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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Starting or restarting of services and daemons

Services are defined as system daemons and are typically launched using system
init or rc scripts. This service state uses whichever service module is loaded
on the minion with the virtualname of ``service``. Services can be defined as
either running or dead.

If you need to know if your init system is supported, see the list of supported
:mod:`service modules <>` for your desired init system
(systemd, sysvinit, launchctl, etc.).

Note that Salt's service execution module, and therefore this service state,
uses OS grains to ascertain which service module should be loaded and used to
execute service functions. As existing distributions change init systems or
new distributions are created, OS detection can sometimes be incomplete.
If your service states are running into trouble with init system detection,
please see the :ref:`Overriding Virtual Module Providers <module-provider-override>`
section of Salt's module documentation to work around possible errors.

.. note::
    The current status of a service is determined by the return code of the init/rc
    script status command. A status return code of 0 it is considered running.  Any
    other return code is considered dead.

.. code-block:: yaml

      service.running: []

The service can also be set to start at runtime via the enable option:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - enable: True

By default if a service is triggered to refresh due to a watch statement the
service is restarted. If the desired behavior is to reload the service, then
set the reload value to True:

.. code-block:: yaml

        - enable: True
        - reload: True
        - watch:
          - pkg: redis

.. note::

    More details regarding ``watch`` can be found in the
    :ref:`Requisites <requisites>` documentation.

# Import Python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import time

# Import Salt libs
import salt.utils.platform
from salt.utils.args import get_function_argspec as _argspec
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
from salt.state import _gen_tag

# Import 3rd-party libs
from salt.ext import six

SYSTEMD_ONLY = ('no_block', 'unmask', 'unmask_runtime')

__virtualname__ = 'service'

def __virtual__():
    Only make these states available if a service provider has been detected or
    assigned for this minion
    if 'service.start' in __salt__:
        return __virtualname__
        return (False, 'No service execution module loaded: '
                'check support for service management on {0} '
                ''.format(__grains__.get('osfinger', __grains__.get('os', 'NO OS')))

# Double-asterisk deliberately not used here
def _get_systemd_only(func, kwargs):
    ret = {}
    warnings = []
    valid_args = _argspec(func).args
    for systemd_arg in SYSTEMD_ONLY:
        arg_val = kwargs.get(systemd_arg, False)
        if arg_val:
            if systemd_arg in valid_args:
                ret[systemd_arg] = arg_val
                    'The \'{0}\' argument is not supported by this '
    return ret, warnings

def _enabled_used_error(ret):
    Warn of potential typo.
    ret['result'] = False
    ret['comment'] = (
        'Service {0} uses non-existent option "enabled".  ' +
        'Perhaps "enable" option was intended?'
    return ret

def _enable(name, started, result=True, skip_verify=False, **kwargs):
    Enable the service
    ret = {}

    if not skip_verify:
        # is service available?
            if not _available(name, ret):
                return ret
        except CommandExecutionError as exc:
            ret['result'] = False
            ret['comment'] = exc.strerror
            return ret

    # Set default expected result
    ret['result'] = result

    # Check to see if this minion supports enable
    if 'service.enable' not in __salt__ or 'service.enabled' not in __salt__:
        if started is True:
            ret['comment'] = ('Enable is not available on this minion,'
                              ' service {0} started').format(name)
        elif started is None:
            ret['comment'] = ('Enable is not available on this minion,'
                              ' service {0} is in the desired state'
            ret['comment'] = ('Enable is not available on this minion,'
                              ' service {0} is dead').format(name)
        return ret

    # Service can be enabled
    before_toggle_enable_status = __salt__['service.enabled'](name, **kwargs)
    if before_toggle_enable_status:
        # Service is enabled
        if started is True:
            ret['comment'] = ('Service {0} is already enabled,'
                              ' and is running').format(name)
        elif started is None:
            # always be sure in this case to reset the changes dict
            ret['changes'] = {}
            ret['comment'] = ('Service {0} is already enabled,'
                              ' and is in the desired state').format(name)
            ret['comment'] = ('Service {0} is already enabled,'
                              ' and is dead').format(name)
        return ret

