

0 mins
Test Coverage
package di

import (

// objectKey is used to mark objects.
type objectKey struct {
    defName  string
    uniqueID int

// builtList is used to store the objects
// that a container has already built.
type builtList struct {
    // last is the name of the last inserted element.
    last objectKey
    // elements is used to store the inserted elements.
    // The key is the name of the element,
    // and the value is the number of elements
    // in the map when the element is inserted.
    elements map[string]int

// Add adds an element in the map.
func (l builtList) Add(objKey objectKey) builtList {
    newL := builtList{
        last:     objKey,
        elements: map[string]int{},

    for k, v := range l.elements {
        newL.elements[k] = v

    newL.elements[objKey.defName] = len(newL.elements)

    return newL

// HasDef checks if the builtList contains the given element.
func (l builtList) HasDef(name string) bool {
    _, ok := l.elements[name]
    return ok

// OrderedList returns the list of elements in the order
// they were inserted.
func (l builtList) OrderedList() []string {
    s := make([]string, len(l.elements))

    for name, i := range l.elements {
        s[i] = name

    return s

// LastElement returns the last inserted element.
func (l builtList) LastElement() (objectKey, bool) {
    if len(l.elements) > 0 {
        return l.last, true

    return objectKey{}, false

// graph is a Directed Acyclic Graph.
// It is used to store the dependencies inside a container.
// These dependencies are then used to determine the order
// that should be used to close the objects.
type graph struct {
    // names contains the keys of the "edges" field.
    // It allows the vertices to be sorted.
    // It makes the structure deterministic.
    names []objectKey
    // vertices ordered by name.
    vertices map[objectKey]*graphVertex

// graphVertex contains the vertex data.
type graphVertex struct {
    // numIn in the number of incoming edges.
    numIn int
    // numInTmp is used by the TopologicalOrdering to avoid messing with numIn
    numInTmp int
    // out contains the name the outgoing edges.
    out []objectKey
    // outMap is the same as "out", but in a map
    // to quickly check if a vertex is in the outgoing edges.
    outMap map[objectKey]struct{}

// newGraph creates a new graph.
func newGraph() *graph {
    return &graph{
        names:    []objectKey{},
        vertices: map[objectKey]*graphVertex{},

// AddVertex adds a vertex to the graph.
func (g *graph) AddVertex(v objectKey) {
    _, ok := g.vertices[v]
    if ok {

    g.names = append(g.names, v)

    g.vertices[v] = &graphVertex{
        numIn:  0,
        out:    []objectKey{},
        outMap: map[objectKey]struct{}{},

// AddEdge adds an edge to the graph.
func (g *graph) AddEdge(from, to objectKey) {

    // check if the edge is aleady registered
    if _, ok := g.vertices[from].outMap[to]; ok {

    // update the vertices
    g.vertices[from].out = append(g.vertices[from].out, to)
    g.vertices[from].outMap[to] = struct{}{}

// TopologicalOrdering returns a valid topological sort.
// It implements Kahn's algorithm.
// If there is a cycle in the graph, an error is returned.
// The list of vertices is also returned even if it is not ordered.
func (g *graph) TopologicalOrdering() ([]objectKey, error) {
    l := []objectKey{}
    q := []objectKey{}

    for _, v := range g.names {
        if g.vertices[v].numIn == 0 {
            q = append(q, v)
        g.vertices[v].numInTmp = g.vertices[v].numIn

    for len(q) > 0 {
        n := q[len(q)-1]
        q = q[:len(q)-1]
        l = append(l, n)

        for _, m := range g.vertices[n].out {
            if g.vertices[m].numInTmp == 0 {
                q = append(q, m)

    if len(l) != len(g.names) {
        return append([]objectKey{}, g.names...), errors.New("a cycle has been found in the dependencies")

    return l, nil

// multiErrBuilder can accumulate errors.
type multiErrBuilder struct {
    errs []error

// Add adds an error in the multiErrBuilder.
func (b *multiErrBuilder) Add(err error) {
    if err != nil {
        b.errs = append(b.errs, err)

// Build returns an errors containing all the messages
// of the accumulated errors. If there is no error
// in the builder, it returns nil.
func (b *multiErrBuilder) Build() error {
    if len(b.errs) == 0 {
        return nil

    msgs := make([]string, len(b.errs))

    for i, err := range b.errs {
        msgs[i] = err.Error()

    return errors.New(strings.Join(msgs, " AND "))

// fill copies src in dest. dest should be a pointer to src type.
func fill(src, dest interface{}) (err error) {
    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); r != nil {
            d := reflect.TypeOf(dest)
            s := reflect.TypeOf(src)
            err = fmt.Errorf("the fill destination should be a pointer to a `%s`, but you used a `%s`", s, d)


    return err