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# Tachikoma

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**Tachikoma** is a Interval Pull Requester with
bundler/carton/david/yarn/npm-check-updates/cocoapods/carthage/composer/none update.
This is [Actual pull request](

![tachikoma]( 'tachikoma')
![tachikoma]( 'tachikoma')

Most aspects of its behavior can be tweaked via various
[configuration options](data/default.yaml).

## Strategies

You can use these strategies:

- Bundler (Ruby)
- Carton (Perl)
- David (Node.js)
- Yarn (Node.js)
- npm-check-updates (Node.js)
- CocoaPods (Objective-C, Swift)
- Carthage (Swift)
- Composer (PHP)
- None (without strategy)

If you use carton, then you use `tachikoma:run_carton` instead of `tachikoma:run_bundler`.
You can also use `tachikoma:run_none`, `tachikoma:run_cocoapods`, `tachikoma:run_composer` and `tachikoma:run_david`.

## Setting

See [configuration options](data/default.yaml).

### Use as rubygem


$ mkdir -p my-tachikoma
$ cd my-tachikoma
$ bundle init
$ echo "gem 'tachikoma'" >> Gemfile
$ bundle
$ bundle exec tachikoma init

### Write repository information

1. Get GitHub OAuth2 token: See [Creating an OAuth token for command-line use](
2. Add YAML of repository you want to build by Tachikoma: Copy `data/bot-motoko-tachikoma.yaml` then edit `url` and `type`. to clone URL of your repository. Change `type` to `shared`, if you use shared repository model.
3. Run below command in your shell:

$ export BUILD_FOR=<your-repository-name-that-is-same-to-yaml-filename>
$ export TOKEN_YOUR_REPOSITORY_NAME_THAT_IS_SAME_TO_YAML_FILENAME=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ bundle exec rake tachikoma:run_bundler

### Example

[gist-mail setting (data/gist-mail.yaml)](


This is the [result](

### Build script example

- [ dev@cloud: Above v4.0.0.beta](

## Versioning

Tachikoma will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines as much as possible. Releases will be numbered with the following format:


And constructed with the following guidelines:

* Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch)
* New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor (and resets the patch)
* Bug fixes and misc changes bumps the patch

For more information on SemVer, please visit

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

## Resources

### Concept
- [Continuous gem dependency updating with Jenkins and Pull Request](
at Rubykaigi2013 Talk
by @kyanny
[movie]( _Japanese_
[slide]( _English/Japanese_

### Screencast
- Tachikoma 10min (Below v3.1 - Old API) _Silent_
[![screen shot 2013-07-22 at 8 09 29 am](](

### Talk
- [Updating Library Dependencies Off and On with Tachikoma](
at YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013 Lightning Talk
by @sanemat
[slide]( _Japanese_
[video]( _Japanese_
- Updating Library Dependencies Off and On with Tachikoma
at RubyConf 2013 Lightning Talk
by @sanemat
[slide]( _English_
[video]( _English_

### Article
- [tachikoma を使って毎日自動で bundle update -](
by @willnet (Below v3.1 - Old API) _Japanese_
- [Jenkins scheduled build Triggers with environment variable | 實松アウトプット](
by @sanemat _Japanese_

### Web Service
- [Tachikoma as a Service](