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3 days
Test Coverage
import { create, text } from 'ember-cli-page-object';
import { setupRenderingTest, TestContext } from '../../../helpers';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';

module('text', function (hooks) {

  test('returns the inner text of the element', async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      foo: text('span'),

    await this.createTemplate('Hello <span>world!</span>');

    assert.equal(, 'world!');

  test('removes white spaces from the beginning and end of the text', async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      foo: text('span'),

    await this.createTemplate('<span>  awesome!  </span>');

    assert.equal(, 'awesome!');

  test('normalizes inner text of the element containing newlines', async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      foo: text('span'),

    await this.createTemplate(
      ['<span>', 'Hello', 'multi-line', 'world!', '</span>'].join('\n')

    assert.equal(, 'Hello multi-line world!');

  test('avoid text normalization if normalize:false', async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const denormalizedText = [
      ' \n ',
      'world! ',

    const page = create({
      foo: text('span', { normalize: false }),

    await this.createTemplate(`<span>${denormalizedText}</span>`);

    assert.equal(, denormalizedText);

  test('converts &nbsp; characters into standard whitespace characters', async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      foo: text('span'),

    await this.createTemplate('<span>This&nbsp;is&nbsp;awesome.</span>');

    assert.equal(, 'This is awesome.');

  test("returns empty text when the element doesn't have text", async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      foo: text('span'),

    await this.createTemplate('<span />');

    assert.equal(, '');

  test("raises an error when the element doesn't exist", async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      foo: {
        bar: {
          baz: {
            qux: text('span'),

    await this.createTemplate('');

    assert.throws(() =>, /page\.foo\.bar\.baz\.qux/);

  test('looks for elements inside the scope', async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      foo: text('span', { scope: '.scope' }),

    await this.createTemplate(`
      <div class="scope"><span>ipsum</span></div>

    assert.equal(, 'ipsum');

  test("looks for elements inside page's scope", async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      scope: '.scope',

      foo: text('span'),

    await this.createTemplate(`
      <div class="scope"><span>ipsum</span></div>

    assert.equal(, 'ipsum');

  test('resets scope', async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      scope: '.scope',

      foo: text('span', { at: 0, resetScope: true }),

    await this.createTemplate(`
      <div class="scope"><span> ipsum </span></div>

    assert.equal(, 'lorem');

  test('finds element by index', async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      foo: text('span', { at: 1 }),

    await this.createTemplate(`

    assert.equal(, 'ipsum');

  test('finds element without using a selector', async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      scope: 'p',

      foo: text(),

      bar: {
        scope: 'span',

        baz: text(),

    await this.createTemplate('<p>Hello <span>world!</span></p>');

    assert.equal(, 'Hello world!');
    assert.equal(, 'world!');

  test('throws error if selector matches more than one element', async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      foo: text('span'),

    await this.createTemplate(`
      <span> ipsum </span>

      () =>,
      /matched more than one element. If you want to select many elements, use collections instead./

  test('looks for elements outside the testing container', async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      foo: text('h1', { testContainer: '#alternate-ember-testing' }),

    await this.createTemplate('<h1>lorem ipsum</h1>', {
      useAlternateContainer: true,

    assert.equal(, 'lorem ipsum');

  test('looks for elements within test container specified at node level', async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
    const page = create({
      testContainer: '#alternate-ember-testing',
      foo: text('h1'),

    await this.createTemplate('<h1>lorem ipsum</h1>', {
      useAlternateContainer: true,

    assert.equal(, 'lorem ipsum');