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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Import Python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import glob
import os
import re
import logging
from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment

# Import Salt libs
import salt.utils.path
import salt.utils.yaml

# Import 3rd-party libs
from salt.ext import six

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Renders jinja from a template file
def render_jinja(_file, salt_data):
    j_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(_file)))
        '__opts__': salt_data['__opts__'],
        '__salt__': salt_data['__salt__'],
        '__grains__': salt_data['__grains__'],
        '__pillar__': salt_data['__pillar__'],
        'minion_id': salt_data['minion_id'],
    j_render = j_env.get_template(os.path.basename(_file)).render()
    return j_render

# Renders yaml from rendered jinja
def render_yaml(_file, salt_data):
    return salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(render_jinja(_file, salt_data))

# Returns a dict from a class yaml definition
def get_class(_class, salt_data):
    l_files = []
    saltclass_path = salt_data['path']

    straight, sub_init, sub_straight = get_class_paths(_class, saltclass_path)

    for root, dirs, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk(os.path.join(saltclass_path, 'classes'), followlinks=True):
        for l_file in files:
            l_files.append(os.path.join(root, l_file))

    if straight in l_files:
        return render_yaml(straight, salt_data)

    if sub_straight in l_files:
        return render_yaml(sub_straight, salt_data)

    if sub_init in l_files:
        return render_yaml(sub_init, salt_data)

    log.warning('%s: Class definition not found', _class)
    return {}

def get_class_paths(_class, saltclass_path):
    Converts the dotted notation of a saltclass class to its possible file counterparts.

    :param str _class: Dotted notation of the class
    :param str saltclass_path: Root to saltclass storage
    :return: 3-tuple of possible file counterparts
    :rtype: tuple(str)
    straight = os.path.join(saltclass_path,
    sub_straight = os.path.join(saltclass_path,
                                '{0}.yml'.format(_class.replace('.', os.sep)))
    sub_init = os.path.join(saltclass_path,
                            _class.replace('.', os.sep),
    return straight, sub_init, sub_straight

def get_class_from_file(_file, saltclass_path):
    Converts the absolute path to a saltclass file back to the dotted notation.

    .. code-block:: python

       print(get_class_from_file('/srv/saltclass/classes/services/nginx/init.yml', '/srv/saltclass'))
       # services.nginx

    :param str _file: Absolute path to file
    :param str saltclass_path: Root to saltclass storage
    :return: class name in dotted notation
    :rtype: str
    # remove classes path prefix
    _file = _file[len(os.path.join(saltclass_path, 'classes')) + len(os.sep):]
    # remove .yml extension
    _file = _file[:-4]
    # revert to dotted notation
    _file = _file.replace(os.sep, '.')
    # remove tailing init
    if _file.endswith('.init'):
        _file = _file[:-5]
    return _file

# Return environment
def get_env_from_dict(exp_dict_list):
    environment = ''
    for s_class in exp_dict_list:
        if 'environment' in s_class:
            environment = s_class['environment']
    return environment

# Merge dict b into a
def dict_merge(a, b, path=None):
    if path is None:
        path = []

    for key in b:
        if key in a:
            if isinstance(a[key], list) and isinstance(b[key], list):
                if b[key][0] == '^':
                    a[key] = b[key]
            elif isinstance(a[key], dict) and isinstance(b[key], dict):
                dict_merge(a[key], b[key], path + [six.text_type(key)])
            elif a[key] == b[key]:
                a[key] = b[key]
            a[key] = b[key]
    return a

# Recursive search and replace in a dict
def dict_search_and_replace(d, old, new, expanded):
    for (k, v) in six.iteritems(d):
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            dict_search_and_replace(d[k], old, new, expanded)

        if isinstance(v, list):
            x = 0
            for i in v:
                if isinstance(i, dict):
                    dict_search_and_replace(v[x], old, new, expanded)
                if isinstance(i, six.string_types):
                    if i == old:
                        v[x] = new
                x = x + 1

        if v == old:
            d[k] = new

    return d

# Retrieve original value from ${xx:yy:zz} to be expanded
def find_value_to_expand(x, v):
    a = x
    for i in v[2:-1].split(':'):
        if a is None:
            return v
        if i in a:
            a = a.get(i)
            return v
    return a

