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# SendIT

SendIT is a courier service that helps users deliver parcels to different destinations. SendIT provides courier quotes based on weight categories.

## Acces running application
* [Heroku](<br>
* [Docs](<br>
* [UI](<br>
* [Pivotal Tracker Board](

### Required Features
* Users can create an account and log in
* Users can create a parcel delivery order.
* Users can change the destination of a parcel delivery order.
* Users can cancel a parcel delivery order.
* Users can see the details of a delivery order.
* The user can view all parcel delivery orders he/she has created.
* Admin can change the status of a parcel delivery order.
* Admin can change the status and present location of a parcel delivery order.
* Admin can view all parcel delivery orders in the application.
* Admin can change the present location of a parcel delivery order

### Optional Features(Extra Credit)
* The user gets real-time email notification when Admin changes the status of their parcel.
* The user gets real-time email notification when Admin changes the present location of
their parcel.

## Getting Started
Instructions to get the project running successfully on your website

## Prerequisites
You need to have these installed before cloning the project
* NodeJS (atleast v8.11.2) -
* Postgres -

## Technologies Used
- [Eslint](
- [TravisCI](
- [Nodejs](
- [Express](
- [Code-Climate](
- [Coveralls](
- [Babel](

## Coding Style
[Airbnb JavaScript style guide](

## Installation

git clone

cd Parcel-Delivery

npm install

npm start

## Test

Testing is used at key checkpoints in the overall process to determine whether objectives are being met. It also speed up software development process

##### Server side tests

npm run test

## Linting

Linting is the process of running a program that will analyse code for potential errors.

npm run lint:dev

      <th>End Point</th>
      <td>Create a new parcel</td>
      <td>Cancel a parcel by parcelid</td>
      <td>Get all parcels</td>
        <td>Get a parcel by parcelid</td>
        <td>Get all parcels belonging to a user</td>
        <td>Signup a new user using database </td>
        <td>Login user with email and password </td>
        <td>Change Parcel Id destination by user </td>
        <td>Change Parcel status by user admin</td>
        <td>Change Parcel location by user admin</td>


## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License 

## Author
[Sanni Michael Tomiwa](

## Acknowledgements