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Test Coverage
<div id="header">
  <div class="page-header">
    <h1>Batch <%= %> - <%= batch.studies.pluck(:name).join('; ') %></h1>
    <% if num_picks > 1 %>
      <h2>Pick <%= pick_number %> of <%= num_picks %></h2>
    <% end %>
<% if robot.present? %>
  <p>This worksheet was generated with the <%= %> robot selected. Other robots may have different layouts configured.</p>
<% end %>
<svg class="barcode" data-value="<%= Barcode.calculate_barcode('BA', %>-<%= pick_number %>" data-format="CODE128"></svg>

<%# see Robot::Verification::Base#pick_number_to_expected_layout for structure of robot_plate_layout %>
<% destination_layout, source_layout, control_layout = robot_plate_layout %>
<% source_plate_colour = source_layout.transform_values { |sort_order| "colour#{sort_order%12}" } %>

<div id="plate_details">
  <%= render partial: 'cherrypick_worksheet_plate_list', locals: { section_name: 'Source plates', plates: source_layout, bed_prefix: 'SCRC' } %>
  <%= render partial: 'cherrypick_worksheet_plate_list', locals: { section_name: 'Control plates', plates: control_layout, bed_prefix: 'CTRL' } %>
  <%= render partial: 'cherrypick_worksheet_plate_list', locals: { section_name: 'Destination plate', plates: destination_layout, bed_prefix: 'DEST' } %>

<div id="plate_layouts">
  <% indexed_requests = batch.requests.includes(asset: [:map, { plate: :barcodes }]).index_by(&:target_asset_id) %>
  <% destination_layout.sort_by(&:last).each do |barcode,index| -%>
      <% plate = Plate.includes(wells: [:map, :well_attribute]).find_from_barcode(barcode) %>
      <% if plate.buffer_required? %>
        <h3> Buffer Required </h3>
      <% end %>
    <table class="plate_layout">
        <% num_rows = plate.height -%>
        <% num_columns = plate.width -%>
        <% num_columns.times do |column| -%>
          <th><%= column+1 %></th>
        <% end -%>
        <% plate_wells = plate.wells.index_by {|w| } %>
        <% num_rows.times do |row| -%>
            <% rowchar = (65+row).chr %>
            <td><strong><%= rowchar %></strong></td>
            <% (num_columns).times do |column| -%>
              <% well = plate_wells[row*num_columns+column] -%>
                <% if  well.present? -%>
                  <% request = indexed_requests[]  %>
                  <% source_well = request&.asset %>
                  <% if source_well.present? -%>
                    <% source_barcode = source_well.plate.machine_barcode %>
                    <% well_is_in_this_pick = ( source_layout.has_key?(source_barcode) || (control_layout && control_layout.has_key?(source_barcode)) ) -%>
                    <% if well_is_in_this_pick -%>
                      <% if source_well.plate.is_a?(ControlPlate) %>
                        <td class="control">
                      <% elsif source_well.is_a?(Well) %>
                        <td class="<%= source_plate_colour[source_barcode]%> ">
                      <% else %>
                      <% end -%>
                      <%= source_well.map_description %>
                      <%= source_well.plate.barcode_number %>
                      v<%= "%.#{configatron.tecan_precision}f" % well.get_picked_volume %> b<%= "%.#{configatron.tecan_precision}f" % well.get_buffer_volume %>
                    <% else %>
                    <% end -%>
                  <% else %>
                  <% end -%>
                <% else %>
                <% end -%>
            <% end -%>
            <td><strong><%= rowchar %></strong></td>
        <% end -%>
          <% num_columns.times do |column| -%>
            <th><%= column+1 %></th>
          <% end -%>
  <% end -%>

<div id="footer">
  Created: <%= batch.updated_at.strftime("%I:%M %p on %A %d %B, %Y") %> for <%= batch.user.login %> -
  Printed: <%="%I:%M %p on %A %d %B, %Y") %> for <%= current_user.login %>