - optional_keys
            if bool(keyset):
                raise SaltInvocationError(
                    'Invalid permission value {0}'.format(', '.join(keyset)))

    r = __salt__['boto_lambda.function_exists'](
        FunctionName=FunctionName, region=region,
        key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)

    if 'error' in r:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = ('Failed to create function: '
        return ret

    if not r.get('exists'):
        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['comment'] = 'Function {0} is set to be created.'.format(
            ret['result'] = None
            return ret
        r = __salt__['boto_lambda.create_function'](
            FunctionName=FunctionName, Runtime=Runtime, Role=Role,
            Handler=Handler, ZipFile=ZipFile, S3Bucket=S3Bucket, S3Key=S3Key,
            S3ObjectVersion=S3ObjectVersion, Description=Description,
            Timeout=Timeout, MemorySize=MemorySize, VpcConfig=VpcConfig,
            Environment=Environment, WaitForRole=True, RoleRetries=RoleRetries,
            region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
        if not r.get('created'):
            ret['result'] = False
            ret['comment'] = ('Failed to create function: '
            return ret

        if Permissions:
            for sid, permission in six.iteritems(Permissions):
                r = __salt__['boto_lambda.add_permission'](
                    FunctionName=FunctionName, StatementId=sid,
                    region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile,
                if not r.get('updated'):
                    ret['result'] = False
                    ret['comment'] = ('Failed to create function: '

        _describe = __salt__['boto_lambda.describe_function'](
            FunctionName, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
        _describe['function']['Permissions'] = (
                FunctionName, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid,
        ret['changes']['old'] = {'function': None}
        ret['changes']['new'] = _describe
        ret['comment'] = 'Function {0} created.'.format(FunctionName)
        return ret

    ret['comment'] = os.linesep.join(
        [ret['comment'], 'Function {0} is present.'.format(FunctionName)])
    ret['changes'] = {}
    # function exists, ensure config matches
    _ret = _function_config_present(FunctionName, Role, Handler, Description,
                                    Timeout, MemorySize, VpcConfig,
                                    Environment, region, key, keyid,
                                    profile, RoleRetries)
    if not _ret.get('result'):
        ret['result'] = _ret.get('result', False)
        ret['comment'] = _ret['comment']
        ret['changes'] = {}
        return ret
    ret['changes'] = dictupdate.update(ret['changes'], _ret['changes'])
    ret['comment'] = ' '.join([ret['comment'], _ret['comment']])
    _ret = _function_code_present(FunctionName, ZipFile, S3Bucket, S3Key, S3ObjectVersion,
                                  region, key, keyid, profile)
    if not _ret.get('result'):
        ret['result'] = _ret.get('result', False)
        ret['comment'] = _ret['comment']
        ret['changes'] = {}
        return ret
    ret['changes'] = dictupdate.update(ret['changes'], _ret['changes'])
    ret['comment'] = ' '.join([ret['comment'], _ret['comment']])
    _ret = _function_permissions_present(FunctionName, Permissions,
                                         region, key, keyid, profile)
    if not _ret.get('result'):
        ret['result'] = _ret.get('result', False)
        ret['comment'] = _ret['comment']
        ret['changes'] = {}
        return ret
    ret['changes'] = dictupdate.update(ret['changes'], _ret['changes'])
    ret['comment'] = ' '.join([ret['comment'], _ret['comment']])
    return ret

def _get_role_arn(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None):
    if name.startswith('arn:aws:iam:'):
        return name

    account_id = __salt__['boto_iam.get_account_id'](
        region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile
    return 'arn:aws:iam::{0}:role/{1}'.format(account_id, name)

def _resolve_vpcconfig(conf, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None):
    if isinstance(conf, six.string_types):
        conf = salt.utils.json.loads(conf)
    if not conf:
        # if the conf is None, we should explicitly set the VpcConfig to
        # {'SubnetIds': [], 'SecurityGroupIds': []} to take the lambda out of
        # the VPC it was in
        return {'SubnetIds': [], 'SecurityGroupIds': []}
    if not isinstance(conf, dict):
        raise SaltInvocationError('VpcConfig must be a dict.')
    sns = [__salt__['boto_vpc.get_resource_id']('subnet', s, region=region, key=key,
            keyid=keyid, profile=profile).get('id') for s in conf.pop('SubnetNames', [])]
    sgs = [__salt__['boto_secgroup.get_group_id'](s, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid,
            profile=profile) for s in conf.pop('SecurityGroupNames', [])]
    conf.setdefault('SubnetIds', []).extend(sns)
    conf.setdefault('SecurityGroupIds', []).extend(sgs)
    return conf

