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Test Coverage
// Load the datatables plugins
import $ from "jquery";
import "jszip";

// I went in a few circles here.
// Imports alone break styling when including rowReorder and responsive
// Switching to the requires and immediately executed factory functions
// resulted in the uncaught type-error mentioned in the link.

import dt from "";
import dtButtons from "";
import dtButtonsColVis from "";
import dtButtonsHtml5 from "";
import dtFixedColumn from "";
import dtFixedHeader from "";
import dtResponsive from "";
import dtRowGroup from "";
import dtRowOrder from "";

dt(window, $);
dtButtons(window, $);
dtButtonsColVis(window, $);
dtButtonsHtml5(window, $);
dtFixedColumn(window, $);
dtFixedHeader(window, $);
dtResponsive(window, $);
dtRowGroup(window, $);
dtRowOrder(window, $);

// We won't import the CSS automatically, so do it here.
// I couldn't import the non minified version here. While vite
// would appear to generate a valid request, the server would
// return a 404. From the returned error, it appeared that the
// CSS extension was stripped off when attempting to find the file on
// the file-system
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";

// Load individual datatables implementations
import "./tableSortable";
import "./tableBatchEdit";
import "./tablePipelineInboxColumnSearch";