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package statix

import (


// Server maps a directory to an url.
type Server struct {
    Directory string
    URL       string

// Filter is the combination of an Alteration and a Pattern.
// The Pattern may allow to apply an Alteration only to some files.
type Filter struct {
    Alteration resource.Alteration
    Pattern    Pattern

// Manager contains the definition of your asset and can dump them.
// It can also get the url of your assets.
// - Manager.Input will be the base directory for all your assets with a
//     relative path. Assets with an absolute path will not be changed by
//     this attribute.
// - Manager.Output works the same way as Manager.Input does but is the base
//     directory in which your assets will be dumped.
// - Manager.Server defines an url for a directory. When your want to know the
//     url of a given asset, this attribute will be used.
// - Manager.Servers is used like Manager.Server. Use it if your assets are in different directories.
// - Filters contains a list of filters that will be applied to all your assets before dumping them.
// - Assets contains all your assets. The key of the map is the name of the asset.
type Manager struct {
    Input   string
    Output  string
    Server  Server
    Servers []Server
    Filters []Filter
    Assets  map[string]Asset

// Dump dumps all defined assets.
// If an asset path is relative, it is rewritten to be based
// in manager.Input and Manager.Output.
func (m Manager) Dump() error {
    input, err := filepath.Abs(m.Input)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    output, err := filepath.Abs(m.Output)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for _, a := range m.Assets {
        err = a.RewritePaths(input, output).Dump(m.Filters)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

// URL returns the url of an asset thanks to its name
// and what is defined in Manager.Server and Manager.Servers.
// If an error occurs, an empty string is returned.
// If the asset is a SingleAsset, the name is enought to get its url.
// For example manager.Url("single") works.
// But if the asset is an AssetPack, you also need to give its path inside the output directory.
// For example, manager.Url("pack", "/js/jquery.js") will look into the output directory
// of the asset named "pack" for the file {outputDirectory}/js/jquery.js
func (m Manager) URL(assetName string, paths ...string) string {
    symlink, err := m.Symlink(assetName, paths...)
    if err != nil {
        return ""
    url, _ := m.URLFromSymlink(symlink)
    return url

// Symlink returns the filename of an asset symlink.
// For a SingleAsset, only the name of the asset is needed.
// For AssetPack, you also need to provide the path of the file inside the output directory
func (m Manager) Symlink(assetName string, paths ...string) (string, error) {
    a, ok := m.Assets[assetName]
    if !ok {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("asset `%s` does not exist", assetName)

    switch a.(type) {
    case AssetPack:
        path := ""
        if len(paths) > 0 {
            path = paths[0]
        return m.AssetPackSymlink(a.(AssetPack), path)
    case SingleAsset:
        return m.SingleAssetSymlink(a.(SingleAsset))

    return "", errors.New("asset should be an AssetPack or a SingleAsset")

// AssetPackSymlink returns the filename of an asset symlink.
// It does not check if the symlink exists.
func (m Manager) AssetPackSymlink(ap AssetPack, filename string) (string, error) {
    ap = ap.RewritePaths(m.Input, m.Output).(AssetPack)
    symlink := helpers.RewritePath(ap.Output, filename)
    return filepath.Abs(symlink)

// SingleAssetSymlink returns the filename of an asset symlink.
// It does not check if the symlink exists.
func (m Manager) SingleAssetSymlink(sa SingleAsset) (string, error) {
    sa = sa.RewritePaths(m.Input, m.Output).(SingleAsset)
    return sa.OutputFile("")

// URLFromSymlink returns the url of an asset given its symlink.
func (m Manager) URLFromSymlink(symlink string) (string, error) {
    filename, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(symlink)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    return m.URLFromFilename(filename)

// URLFromFilename returns the url of an asset given its filename.
// It checks if the server defined in Manager.Server matches the filename.
// If not it checks all the servers defined in Manager.Servers one by one.
// If a correct server is found, the filename is rewritten into an url.
// If not, an empty string is returned.
func (m Manager) URLFromFilename(filename string) (string, error) {
    filename = helpers.RewritePath(".", filename)
    filename, err := filepath.Abs(filename)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    servers := append([]Server{m.Server}, m.Servers...)

    for _, s := range servers {
        dir := helpers.RewritePath(m.Output, s.Directory)
        dir, _ = filepath.Abs(dir)

        if strings.HasPrefix(filename, dir) {
            u, err := url.Parse(s.URL + "/" + filename[len(dir):])
            if err == nil {
                u.Path = filepath.Clean(u.Path)
                return u.String(), nil

    return "", fmt.Errorf("no server for file `%s`", filename)