def _function_config_present(FunctionName, Role, Handler, Description, Timeout,
                             MemorySize, VpcConfig, Environment, region,
                             key, keyid, profile, RoleRetries):
    ret = {'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}}
    func = __salt__['boto_lambda.describe_function'](
        FunctionName, region=region,
        key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)['function']
    need_update = False
    options = {'Role': _get_role_arn(Role, region, key, keyid, profile),
               'Handler': Handler,
               'Description': Description,
               'Timeout': Timeout,
               'MemorySize': MemorySize}

    for key, val in six.iteritems(options):
        if func[key] != val:
            need_update = True
            ret['changes'].setdefault('old', {})[key] = func[key]
            ret['changes'].setdefault('new', {})[key] = val
    # VpcConfig returns the extra value 'VpcId' so do a special compare
    oldval = func.get('VpcConfig')
    if oldval is not None:
        oldval.pop('VpcId', None)
    fixed_VpcConfig = _resolve_vpcconfig(VpcConfig, region, key, keyid, profile)
    if __utils__['boto3.ordered'](oldval) != __utils__['boto3.ordered'](fixed_VpcConfig):
        need_update = True
        ret['changes'].setdefault('new', {})['VpcConfig'] = fixed_VpcConfig
            'old', {})['VpcConfig'] = func.get('VpcConfig')

    if Environment is not None:
        if func.get('Environment') != Environment:
            need_update = True
            ret['changes'].setdefault('new', {})['Environment'] = Environment
            ret['changes'].setdefault('old', {})['Environment'] = func.get(

    if need_update:
        ret['comment'] = os.linesep.join(
            [ret['comment'], 'Function config to be modified'])
        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['comment'] = 'Function {0} set to be modified.'.format(FunctionName)
            ret['result'] = None
            return ret
        _r = __salt__['boto_lambda.update_function_config'](
            FunctionName=FunctionName, Role=Role, Handler=Handler,
            Description=Description, Timeout=Timeout, MemorySize=MemorySize,
            VpcConfig=fixed_VpcConfig, Environment=Environment, region=region,
            key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile, WaitForRole=True,
        if not _r.get('updated'):
            ret['result'] = False
            ret['comment'] = ('Failed to update function: '
            ret['changes'] = {}
    return ret

def _function_code_present(FunctionName, ZipFile, S3Bucket, S3Key,
                           S3ObjectVersion, region, key, keyid, profile):
    ret = {'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}}
    func = __salt__['boto_lambda.describe_function'](
        FunctionName, region=region,
        key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)['function']
    update = False
    if ZipFile:
        if '://' in ZipFile:  # Looks like a remote URL to me...
            dlZipFile = __salt__['cp.cache_file'](path=ZipFile)
            if dlZipFile is False:
                ret['result'] = False
                ret['comment'] = 'Failed to cache ZipFile `{0}`.'.format(ZipFile)
                return ret
            ZipFile = dlZipFile
        size = os.path.getsize(ZipFile)
        if size == func['CodeSize']:
            sha = hashlib.sha256()
            with salt.utils.files.fopen(ZipFile, 'rb') as f:
            hashed = sha.digest().encode('base64').strip()
            if hashed != func['CodeSha256']:
                update = True
            update = True
        # No way to judge whether the item in the s3 bucket is current without
        # downloading it. Cheaper to just request an update every time, and still
        # idempotent
        update = True
    if update:
        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['comment'] = 'Function {0} set to be modified.'.format(FunctionName)
            ret['result'] = None
            return ret
        ret['changes']['old'] = {
            'CodeSha256': func['CodeSha256'],
            'CodeSize': func['CodeSize'],
        func = __salt__['boto_lambda.update_function_code'](
            FunctionName, ZipFile, S3Bucket,
            S3Key, S3ObjectVersion,
            region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
        if not func.get('updated'):
            ret['result'] = False
            ret['comment'] = ('Failed to update function: '
            ret['changes'] = {}
            return ret
        func = func['function']
        if func['CodeSha256'] != ret['changes']['old']['CodeSha256'] or \
                func['CodeSize'] != ret['changes']['old']['CodeSize']:
            ret['comment'] = os.linesep.join(
                [ret['comment'], 'Function code to be modified'])
            ret['changes']['new'] = {
                'CodeSha256': func['CodeSha256'],
                'CodeSize': func['CodeSize'],
            del ret['changes']['old']
    return ret

