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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017, JK & JH
# Full license can be found in
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Methods for running and archiving the results of SAMI2."""

import numpy as np
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import warnings

from sami2py import __version__
from sami2py import fortran_dir
from sami2py.utils import generate_path

_exb_default = np.zeros((10, 2))

def run_model(tag='model_run', lat=0.0, lon=0.0, alt=300.0, year=2018, day=1,
              f107=120.0, f107a=120.0, ap=0,
              rmin=100.0, rmax=2000.0, gams=3, gamp=3, altmin=85.0,
              dthr=0.25, hrinit=0.0, hrpr=24.0, hrmax=48.0,
              dt0=30., maxstep=100000000, denmin=1.e-6,
              nion1=1, nion2=7, mmass=48, h_scale=1.0, o_scale=1.0,
              no_scale=1.0, o2_scale=1.0, he_scale=1.0, n2_scale=1.0,
              n_scale=1.0, tinf_scale=1.0, tn_scale=1., euv_scale=1.0,
              wind_scale=1.0, hwm_model=14,
              fejer=True, exb_drifts=None, ve01=0.0, exb_scale=1.0,
              alt_crit=150.0, cqe=7.e-14,
              clean=False, test=False, fmtout=True, outn=False, **kwargs):
    """Run SAMI2 and archives the data in path.

