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<%- add :menu, "Back to Study" => study_path(@study)  %>

<%= page_title "Print labels", %>

<% if @labware.present? %>
  <%= alert(:info) do %>
    Below are the assets that are available for this group.  Please select the assets you want to print labels and the printer you want them to be printed from. Please be aware if printing off plate labels that the plates may also contain wells not present in the asset group.
  <% end %>
  <%= render partial: 'shared/labware_to_print', locals: { path: print_labels_study_asset_group_path(@study, @asset_group), assets: @labware}%>
<% end %>

<% unless @labware.present? %>
 <%= alert(:danger) do %>
   This asset group doesn't appear to contain any assets that can have barcodes printed.
 <% end %>
<% end %>