

Test Coverage
 * This software is copyrighted as noted below.  It may be freely copied,
 * modified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice is 
 * preserved on all copies.
 * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software,
 * it is provided solely "as is".  Bug reports or fixes may be sent
 * to the author, who may or may not act on them as he desires.
 * You may not include this software in a program or other software product
 * without supplying the source, or without informing the end-user that the 
 * source is available for no extra charge.
 * If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
 * name of the person performing the modification, the date of modification,
 * and the reason for such modification.
 * rledither.c - Do Floyd Steinberg dithering on an image.  Edge enhancement
 *    can be tuned with command line argument.
 * Author:    Rod Bogart 
 *         University of Michigan
 * Date:    Fri Dec 1 1989
 * Copyright (c) 1989, The Regents of the University of Michigan
 *   -e edge_factor     Zero means no edge enhancement, 1.0 looks pretty good.
 *   -l nchan length    Number of channels in the colormap, and num entries.
 *            Defaults to 3 channels of 256 entries each.
 *   -{tf} mapfile      -t is a colormap listed as  R G B  R G B  R G B ...
 *                      -f is listed as R R R... G G G... B B B...
 *   -o outfile         Output RLE file (stdout default)
 *   infile             Input RLE file (stdin default)
#ifndef lint
static char rcs_ident[] = "$Id: rledither.c,v 1992/01/23 16:42:22 spencer Exp $";

#include <stdio.h>
#include "rle.h"

#define MALLOC_ERR RLE_CHECK_ALLOC( progname, 0, 0 )

rle_map **allocmap();
void filemap(), copymap(), shiftmap(), copy_into_shortrow(), edge_enhance();
void fsdither(), find_closest();

char *progname;

main(argc, argv)
int    argc;
char    *argv[];
    int i, temp, y;
    int oflag = 0;
    int blend, blend_divisor = 256;
    float edge_factor = 0.0;
    int top, middle, bottom, edgetop, edgebottom;
    rle_hdr     in_hdr, out_hdr;
    rle_pixel **cleanrows[3], **edgerows[2], **outrow;
    short *shortrows[2];
    char *infname = NULL, *outfname = NULL, *mapfname = NULL;
    FILE *outfile = stdout;
    int nchan = 3, length = 256, tflag = 0;
    rle_map **amap, **map;
    int rle_cnt, rle_err;
    char cmap_comment[80];

    progname = cmd_name( argv );
    in_hdr = *rle_hdr_init( NULL );
    out_hdr = *rle_hdr_init( NULL );

    if ( scanargs( argc, argv,
          "% e%-edge_factor!f l%-nchan!dlength!d \n\
\ttf!-mapfile!s o%-outfile!s infile%s",
          &i, &edge_factor, &i, &nchan, &length,
          &tflag, &mapfname,
          &oflag, &outfname, &infname ) == 0 )
    exit( 1 );

    in_hdr.rle_file = rle_open_f( progname, infname, "r" );
    rle_names( &in_hdr, progname, infname, 0 );
    rle_names( &out_hdr, progname, outfname, 0 );

    /* Allocate space for the applied map */
    amap = allocmap( nchan, 256, NULL );
    map = allocmap( nchan, 256, NULL );
    filemap( tflag, mapfname, nchan, length, amap );
    copymap( amap, nchan, 256, map );
    shiftmap( amap, nchan, 256, 8 );

    for ( rle_cnt = 0;
      (rle_err = rle_get_setup( &in_hdr )) == RLE_SUCCESS;
      rle_cnt++ )
    (void)rle_hdr_cp( &in_hdr, &out_hdr );
    if ( rle_cnt == 0 )
        outfile = rle_open_f( cmd_name( argv ), outfname, "w" );
    out_hdr.rle_file = outfile;

    rle_addhist( argv, &in_hdr, &out_hdr );

    /* alpha on dithered stuff is too weird... */
    out_hdr.alpha = 0;
    out_hdr.ncolors = 1;    /* Just one chan, the cmap index */
    for (i = 1; i < in_hdr.ncolors; i++)
        RLE_CLR_BIT( out_hdr, i );    /* Kill extra output channels */
    out_hdr.ncmap = nchan;
    out_hdr.cmaplen = 8;    /* == 256 entries */
    out_hdr.cmap = (rle_map *) amap[0];
    sprintf( cmap_comment, "color_map_length=%d", length );
    rle_putcom( cmap_comment, &out_hdr );
    rle_put_setup( &out_hdr );

    in_hdr.xmax -= in_hdr.xmin;
    in_hdr.xmin = 0;