    tag : str
        Name of run for data archive.  First-level directory under save
        Note that this is not passed through to sami2 executable
        (default = 'model_run')
    lat : float
        latitude intercept of sami2 plane
        (default = 0.0)
    lon : float
        longitude intercept of sami2 plane
        (default = 0.0)
    alt : float
        The input altitude in km.
        (default = 300.0)
    year : int
        year of desired run, integer
    day : int
        day of year from Jan 1, acceptable range is [1, 366]
    f107 : float
        Daily F10.7 solar flux value in SFU
        (default = 120.0)
    f107a : float
        81-day average of F10.7 in SFU
        (default = 120.0)
    ap : int
        quasi-logarithmic geomagnetic index of 3-hour range relative to an
        assumed quiet-day curve.  Integer version of Kp index.
        (default = 0)
    rmin : float
        Maximum altitude of the lowest field line in km
        (default = 100.0)
    rmax : float
        Maximum altitude of the highest field line in km
        This has to be less than 20,000 km.
        (default = 2000.0)
    gams : int
        Determines grid spacing along the geomagnetic field. As this
        parameter is increased, the spacing between grid points along
        the field line increases at high altitudes. As it is decreased,
        the spacing becomes more uniform.
        (default = 3)
    gamp : int
        Determines grid spacing orthogonal to the geomagnetic field.
        As this parameter is increased, the spacing between field lines
        increases at high altitudes. As it is decreased, the spacing
        becomes more uniform.
        (default = 3)
    altmin : float
        Altitude of the base of a field line (km).
        (default = 85.0)
    dthr : float
        Defines how often the data is output (hr).
        (default = 0.25)
    hrinit : float
        Universal time at the start of the run (hr).
        (default = 0.0)
    hrpr : float
        The time period that elapses before the data is output (hr).
        (default = 24.0)
    hrmax : float
        The number of hours for the run (hr). The first 24 hrs
        allows transients to clear the system.
        (default = 48.0)
    dt0 : float
         The maximum time step allowed (sec). This shouldn't be changed.
        (default = 30.0)
    maxstep : int
        The maximum number of time steps allowed.
        (default = 100000000)
    denmin : float
        Miniumum ion density allowed.
        (default = 1.e-6)
    nion1 : int
        Minimum ion specie index.
        1: H+, 2: O+, 3: NO+, 4: O2+, 5: He+, 6: N2+, 7: N+
        (default = 1)
    nion2 : int
        Maximum ion specie index (see above). One can use 4 and consider
        only the dominant ions in the ionosphere (H, O, NO, O2). This will
        speed up the run time of the code by about 30%.
        (default = 7)
    mmass : int
        Average neutral mass density.
        (default = 48)
    h_scale : float
        Multiplier to scale MSIS neutral H densities
        (default = 1.0)
    o_scale : float
        Multiplier to scale MSIS neutral O densities
        (default = 1.0)
    no_scale : float
        Multiplier to scale MSIS neutral NO densities
        (default = 1.0)
    o2_scale : float
        Multiplier to scale MSIS neutral O2 densities
        (default = 1.0)
    he_scale : float
        Multiplier to scale MSIS neutral He densities
        (default = 1.0)
    n2_scale : float
        Multiplier to scale MSIS neutral N2 densities
        (default = 1.0)
    n_scale : float
        Multiplier to scale MSIS neutral all other densities
        (default = 1.0)
    tinf_scale : float
        Multiplier to scale Exospheric temperature in MSIS
        (default = 1.0)
    tn_scale : float
        Multiplier to scale Neutral temperature in MSIS
        (default = 1.0)
    euv_scale : float
        Multiplier to scale total ionization in EUVAC
        (default = 1.0)
    wind_scale : float
        Multiplier to scale Neutral Winds from HWM
        (default = 1.0)
    hwm_model : int
        Specifies which version of HWM to use.
        Allowable values are 93, 7, 14
        (default = 14)
    fejer : bool
        A True value will use the Fejer-Scherliess model of ExB drifts
        A False value will use a user-specified Fourier series for ExB drifts
        (default = True)
    exb_drifts : 10x2 ndarray of floats, string, or NoneType
        Matrix of Fourier series coefficients dependent on solar local time
        (SLT) in hours where
        exb_total = exb_drifts[i,0] * cos((i + 1) * pi * SLT / 12)
                  + exb_drifts[i,1] * sin((i + 1) * pi * SLT / 12)
        Alternatively, None will produce 24 lt hrs of 0 m/s drifts everywhere.
        Using the string 'default' will produce a cosine wave with a
        maximum magnitude of 30 m/s at local noon and a minimum of -30 m/s
        at midnight.
        (default = None)
    ve01 : float
        Constant offset for Fourier ExB drifts (m/s)
        (default = 0.0)
    exb_scale : float
        Multiplier for ExB model to scale vertical drifts
        (default = 1.0)
    alt_crit : float
        The E x B drift is exponentially decreased below this
        altitude with a scale length 20 km.  [This is done to
        allow rmin to be less than 150 km without using an
        extremely small time step.]
        (default = 150.0)
    cqe : float
        Constant used in the subroutine 'etemp' associated
        with photoelectron heating. The typical range is
        3e-14 -- 8e-14. The higher this value, the lower
        the electron temperature above 300 km.
        (default = 7e-14)
    clean : bool
        A True value will delete the local files after archiving
        A False value will not delete local save files
        Note that this is not passed through to sami2 executable
        (default = False)
    test : bool
        A True value will not run the sami2 executable.  Used for debugging
        the framework.
        A False value will run the sami2 executable
        Note that this is not passed through to sami2 executable
        (default = False)
    fmtout : bool
        If true, sami2 will output as text files.
        If false, sami2 will output as binary.
    outn : bool
        if true, sami2 will include neutral density and wind in output
        if false, sami2 will not include neutral density and wind


        import sami2py
        sami2py.run_model(tag='run_name', lon=0, year=2012, day=210)


    current_dir = os.getcwd()

    info = {'year': year, 'day': day, 'lat': lat, 'lon': lon, 'alt': alt,
            'f107': f107, 'f107a': f107a, 'ap': ap,
            'rmin': rmin, 'rmax': rmax, 'gams': gams, 'gamp': gamp,
            'altmin': altmin,
            'dthr': dthr, 'hrinit': hrinit, 'hrpr': hrpr, 'hrmax': hrmax,
            'dt0': dt0, 'maxstep': maxstep, 'denmin': denmin,
            'nion1': nion1, 'nion2': nion2, 'mmass': mmass, 'h_scale': h_scale,
            'o_scale': o_scale, 'no_scale': no_scale, 'o2_scale': o2_scale,
            'he_scale': he_scale, 'n2_scale': n2_scale, 'n_scale': n_scale,
            'exb_drifts': exb_drifts, 'exb_scale': exb_scale, 've01': ve01,
            'alt_crit': alt_crit, 'cqe': cqe, 'euv_scale': euv_scale,
            'tinf_scale': tinf_scale, 'tn_scale': tn_scale,
            'wind_scale': wind_scale, 'hwm_model': hwm_model}