def _function_permissions_present(FunctionName, Permissions,
                                  region, key, keyid, profile):
    ret = {'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}}
    curr_permissions = __salt__['boto_lambda.get_permissions'](
        FunctionName, region=region,
        key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile).get('permissions')
    if curr_permissions is None:
        curr_permissions = {}
    need_update = False
    diffs =, Permissions or {})
    if bool(diffs):
        ret['comment'] = os.linesep.join(
            [ret['comment'], 'Function permissions to be modified'])
        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['comment'] = 'Function {0} set to be modified.'.format(FunctionName)
            ret['result'] = None
            return ret
        for sid, diff in six.iteritems(diffs):
            if diff.get('old', '') != '':
                # There's a permssion that needs to be removed
                _r = __salt__['boto_lambda.remove_permission'](
                    FunctionName=FunctionName, StatementId=sid,
                    region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
                    'new', {}).setdefault('Permissions', {})[sid] = {}
                    'old', {}).setdefault('Permissions', {})[sid] = diff['old']
            if diff.get('new', '') != '':
                # New permission information needs to be added
                _r = __salt__['boto_lambda.add_permission'](
                    FunctionName=FunctionName, StatementId=sid,
                    region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile,
                    'new', {}).setdefault('Permissions', {})[sid] = diff['new']
                oldperms = ret['changes'].setdefault(
                    'old', {}).setdefault('Permissions', {})
                if sid not in oldperms:
                    oldperms[sid] = {}
            if not _r.get('updated'):
                ret['result'] = False
                ret['comment'] = ('Failed to update function: '
                ret['changes'] = {}
    return ret

def function_absent(name, FunctionName, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None):
    Ensure function with passed properties is absent.

        The name of the state definition.

        Name of the function.

        Region to connect to.

        Secret key to be used.

        Access key to be used.

        A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that
        contains a dict with region, key and keyid.

    ret = {'name': FunctionName,
           'result': True,
           'comment': '',
           'changes': {}

    r = __salt__['boto_lambda.function_exists'](
        FunctionName, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
    if 'error' in r:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = 'Failed to delete function: {0}.'.format(r['error'][
        return ret

    if r and not r['exists']:
        ret['comment'] = 'Function {0} does not exist.'.format(FunctionName)
        return ret

    if __opts__['test']:
        ret['comment'] = 'Function {0} is set to be removed.'.format(
        ret['result'] = None
        return ret
    r = __salt__['boto_lambda.delete_function'](FunctionName,
                                                region=region, key=key,
                                                keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
    if not r['deleted']:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = ('Failed to delete function: '
        return ret
    ret['changes']['old'] = {'function': FunctionName}
    ret['changes']['new'] = {'function': None}
    ret['comment'] = 'Function {0} deleted.'.format(FunctionName)
    return ret

def alias_present(name, FunctionName, Name, FunctionVersion, Description='',
                  region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None):
    Ensure alias exists.

        The name of the state definition.

        Name of the function for which you want to create an alias.

        The name of the alias to be created.

        Function version for which you are creating the alias.

        A short, user-defined function description. Lambda does not use this value. Assign a meaningful
        description as you see fit.

        Region to connect to.

        Secret key to be used.

        Access key to be used.

