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# Ember CLI Page Object

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Represent the screens of your web app as a series of objects. This ember-cli addon eases the construction of these objects for your acceptance and integration tests.

## What is a Page Object?

An excerpt from the Selenium Wiki

> Within your web app's UI there are areas that your tests interact with. A Page
> Object simply models these as objects within the test code. This reduces the
> amount of duplicated code and means that if the UI changes, the fix need only
> be applied in one place.

The pattern was first introduced by the Selenium

You can find more information about this design pattern here:

* [Page Objects - Selenium wiki](
* [PageObject - Martin Fowler](


* Ember.js v3.16 or above
* Ember CLI v2.13 or above
* Node.js v12 or above

Let's work together to improve this addon!

You can find us on the [official Ember Discord server](, or [open an issue on Github]( to request features, report bugs or just to ask any question.


$ ember install ember-cli-page-object

Or you can install the NPM package directly.

$ npm install --save-dev ember-cli-page-object


Check the [site]( for full documentation.


The addon includes the following blueprints

* `page-object` Creates a new page object
* `page-object-component` Creates a new component to be used in a page object
* `page-object-helper` Creates a new helper to be used in a page object

You can create a new page object called `users` using the `generate` command

$ ember generate page-object users

  create tests/pages/users.js


See the [Contributing]( guide for details.

### Project's health

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[![Coverage Status](](

### Maintainers

- Santiago Ferreira (@san650)
- Juan Manuel Azambuja (@juanazam)
- Jerad Gallinger (@jeradg)
- Anna Andresian (@magistrula)
- Ruslan Grabovoy (@ro0gr)

## License

ember-cli-page-object is licensed under the MIT license.

See [LICENSE](./ for the full license text.