    # TODO(#150): Remove once deprecated keywords are removed.
    dep_keys = {'ExB_drifts': 'exb_drifts',
                'Tinf_scale': 'tinf_scale',
                'Tn_scale': 'tn_scale'}
    # Replace each deprecated key with new name and warn
    for key in dep_keys.keys():
        if key in kwargs.keys():
            warnings.warn(' '.join(["keyword `{:}` is deprecated".format(key),
                                    "and will be removed in version 0.4.0+.",
                                    "Use `{:}` instead".format(dep_keys[key])]),
            info[dep_keys[key]] = kwargs[key]
    # Check for non-supported keys in kwargs
    for key in kwargs.keys():
        if key not in dep_keys.keys():
            raise KeyError("Unsupported key `{:}`".format(key))

    # TODO(#150): exb_drifts can be passed through directly rather than stored
    # in info once ExB_drifts kwarg is removed.
    info['fejer'] = _generate_drift_info(fejer, info.pop('exb_drifts'))
    info['fmtout'] = _generate_fortran_bool(fmtout)
    info['outn'] = _generate_fortran_bool(outn)
    archive_path = generate_path(tag, lon, year, day, test)
    if not test:
        runcmd = os.path.join('.', 'sami2py.x')
        _ = subprocess.check_call(runcmd)

    _archive_model(archive_path, clean, fejer, fmtout, outn)


def _generate_drift_info(fejer, exb_drifts=None):
    """Generate the information regarding the ExB drifts used by the model.

    This information is later stored in the namelist file for SAMI2

    fejer : bool
        Specifies whether Fejer-Scherliess model is used
        If False, then 'exb.inp' is also archived
    exb_drifts : 10x2 ndarray of float, str, or NoneType
        Matrix of Fourier series coefficients dependent on solar local time
        (SLT) in hours where
        ExB_total = exb_drifts[i,0] * cos((i + 1) * pi * SLT / 12)
                  + exb_drifts[i,1] * sin((i + 1) * pi * SLT / 12)
        Alternatively, None will produce 24 lt hrs of 0 m/s drifts everywhere.
        Using the string 'default' will produce a cosine wave with a
        maximum magnitude of 30 m/s at local noon and a minimum of -30 m/s
        at midnight.
        (default = None)


    drift_info = _generate_fortran_bool(fejer)
    if exb_drifts is None:
        exb_drifts = _exb_default
    elif not fejer:
        if isinstance(exb_drifts, str) and exb_drifts == 'default':
            exb_drifts = _exb_default
            exb_drifts[0, 0] = -30

        if isinstance(exb_drifts, np.ndarray):
            if exb_drifts.shape != _exb_default.shape:
                raise ValueError(
                    ' '.join(('Invalid ExB drift shape!  Must be',

        if isinstance(exb_drifts, str) and exb_drifts != 'default':
            raise ValueError('Unrecognized drift name')

    np.savetxt('exb.inp', exb_drifts)
    return drift_info

def _generate_fortran_bool(pybool):
    """Generate a fortran bool as a string for the namelist generator.

    pybool : bool
        Python format boolean (True, False)

    fbool : str
        Fortran format boolean


    if pybool:
        fbool = '.true.'
        fbool = '.false.'

    return fbool

def _generate_namelist(info):
    """Generate namelist file for sami2.

    info : dict
        Contains variables for each line of the namelist file


    # Check HWM model parameters
    if info['hwm_model'] not in [93, 7, 14]:
        print('Invalid HWM Model.  Defaulting to HWM14')
        info['hwm_model'] = 14