# Look for regexes and expand them
def find_and_process_re(_str, v, k, b, expanded):
    vre = re.finditer(r'(^|.)\$\{.*?\}', _str)
    if vre:
        for re_v in vre:
            re_str = str(
            if re_str.startswith('\\'):
                v_new = _str.replace(re_str, re_str.lstrip('\\'))
                b = dict_search_and_replace(b, _str, v_new, expanded)
            elif not re_str.startswith('$'):
                v_expanded = find_value_to_expand(b, re_str[1:])
                v_new = _str.replace(re_str[1:], v_expanded)
                b = dict_search_and_replace(b, _str, v_new, expanded)
                _str = v_new
                v_expanded = find_value_to_expand(b, re_str)
                if isinstance(v, six.string_types):
                    v_new = v.replace(re_str, v_expanded)
                    v_new = _str.replace(re_str, v_expanded)
                b = dict_search_and_replace(b, _str, v_new, expanded)
                _str = v_new
                v = v_new
    return b

# Return a dict that contains expanded variables if found
def expand_variables(a, b, expanded, path=None):
    if path is None:
        b = a.copy()
        path = []

    for (k, v) in six.iteritems(a):
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            expand_variables(v, b, expanded, path + [six.text_type(k)])
            if isinstance(v, list):
                for i in v:
                    if isinstance(i, dict):
                        expand_variables(i, b, expanded, path + [str(k)])
                    if isinstance(i, six.string_types):
                        b = find_and_process_re(i, v, k, b, expanded)

            if isinstance(v, six.string_types):
                b = find_and_process_re(v, v, k, b, expanded)
    return b

def match_class_glob(_class, saltclass_path):
    Takes a class name possibly including `*` or `?` wildcards (or any other wildcards supportet by `glob.glob`) and
    returns a list of expanded class names without wildcards.

    .. code-block:: python

       classes = match_class_glob('services.*', '/srv/saltclass')
       # services.mariadb
       # services.nginx...

    :param str _class: dotted class name, globbing allowed.
    :param str saltclass_path: path to the saltclass root directory.

    :return: The list of expanded class matches.
    :rtype: list(str)
    straight, sub_init, sub_straight = get_class_paths(_class, saltclass_path)
    classes = []
    matches = []
    if not matches:
        log.warning('%s: Class globbing did not yield any results', _class)
    for match in matches:
        classes.append(get_class_from_file(match, saltclass_path))
    return classes

def expand_classes_glob(classes, salt_data):
    Expand the list of `classes` to no longer include any globbing.

    :param iterable(str) classes: Iterable of classes
    :param dict salt_data: configuration data
    :return: Expanded list of classes with resolved globbing
    :rtype: list(str)
    all_classes = []
    expanded_classes = []
    saltclass_path = salt_data['path']

    for _class in classes:
        all_classes.extend(match_class_glob(_class, saltclass_path))

    for _class in all_classes:
        if _class not in expanded_classes:

    return expanded_classes

def expand_classes_in_order(minion_dict,
    # Get classes to expand from minion dictionary
    if not classes_to_expand and 'classes' in minion_dict:
        classes_to_expand = minion_dict['classes']

    classes_to_expand = expand_classes_glob(classes_to_expand, salt_data)

    # Now loop on list to recursively expand them
    for klass in classes_to_expand:
        if klass not in seen_classes:
            expanded_classes[klass] = get_class(klass, salt_data)
            # Fix corner case where class is loaded but doesn't contain anything
            if expanded_classes[klass] is None:
                expanded_classes[klass] = {}

            # Merge newly found pillars into existing ones
            new_pillars = expanded_classes[klass].get('pillars', {})
            if new_pillars:
                dict_merge(salt_data['__pillar__'], new_pillars)

