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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Boto Common Utils

Note: This module depends on the dicts packed by the loader and,
therefore, must be accessed via the loader or from the __utils__ dict.

The __utils__ dict will not be automatically available to execution modules
until 2015.8.0. The `salt.utils.compat.pack_dunder` helper function
provides backwards compatibility.

This module provides common functionality for the boto execution modules.
The expected usage is to call `assign_funcs` from the `__virtual__` function
of the module. This will bring properly initialized partials of  `_get_conn`
and `_cache_id` into the module's namespace.

Example Usage:

    .. code-block:: python

        def __virtual__():
            # only required in 2015.2

            __utils__['boto.assign_funcs'](__name__, 'vpc')

        def test():
            conn = _get_conn()
            vpc_id = _cache_id('test-vpc')

.. versionadded:: 2015.8.0

# Import Python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import hashlib
import logging
import sys
from functools import partial
from salt.loader import minion_mods

# Import salt libs
from salt.ext import six
from salt.ext.six.moves import range  # pylint: disable=import-error,redefined-builtin
from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError
import salt.utils.stringutils
import salt.utils.versions

# Import third party libs
# pylint: disable=import-error
    # pylint: disable=import-error
    import boto
    import boto.exception
    # pylint: enable=import-error
    HAS_BOTO = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_BOTO = False
# pylint: enable=import-error

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__salt__ = None
__virtualname__ = 'boto'

def __virtual__():
    Only load if boto libraries exist and if boto libraries are greater than
    a given version.
    has_boto_requirements = salt.utils.versions.check_boto_reqs(check_boto3=False)
    if has_boto_requirements is True:
        global __salt__
        if not __salt__:
            __salt__ = minion_mods(__opts__)
        return __virtualname__
    return has_boto_requirements

def _get_profile(service, region, key, keyid, profile):
    if profile:
        if isinstance(profile, six.string_types):
            _profile = __salt__['config.option'](profile)
        elif isinstance(profile, dict):
            _profile = profile
        key = _profile.get('key', None)
        keyid = _profile.get('keyid', None)
        region = _profile.get('region', region or None)
    if not region and __salt__['config.option'](service + '.region'):
        region = __salt__['config.option'](service + '.region')

    if not region:
        region = 'us-east-1'
    if not key and __salt__['config.option'](service + '.key'):
        key = __salt__['config.option'](service + '.key')
    if not keyid and __salt__['config.option'](service + '.keyid'):
        keyid = __salt__['config.option'](service + '.keyid')

    label = 'boto_{0}:'.format(service)
    if keyid:
        hash_string = region + keyid + key
        if six.PY3:
            hash_string = salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(hash_string)
        cxkey = label + hashlib.md5(hash_string).hexdigest()
        cxkey = label + region

    return (cxkey, region, key, keyid)

def cache_id(service, name, sub_resource=None, resource_id=None,
             invalidate=False, region=None, key=None, keyid=None,
    Cache, invalidate, or retrieve an AWS resource id keyed by name.

    .. code-block:: python

        __utils__['boto.cache_id']('ec2', 'myinstance',

    cxkey, _, _, _ = _get_profile(service, region, key,
                                  keyid, profile)
    if sub_resource:
        cxkey = '{0}:{1}:{2}:id'.format(cxkey, sub_resource, name)
        cxkey = '{0}:{1}:id'.format(cxkey, name)

    if invalidate:
        if cxkey in __context__:
            del __context__[cxkey]
            return True
        elif resource_id in __context__.values():
            ctx = dict((k, v) for k, v in __context__.items() if v != resource_id)
            return True
            return False
    if resource_id:
        __context__[cxkey] = resource_id
        return True

    return __context__.get(cxkey)

def cache_id_func(service):
    Returns a partial ``cache_id`` function for the provided service.

    .. code-block:: python

        cache_id = __utils__['boto.cache_id_func']('ec2')
        cache_id('myinstance', 'i-a1b2c3')
        instance_id = cache_id('myinstance')
    return partial(cache_id, service)

def get_connection(service, module=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None,
    Return a boto connection for the service.

    .. code-block:: python

        conn = __utils__['boto.get_connection']('ec2', profile='custom_profile')

    # future lint: disable=blacklisted-function
    module = str(module or service)
    module, submodule = (str('boto.') + module).rsplit(str('.'), 1)
    # future lint: enable=blacklisted-function

    svc_mod = getattr(__import__(module, fromlist=[submodule]), submodule)

    cxkey, region, key, keyid = _get_profile(service, region, key,
                                             keyid, profile)
    cxkey = cxkey + ':conn'

    if cxkey in __context__:
        return __context__[cxkey]

        conn = svc_mod.connect_to_region(region, aws_access_key_id=keyid,
        if conn is None:
            raise SaltInvocationError('Region "{0}" is not '
    except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound:
        raise SaltInvocationError('No authentication credentials found when '
                                  'attempting to make boto {0} connection to '
                                  'region "{1}".'.format(service, region))
    __context__[cxkey] = conn
    return conn

def get_connection_func(service, module=None):
    Returns a partial ``get_connection`` function for the provided service.

    .. code-block:: python

        get_conn = __utils__['boto.get_connection_func']('ec2')
        conn = get_conn()
    return partial(get_connection, service, module=module)

def get_error(e):
    # The returns from boto modules vary greatly between modules. We need to
    # assume that none of the data we're looking for exists.
    aws = {}
    if hasattr(e, 'status'):
        aws['status'] = e.status
    if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
        aws['reason'] = e.reason
    if hasattr(e, 'message') and e.message != '':
        aws['message'] = e.message
    if hasattr(e, 'error_code') and e.error_code is not None:
        aws['code'] = e.error_code

    if 'message' in aws and 'reason' in aws:
        message = '{0}: {1}'.format(aws['reason'], aws['message'])
    elif 'message' in aws:
        message = aws['message']
    elif 'reason' in aws:
        message = aws['reason']
        message = ''
    r = {'message': message}
    if aws:
        r['aws'] = aws
    return r

def exactly_n(l, n=1):
    Tests that exactly N items in an iterable are "truthy" (neither None,
    False, nor 0).
    i = iter(l)
    return all(any(i) for j in range(n)) and not any(i)

def exactly_one(l):
    return exactly_n(l)

def assign_funcs(modname, service, module=None, pack=None):
    Assign _get_conn and _cache_id functions to the named module.

    .. code-block:: python

        __utils__['boto.assign_partials'](__name__, 'ec2')
    if pack:
        global __salt__  # pylint: disable=W0601
        __salt__ = pack
    mod = sys.modules[modname]
    setattr(mod, '_get_conn', get_connection_func(service, module=module))
    setattr(mod, '_cache_id', cache_id_func(service))

    # TODO: Remove this and import into boto_* modules instead
    # Leaving this way for now so boto modules can be back ported
    setattr(mod, '_exactly_one', exactly_one)

def paged_call(function, *args, **kwargs):
    Retrieve full set of values from a boto API call that may truncate
    its results, yielding each page as it is obtained.
    marker_flag = kwargs.pop('marker_flag', 'marker')
    marker_arg = kwargs.pop('marker_flag', 'marker')
    while True:
        ret = function(*args, **kwargs)
        marker = ret.get(marker_flag)
        yield ret
        if not marker:
        kwargs[marker_arg] = marker