    # Print out namelist file
    file = open('sami2py-1.00.namelist', 'w')

    file.write(('  fmtout   = {:s},\n').format(info['fmtout']))  # 1
    file.write(('  maxstep  =  {:d},\n').format(info['maxstep']))  # 2
    file.write(('  hrmax    =  {:f},\n').format(info['hrmax']))  # 3
    file.write(('  dt0      =  {:f},\n').format(info['dt0']))  # 4
    file.write(('  dthr     =  {:f},\n').format(info['dthr']))  # 5
    file.write(('  hrpr     =  {:f},\n').format(info['hrpr']))  # 6
    file.write(('  grad_in  =  {:f},\n').format(info['alt']))  # 7
    file.write(('  glat_in  =  {:f},\n').format(info['lat']))  # 8
    file.write(('  glon_in  =  {:f},\n').format(info['lon']))  # 9
    file.write(('  fejer    =  {:s},\n').format(info['fejer']))  # 10
    file.write(('  rmin     =  {:f},\n').format(info['rmin']))  # 11
    file.write(('  rmax     =  {:f},\n').format(info['rmax']))  # 12
    file.write(('  altmin   =  {:f},\n').format(info['altmin']))  # 13
    file.write(('  fbar     =  {:f},\n').format(info['f107a']))  # 14
    file.write(('  f10p7    =  {:f},\n').format(info['f107']))  # 15
    file.write(('  ap       =  {:d},\n').format(info['ap']))  # 16
    file.write(('  year     =  {:d},\n').format(info['year']))  # 17
    file.write(('  day      =  {:d},\n').format(info['day']))  # 18
    file.write(('  mmass    =  {:d},\n').format(info['mmass']))  # 19
    file.write(('  nion1    =  {:d},\n').format(info['nion1']))  # 20
    file.write(('  nion2    =  {:d},\n').format(info['nion2']))  # 21
    file.write(('  hrinit   =  {:f},\n').format(info['hrinit']))  # 22
    file.write(('  tvn0     =  {:f},\n').format(info['wind_scale']))  # 23
    file.write(('  tvexb0   =  {:f},\n').format(info['exb_scale']))  # 24
    file.write(('  ve01     =  {:f},\n').format(info['ve01']))  # 25
    file.write(('  gams     =  {:d},\n').format(info['gams']))  # 26
    file.write(('  gamp     =  {:d},\n').format(info['gamp']))  # 27
    temp_str = '  snn      =  {h:f},{o:f},{no:f},{o2:f},{he:f},{n2:f},{n:f},\n'
                               n=info['n_scale']))  # 28
    file.write(('  stn      =  {:f},\n').format(info['tn_scale']))  # 29
    file.write(('  denmin   =  {:e},\n').format(info['denmin']))  # 30
    file.write(('  alt_crit =  {:f},\n').format(info['alt_crit']))  # 31
    file.write(('  cqe      =  {:e},\n').format(info['cqe']))  # 32
    file.write(('  Tinf_scl =  {:f},\n').format(info['tinf_scale']))  # 33
    file.write(('  euv_scl  =  {:f},\n').format(info['euv_scale']))  # 34
    file.write(('  hwm_mod  =  {:d},\n').format(info['hwm_model']))  # 35
    file.write(('  outn     = {:s}\n').format(info['outn']))  # 36


def _archive_model(path, clean, fejer, fmtout, outn):
    """Move the model output files to a common archive.

    path : str
        Full path of file destination
    clean : bool
        If True, then delete dat files locally
    fejer : bool
        Specifies whether Fejer-Scherliess model is used
        If False, then 'exb.inp' is also archived

    Moves files to archive directory


    if fmtout:
        filelist = ['sami2py-1.00.namelist', 'glonf.dat', 'glatf.dat',
                    'zaltf.dat', 'denif.dat', 'vsif.dat', 'tif.dat', 'tef.dat',
                    'time.dat', 'dennf.dat', 'u4f.dat']
        filelist = ['sami2py-1.00.namelist', 'glonu.dat', 'glatu.dat',
                    'zaltu.dat', 'deniu.dat', 'vsiu.dat', 'tiu.dat', 'teu.dat',
                    'time.dat', 'dennu.dat', 'u4u.dat']
    if not outn:
        # Remove neutral density files from list
        filelist = filelist[:-2]

    if not fejer:
        # Add ExB file to list

    except FileNotFoundError:

    hash = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'])
    with open(os.path.join(path, 'version.txt'), 'w+') as f:
        f.write('sami2py v' + __version__ + '\n')
        f.write('short hash ' + hash.decode("utf-8"))

    shutil.copyfile(filelist[0], os.path.join(path, filelist[0]))
    for list_file in filelist[1:]:
        if clean:
            shutil.move(list_file, os.path.join(path, list_file))
            shutil.copyfile(list_file, os.path.join(path, list_file))