            # Now replace class element in classes_to_expand by expansion
            if expanded_classes[klass].get('classes'):
                l_id = classes_to_expand.index(klass)
                classes_to_expand[l_id:l_id] = expanded_classes[klass]['classes']

    # We may have duplicates here and we want to remove them
    tmp = []
    for t_element in classes_to_expand:
        if t_element not in tmp:

    classes_to_expand = tmp

    # Now that we've retrieved every class in order,
    # let's return an ordered list of dicts
    ord_expanded_classes = []
    ord_expanded_states = []
    for ord_klass in classes_to_expand:
        # And be smart and sort out states list
        # Address the corner case where states is empty in a class definition
        if 'states' in expanded_classes[ord_klass] and expanded_classes[ord_klass]['states'] is None:
            expanded_classes[ord_klass]['states'] = {}

        if 'states' in expanded_classes[ord_klass]:

    # Add our minion dict as final element but check if we have states to process
    if 'states' in minion_dict and minion_dict['states'] is None:
        minion_dict['states'] = []

    if 'states' in minion_dict:


    return ord_expanded_classes, classes_to_expand, ord_expanded_states

def expanded_dict_from_minion(minion_id, salt_data):
    _file = ''
    saltclass_path = salt_data['path']
    # Start
    for root, dirs, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk(os.path.join(saltclass_path, 'nodes'), followlinks=True):
        for minion_file in files:
            if minion_file == '{0}.yml'.format(minion_id):
                _file = os.path.join(root, minion_file)

    # Load the minion_id definition if existing, else an empty dict
    node_dict = {}
    if _file:
        node_dict[minion_id] = render_yaml(_file, salt_data)
        log.warning('%s: Node definition not found', minion_id)
        node_dict[minion_id] = {}

    # Merge newly found pillars into existing ones
    dict_merge(salt_data['__pillar__'], node_dict[minion_id].get('pillars', {}))

    # Get 2 ordered lists:
    # expanded_classes: A list of all the dicts
    # classes_list: List of all the classes
    expanded_classes, classes_list, states_list = expand_classes_in_order(
                                                    salt_data, [], {}, [])

    # Here merge the pillars together
    pillars_dict = {}
    for exp_dict in expanded_classes:
        if 'pillars' in exp_dict:
            dict_merge(pillars_dict, exp_dict)

    return expanded_classes, pillars_dict, classes_list, states_list

def get_pillars(minion_id, salt_data):
    # Get 2 dicts and 2 lists
    # expanded_classes: Full list of expanded dicts
    # pillars_dict: dict containing merged pillars in order
    # classes_list: All classes processed in order
    # states_list: All states listed in order
     states_list) = expanded_dict_from_minion(minion_id, salt_data)

    # Retrieve environment
    environment = get_env_from_dict(expanded_classes)

    # Expand ${} variables in merged dict
    # pillars key shouldn't exist if we haven't found any minion_id ref
    if 'pillars' in pillars_dict:
        pillars_dict_expanded = expand_variables(pillars_dict['pillars'], {}, [])
        pillars_dict_expanded = expand_variables({}, {}, [])

    # Build the final pillars dict
    pillars_dict = {}
    pillars_dict['__saltclass__'] = {}
    pillars_dict['__saltclass__']['states'] = states_list
    pillars_dict['__saltclass__']['classes'] = classes_list
    pillars_dict['__saltclass__']['environment'] = environment
    pillars_dict['__saltclass__']['nodename'] = minion_id

    return pillars_dict

def get_tops(minion_id, salt_data):
    # Get 2 dicts and 2 lists
    # expanded_classes: Full list of expanded dicts
    # pillars_dict: dict containing merged pillars in order
    # classes_list: All classes processed in order
    # states_list: All states listed in order
     states_list) = expanded_dict_from_minion(minion_id, salt_data)

    # Retrieve environment
    environment = get_env_from_dict(expanded_classes)

    # Build final top dict
    tops_dict = {}
    tops_dict[environment] = states_list

    return tops_dict