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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Neutron class

# Import python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, with_statement, unicode_literals, print_function
import logging

# Import third party libs
from salt.ext import six
# pylint: disable=import-error
    from neutronclient.v2_0 import client
    from import NeutronShell

    HAS_NEUTRON = True
except ImportError:

    import keystoneauth1.loading
    import keystoneauth1.session
except ImportError:
# pylint: enable=import-error

# Import salt libs
from salt import exceptions

# Get logging started
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def check_neutron():
    return HAS_NEUTRON

def check_keystone():

def sanitize_neutronclient(kwargs):
    variables = (
        'username', 'user_id', 'password', 'token', 'tenant_name',
        'tenant_id', 'auth_url', 'service_type', 'endpoint_type',
        'region_name', 'verify', 'endpoint_url', 'timeout', 'insecure',
        'ca_cert', 'retries', 'raise_error', 'session', 'auth'
    ret = {}
    for var in six.iterkeys(kwargs):
        if var in variables:
            ret[var] = kwargs[var]

    return ret

# Function alias to not shadow built-ins
class SaltNeutron(NeutronShell):
    Class for all neutronclient functions

    def __init__(

        Set up neutron credentials
                'The neutron module has been deprecated and will be removed in {version}.  '
                'Please update to using the neutronng module'
        if not HAS_NEUTRON:
            return None

        elif all([use_keystoneauth, HAS_KEYSTONEAUTH]):

    def _new_init(self, username, project_name, auth_url, region_name, service_type, password, os_auth_plugin, auth=None, verify=True, **kwargs):
        if auth is None:
            auth = {}

        loader = keystoneauth1.loading.get_plugin_loader(os_auth_plugin or 'password')

        self.client_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        self.kwargs = auth.copy()

        self.kwargs['username'] = username
        self.kwargs['project_name'] = project_name
        self.kwargs['auth_url'] = auth_url
        self.kwargs['password'] = password
        if auth_url.endswith('3'):
            self.kwargs['user_domain_name'] = kwargs.get('user_domain_name', 'default')
            self.kwargs['project_domain_name'] = kwargs.get('project_domain_name', 'default')

        self.client_kwargs['region_name'] = region_name
        self.client_kwargs['service_type'] = service_type

        self.client_kwargs = sanitize_neutronclient(self.client_kwargs)
        options = loader.load_from_options(**self.kwargs)
        self.session = keystoneauth1.session.Session(auth=options, verify=verify)
        self.network_conn = client.Client(session=self.session, **self.client_kwargs)

    def _old_init(self, username, tenant_name, auth_url, region_name, service_type, password, os_auth_plugin, auth=None, verify=True, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs.copy()

        self.kwargs['username'] = username
        self.kwargs['tenant_name'] = tenant_name
        self.kwargs['auth_url'] = auth_url
        self.kwargs['service_type'] = service_type
        self.kwargs['password'] = password
        self.kwargs['region_name'] = region_name
        self.kwargs['verify'] = verify

        self.kwargs = sanitize_neutronclient(self.kwargs)

        self.network_conn = client.Client(**self.kwargs)

    def _fetch(resources, name_or_id):
        ret = []
        for resource in resources:
            if resource['id'] == name_or_id:
                return resource
            if resource.get('name') == name_or_id:
        if not ret:
            raise exceptions.MinionError("Resource not found.")
        elif len(ret) >= 2:
            raise exceptions.MinionError("Multiple resource matches found.")
            return ret[0]

    def _find_port_id(self, resource):
        resource = self._fetch_port(resource)
        return resource['id']

    def _find_network_id(self, resource):
        resource = self._fetch_network(resource)
        return resource['id']

    def _find_subnet_id(self, resource):
        resource = self._fetch_subnet(resource)
        return resource['id']

    def _find_router_id(self, resource):
        resource = self._fetch_router(resource)
        return resource['id']

    def _find_security_group_id(self, resource):
        resource = self._fetch_security_group(resource)
        return resource['id']

    def _find_vpnservice_id(self, resource):
        resource = self._fetch_vpnservice(resource)
        return resource['id']

