import Solution from '../components/Solution';
# About
## IIIF in the Cloud
- Access is bursty by nature
- Tile requests are at least an order of magnitude burstier
- Very hard to scale a server-based solution in a way that can handle the bursts without wasting capacity (and money)
## Solution
<Solution />
## Under the Hood
### libvips
“A demand-driven, horizontally threaded image processing library”
- Very fast and extremely lightweight
- Can perform more than 300 different image manipulation operations
- Supports a large number of image formats
- Most importantly (for our purposes), it supports multi-resolution images
and tiling
- [Documentation ↗](
### sharp
- Fast native Node.js wrapper for libvips
- Supports seeking and streaming of image data without making a local copy
- [Documentation ↗](
## Contributors
- [Michael B. Klein]( - Northwestern University Libraries
- [Justin Gondron](
- [Rob Kaufman]( - Notch 8
- [Edward Silverton]( - Mnemoscene
- [Trey Pendragon]( - Princeton University Libraries
- [Theia Wolfe](
## License
Serverless IIIF is available under [the Apache 2.0 license](LICENSE).