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Test Coverage
<%= CSV.generate_line ["PLATE", "Bed", "Bait Type", "SAMPLE WELL", "BA_1", "BA_2", "Ratio", "Average", "Vol of DNA for pool", "Total Vol of DNA", "Buffer Vol", "Destination Tube", "Destination Tube Rack", "EB Source", "EB Well", "pool ID", "Total volume", "BA_Sub"], row_sep: "" %>
<% @presenter.transfers.each_with_index do |transfer, index| -%>
  <% position = index + 2 -%>
  <% source_well, destination_well = transfer -%>
  <% last_in_pool = @presenter.last_in_pool?(source_well) -%>
  <% value = [
    @presenter.labware.stock_plate.barcode.number,                                                  # PLATE
    "Post Capture XP",                                                                              # Bed
    @presenter.bait_library_for(destination_well),                                                  # Bait Type
    source_well,                                                                                    # Sample Well
    nil,                                                                                            # BA1
    nil,                                                                                            # BA2
    "=E#{position}/F#{position}",                                                                   # Ratio
    "\"=AVERAGEIF(E#{position}:E#{position},\"\">0\"\")\"",                                         # Average
    "=(170*6.2)/(2*H#{position})",                                                                  # Vol of DNA for pool
    last_in_pool ? "=SUM(I#{position+1 - @presenter.pool(source_well).length}:I#{position})" : "",  # Total Vol of DNA
    last_in_pool ? "=170-J#{position}" : "",                                                        # Buffer vol
    @presenter.location_of_pool_destination_from(source_well),                                      # Destination Tube
    "Pooled_Libraries 1-24",                                                                        # Destination Tube Rack
    "Elution Buffer",                                                                               # EB Source
    1,                                                                                              # EB Well
    last_in_pool ? @presenter.pool_number(source_well) : "",                                        # pool ID
    last_in_pool ? "=J#{position}+K#{position}" : ""                                                # Total volume
    ].join(",") -%>
  <%= value.html_safe %>
<% end %>