    def _find_ipsec_site_connection_id(self, resource):
        resource = self._fetch_ipsec_site_connection(resource)
        return resource['id']

    def _find_ikepolicy_id(self, resource):
        resource = self._fetch_ikepolicy(resource)
        return resource['id']

    def _find_ipsecpolicy_id(self, resource):
        resource = self._fetch_ipsecpolicy(resource)
        return resource['id']

    def _find_firewall_rule_id(self, resource):
        resource = self._fetch_firewall_rule(resource)
        return resource['id']

    def _fetch_port(self, name_or_id):
        resources = self.list_ports()['ports']
        return self._fetch(resources, name_or_id)

    def _fetch_network(self, name_or_id):
        resources = self.list_networks()['networks']
        return self._fetch(resources, name_or_id)

    def _fetch_subnet(self, name_or_id):
        resources = self.list_subnets()['subnets']
        return self._fetch(resources, name_or_id)

    def _fetch_router(self, name_or_id):
        resources = self.list_routers()['routers']
        return self._fetch(resources, name_or_id)

    def _fetch_security_group(self, name_or_id):
        resources = self.list_security_groups()['security_groups']
        return self._fetch(resources, name_or_id)

    def _fetch_vpnservice(self, name_or_id):
        resources = self.list_vpnservices()['vpnservices']
        return self._fetch(resources, name_or_id)

    def _fetch_ipsec_site_connection(self, name_or_id):
        resources = (self.list_ipsec_site_connections()
        return self._fetch(resources, name_or_id)

    def _fetch_ikepolicy(self, name_or_id):
        resources = self.list_ikepolicies()['ikepolicies']
        return self._fetch(resources, name_or_id)

    def _fetch_ipsecpolicy(self, name_or_id):
        resources = self.list_ipsecpolicies()['ipsecpolicies']
        return self._fetch(resources, name_or_id)

    def _fetch_firewall_rule(self, name_or_id):
        resources = self.list_firewall_rules()['firewall_rules']
        return self._fetch(resources, name_or_id)

    def _fetch_firewall(self, name_or_id):
        resources = self.list_firewalls()['firewalls']
        return self._fetch(resources, name_or_id)

    def get_quotas_tenant(self):
        Fetches tenant info in server's context
        for following quota operation
        return self.get_quotas_tenant()

    def list_quotas(self):
        Fetches all tenants quotas
        return self.network_conn.list_quotas()

    def show_quota(self, tenant_id):
        Fetches information of a certain tenant's quotas
        return self.network_conn.show_quota(tenant_id=tenant_id)

    def update_quota(self, tenant_id, subnet=None, router=None,
                     network=None, floatingip=None, port=None,
                     sec_grp=None, sec_grp_rule=None):
        Update a tenant's quota
        body = {}
        if subnet:
            body['subnet'] = subnet
        if router:
            body['router'] = router
        if network:
            body['network'] = network
        if floatingip:
            body['floatingip'] = floatingip
        if port:
            body['port'] = port
        if sec_grp:
            body['security_group'] = sec_grp
        if sec_grp_rule:
            body['security_group_rule'] = sec_grp_rule
        return self.network_conn.update_quota(tenant_id=tenant_id,
                                              body={'quota': body})

    def delete_quota(self, tenant_id):
        Delete the specified tenant's quota value
        ret = self.network_conn.delete_quota(tenant_id=tenant_id)
        return ret if ret else True

    def list_extensions(self):
        Fetches a list of all extensions on server side
        return self.network_conn.list_extensions()

    def list_ports(self):
        Fetches a list of all ports for a tenant
        return self.network_conn.list_ports()

    def show_port(self, port):
        Fetches information of a certain port
        return self._fetch_port(port)

    def create_port(self, name, network, device_id=None, admin_state_up=True):
        Creates a new port
        net_id = self._find_network_id(network)
        body = {'admin_state_up': admin_state_up,
                'name': name,
                'network_id': net_id}
        if device_id:
            body['device_id'] = device_id
        return self.network_conn.create_port(body={'port': body})

