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<%- add :about, "Sequencing studies can be edited, approved and managed from here." %>
<%- add :menu, "View all studies" => url_for(controller: "admin/studies", action: "index")  %>

<% if @studies %>
  <%= page_title 'Studies', 'Manage' %>

  <!-- 'remote-form' class means the JS in ajax_handling.js will be used  -->
  <%= form_tag(filter_admin_studies_path, remote: true, id: "filter_form", class: 'remote-form observed form-inline', data: { update: "#studies",  throbber: '#update_loader'} ) %>

    <%= panel(:default,title:'Filter Studies') do %>
        Show <%= bs_select :filter, :status, [ "open", "closed", "all" ] -%> studies that are <%= bs_select :filter, :by, ["unallocated manager", "all" ], {} -%> named <input type="search" placeholder="Search" name="q" id="q" class="form-control" />
        <%= loading_bar("update_loader") %>
    <% end %>
  <div id='studies'>
    <%= render partial: "filtered_studies" %>

<% else %>
  <%= page_title 'Manage Study', %>
  <p>You can update billing information and approval status for a study here.</p>
  <%= render partial: "manage_single_study" %>
<% end %>