    # Service needs to be enabled
    if __opts__['test']:
        ret['result'] = None
        ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} set to be enabled'.format(name)
        return ret

        if __salt__['service.enable'](name, **kwargs):
            # Service has been enabled
            ret['changes'] = {}
            after_toggle_enable_status = __salt__['service.enabled'](
            # on upstart, certain services like apparmor will always return
            # False, even if correctly activated
            # do not trigger a change
            if before_toggle_enable_status != after_toggle_enable_status:
                ret['changes'][name] = True
            if started is True:
                ret['comment'] = ('Service {0} has been enabled,'
                                  ' and is running').format(name)
            elif started is None:
                ret['comment'] = ('Service {0} has been enabled,'
                                  ' and is in the desired state').format(name)
                ret['comment'] = ('Service {0} has been enabled,'
                                  ' and is dead').format(name)
            return ret
    except CommandExecutionError as exc:
        enable_error = exc.strerror
        enable_error = False

    # Service failed to be enabled
    ret['result'] = False
    if started is True:
        ret['comment'] = ('Failed when setting service {0} to start at boot,'
                          ' but the service is running').format(name)
    elif started is None:
        ret['comment'] = ('Failed when setting service {0} to start at boot,'
                          ' but the service was already running').format(name)
        ret['comment'] = ('Failed when setting service {0} to start at boot,'
                          ' and the service is dead').format(name)

    if enable_error:
        ret['comment'] += '. Additional information follows:\n\n{0}'.format(

    return ret

def _disable(name, started, result=True, skip_verify=False, **kwargs):
    Disable the service
    ret = {}

    if not skip_verify:
        # is service available?
            if not _available(name, ret):
                ret['result'] = True
                return ret
        except CommandExecutionError as exc:
            ret['result'] = False
            ret['comment'] = exc.strerror
            return ret

    # Set default expected result
    ret['result'] = result

    # is enable/disable available?
    if 'service.disable' not in __salt__ or 'service.disabled' not in __salt__:
        if started is True:
            ret['comment'] = ('Disable is not available on this minion,'
                              ' service {0} started').format(name)
        elif started is None:
            ret['comment'] = ('Disable is not available on this minion,'
                              ' service {0} is in the desired state'
            ret['comment'] = ('Disable is not available on this minion,'
                              ' service {0} is dead').format(name)
        return ret

    # Service can be disabled
    if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
        # service.disabled in Windows returns True for services that are set to
        # Manual start, so we need to check specifically for Disabled
        before_toggle_disable_status = __salt__[''](name)['StartType'] in ['Disabled']
        before_toggle_disable_status = __salt__['service.disabled'](name)
    if before_toggle_disable_status:
        # Service is disabled
        if started is True:
            ret['comment'] = ('Service {0} is already disabled,'
                              ' and is running').format(name)
        elif started is None:
            # always be sure in this case to reset the changes dict
            ret['changes'] = {}
            ret['comment'] = ('Service {0} is already disabled,'
                              ' and is in the desired state').format(name)
            ret['comment'] = ('Service {0} is already disabled,'
                              ' and is dead').format(name)
        return ret

    # Service needs to be disabled
    if __opts__['test']:
        ret['result'] = None
        ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} set to be disabled'.format(name)
        return ret

    if __salt__['service.disable'](name, **kwargs):
        # Service has been disabled
        ret['changes'] = {}
        after_toggle_disable_status = __salt__['service.disabled'](name)
        # on upstart, certain services like apparmor will always return
        # False, even if correctly activated
        # do not trigger a change
        if before_toggle_disable_status != after_toggle_disable_status:
            ret['changes'][name] = True
        if started is True:
            ret['comment'] = ('Service {0} has been disabled,'
                              ' and is running').format(name)
        elif started is None:
            ret['comment'] = ('Service {0} has been disabled,'
                              ' and is in the desired state').format(name)
            ret['comment'] = ('Service {0} has been disabled,'
                              ' and is dead').format(name)
        return ret

    # Service failed to be disabled
    ret['result'] = False
    if started is True:
        ret['comment'] = ('Failed when setting service {0} to not start'
                          ' at boot, and is running').format(name)
    elif started is None:
        ret['comment'] = ('Failed when setting service {0} to not start'
                          ' at boot, but the service was already running'
        ret['comment'] = ('Failed when setting service {0} to not start'
                          ' at boot, and the service is dead').format(name)
    return ret

def _available(name, ret):
    Check if the service is available
    avail = False
    if 'service.available' in __salt__:
        avail = __salt__['service.available'](name)
    elif 'service.get_all' in __salt__:
        avail = name in __salt__['service.get_all']()
    if not avail:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = 'The named service {0} is not available'.format(name)
    return avail

def running(name,
    Ensure that the service is running

        The name of the init or rc script used to manage the service

        Set the service to be enabled at boot time, ``True`` sets the service
        to be enabled, ``False`` sets the named service to be disabled. The
        default is ``None``, which does not enable or disable anything.