    def update_port(self, port, name, admin_state_up=True):
        Updates a port
        port_id = self._find_port_id(port)
        body = {'name': name,
                'admin_state_up': admin_state_up}
        return self.network_conn.update_port(port=port_id,
                                             body={'port': body})

    def delete_port(self, port):
        Deletes the specified port
        port_id = self._find_port_id(port)
        ret = self.network_conn.delete_port(port=port_id)
        return ret if ret else True

    def list_networks(self):
        Fetches a list of all networks for a tenant
        return self.network_conn.list_networks()

    def show_network(self, network):
        Fetches information of a certain network
        return self._fetch_network(network)

    def create_network(self, name, admin_state_up=True, router_ext=None, network_type=None, physical_network=None, segmentation_id=None, shared=None, vlan_transparent=None):
        Creates a new network
        body = {'name': name,
                'admin_state_up': admin_state_up}
        if router_ext:
            body['router:external'] = router_ext
        if network_type:
            body['provider:network_type'] = network_type
        if physical_network:
            body['provider:physical_network'] = physical_network
        if segmentation_id:
            body['provider:segmentation_id'] = segmentation_id
        if shared:
            body['shared'] = shared
        if vlan_transparent:
            body['vlan_transparent'] = vlan_transparent
        return self.network_conn.create_network(body={'network': body})

    def update_network(self, network, name):
        Updates a network
        net_id = self._find_network_id(network)
        return self.network_conn.update_network(
            network=net_id, body={'network': {'name': name}})

    def delete_network(self, network):
        Deletes the specified network
        net_id = self._find_network_id(network)
        ret = self.network_conn.delete_network(network=net_id)
        return ret if ret else True

    def list_subnets(self):
        Fetches a list of all networks for a tenant
        return self.network_conn.list_subnets()

    def show_subnet(self, subnet):
        Fetches information of a certain subnet
        return self._fetch_subnet(subnet)

    def create_subnet(self, network, cidr, name=None, ip_version=4):
        Creates a new subnet
        net_id = self._find_network_id(network)
        body = {'cidr': cidr,
                'ip_version': ip_version,
                'network_id': net_id,
                'name': name}
        return self.network_conn.create_subnet(body={'subnet': body})

    def update_subnet(self, subnet, name=None):
        Updates a subnet
        subnet_id = self._find_subnet_id(subnet)
        return self.network_conn.update_subnet(
            subnet=subnet_id, body={'subnet': {'name': name}})

    def delete_subnet(self, subnet):
        Deletes the specified subnet
        subnet_id = self._find_subnet_id(subnet)
        ret = self.network_conn.delete_subnet(subnet=subnet_id)
        return ret if ret else True

    def list_routers(self):
        Fetches a list of all routers for a tenant
        return self.network_conn.list_routers()

    def show_router(self, router):
        Fetches information of a certain router
        return self._fetch_router(router)

    def create_router(self, name, ext_network=None, admin_state_up=True):
        Creates a new router
        body = {'name': name,
                'admin_state_up': admin_state_up}
        if ext_network:
            net_id = self._find_network_id(ext_network)
            body['external_gateway_info'] = {'network_id': net_id}
        return self.network_conn.create_router(body={'router': body})

    def update_router(self, router, name=None, admin_state_up=None, **kwargs):
        Updates a router
        router_id = self._find_router_id(router)
        body = {}

        if 'ext_network' in kwargs:
            if kwargs.get('ext_network') is None:
                body['external_gateway_info'] = None
                net_id = self._find_network_id(kwargs.get('ext_network'))
                body['external_gateway_info'] = {'network_id': net_id}
        if name is not None:
            body['name'] = name
        if admin_state_up is not None:
            body['admin_state_up'] = admin_state_up
        return self.network_conn.update_router(
            router=router_id, body={'router': body})

    def delete_router(self, router):
        Delete the specified router
        router_id = self._find_router_id(router)
        ret = self.network_conn.delete_router(router=router_id)
        return ret if ret else True

    def add_interface_router(self, router, subnet):
        Adds an internal network interface to the specified router
        router_id = self._find_router_id(router)
        subnet_id = self._find_subnet_id(subnet)
        return self.network_conn.add_interface_router(
            router=router_id, body={'subnet_id': subnet_id})

