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Test Coverage
title: Markdown-It Kroki
parent: Markdown-It Plugins

# markdown-it-kroki

> This library was designed to embed []( diagram into [Marp]( slide decks!!

This library is a plugin for markdown-it to embed figure created by textual syntax.
To use this package, you can embed **Software Diagram** (like UML) written by **code** in Marp slide decks.

## Sample


left to right direction
actor Guest as g
package Professional {
actor Chef as c
actor "Food Critic" as fc
package Restaurant {
usecase "Eat Food" as UC1
usecase "Pay for Food" as UC2
usecase "Drink" as UC3
usecase "Review" as UC4
fc --> UC4
g --> UC1
g --> UC2
g --> UC3


![alt text](pictures/plugin-kroki.png)

If you want to write diagrams, you can use various syntaxes (such as [PlantUML]( or [Mermaid]( within fenced code blocks.

> [!NOTE]  
> This package depends on [](   
> If you want to know which **diagram languages are supported**,
> please check the official website at [](

## References

- [markdown-it-kroki](