        The string to search for when looking for the service process with ps

        Some services may not be truly available for a short period after their
        startup script indicates to the system that they are. Provide an
        'init_delay' to specify that this state should wait an additional given
        number of seconds after a service has started before returning. Useful
        for requisite states wherein a dependent state might assume a service
        has started but is not yet fully initialized.

    no_block : False
        **For systemd minions only.** Starts the service using ``--no-block``.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0

    unmask : False
        **For systemd minions only.** Set to ``True`` to remove an indefinite
        mask before attempting to start the service.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous releases, Salt would simply unmask a service before
            making any changes. This behavior is no longer the default.

    unmask_runtime : False
        **For systemd minions only.** Set to ``True`` to remove a runtime mask
        before attempting to start the service.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
            In previous releases, Salt would simply unmask a service before
            making any changes. This behavior is no longer the default.

    .. note::
        ``watch`` can be used with service.running to restart a service when
         another state changes ( example: a file.managed state that creates the
         service's config file ). More details regarding ``watch`` can be found
         in the :ref:`Requisites <requisites>` documentation.
    ret = {'name': name,
           'changes': {},
           'result': True,
           'comment': ''}

    # Check for common error: using enabled option instead of enable
    if 'enabled' in kwargs:
        return _enabled_used_error(ret)

    # Convert enable to boolean in case user passed a string value
    if isinstance(enable, six.string_types):
        enable =

    # Check if the service is available
        if not _available(name, ret):
            if __opts__.get('test'):
                ret['result'] = None
                ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} not present; if created in this state run, it would have been started'.format(name)
            return ret
    except CommandExecutionError as exc:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = exc.strerror
        return ret

    # lot of custom init script won't or mis implement the status
    # command, so it is just an indicator but can not be fully trusted
    before_toggle_status = __salt__['service.status'](name, sig)
    if 'service.enabled' in __salt__:
        before_toggle_enable_status = __salt__['service.enabled'](name)
        before_toggle_enable_status = True

    unmask_ret = {'comment': ''}
    if unmask:
        unmask_ret = unmasked(name, unmask_runtime)

    # See if the service is already running
    if before_toggle_status:
        ret['comment'] = '\n'.join(
            [_f for _f in ['The service {0} is already running'.format(name),
                           unmask_ret['comment']] if _f]
        if enable is True and not before_toggle_enable_status:
            ret.update(_enable(name, None, skip_verify=False, **kwargs))
        elif enable is False and before_toggle_enable_status:
            ret.update(_disable(name, None, skip_verify=False, **kwargs))
        return ret

    # Run the tests
    if __opts__['test']:
        ret['result'] = None
        ret['comment'] = '\n'.join(
            [_f for _f in ['Service {0} is set to start'.format(name),
                           unmask_ret['comment']] if _f])
        return ret

    # Conditionally add systemd-specific args to call to service.start
    start_kwargs, warnings = \
        _get_systemd_only(__salt__['service.start'], locals())
    if warnings:
        ret.setdefault('warnings', []).extend(warnings)

    if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
        for arg in ['timeout', 'with_deps', 'with_parents']:
            if kwargs.get(arg, False):
                start_kwargs.update({arg: kwargs.get(arg)})

        func_ret = __salt__['service.start'](name, **start_kwargs)
    except CommandExecutionError as exc:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = exc.strerror
        return ret

    if not func_ret:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} failed to start'.format(name)
        if enable is True:
            ret.update(_enable(name, False, result=False, skip_verify=False, **kwargs))
        elif enable is False:
            ret.update(_disable(name, False, result=False, skip_verify=False, **kwargs))
        return ret

    if init_delay:

