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Test Coverage

2.x to 3.0

* PHP requirement was bumped to 7.2.
* The namespace is now ``Arokettu\``.

  * 1.8.0 and 2.1.0 were released with class aliases for the ``Arokettu\`` namespace.
* Zend ServiceManager support was dropped.

  * Laminas has been available for 4 years now and the switch is relatively simple.

1.x to 2.0

* PHP requirement was bumped to 7.1.
* Legacy namespace ``SandFoxMe\`` was removed, replace it with ``SandFox\`` if you still use it.
* Silex integration was removed.
  Just don't use EOL'd frameworks, switch to Slim, Mezzio or Symfony Flex.
  If you still need it, you can create your own provider based on the ``ContainerExportProvider`` from 1.x branch.
  (`source <>`__)
* ``SandFox\PhpStorm\Metadata\Integration\Psr15\ContainerExportMiddleware`` and
  ``SandFox\PhpStorm\Metadata\Integration\Slim\ContainerExportMiddleware`` were combined into
  Replace accordingly.