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title: Marp Syntax
parent: Getting Started

# Marp Syntax

Here are some of the key elements of Marp's syntax, along with references to their official documentation:

- Markdown: Marp uses standard Markdown syntax for formatting text, including headings, lists, links, images, and more. For a comprehensive guide to Markdown syntax, see the official documentation:

- Slide separators: To create a new slide in Marp, you simply insert three hyphens (---) between two lines of text. You can also use three equal signs (===) to create a separator between slides. For more information on slide separators, see:

- Code blocks: Marp supports syntax highlighting for code blocks, which can be useful for technical presentations. To create a code block, simply indent the text by four spaces, or use triple backticks (`) to enclose the code. For more information on code blocks, see:

- Themes: Marp comes with a range of built-in themes for styling your presentations. You can also create your own custom themes using CSS. To apply a theme to your presentation, simply add a theme directive to the first line of your Markdown file. For more information on themes, see:

- Speaker notes: Marp allows you to add speaker notes to your presentation, which are visible only to the presenter. To create speaker notes, simply add text inside the square brackets ([ ]) following a slide separator. For more information on speaker notes, see:

These are just a few examples of Marp's syntax. For more detailed information and examples, you can refer to Marp's official documentation:

## Auto-scaling features

- **Fitting header**: Get bigger heading that fit onto the slide by # `<!--fit-->`.
- Auto-shrink the **code block**
- Auto-shrink **KaTeX block**

![Auto Scaling](pictures/AutoScale.gif)