    # only force a change state if we have explicitly detected them
    after_toggle_status = __salt__['service.status'](name, sig)
    if 'service.enabled' in __salt__:
        after_toggle_enable_status = __salt__['service.enabled'](name)
        after_toggle_enable_status = True
    if (
            (before_toggle_enable_status != after_toggle_enable_status) or
            (before_toggle_status != after_toggle_status)
    ) and not ret.get('changes', {}):
        ret['changes'][name] = after_toggle_status

    if after_toggle_status:
        ret['comment'] = 'Started Service {0}'.format(name)
        ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} failed to start'.format(name)
        ret['result'] = False

    if enable is True:
        ret.update(_enable(name, after_toggle_status, result=after_toggle_status, skip_verify=False, **kwargs))
    elif enable is False:
        ret.update(_disable(name, after_toggle_status, result=after_toggle_status, skip_verify=False, **kwargs))

    if init_delay:
        ret['comment'] = (
            '{0}\nDelayed return for {1} seconds'
            .format(ret['comment'], init_delay)

    if unmask:
        ret['comment'] = '\n'.join([ret['comment'], unmask_ret['comment']])

    return ret

def dead(name,
    Ensure that the named service is dead by stopping the service if it is running

        The name of the init or rc script used to manage the service

        Set the service to be enabled at boot time, ``True`` sets the service
        to be enabled, ``False`` sets the named service to be disabled. The
        default is ``None``, which does not enable or disable anything.

        The string to search for when looking for the service process with ps

        Add a sleep command (in seconds) before the check to make sure service
        is killed.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0

    no_block : False
        **For systemd minions only.** Stops the service using ``--no-block``.

        .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0
    ret = {'name': name,
           'changes': {},
           'result': True,
           'comment': ''}

    # Check for common error: using enabled option instead of enable
    if 'enabled' in kwargs:
        return _enabled_used_error(ret)

    # Convert enable to boolean in case user passed a string value
    if isinstance(enable, six.string_types):
        enable =

    # Check if the service is available
        if not _available(name, ret):
            if __opts__.get('test'):
                ret['result'] = None
                ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} not present; if created in this state run, it would have been stopped'.format(name)
                # A non-available service is OK here, don't let the state fail
                # because of it.
                ret['result'] = True
            return ret
    except CommandExecutionError as exc:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = exc.strerror
        return ret

    # lot of custom init script won't or mis implement the status
    # command, so it is just an indicator but can not be fully trusted
    before_toggle_status = __salt__['service.status'](name, sig)
    if 'service.enabled' in __salt__:
        if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
            # service.enabled in Windows returns True for services that are set
            # to Auto start, but services set to Manual can also be disabled
            before_toggle_enable_status = __salt__[''](name)['StartType'] in ['Auto', 'Manual']
            before_toggle_enable_status = __salt__['service.enabled'](name)
        before_toggle_enable_status = True

    # See if the service is already dead
    if not before_toggle_status:
        ret['comment'] = 'The service {0} is already dead'.format(name)
        if enable is True and not before_toggle_enable_status:
            ret.update(_enable(name, None, skip_verify=False, **kwargs))
        elif enable is False and before_toggle_enable_status:
            ret.update(_disable(name, None, skip_verify=False, **kwargs))
        return ret

    # Run the tests
    if __opts__['test']:
        ret['result'] = None
        ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} is set to be killed'.format(name)
        return ret

    # Conditionally add systemd-specific args to call to service.start
    stop_kwargs, warnings = _get_systemd_only(__salt__['service.stop'], kwargs)
    if warnings:
        ret.setdefault('warnings', []).extend(warnings)

    if salt.utils.platform.is_windows():
        for arg in ['timeout', 'with_deps', 'with_parents']:
            if kwargs.get(arg, False):
                stop_kwargs.update({arg: kwargs.get(arg)})

    func_ret = __salt__['service.stop'](name, **stop_kwargs)
    if not func_ret:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} failed to die'.format(name)
        if enable is True:
            ret.update(_enable(name, True, result=False, skip_verify=False, **kwargs))
        elif enable is False:
            ret.update(_disable(name, True, result=False, skip_verify=False, **kwargs))
        return ret

    if init_delay:

    # only force a change state if we have explicitly detected them
    after_toggle_status = __salt__['service.status'](name)
    if 'service.enabled' in __salt__:
        after_toggle_enable_status = __salt__['service.enabled'](name)
        after_toggle_enable_status = True
    if (
            (before_toggle_enable_status != after_toggle_enable_status) or
            (before_toggle_status != after_toggle_status)
    ) and not ret.get('changes', {}):
        ret['changes'][name] = after_toggle_status

    # be sure to stop, in case we mis detected in the check
    if after_toggle_status:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} failed to die'.format(name)
        ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} was killed'.format(name)

    if enable is True:
        ret.update(_enable(name, after_toggle_status, result=not after_toggle_status, skip_verify=False, **kwargs))
    elif enable is False:
        ret.update(_disable(name, after_toggle_status, result=not after_toggle_status, skip_verify=False, **kwargs))

    return ret

def enabled(name,
    Ensure that the service is enabled on boot, only use this state if you
    don't want to manage the running process, remember that if you want to
    enable a running service to use the enable: True option for the running
    or dead function.