        A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that
        contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
    ret = {'name': Name,
           'result': True,
           'comment': '',
           'changes': {}

    r = __salt__['boto_lambda.alias_exists'](
        FunctionName=FunctionName, Name=Name, region=region,
        key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)

    if 'error' in r:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = ('Failed to create alias: '
        return ret

    if not r.get('exists'):
        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['comment'] = 'Alias {0} is set to be created.'.format(Name)
            ret['result'] = None
            return ret
        r = __salt__['boto_lambda.create_alias'](FunctionName, Name,
                                                 FunctionVersion, Description,
                                                 region, key, keyid, profile)
        if not r.get('created'):
            ret['result'] = False
            ret['comment'] = ('Failed to create alias: '
            return ret
        _describe = __salt__['boto_lambda.describe_alias'](
            FunctionName, Name, region=region, key=key,
            keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
        ret['changes']['old'] = {'alias': None}
        ret['changes']['new'] = _describe
        ret['comment'] = 'Alias {0} created.'.format(Name)
        return ret

    ret['comment'] = os.linesep.join(
        [ret['comment'], 'Alias {0} is present.'.format(Name)])
    ret['changes'] = {}
    _describe = __salt__['boto_lambda.describe_alias'](
        FunctionName, Name, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid,

    need_update = False
    options = {'FunctionVersion': FunctionVersion,
               'Description': Description}

    for key, val in six.iteritems(options):
        if _describe[key] != val:
            need_update = True
            ret['changes'].setdefault('old', {})[key] = _describe[key]
            ret['changes'].setdefault('new', {})[key] = val
    if need_update:
        ret['comment'] = os.linesep.join(
            [ret['comment'], 'Alias config to be modified'])
        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['comment'] = 'Alias {0} set to be modified.'.format(Name)
            ret['result'] = None
            return ret
        _r = __salt__['boto_lambda.update_alias'](
            FunctionName=FunctionName, Name=Name,
            FunctionVersion=FunctionVersion, Description=Description,
            region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
        if not _r.get('updated'):
            ret['result'] = False
            ret['comment'] = ('Failed to update alias: '
            ret['changes'] = {}
    return ret

def alias_absent(name, FunctionName, Name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None):
    Ensure alias with passed properties is absent.

        The name of the state definition.

        Name of the function.

        Name of the alias.

        Region to connect to.

        Secret key to be used.

        Access key to be used.

        A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that
        contains a dict with region, key and keyid.

    ret = {'name': Name,
           'result': True,
           'comment': '',
           'changes': {}

    r = __salt__['boto_lambda.alias_exists'](
        FunctionName, Name, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid,
    if 'error' in r:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = ('Failed to delete alias: '
        return ret

    if r and not r['exists']:
        ret['comment'] = 'Alias {0} does not exist.'.format(Name)
        return ret

    if __opts__['test']:
        ret['comment'] = 'Alias {0} is set to be removed.'.format(Name)
        ret['result'] = None
        return ret
    r = __salt__['boto_lambda.delete_alias'](
        FunctionName, Name, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid,
    if not r['deleted']:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = ('Failed to delete alias: '
        return ret
    ret['changes']['old'] = {'alias': Name}
    ret['changes']['new'] = {'alias': None}
    ret['comment'] = 'Alias {0} deleted.'.format(Name)
    return ret

def _get_function_arn(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None):
    if name.startswith('arn:aws:lambda:'):
        return name

    account_id = __salt__['boto_iam.get_account_id'](
        region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile
    if profile and 'region' in profile:
        region = profile['region']
    if region is None:
        region = 'us-east-1'
    return 'arn:aws:lambda:{0}:{1}:function:{2}'.format(region, account_id, name)

def event_source_mapping_present(name, EventSourceArn, FunctionName,
                                 StartingPosition, Enabled=True, BatchSize=100,
                                 region=None, key=None, keyid=None,
    Ensure event source mapping exists.

        The name of the state definition.

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Kinesis or the Amazon
        DynamoDB stream that is the event source.

        The Lambda function to invoke when AWS Lambda detects an event on the

        You can specify an unqualified function name (for example, "Thumbnail")
        or you can specify Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function (for
        example, "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:account-id:function:ThumbNail"). AWS
        Lambda also allows you to specify only the account ID qualifier (for
        example, "account-id:Thumbnail"). Note that the length constraint
        applies only to the ARN. If you specify only the function name, it is
        limited to 64 character in length.

        The position in the stream where AWS Lambda should start reading.

        Indicates whether AWS Lambda should begin polling the event source. By
        default, Enabled is true.

        The largest number of records that AWS Lambda will retrieve from your
        event source at the time of invoking your function. Your function
        receives an event with all the retrieved records. The default is 100

        Region to connect to.

        Secret key to be used.

        Access key to be used.

