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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Disk monitoring state

Monitor the state of disk resources.

The ``disk.status`` function can be used to report that the used space of a
filesystem is within the specified limits.

.. code-block:: sls

        - name: /dev/xda1
        - maximum: 79%
        - minimum: 11%

It can be used with an ``onfail`` requisite, for example, to take additional
action in response to or in preparation for other states.

.. code-block:: sls

        - name: /dev/xda1
        - maximum: 97%

        - name: rm -r /var/cache/app
        - onfail:
          - disk: storage_threshold

To use kilobytes (KB) for ``minimum`` and ``maximum`` rather than percents,
specify the ``absolute`` flag:

.. code-block:: sls

        - name: /dev/xda1
        - minimum: 1024 KB
        - maximum: 1048576 KB
        - absolute: True
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

# Import salt libs
from salt.ext.six import string_types
from os import path

__monitor__ = [

def _validate_int(name, value, limits=(), strip='%'):
    Validate the named integer within the supplied limits inclusive and
    strip supplied unit characters
    comment = ''
    # Must be integral
        if isinstance(value, string_types):
            value = value.strip(' ' + strip)
        value = int(value)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        comment += '{0} must be an integer '.format(name)
    # Must be in range
        if len(limits) == 2:
            if value < limits[0] or value > limits[1]:
                comment += '{0} must be in the range [{1[0]}, {1[1]}] '.format(name, limits)
    return value, comment

def _status_mount(name, ret, minimum, maximum, absolute, free, data):
    # Get used space
    if absolute:
        used = int(data[name]['used'])
        available = int(data[name]['available'])
        # POSIX-compliant df output reports percent used as 'capacity'
        used = int(data[name]['capacity'].strip('%'))
        available = 100 - used

    # Collect return information
    ret['data'] = data[name]
    return _check_min_max(absolute, free, available, used, maximum, minimum, ret)

def _status_path(directory, ret, minimum, maximum, absolute, free):
    if path.isdir(directory) is False:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] += ('Directory {0} does not exist or is not a directory'.format(directory))
        return ret

    data = __salt__['status.diskusage'](directory)

    if absolute:
        used = int(data[directory]['total']) - int(data[directory]['available'])
        available = int(data[directory]['available'])
        if int(data[directory]['total']) == 0:
            used = 0
            available = 0
            used = round(float(int(data[directory]['total']) - int(data[directory]['available'])) /
                         int(data[directory]['total']) * 100, 1)
            available = round(float(data[directory]['available']) / int(data[directory]['total']) * 100, 1)

    ret['data'] = data
    return _check_min_max(absolute, free, available, used, maximum, minimum, ret)

def _check_min_max(absolute, free, available, used, maximum, minimum, ret):
    unit = 'KB' if absolute else '%'
    if minimum is not None:
        if free:
            if available < minimum:
                ret['comment'] = ('Disk available space is below minimum'
                                  ' of {0} {2} at {1} {2}'
                                  ''.format(minimum, available, unit)
                return ret
            if used < minimum:
                ret['comment'] = ('Disk used space is below minimum'
                                  ' of {0} {2} at {1} {2}'
                                  ''.format(minimum, used, unit)
                return ret
    if maximum is not None:
        if free:
            if available > maximum:
                ret['comment'] = ('Disk available space is above maximum'
                                  ' of {0} {2} at {1} {2}'
                                  ''.format(maximum, available, unit)
                return ret
            if used > maximum:
                ret['comment'] = ('Disk used space is above maximum'
                                  ' of {0} {2} at {1} {2}'
                                  ''.format(maximum, used, unit)
                return ret
    ret['comment'] = 'Disk used space in acceptable range'
    ret['result'] = True
    return ret

def status(name, maximum=None, minimum=None, absolute=False, free=False):
    Return the current disk usage stats for the named mount point

        Disk mount or directory for which to check used space

        The maximum disk utilization

        The minimum disk utilization

        By default, the utilization is measured in percentage. Set
        the `absolute` flag to use kilobytes.

        .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0

        By default, `minimum` & `maximum` refer to the amount of used space.
        Set to `True` to evaluate the free space instead.
    # Monitoring state, no changes will be made so no test interface needed
    ret = {'name': name,
           'result': False,
           'comment': '',
           'changes': {},
           'data': {}}  # Data field for monitoring state

    # Validate extrema
    if maximum is not None:
        if not absolute:
            maximum, comment = _validate_int('maximum', maximum, [0, 100])
            maximum, comment = _validate_int('maximum', maximum, strip='KB')
        ret['comment'] += comment
    if minimum is not None:
        if not absolute:
            minimum, comment = _validate_int('minimum', minimum, [0, 100])
            minimum, comment = _validate_int('minimum', minimum, strip='KB')
        ret['comment'] += comment
    if minimum is not None and maximum is not None:
        if minimum >= maximum:
            ret['comment'] += 'minimum must be less than maximum '
    if ret['comment']:
        return ret

    data = __salt__['disk.usage']()

    # Validate name
    if name not in data:
        ret['comment'] += ('Disk mount {0} not present. '.format(name))
        return _status_path(name, ret, minimum, maximum, absolute, free)
        return _status_mount(name, ret, minimum, maximum, absolute, free, data)