        The name of the init or rc script used to manage the service

        Skip verifying that the service is available before enabling it.
        ``True`` will skip the verification. The default is ``False``,
        which will ensure the service is available before enabling it.
    ret = {'name': name,
           'changes': {},
           'result': True,
           'comment': ''}

    ret.update(_enable(name, None, skip_verify=skip_verify, **kwargs))
    return ret

def disabled(name,
    Ensure that the service is disabled on boot, only use this state if you
    don't want to manage the running process, remember that if you want to
    disable a service to use the enable: False option for the running or dead

        The name of the init or rc script used to manage the service

        Skip verifying that the service is available before disabling it.
        ``True`` will skip the verification. The default is ``False``,
        which will ensure the service is available before disabling it.
    ret = {'name': name,
           'changes': {},
           'result': True,
           'comment': ''}

    ret.update(_disable(name, None, skip_verify=skip_verify, **kwargs))
    return ret

def masked(name, runtime=False):
    .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0

    .. note::
        This state is only available on minions which use systemd_.

    Ensures that the named service is masked (i.e. prevented from being

        Name of the service to mask

    runtime : False
        By default, this state will manage an indefinite mask for the named
        service. Set this argument to ``True`` to runtime mask the service.

    .. note::
        It is possible for a service to have both indefinite and runtime masks
        set for it. Therefore, this state will manage a runtime or indefinite
        mask independently of each other. This means that if the service is
        already indefinitely masked, running this state with ``runtime`` set to
        ``True`` will _not_ remove the indefinite mask before setting a runtime
        mask. In these cases, if it is desirable to ensure that the service is
        runtime masked and not indefinitely masked, pair this state with a
        :py:func:`service.unmasked <salt.states.service.unmasked>` state, like

        .. code-block:: yaml

                - name: foo
                - runtime: True

                - name: foo
                - runtime: False

    .. _systemd:

    ret = {'name': name,
           'changes': {},
           'result': True,
           'comment': ''}

    if 'service.masked' not in __salt__:
        ret['comment'] = 'Service masking not available on this minion'
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret

    mask_type = 'runtime masked' if runtime else 'masked'
    expected_changes = {mask_type: {'old': False, 'new': True}}

        if __salt__['service.masked'](name, runtime):
            ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} is already {1}'.format(
            return ret

        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['result'] = None
            ret['changes'] = expected_changes
            ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} would be {1}'.format(name, mask_type)
            return ret

        __salt__['service.mask'](name, runtime)

        if __salt__['service.masked'](name, runtime):
            ret['changes'] = expected_changes
            ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} was {1}'.format(name, mask_type)
            ret['comment'] = 'Failed to mask service {0}'.format(name)
        return ret

    except CommandExecutionError as exc:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = exc.strerror
        return ret

def unmasked(name, runtime=False):
    .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0

    .. note::
        This state is only available on minions which use systemd_.

    Ensures that the named service is unmasked

        Name of the service to unmask

    runtime : False
        By default, this state will manage an indefinite mask for the named
        service. Set this argument to ``True`` to ensure that the service is
        runtime masked.

    .. note::
        It is possible for a service to have both indefinite and runtime masks
        set for it. Therefore, this state will manage a runtime or indefinite
        mask independently of each other. This means that if the service is
        indefinitely masked, running this state with ``runtime`` set to
        ``True`` will _not_ remove the indefinite mask.