    def remove_interface_router(self, router, subnet):
        Removes an internal network interface from the specified router
        router_id = self._find_router_id(router)
        subnet_id = self._find_subnet_id(subnet)
        return self.network_conn.remove_interface_router(
            router=router_id, body={'subnet_id': subnet_id})

    def add_gateway_router(self, router, network):
        Adds an external network gateway to the specified router
        router_id = self._find_router_id(router)
        net_id = self._find_network_id(network)
        return self.network_conn.add_gateway_router(
            router=router_id, body={'network_id': net_id})

    def remove_gateway_router(self, router):
        Removes an external network gateway from the specified router
        router_id = self._find_router_id(router)
        return self.network_conn.remove_gateway_router(router=router_id)

    def list_floatingips(self):
        Fetch a list of all floatingips for a tenant
        return self.network_conn.list_floatingips()

    def show_floatingip(self, floatingip_id):
        Fetches information of a certain floatingip
        return self.network_conn.show_floatingip(floatingip_id)

    def create_floatingip(self, floating_network, port=None):
        Creates a new floatingip
        net_id = self._find_network_id(floating_network)
        body = {'floating_network_id': net_id}
        if port:
            port_id = self._find_port_id(port)
            body['port_id'] = port_id

        return self.network_conn.create_floatingip(body={'floatingip': body})

    def update_floatingip(self, floatingip_id, port=None):
        Updates a floatingip, disassociates the floating ip if
        port is set to `None`
        if port is None:
            body = {'floatingip': {}}
            port_id = self._find_port_id(port)
            body = {'floatingip': {'port_id': port_id}}
        return self.network_conn.update_floatingip(
            floatingip=floatingip_id, body=body)

    def delete_floatingip(self, floatingip_id):
        Deletes the specified floatingip
        ret = self.network_conn.delete_floatingip(floatingip_id)
        return ret if ret else True

    def list_security_groups(self):
        Fetches a list of all security groups for a tenant
        return self.network_conn.list_security_groups()

    def show_security_group(self, sec_grp):
        Fetches information of a certain security group
        return self._fetch_security_group(sec_grp)

    def create_security_group(self, name, desc=None):
        Creates a new security group
        body = {'security_group': {'name': name,
                                   'description': desc}}
        return self.network_conn.create_security_group(body=body)

    def update_security_group(self, sec_grp, name=None, desc=None):
        Updates a security group
        sec_grp_id = self._find_security_group_id(sec_grp)
        body = {'security_group': {}}
        if name:
            body['security_group']['name'] = name
        if desc:
            body['security_group']['description'] = desc
        return self.network_conn.update_security_group(sec_grp_id,

    def delete_security_group(self, sec_grp):
        Deletes the specified security group
        sec_grp_id = self._find_security_group_id(sec_grp)
        ret = self.network_conn.delete_security_group(sec_grp_id)
        return ret if ret else True

    def list_security_group_rules(self):
        Fetches a list of all security group rules for a tenant
        return self.network_conn.list_security_group_rules()

    def show_security_group_rule(self, sec_grp_rule_id):
        Fetches information of a certain security group rule
        return self.network_conn.show_security_group_rule(

    def create_security_group_rule(
            self, sec_grp, remote_grp_id=None, direction='ingress',
            protocol=None, port_range_min=None, port_range_max=None,
        Creates a new security group rule
        sec_grp_id = self._find_security_group_id(sec_grp)
        body = {'security_group_id': sec_grp_id,
                'remote_group_id': remote_grp_id,
                'direction': direction, 'protocol': protocol,
                'port_range_min': port_range_min,
                'port_range_max': port_range_max,
                'ethertype': ether}
        return self.network_conn.create_security_group_rule(
            body={'security_group_rule': body})

    def delete_security_group_rule(self, sec_grp_rule_id):
        Deletes the specified security group rule
        ret = self.network_conn.delete_security_group_rule(
        return ret if ret else True

