
Test Coverage
-*- Text -*-
This directory contains sources for programs to convert to and from
other display file formats.  Since most sites will not use all the
different file formats, or we may not have written a conversion
program for your favorite format, this file contains a few words on
customizing the directory and rolling your own.

If you do write a conversion program for a file format that is not 
supported in this distribution, please send it to us, so we can add
it to the distribution, and others will not have to duplicate your 
hard work.  Similarly, if you are thinking of writing a conversion
program, you might send us a note and see if anyone else has already
done one.

Some specific notes on building the programs:

rletotiff/tifftorle -- These require the "libtiff" distribution from
Sam Leffler, available via anonymous FTP from in
/pub/tiff/v3.0.tar.Z (for version 3.0, which these programs have been
tested with).

rletorast/rasttorle -- You must be on a Sun to compile these, or at
least have access to the include file <pixrect/pixrect_hs.h>.  They do
not understand Sun's run-length encoded format.  To read files stored
in this form, use /usr/lib/rasfilters/convert.2 as a preprocess step.