    /* Oink. */
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        if (rle_row_alloc( &in_hdr, &cleanrows[i] ) < 0)

    if (rle_row_alloc( &in_hdr, &edgerows[0] ) < 0)

    if (rle_row_alloc( &in_hdr, &edgerows[1] ) < 0)

    if (rle_row_alloc( &out_hdr, &outrow ) < 0)

    if ( (shortrows[0] = (short *)malloc(in_hdr.ncolors
                         * (in_hdr.xmax+1)
                         * sizeof(short) )) == 0 )
    if ( (shortrows[1] = (short *)malloc(in_hdr.ncolors
                         * (in_hdr.xmax+1)
                         * sizeof(short) )) == 0 )

    if (edge_factor < 0.0)
        blend = 0;
        blend = (int) (edge_factor * (float) blend_divisor);

    rle_getrow(&in_hdr, cleanrows[2]);
    rle_getrow(&in_hdr, cleanrows[1]);
    bottom = 0;
    middle = 1;
    top = 2;
    edgetop = 1;
    edgebottom = 0;
    /* just copy the top row, it gets no edge enhancement */
    copy_into_shortrow( &in_hdr, 
                cleanrows[top], shortrows[edgetop] );

    for (y = in_hdr.ymin+2; y <= in_hdr.ymax; y++)
        rle_getrow(&in_hdr, cleanrows[bottom]);
             cleanrows[bottom], cleanrows[middle], cleanrows[top],
             blend, blend_divisor);
        copy_into_shortrow( &in_hdr, 
                edgerows[edgebottom], shortrows[edgebottom] );
        fsdither(&in_hdr, map, length,
             shortrows[edgebottom], shortrows[edgetop], outrow);
        rle_putrow( outrow, in_hdr.xmax+1, &out_hdr);
        /* swap the row pointers */
        temp = top;    top = middle;    middle = bottom;    bottom = temp;
        temp = edgetop;    edgetop = edgebottom;    edgebottom = temp;
    fsdither(&in_hdr, map, length,
         shortrows[edgebottom], shortrows[edgetop], outrow);
    rle_putrow( outrow, in_hdr.xmax+1, &out_hdr);
    /* just copy the middle row, it gets no edge enhancement */
    copy_into_shortrow( &in_hdr, 
                cleanrows[middle], shortrows[edgetop] );
    fsdither(&in_hdr, map, length, NULL, shortrows[edgetop], outrow);
    rle_putrow( outrow, in_hdr.xmax+1, &out_hdr);

    rle_puteof( &out_hdr );

    /* Release storage. */
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        rle_row_free( &in_hdr, cleanrows[i] );
    rle_row_free( &in_hdr, edgerows[0] );
    rle_row_free( &in_hdr, edgerows[1] );
    rle_row_free( &out_hdr, outrow );
    free( shortrows[0] );
    free( shortrows[1] );

    /* Check for an error.  EOF or EMPTY is ok if at least one image
     * has been read.  Otherwise, print an error message.
    if ( rle_cnt == 0 || (rle_err != RLE_EOF && rle_err != RLE_EMPTY) )
    rle_get_error( rle_err, cmd_name( argv ), infname );

    exit( 0 );

copy_into_shortrow( in_hdr, rlerow, shortrow )
rle_hdr *in_hdr;
rle_pixel **rlerow;
short *shortrow;
    int chan,i;

    for (i=0; i <= in_hdr->xmax; i++)
    for (chan = 0; chan < in_hdr->ncolors; chan++)
        *shortrow++ = rlerow[chan][i];