    def list_vpnservices(self, retrieve_all=True, **kwargs):
        Fetches a list of all configured VPN services for a tenant
        return self.network_conn.list_vpnservices(retrieve_all, **kwargs)

    def show_vpnservice(self, vpnservice, **kwargs):
        Fetches information of a specific VPN service
        vpnservice_id = self._find_vpnservice_id(vpnservice)
        return self.network_conn.show_vpnservice(vpnservice_id, **kwargs)

    def create_vpnservice(self, subnet, router, name, admin_state_up=True):
        Creates a new VPN service
        subnet_id = self._find_subnet_id(subnet)
        router_id = self._find_router_id(router)
        body = {'subnet_id': subnet_id,
                'router_id': router_id,
                'name': name,
                'admin_state_up': admin_state_up}
        return self.network_conn.create_vpnservice(body={'vpnservice': body})

    def update_vpnservice(self, vpnservice, desc):
        Updates a VPN service
        vpnservice_id = self._find_vpnservice_id(vpnservice)
        body = {'description': desc}
        return self.network_conn.update_vpnservice(vpnservice_id,
                                                   body={'vpnservice': body})

    def delete_vpnservice(self, vpnservice):
        Deletes the specified VPN service
        vpnservice_id = self._find_vpnservice_id(vpnservice)
        ret = self.network_conn.delete_vpnservice(vpnservice_id)
        return ret if ret else True

    def list_ipsec_site_connections(self):
        Fetches all configured IPsec Site Connections for a tenant
        return self.network_conn.list_ipsec_site_connections()

    def show_ipsec_site_connection(self, ipsec_site_connection):
        Fetches information of a specific IPsecSiteConnection
        return self._fetch_ipsec_site_connection(ipsec_site_connection)

    def create_ipsec_site_connection(self, name, ipsecpolicy,
        Creates a new IPsecSiteConnection
        ipsecpolicy_id = self._find_ipsecpolicy_id(ipsecpolicy)
        ikepolicy_id = self._find_ikepolicy_id(ikepolicy)
        vpnservice_id = self._find_vpnservice_id(vpnservice)
        body = {'psk': psk,
                'ipsecpolicy_id': ipsecpolicy_id,
                'admin_state_up': admin_state_up,
                'peer_cidrs': [peer_cidrs],
                'ikepolicy_id': ikepolicy_id,
                'vpnservice_id': vpnservice_id,
                'peer_address': peer_address,
                'peer_id': peer_id,
                'name': name}
        if 'initiator' in kwargs:
            body['initiator'] = kwargs['initiator']
        if 'mtu' in kwargs:
            body['mtu'] = kwargs['mtu']
        if 'dpd_action' in kwargs:
            body['dpd'] = {'action': kwargs['dpd_action']}
        if 'dpd_interval' in kwargs:
            if 'dpd' not in body:
                body['dpd'] = {}
            body['dpd']['interval'] = kwargs['dpd_interval']
        if 'dpd_timeout' in kwargs:
            if 'dpd' not in body:
                body['dpd'] = {}
            body['dpd']['timeout'] = kwargs['dpd_timeout']
        return self.network_conn.create_ipsec_site_connection(
            body={'ipsec_site_connection': body})

    def delete_ipsec_site_connection(self, ipsec_site_connection):
        Deletes the specified IPsecSiteConnection
        ipsec_site_connection_id = self._find_ipsec_site_connection_id(
        ret = self.network_conn.delete_ipsec_site_connection(
        return ret if ret else True

    def list_ikepolicies(self):
        Fetches a list of all configured IKEPolicies for a tenant
        return self.network_conn.list_ikepolicies()

    def show_ikepolicy(self, ikepolicy):
        Fetches information of a specific IKEPolicy
        return self._fetch_ikepolicy(ikepolicy)

