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import logger from './logger';
import {currentStack} from './stack';

const cachedPermissions = {};
const defaultPermissions = {module: 'root', permissions: true};
let permissions = [defaultPermissions];
let trustedModules = ['@sandworm/audit', 'react-dom', 'scheduler'];
let aliases = [];

const sourcemaps = {};

export const addSourceMap = (file, map) => {
  sourcemaps[file] = map;

export const addTrustedModules = (additionalTrustedModules) => {
  trustedModules = [...trustedModules, ...additionalTrustedModules];

export const setAliases = (newAliases = []) => {
  if (!Array.isArray(newAliases)) {

  aliases = [...newAliases.filter((item) => item && item.path &&];

export const setPermissions = (newPermissions = []) => {
  if (!Array.isArray(newPermissions)) {

  if (newPermissions.findIndex(({module}) => module === 'root') !== -1) {
    permissions = [...newPermissions];
  } else {
    // If no 'root' permissions specified, insert the default
    // This will still throw on things like `eval` or `vm.runInContext`
    permissions = [defaultPermissions, ...newPermissions];

export const setAllowsAll = (library) => {
  // Create an array of available family names
  // This will explicitly allow access to everything Sandworm intercepts
  // Including arbitrary code execution methods
  const allExplicitPermissions = ['bind',{name}) => name)];
  permissions = [
    // A RegExp that catches everything
    {module: /.*/, permissions: allExplicitPermissions},
    // Explicitly set `root` permissions, so they don't get overwritten by lower priviledge defaults
    {module: 'root', permissions: allExplicitPermissions},

export const mapStackItemToSource = (item) => {
  const originalFile = item?.file;
  // Tap sourcemaps for original file src
  let mapping = originalFile;
  let mappingLine = item?.line;
  let mappingColumn = item?.column;
  if (originalFile && sourcemaps?.[originalFile]) {
    const originalItem = sourcemaps[originalFile].originalPositionFor({
      line: item.line,
      column: item.column,
    mapping = originalItem.source;
    mappingLine = originalItem.line;
    mappingColumn = originalItem.column;

  return {

export const getNodeModuleName = (location) => {
  const components = location.split('/');
  const nodeModulesIndex = components.lastIndexOf('node_modules');
  let moduleName = components[nodeModulesIndex + 1];
  // Names starting with `@` are organizations, so it's good to get
  // a bit more context by also grabbing the next path component
  if (moduleName.startsWith('@')) {
    const submodule = components[nodeModulesIndex + 2];
    if (submodule) {
      moduleName = `${moduleName}/${submodule}`;

  return moduleName;

export const getModuleNameFromLocation = (location, allowURLs) => {
  // Infer the module name
  let moduleName = 'root';

  if (!location || typeof location !== 'string') {
    moduleName = undefined;

  // Label locations coming from inside Node
  else if (location.startsWith('node:')) {
    // locations like node:internal/modules/cjs/loader should map to node:internal
    // node:fs should map to node:fs
    [moduleName] = location.split('/');

  // Label packages
  else if (location.includes('node_modules')) {
    moduleName = getNodeModuleName(location);

  // Treat URLs as separate modules
  // These are usually scripts loaded from external sources, like directly from a CDN
  else if (allowURLs && location.includes('://')) {
    moduleName = location;

  // Alias sources with paths containing specific search strings
  else {
    const alias = aliases.find(({path}) => location.includes(path));
    if (alias) {
      moduleName =;

  return moduleName;

/** Reduce mod1>mod1>mod2>mod2>mod2 to mod1>mod2 */
export const compactifyModules = (modules) => {
  let currentComponent;
  const compactModules = [];

  modules.forEach((module) => {
    if (currentComponent !== module) {
      currentComponent = module;

  return compactModules;