edge_enhance(in_hdr, row_b, row_m, row_t, edge_row, blend, blend_divisor)
rle_hdr *in_hdr;
rle_pixel **row_b, **row_m, **row_t, **edge_row;
int blend_divisor, blend;
    int chan, i;
    int total, diff, avg, result;
    for (chan = 0; chan < in_hdr->ncolors; chan++)
    /* i = 0 case, ignore left column of pixels */
    total = row_b[chan][0] + row_b[chan][1] + 
                             row_m[chan][1] + 
        row_t[chan][0] + row_t[chan][1];
    avg = total / 5;
    diff = avg - row_m[chan][0];
    result = row_m[chan][0] - (diff * blend / blend_divisor);
    if (result < 0)
        edge_row[chan][0] = 0;
    else if (result > 255)
        edge_row[chan][0] = 255;
        edge_row[chan][0] = result;
    /* all the nice cases */
    for (i=1; i < in_hdr->xmax; i++)
        total = row_b[chan][i-1] + row_b[chan][i] + row_b[chan][i+1] + 
            row_m[chan][i-1]                  + row_m[chan][i+1] + 
            row_t[chan][i-1] + row_t[chan][i] + row_t[chan][i+1];
        avg = total >> 3;  /* divide by 8 */
        diff = avg - row_m[chan][i];
        result = row_m[chan][i] - (diff * blend / blend_divisor);
        if (result < 0)
        edge_row[chan][i] = 0;
        else if (result > 255)
        edge_row[chan][i] = 255;
        edge_row[chan][i] = result;
    /* i = in_hdr.xmax case, ignore right column of pixels */
    i = in_hdr->xmax;
    total = row_b[chan][i-1] + row_b[chan][i] +  
            row_m[chan][i-1]                  + 
        row_t[chan][i-1] + row_t[chan][i];
    avg = total / 5;
    diff = avg - row_m[chan][i];
    result = row_m[chan][i] - (diff * blend / blend_divisor);
    if (result < 0)
        edge_row[chan][i] = 0;
    else if (result > 255)
        edge_row[chan][i] = 255;
        edge_row[chan][i] = result;

fsdither(in_hdr, map, maplen, row_bottom, row_top, outrow)
rle_hdr *in_hdr;
rle_map **map;
int maplen;
short *row_bottom, *row_top;
rle_pixel **outrow;
    register rle_pixel *optr;
    register int j;
    register short *thisptr, *nextptr = NULL;
    int chan;
    static int numchan = 0;
    int    lastline = 0, lastpixel ;
    static int *cval=0;
    static rle_pixel *pixel=0;

    if ( numchan != in_hdr->ncolors )
    if ( cval )
        free( cval );
        free( pixel );

    numchan = in_hdr->ncolors;
    if (!cval) {
    if ((cval = (int *) malloc( numchan * sizeof(int) )) == 0)
    if ((pixel = (rle_pixel *) malloc( numchan * sizeof(rle_pixel) )) == 0)
    optr = outrow[RLE_RED];

    thisptr = row_top;
    if (row_bottom) 
    nextptr = row_bottom;
    lastline = 1;

    for(j=0; j <= in_hdr->xmax ; j++)
    int cmap_index=0;

    lastpixel = (j == in_hdr->xmax) ;

    for (chan = 0; chan < numchan; chan++)
        cval[chan] = *thisptr++ ;

        /* Current channel value has been accumulating error, it could be
         * out of range.
        if( cval[chan] < 0 ) cval[chan] = 0 ;
        else if( cval[chan] > 255 ) cval[chan] = 255 ;

        pixel[chan] = cval[chan];

    /* find closest color */
    find_closest(map, numchan, maplen, pixel, &cmap_index);
    *optr++ = cmap_index;
    /* thisptr is now looking at pixel to the right of current pixel
     * nextptr is looking at pixel below current pixel
     * So, increment thisptr as stuff gets stored.  nextptr gets moved
     * by one, and indexing is done +/- numchan.
    for (chan = 0; chan < numchan; chan++)
        cval[chan] -= map[chan][cmap_index];

        if( !lastpixel )
        thisptr[chan] += cval[chan] * 7 / 16 ;
        if( !lastline )
        if( j != 0 )
            nextptr[-numchan] += cval[chan] * 3 / 16 ;
        nextptr[0] += cval[chan] * 5 / 16 ;
        if( !lastpixel )
            nextptr[numchan] += cval[chan] / 16 ;
        nextptr ++;

 * TAG( filemap )
 * NOTE: this code is stolen from rleldmap.
 * Read a color map from a file
 * Inputs:
 *     tflag:            Flag for type of file: 1 means all entries for a
 *                      channel are together (-f), 2 means all entries for
 *                      a given index are together (-t).
 *      mapfname:       Name of file to read map from.
 *    nchan:        Number of color channels.
 *    length:        Length of each channel.
 * Outputs:
 *     amap:        Result map.
 * Assumptions:
 *    [None]
 * Algorithm:
 *    [None]
filemap( tflag, mapfname, nchan, length, amap )
int tflag, nchan, length;
char *mapfname;
rle_map **amap;
    FILE * mapfile;
    register int c, i;
    int ent;

    if ( ( mapfile = fopen( mapfname, "r" ) ) == NULL )
    fprintf( stderr, "%s: Couldn't open map file %s: ",
         progname, mapfname );

