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**Under development, not yet suitable for production use.**

Leader election module built on a robust election algorithm, and extremely thoroughly tested.

## Usage

Expects a configured [node-etcd]( client to be provided. Note that this package does not depend on node-etcd. It is compatible with the `^4.0.0` version of node-etcd.

var Etcd = require("node-etcd");
var etcdLeader = require("etcd-leader");

var etcd = new Etcd("localhost", 4001);

// First parameter is etcd key to use for election.
// Second parameter is name of this node.
// Third parameter is the expiry window for master election.
var election = etcdLeader(etcd, "/master", "foo", 10).start();

election.on("elected", function() {
  console.log("I am the MASTER.");

election.on("unelected", function() {
  console.log("I am no longer the MASTER.");

election.on("leader", function(node) {
  console.log("Leader is now " + node);

## Algorithm

The leader election algorithm here is based on top of the atomic in-order insertion strategy [documented by ZooKeeper](

How do we do this specifically in etcd?

 1. **POST** to `/leader/key` to perform atomic insertion of this node's membership.
 2. **GET** `/leader/key?sorted=true` to read back out the current membership info.
 3. If our membership is lowest sorted entry, this node is elected master.
 4. Otherwise, use etcd to watch the entry sorted immediately before this node, waiting for it to drop off. If it does, start from step 2.
 5. Perdiodically (TTL divided by 2) refresh our membership key to ensure it stays active.

### Walk me through it

Let's assume we have initialised etcd-leader to use `/master` as the master key, and we have three nodes, with node names `foo`, `bar` and `quux` respectively.

 * `foo` starts up first, it issues a `POST` to `/master` (with a TTL of 10 seconds). It gets a createdIndex of "5".
 * `foo` begins refreshing its value every 5 seconds.
 * `foo` enumerates `/master` to find lowest sorted createdIndex node. Discovers that it's itself.
 * `foo` is now master.
 * `bar` starts up next, it also issues a `POST` to `/master`. It gets a createdIndex of "7".
 * `bar` begins refreshing its value every 5 seconds.
 * `bar` enumerates `/master`, sees that `foo` is the lowest createdIndex. Starts watching that node, waiting for it to disappear.
 * `quux` starts up, issues the POST and gets a createdIndex of "9".
 * `quux` begins refreshing its value every 5 seconds.
 * `quux` enumerates `/master`, sees that `foo` is the lowest createdIndex, and that `bar` is the node that immediately preceeds it.
 * `quux` starts watching `bar`'s node for changes, waiting for it to disappear.