    .. _systemd:

    ret = {'name': name,
           'changes': {},
           'result': True,
           'comment': ''}

    if 'service.masked' not in __salt__:
        ret['comment'] = 'Service masking not available on this minion'
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret

    mask_type = 'runtime masked' if runtime else 'masked'
    action = 'runtime unmasked' if runtime else 'unmasked'
    expected_changes = {mask_type: {'old': True, 'new': False}}

        if not __salt__['service.masked'](name, runtime):
            ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} was already {1}'.format(name, action)
            return ret

        if __opts__['test']:
            ret['result'] = None
            ret['changes'] = expected_changes
            ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} would be {1}'.format(name, action)
            return ret

        __salt__['service.unmask'](name, runtime)

        if not __salt__['service.masked'](name, runtime):
            ret['changes'] = expected_changes
            ret['comment'] = 'Service {0} was {1}'.format(name, action)
            ret['comment'] = 'Failed to unmask service {0}'.format(name)
        return ret

    except CommandExecutionError as exc:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = exc.strerror
        return ret

def mod_watch(name,
    The service watcher, called to invoke the watch command.
    When called, it will restart or reload the named service.

    .. note::
        This state exists to support special handling of the ``watch``
        :ref:`requisite <requisites>`. It should not be called directly.

        Parameters for this function should be set by the watching service.
        (i.e. ``service.running``)

        The name of the init or rc script used to manage the service

        The original function which triggered the mod_watch call
        (`service.running`, for example).

        The string to search for when looking for the service process with ps

        If True use reload instead of the default restart. If value is a list of
        requisites; reload only if all watched changes are contained in the reload list.
        Otherwise watch will restart.

        Use service.full_restart instead of restart.
        When set, reload the service instead of restarting it.
        (i.e. ``service nginx reload``)

        Perform a full stop/start of a service by passing ``--full-restart``.
        This option is ignored if ``reload`` is set and is supported by only a few
        :py:func:`service modules <salt.modules.service>`.

        Use service.force_reload instead of reload (needs reload to be set to True)

        Add a sleep command (in seconds) before the service is restarted/reloaded
    reload_ = kwargs.pop('reload', False)
    ret = {'name': name,
           'changes': {},
           'result': True,
           'comment': ''}
    past_participle = None

    if sfun == 'dead':
        verb = 'stop'
        past_participle = verb + 'ped'
        if __salt__['service.status'](name, sig):
            func = __salt__['service.stop']
            ret['result'] = True
            ret['comment'] = 'Service is already {0}'.format(past_participle)
            return ret
    elif sfun == 'running':
        if __salt__['service.status'](name, sig):
            if 'service.reload' in __salt__ and reload_:
                if isinstance(reload_, list):
                    only_reload_needed = True
                    for watch_item in kwargs['__reqs__']['watch']:
                        if __running__[_gen_tag(watch_item)]['changes']:
                            match_found = False
                            for this_reload in reload_:
                                for state, id_ in six.iteritems(this_reload):
                                    if state == watch_item['state'] \
                                            and id_ == watch_item['__id__']:
                                        match_found = True
                            if not match_found:
                                only_reload_needed = False
                    if only_reload_needed:
                        if 'service.force_reload' in __salt__ and force:
                            func = __salt__['service.force_reload']
                            verb = 'forcefully reload'
                            func = __salt__['service.reload']
                            verb = 'reload'
                        if 'service.full_restart' in __salt__ and full_restart:
                            func = __salt__['service.full_restart']
                            verb = 'fully restart'
                            func = __salt__['service.restart']
                            verb = 'restart'
                    if 'service.force_reload' in __salt__ and force:
                        func = __salt__['service.force_reload']
                        verb = 'forcefully reload'
                        func = __salt__['service.reload']
                        verb = 'reload'
            elif 'service.full_restart' in __salt__ and full_restart:
                func = __salt__['service.full_restart']
                verb = 'fully restart'
                func = __salt__['service.restart']
                verb = 'restart'
            func = __salt__['service.start']
            verb = 'start'
        if not past_participle:
            past_participle = verb + 'ed'
        ret['comment'] = 'Unable to trigger watch for service.{0}'.format(sfun)
        ret['result'] = False
        return ret

    if __opts__['test']:
        ret['result'] = None
        ret['comment'] = 'Service is set to be {0}'.format(past_participle)
        return ret

    if verb == 'start' and 'service.stop' in __salt__:
        # stop service before start

    func_kwargs, warnings = _get_systemd_only(func, kwargs)
    if warnings:
        ret.setdefault('warnings', []).extend(warnings)

        result = func(name, **func_kwargs)
    except CommandExecutionError as exc:
        ret['result'] = False
        ret['comment'] = exc.strerror
        return ret

    if init_delay:

    ret['changes'] = {name: result}
    ret['result'] = result
    ret['comment'] = 'Service {0}'.format(past_participle) if result else \
                     'Failed to {0} the service'.format(verb)
    return ret