    if ( tflag == 1 )        /* channel-major order */
    for ( c = 0; c < nchan; c++ )
        for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
        switch ( fscanf( mapfile, "%d", &ent ) )
        case EOF:    /* EOF */
            fprintf( stderr,
    "%s: Premature end of file reading map %s at channel %d, entry %d\n",
                 progname, mapfname, c, i );
            /* NOTREACHED */
        case 1:        /* Got it */
            amap[c][i] = ent;
        case 0:        /* no conversion? */
            fprintf( stderr,
                "%s: Bad data in map %s at channel %d, entry %d\n",
                 progname, mapfname, c, i );
            /* NOTREACHED */
        default:    /* error */
            fprintf( stderr,
             "%s: Error reading map %s at channel %d, entry %d\n",
                 progname, mapfname, c, i );
            /* NOTREACHED */
    else            /* Entry-major order */
    for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
        for ( c = 0; c < nchan; c++ )
        switch ( fscanf( mapfile, "%d", &ent ) )
        case EOF:    /* EOF */
            fprintf( stderr, 
    "%s: Premature end of file reading map %s at entry %d, channel %d\n",
                 progname, mapfname, i, c );
            /* NOTREACHED */
        case 1:        /* Got it */
            amap[c][i] = ent;
        case 0:        /* no conversion? */
            fprintf( stderr,
                "%s: Bad data in map %s at entry %d, channel %d\n",
                 progname, mapfname, i, c );
            /* NOTREACHED */
        default:    /* error */
            fprintf( stderr,
            "%s: Error reading map %s at entry %d, channel %d: ",
                 progname, mapfname, i, c );
            /* NOTREACHED */
    fclose( mapfile );

 * TAG( allocmap )
 * Allocate a color map of a given size.
 * Inputs:
 *     nchan:        Number of channels in the map.
 *    length:        Length of each channel of the map.
 *    cmap:        If non-null, the storage to be used.
 * Outputs:
 *     Returns a pointer to an array[nchan] of pointers to
 *    array[length] of rle_map.  The rle_map array can also
 *      be addressed contiguously as return[0][chan*length+i].
 * Assumptions:
 *    If cmap is supplied, it is an array of nchan*length rle_maps.
 * Algorithm:
 *    [None]
rle_map **
allocmap( nchan, length, cmap )
int nchan;
int length;
rle_map * cmap;
    rle_map ** map;
    register int i;

    map = (rle_map **)malloc( nchan * sizeof( rle_map * ) );
    RLE_CHECK_ALLOC( progname, map, 0 );
    if ( cmap == NULL )
    map[0] = (rle_map *)malloc( nchan * length * sizeof( rle_map ) );
    RLE_CHECK_ALLOC( progname, map[0], 0 );
    map[0] = cmap;
    for ( i = 1; i < nchan; i++ )
    map[i] = &map[i-1][length];
    return map;

 * TAG( shiftmap )
 * Shift the entries in the color map to left justify them.
 * Inputs:
 *     map:        The color map.
 *    nchan:        Number of color channels in the map.
 *    length:        Number of entries in each channel.
 *    bits:        Number of bits in each entry.
 * Outputs:
 *     map:        Left justified map (modified in place).
 * Assumptions:
 *     map[0] points to a contiguous array of nchan*length rle_maps
 *      (as set up by allocmap).
 * Algorithm:
 *    [None]
shiftmap( map, nchan, length, bits )
int nchan, length, bits;
rle_map **map;
    register rle_map * e;
    register int i;
    bits = 16 - bits;
    if ( bits == 0 )
    return;            /* no work! */

    for ( i = nchan * length, e = map[0]; i > 0; i--, e++ )
    *e <<= bits;

copymap( inmap, nchan, length, outmap )
rle_map **inmap, **outmap;
int nchan, length;
    register rle_map *ie, *oe;
    register int i;
    for ( i = nchan * length, ie = inmap[0], oe = outmap[0]; 
      i > 0; i--, ie++, oe++ )
    *oe = *ie;

find_closest(map, nchan, maplen, pixel, index)
rle_map ** map;
int nchan, maplen;
rle_pixel *pixel;
int *index;
    int i, closest, chan;
    long bestdist, dist;

    closest = -1;
    bestdist = 256*256*nchan + 1;
    for (i=0; i < maplen; i++)
    dist = 0L;
    for (chan = 0; chan < nchan; chan++)
        int tmp = map[chan][i] - pixel[chan];
        dist += tmp * tmp;
    if (dist < bestdist)
        closest = i;
        bestdist = dist;
    *index = closest;