    def create_ikepolicy(self, name, **kwargs):
        Creates a new IKEPolicy
        body = {'name': name}
        if 'phase1_negotiation_mode' in kwargs:
            body['phase1_negotiation_mode'] = kwargs['phase1_negotiation_mode']
        if 'auth_algorithm' in kwargs:
            body['auth_algorithm'] = kwargs['auth_algorithm']
        if 'encryption_algorithm' in kwargs:
            body['encryption_algorithm'] = kwargs['encryption_algorithm']
        if 'pfs' in kwargs:
            body['pfs'] = kwargs['pfs']
        if 'ike_version' in kwargs:
            body['ike_version'] = kwargs['ike_version']
        if 'units' in kwargs:
            body['lifetime'] = {'units': kwargs['units']}
        if 'value' in kwargs:
            if 'lifetime' not in body:
                body['lifetime'] = {}
            body['lifetime']['value'] = kwargs['value']
        return self.network_conn.create_ikepolicy(body={'ikepolicy': body})

    def delete_ikepolicy(self, ikepolicy):
        Deletes the specified IKEPolicy
        ikepolicy_id = self._find_ikepolicy_id(ikepolicy)
        ret = self.network_conn.delete_ikepolicy(ikepolicy_id)
        return ret if ret else True

    def list_ipsecpolicies(self):
        Fetches a list of all configured IPsecPolicies for a tenant
        return self.network_conn.list_ipsecpolicies()

    def show_ipsecpolicy(self, ipsecpolicy):
        Fetches information of a specific IPsecPolicy
        return self._fetch_ipsecpolicy(ipsecpolicy)

    def create_ipsecpolicy(self, name, **kwargs):
        Creates a new IPsecPolicy
        body = {'name': name}
        if 'transform_protocol' in kwargs:
            body['transform_protocol'] = kwargs['transform_protocol']
        if 'auth_algorithm' in kwargs:
            body['auth_algorithm'] = kwargs['auth_algorithm']
        if 'encapsulation_mode' in kwargs:
            body['encapsulation_mode'] = kwargs['encapsulation_mode']
        if 'encryption_algorithm' in kwargs:
            body['encryption_algorithm'] = kwargs['encryption_algorithm']
        if 'pfs' in kwargs:
            body['pfs'] = kwargs['pfs']
        if 'units' in kwargs:
            body['lifetime'] = {'units': kwargs['units']}
        if 'value' in kwargs:
            if 'lifetime' not in body:
                body['lifetime'] = {}
            body['lifetime']['value'] = kwargs['value']
        return self.network_conn.create_ipsecpolicy(body={'ipsecpolicy': body})

    def delete_ipsecpolicy(self, ipseecpolicy):
        Deletes the specified IPsecPolicy
        ipseecpolicy_id = self._find_ipsecpolicy_id(ipseecpolicy)
        ret = self.network_conn.delete_ipsecpolicy(ipseecpolicy_id)
        return ret if ret else True

    def list_firewall_rules(self):
        Fetches a list of all configured firewall rules for a tenant
        return self.network_conn.list_firewall_rules()

    def show_firewall_rule(self, firewall_rule):
        Fetches information of a specific firewall rule
        return self._fetch_firewall_rule(firewall_rule)

    def create_firewall_rule(self, protocol, action, **kwargs):
        Create a new firlwall rule
        body = {'protocol': protocol, 'action': action}
        if 'tenant_id' in kwargs:
            body['tenant_id'] = kwargs['tenant_id']
        if 'name' in kwargs:
            body['name'] = kwargs['name']
        if 'description' in kwargs:
            body['description'] = kwargs['description']
        if 'ip_version' in kwargs:
            body['ip_version'] = kwargs['ip_version']
        if 'source_ip_address' in kwargs:
            body['source_ip_address'] = kwargs['source_ip_address']
        if 'destination_port' in kwargs:
            body['destination_port'] = kwargs['destination_port']
        if 'shared' in kwargs:
            body['shared'] = kwargs['shared']
        if 'enabled' in kwargs:
            body['enabled'] = kwargs['enabled']
        return self.network_conn.create_firewall_rule(body={'firewall_rule': body})

    def delete_firewall_rule(self, firewall_rule):
        Deletes the specified firewall rule
        firewall_rule_id = self._find_firewall_rule_id(firewall_rule)
        ret = self.network_conn.delete_firewall_rule(firewall_rule_id)
        return ret if ret else True

