# frozen_string_literal: true
module PlateHelper # rubocop:todo Style/Documentation
# Proxy object wrapping the form alongside the presenter.
# This allows us to use the shared plate partial, but pass the form
# object through to the custom aliquot partial
# rubocop:disable Rails/HelperInstanceVariable
class WellFailingPresenter < BasicObject
def initialize(form, presenter)
@form = form
@_presenter = presenter
def aliquot_partial
delegate_missing_to :_presenter
attr_reader :form, :_presenter
# rubocop:enable Rails/HelperInstanceVariable
def fail_wells_presenter_from(form, presenter), presenter)
# Returns an array of all pre-capture pools for a plate, with wells sorted
# into plate well column order. We rely on the fact that hashes maintain
# insert order, and walk the wells in column order. Each time we see a
# pre-capture pool for the first time, it gets inserted into the hash along
# with the request Order id.
# We then sort the pre-capture pool hashes within the array by their Order
# ids, to get the pools into the right sequence. Requests are grouped into
# Orders, each pre-capture pool has a different Order relating to the asset
# group name entered on the submission manifest. Asset groups are created in
# the sequence they are presented in the manifest. (Pre-capture pools are not
# created sequentially in the same order as the asset groups on the manifest).
# This sorted array gets passed to our javascript via ajax.
# @note Javascript objects are not explicitly ordered, hence the need to pass
# an array here.
# @param current_plate [Sequencescape::Api::V2::Plate] The plate from which to
# extract the pre-cap pools
# @return [Array] An array of basic pool information
# @example Example output
# [
# { pool_id: 123, order_id: 401, wells: ['A1','B1','D1'] },
# { pool_id: 122, order_id: 402, wells: ['C1','E1','F1'] }
# ]
def sorted_pre_cap_pool_json(current_plate) # rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize
unsorted =
.each_with_object({}) do |well, pool_store|
next unless well.passed?
well.incomplete_requests.each do |request|
next unless request.pre_capture_pool
pool_id =
pool_store[pool_id] ||= { pool_id: pool_id, order_id: request.order_id, wells: [] }
pool_store[pool_id][:wells] << well.location
# sort the pool hashes by Order id
sorted = unsorted.sort_by { |k| k[:order_id] }
sorted.to_json.html_safe # rubocop:todo Rails/OutputSafety