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# git-command-line
A wrapper for command line git with promises
## How to use it
Git-command-line is a wrapper for command line Git so, you must have git installed in your linux / mac machine (it has not been tested in windows yet).
* Common sintax is:
var GitCommandLine = require('git-command-line');
var Git = new GitCommandLine('/tmp/gitTemp');
//You can also create it only with GitCommandLine() and set the working path later
Git.[git command]([string parameters], [options])
## Some examples
* To Git init /tmp/git folder, add all files on it, commit, add a new remote and push master to it
var GitCommandLine = require('git-command-line');
var gitFolder = '/tmp/gitTemp';
var remoteName = 'origin';
var remoteUrl = 'https://example.remote.repo';
//Create a new Git object
var Git = new GitCommandLine(gitFolder);
//Execute the chain
return Git.add('*', {cwd:'/tmp/git'})
return Git.commit('-m "My commit"');
return Git.remote('add ' + remoteName + ' ' + remoteUrl);
return Git.push('-u ' + remoteName + ' master');
console.log('Success: ', res);
* To commit staged files with message "My commit" on the last working folder if any or current one
Git.commit('-m "My commit"')
## API
Initially, following commands are available:
* [**add**](#add) Add file contents to the index
* [**bisect**](#bisect) Find by binary search the change that introduced a bug
* [**branch**](#branch) List, create, or delete branches
* [**checkout**](#checkout) Checkout a branch or paths to the working tree
* [**clone**](#clone) Clone a repository into a new directory
* [**commit**](#commit) Record changes to the repository
* [**diff**](#diff) Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
* [**direct**](#direct) Allows the direct execution of a git command that is not available in the API yet
* [**fetch**](#fetch) Download objects and refs from another repository
* [**grep**](#grep) Print lines matching a pattern
* [**init**](#init) Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
* [**log**](#log) Show commit logs
* [**merge**](#merge) Join two or more development histories together
* [**mv**](#mv) Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
* [**pull**](#pull) Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
* [**push**](#push) Update remote refs along with associated objects
* [**rebase**](#rebase) Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head
* [**remote**](#remote) Manage set of tracked repositories
* [**reset**](#reset) Reset current HEAD to the specified state
* [**rm**](#rm) Remove files from the working tree and from the index
* [**show**](#show) Show various types of objects
* [**status**](#status) Show the working tree status
* [**tag**](#tag) Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
* [**setWorkingDirectory**](#set-working-directory) Sets the working path for the following git commands
* [**getWorkingDirectory**](#get-working-directory) Returns the current working path
* [**setLog**](#set-log) Sets the logging of the Git command line responses
* [**getLog**](#get-log) Returns the state of the logging
Options parameter is to tweak the 'exec' command as described in:
There is a special situation. Once you stablish cwd in the options param, it will be maintained through the rest of the commands
### Direct
Git direct allows the direct execution of a Git command that is not available in the API yet
* Examples
var myGitRepo = '/tmp/gitTemp'; //This is where the command will be executed
var Git = new Git(myGitRepo);'init')
.then(function(res){ //Equivalent to 'git init''add *'); //Equivalent to 'git add *'
### Add
#### Git.add(command, options)
Same as 'git add [command]'
* To add all files in /tmp/git and the commit them
Git.add('*', {cwd:'/tmp/git'}).then(function(msg){
return Git.commit('-m "My commit"');
### Bisect
#### Git.bisect(command, options);
Same as 'git bisect [command]'
### Branch
#### Git.branch(command, options);
Same as 'git branch [command]'
* To get current branch
console.log(res) // master
### Checkout
#### Git.checkout(command, options);
Same as 'git checkout [command]'
* To change to branch test
### Clone
#### Git.clone(command, options);
Same as 'git clone [command]'
* To clone a git repo on current folder
* To clone a git repo on /tmp
Git.clone(' /tmp').then(function(res){
### Commit
#### Git.commit(command, options);
Same as 'git commit [command]'
* Examples
var myGitRepo = '/tmp/gitTemp'; //This is where the command will be executed
var Git = new Git(myGitRepo);
Git.commit('-m "My commit"', {cwd:myGitRepo}) //Equivalent to 'git commit -m "My commit"'
### Diff
#### Git.diff(command, options);
Same as 'git diff [command]'
### Fetch
#### Git.fetch(command, options);
Same as 'git fetch [command]'
### Grep
#### Git.grep(command, options);
Same as 'git grep [command]'
### Init
#### Git.init(command, options);
Same as 'git init [command]'
### Log
#### Git.log(command, options);
Same as 'git log [command]'
### Merge
#### Git.merge(command, options);
Same as 'git merge [command]'
### MV
####, options);
Same as 'git mv [command]'
### Pull
#### Git.pull(command, options);
Same as 'git pull [command]'
### Push
#### Git.push(command, options);
Same as 'git push [command]'
### Rebase
#### Git.rebase(command, options);
Same as 'git rebase [command]'
### Remote
#### Git.remote(command, options);
Same as 'git remote [command]'
### Reset
#### Git.reset(command, options);
Same as 'git reset [command]'
### RM
#### Git.rm(command, options);
Same as 'git rm [command]'
### Show
####, options);
Same as 'git show [command]' or simple 'git show' if no param specified
### Status
#### Git.status(command, options);
Same as 'git status [command]' or simply 'git status' if no param specified
* Examples
### Tag
#### Git.tag(command, options);
Same as 'git tag [command]'
* Examples
### Set Working directory
#### Git.setWorkingDirectory(newPath)
Sets the working path for the following git commands
### Get working directory
#### Git.getWorkingpath()
Returns the current working path
### Set Log
#### Git.setLog(boolean)
Sets the logging of the Git command line responses
### Get Log
#### Git.getLog()
Returns the state of the logging