    def update_firewall_rule(self, firewall_rule, protocol=None, action=None,
                             name=None, description=None, ip_version=None,
                             source_ip_address=None, destination_ip_address=None, source_port=None,
                             destination_port=None, shared=None, enabled=None):
        Update a firewall rule
        body = {}
        if protocol:
            body['protocol'] = protocol
        if action:
            body['action'] = action
        if name:
            body['name'] = name
        if description:
            body['description'] = description
        if ip_version:
            body['ip_version'] = ip_version
        if source_ip_address:
            body['source_ip_address'] = source_ip_address
        if destination_ip_address:
            body['destination_ip_address'] = destination_ip_address
        if source_port:
            body['source_port'] = source_port
        if destination_port:
            body['destination_port'] = destination_port
        if shared:
            body['shared'] = shared
        if enabled:
            body['enabled'] = enabled
        return self.network_conn.update_firewall_rule(firewall_rule, body={'firewall_rule': body})

    def list_firewalls(self):
        Fetches a list of all firewalls for a tenant
        return self.network_conn.list_firewalls()

    def show_firewall(self, firewall):
        Fetches information of a specific firewall
        return self._fetch_firewall(firewall)

    def list_l3_agent_hosting_routers(self, router):
        List L3 agents.
        return self.network_conn.list_l3_agent_hosting_routers(router)

    def list_agents(self):
        List agents.
        return self.network_conn.list_agents()