        A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that
        contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
    ret = {'name': None,
           'result': True,
           'comment': '',
           'changes': {}

    r = __salt__['boto_lambda.event_source_mapping_exists'](
        EventSourceArn=EventSourceArn, FunctionName=FunctionName,
        region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)

    if 'error' in r:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = ('Failed to create event source mapping: '
        return ret

    if not r.get('exists'):
        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['comment'] = ('Event source mapping {0} is set '
                              'to be created.'.format(FunctionName))
            ret['result'] = None
            return ret
        r = __salt__['boto_lambda.create_event_source_mapping'](
            EventSourceArn=EventSourceArn, FunctionName=FunctionName,
            StartingPosition=StartingPosition, Enabled=Enabled,
            BatchSize=BatchSize, region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid,
        if not r.get('created'):
            ret['result'] = False
            ret['comment'] = ('Failed to create event source mapping: '
            return ret
        _describe = __salt__['boto_lambda.describe_event_source_mapping'](
            EventSourceArn=EventSourceArn, FunctionName=FunctionName,
            region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
        ret['name'] = _describe['event_source_mapping']['UUID']
        ret['changes']['old'] = {'event_source_mapping': None}
        ret['changes']['new'] = _describe
        ret['comment'] = ('Event source mapping {0} '
        return ret

    ret['comment'] = os.linesep.join(
        [ret['comment'], 'Event source mapping is present.'])
    ret['changes'] = {}
    _describe = __salt__['boto_lambda.describe_event_source_mapping'](
        EventSourceArn=EventSourceArn, FunctionName=FunctionName,
        region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid,

    need_update = False
    options = {'BatchSize': BatchSize}

    for key, val in six.iteritems(options):
        if _describe[key] != val:
            need_update = True
            ret['changes'].setdefault('old', {})[key] = _describe[key]
            ret['changes'].setdefault('new', {})[key] = val
    # verify FunctionName against FunctionArn
    function_arn = _get_function_arn(FunctionName, region=region,
                                     key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
    if _describe['FunctionArn'] != function_arn:
        need_update = True
        ret['changes'].setdefault('new', {})['FunctionArn'] = function_arn
        ret['changes'].setdefault('old', {})['FunctionArn'] = _describe[
    # TODO check for 'Enabled', since it doesn't directly map to a specific
    # state
    if need_update:
        ret['comment'] = os.linesep.join(
            [ret['comment'], 'Event source mapping to be modified'])
        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['comment'] = (
                'Event source mapping {0} set to be modified.'.format(
            ret['result'] = None
            return ret
        _r = __salt__['boto_lambda.update_event_source_mapping'](
            UUID=_describe['UUID'], FunctionName=FunctionName,
            Enabled=Enabled, BatchSize=BatchSize,
            region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
        if not _r.get('updated'):
            ret['result'] = False
            ret['comment'] = ('Failed to update mapping: '
            ret['changes'] = {}
    return ret

def event_source_mapping_absent(name, EventSourceArn, FunctionName,
                                region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None):
    Ensure event source mapping with passed properties is absent.

        The name of the state definition.

        ARN of the event source.

        Name of the lambda function.

        Region to connect to.

        Secret key to be used.

        Access key to be used.

        A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that
        contains a dict with region, key and keyid.

    ret = {'name': None,
           'result': True,
           'comment': '',
           'changes': {}

    desc = __salt__['boto_lambda.describe_event_source_mapping'](
        EventSourceArn=EventSourceArn, FunctionName=FunctionName,
        region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
    if 'error' in desc:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = ('Failed to delete event source mapping: '
        return ret

    if not desc.get('event_source_mapping'):
        ret['comment'] = 'Event source mapping does not exist.'
        return ret

    ret['name'] = desc['event_source_mapping']['UUID']
    if __opts__['test']:
        ret['comment'] = 'Event source mapping is set to be removed.'
        ret['result'] = None
        return ret
    r = __salt__['boto_lambda.delete_event_source_mapping'](
        EventSourceArn=EventSourceArn, FunctionName=FunctionName,
        region=region, key=key, keyid=keyid, profile=profile)
    if not r['deleted']:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = 'Failed to delete event source mapping: {0}.'.format(r['error'][
        return ret
    ret['changes']['old'] = desc
    ret['changes']['new'] = {'event_source_mapping': None}
    ret['comment'] = 'Event source mapping deleted.'
    return ret