/** Truncate to the last segment that was started from root */
/** For ex: root>mod1>mod2>root>mod3 should translate to mod3 */
/** Also fold resulting modules to account for callback-type calls */
/** For ex: root>mod1>mod2>mod1>mod3>mod4>mod3 should translate to mod1>mod3 */
export const foldModules = (modules) => {
  let foldedModules = [...modules];

  const lastRootOccurrence = foldedModules.lastIndexOf('root');
  if (lastRootOccurrence !== -1) {
    foldedModules = foldedModules.slice(lastRootOccurrence + 1);

  let currentIndex = 0;

  while (currentIndex < foldedModules.length) {
    const lastOccurrence = foldedModules.lastIndexOf(foldedModules[currentIndex]);
    if (lastOccurrence !== -1) {
      foldedModules = [
        ...foldedModules.slice(0, currentIndex),
    currentIndex += 1;

  return foldedModules;

export const getCurrentModuleInfo = ({stack: stackInput, allowURLs = false} = {}) => {
  try {
    const stack = (stackInput || currentStack())
      // If we have sourcemap info, trace calls back to the original files
      .map((item) => mapStackItemToSource(item, sourcemaps))
      // Augment with module names
      .map(({item, mapping, mappingLine, mappingColumn}) => {
        const module = getModuleNameFromLocation(mapping, allowURLs);

        return {
          caller: item.caller,
          called: item.called,
          alias: item.alias,
          file: item.file,
          fileLine: item.line,
          fileColumn: item.column,

    // Get the name of the module that was responsible for directly invoking the method
    // that was intercepted by Sandworm.
    const directCaller = stack.find(({module}) => module !== '@sandworm/audit');
    // Get the name of the user-space module that was responsible for triggering the call chain
    // that led to the Sandworm-intercepted method being invoked.
    // If `directCaller` was something from Node internals, this should point to the OG caller.
    const lastModuleCaller = stack.find(
      ({module}) =>
        module !== '@sandworm/audit' && module !== undefined && !module.startsWith('node:'),

    const modules = stack
      // Stack is LIFO, call path is FIFO
      // We want to remove module names marked as trusted from the call path
      // We also want to remove Node internals
      .map(({module}) =>
        trustedModules.includes(module) || module?.startsWith('node:') ? undefined : module,
      .filter((v) => v !== undefined);
    let name = 'root';
    let isExtension = false;

    if (modules.length) {
      const compactModules = compactifyModules(modules);
      const foldedModules = foldModules(compactModules);

      name = foldedModules.join('>') || 'root';

      // Detect if any items in the stack are browser extensions
      isExtension = !!modules.find(
        (m) => m.startsWith('chrome-extension://') || m.startsWith('moz-extension://'),

    return {name, stack, directCaller, lastModuleCaller, isExtension};
  } catch (error) {
    return {name: 'root', error: error.message};

export const getModulePermissions = (module) => {
  // To improve performance while also supporting RegExp in permission descriptor module fields,
  // we keep a cache of permissions. Search there first.
  if (Object.keys(cachedPermissions).includes(module)) {
    return cachedPermissions[module];

  // Next, look for an exact string match. Most common scenario
  // This makes it possible to override RegExp.
  const exactMatch = permissions.find(({module: mod}) => mod === module);
  if (exactMatch) {
    cachedPermissions[module] = exactMatch.permissions;
    return exactMatch.permissions;

  // Next, try to match RegExp, if any
  const regexMatch = permissions.find(
    ({module: mod}) => mod instanceof RegExp && module.match(mod),
  if (regexMatch) {
    cachedPermissions[module] = regexMatch.permissions;
    return regexMatch.permissions;

  // Default to no permissions
  cachedPermissions[module] = false;
  return false;

export const isModuleAllowedToExecute = ({module, family, method}) => {
  const modulePermissions = getModulePermissions(module, permissions);

  // Some methods are labeled as particularly dangerous and are not included by the
  // `permissions: true` umbrella setting.
  // These methods need to be explicitly typed out in a permissions array
  if (typeof modulePermissions === 'boolean' && !method.needsExplicitPermission) {
    return modulePermissions;

  if (Array.isArray(modulePermissions)) {
    return (
      // Just the family name will include access to all family methods
      modulePermissions.includes( ||
      // Or allow a single method
      modulePermissions.includes(`${}.${}`) ||
      // Or allow any method that does not need explicit permissions
      // `permissions: ['*']` is equivalent to `permissions: true`
      (!method.needsExplicitPermission && modulePermissions.includes('*'))

  return false;