# The following is a list of functions that need to be incorporated in the
# neutron module. This list should be updated as functions are added.
# update_ipsec_site_connection
#                       Updates an IPsecSiteConnection.
# update_ikepolicy      Updates an IKEPolicy
# update_ipsecpolicy    Updates an IPsecPolicy
# list_vips             Fetches a list of all load balancer vips for a tenant.
# show_vip              Fetches information of a certain load balancer vip.
# create_vip            Creates a new load balancer vip.
# update_vip            Updates a load balancer vip.
# delete_vip            Deletes the specified load balancer vip.
# list_pools            Fetches a list of all load balancer pools for a tenant.
# show_pool             Fetches information of a certain load balancer pool.
# create_pool           Creates a new load balancer pool.
# update_pool           Updates a load balancer pool.
# delete_pool           Deletes the specified load balancer pool.
# retrieve_pool_stats   Retrieves stats for a certain load balancer pool.
# list_members          Fetches a list of all load balancer members for
#                       a tenant.
# show_member           Fetches information of a certain load balancer member.
# create_member         Creates a new load balancer member.
# update_member         Updates a load balancer member.
# delete_member         Deletes the specified load balancer member.
# list_health_monitors  Fetches a list of all load balancer health monitors for
#                       a tenant.
# show_health_monitor   Fetches information of a certain load balancer
#                       health monitor.
# create_health_monitor
#                       Creates a new load balancer health monitor.
# update_health_monitor
#                       Updates a load balancer health monitor.
# delete_health_monitor
#                       Deletes the specified load balancer health monitor.
# associate_health_monitor
#                       Associate  specified load balancer health monitor
#                       and pool.
# disassociate_health_monitor
#                       Disassociate specified load balancer health monitor
#                       and pool.
# create_qos_queue      Creates a new queue.
# list_qos_queues       Fetches a list of all queues for a tenant.
# show_qos_queue        Fetches information of a certain queue.
# delete_qos_queue      Deletes the specified queue.
# list_agents           Fetches agents.
# show_agent            Fetches information of a certain agent.
# update_agent          Updates an agent.
# delete_agent          Deletes the specified agent.
# list_network_gateways
#                       Retrieve network gateways.
# show_network_gateway  Fetch a network gateway.
# create_network_gateway
#                       Create a new network gateway.
# update_network_gateway
#                       Update a network gateway.
# delete_network_gateway
#                       Delete the specified network gateway.
# connect_network_gateway
#                       Connect a network gateway to the specified network.
# disconnect_network_gateway
#                       Disconnect a network from the specified gateway.
# list_gateway_devices  Retrieve gateway devices.
# show_gateway_device   Fetch a gateway device.
# create_gateway_device
#                       Create a new gateway device.
# update_gateway_device
#                       Updates a new gateway device.
# delete_gateway_device
#                       Delete the specified gateway device.
# list_dhcp_agent_hosting_networks
#                       Fetches a list of dhcp agents hosting a network.
# list_networks_on_dhcp_agent
#                       Fetches a list of dhcp agents hosting a network.
# add_network_to_dhcp_agent
#                       Adds a network to dhcp agent.
# remove_network_from_dhcp_agent
#                       Remove a network from dhcp agent.
# list_l3_agent_hosting_routers
#                       Fetches a list of L3 agents hosting a router.
# list_routers_on_l3_agent
#                       Fetches a list of L3 agents hosting a router.
# add_router_to_l3_agent
#                       Adds a router to L3 agent.
# list_firewall_rules   Fetches a list of all firewall rules for a tenant.
# show_firewall_rule    Fetches information of a certain firewall rule.
# create_firewall_rule  Creates a new firewall rule.
# update_firewall_rule  Updates a firewall rule.
# delete_firewall_rule  Deletes the specified firewall rule.
# list_firewall_policies
#                       Fetches a list of all firewall policies for a tenant.
# show_firewall_policy  Fetches information of a certain firewall policy.
# create_firewall_policy
#                       Creates a new firewall policy.
# update_firewall_policy
#                       Updates a firewall policy.
# delete_firewall_policy
#                       Deletes the specified firewall policy.
# firewall_policy_insert_rule
#                       Inserts specified rule into firewall policy.
# firewall_policy_remove_rule
#                       Removes specified rule from firewall policy.
# list_firewalls        Fetches a list of all firewals for a tenant.
# show_firewall         Fetches information of a certain firewall.
# create_firewall       Creates a new firewall.
# update_firewall       Updates a firewall.
# delete_firewall       Deletes the specified firewall.
# remove_router_from_l3_agent
#                       Remove a router from l3 agent.
# get_lbaas_agent_hosting_pool
#                       Fetches a loadbalancer agent hosting a pool.
# list_pools_on_lbaas_agent
#                       Fetches a list of pools hosted by
#                       the loadbalancer agent.
# list_service_providers
#                       Fetches service providers.
# list_credentials      Fetch a list of all credentials for a tenant.
# show_credential       Fetch a credential.
# create_credential     Create a new credential.
# update_credential     Update a credential.
# delete_credential     Delete the specified credential.
# list_network_profile_bindings
#                       Fetch a list of all tenants associated for
#                       a network profile.
# list_network_profiles
#                       Fetch a list of all network profiles for a tenant.
# show_network_profile  Fetch a network profile.
# create_network_profile
#                       Create a network profile.
# update_network_profile
#                       Update a network profile.
# delete_network_profile
#                       Delete the network profile.
# list_policy_profile_bindings
#                       Fetch a list of all tenants associated for
#                       a policy profile.
# list_policy_profiles  Fetch a list of all network profiles for a tenant.
# show_policy_profile   Fetch a network profile.
# update_policy_profile
#                       Update a policy profile.
# create_metering_label
#                       Creates a metering label.
# delete_metering_label
#                       Deletes the specified metering label.
# list_metering_labels  Fetches a list of all metering labels for a tenant.
# show_metering_label   Fetches information of a certain metering label.
# create_metering_label_rule
#                       Creates a metering label rule.
# delete_metering_label_rule
#                       Deletes the specified metering label rule.
# list_metering_label_rules
#                       Fetches a list of all metering label rules for a label.
# show_metering_label_rule
#                       Fetches information of a certain metering label rule.
# list_net_partitions   Fetch a list of all network partitions for a tenant.
# show_net_partition    etch a network partition.
# create_net_partition  Create a network partition.
# delete_net_partition  Delete the network partition.
# create_packet_filter  Create a new packet filter.
# update_packet_filter  Update a packet filter.
# list_packet_filters   Fetch a list of all packet filters for a tenant.
# show_packet_filter    Fetch information of a certain packet filter.
# delete_packet_filter  Delete the specified packet filter.