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Test Coverage
#' @title Decision Calculator
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @import jmvcore
#' @importFrom utils data

decisioncalculatorClass <- if (requireNamespace("jmvcore")) R6::R6Class("decisioncalculatorClass",
    inherit = decisioncalculatorBase, private = list(

        .init = function() {

            cTable <- self$results$cTable

            cTable$addRow(rowKey = "Test Positive",
                          values = list(
                              newtest = "Test Positive"

            cTable$addRow(rowKey = "Test Negative",
                          values = list(
                              newtest = "Test Negative"

            cTable$addRow(rowKey = "Total",
                          values = list(
                              newtest = "Total"


        .run = function() {

        # # Error Message ----
        # if (nrow(self$data) == 0) stop("Data contains no (complete) rows")
        # if ( (is.null(self$options$vars) || is.null(self$options$facs)) && is.null(self$options$target) ) {
        #     # ToDo Message ----
        #     todo <- "
        #         <br>Welcome to ClinicoPath
        #                   <br><br>
        #                   This tool will help you form an Alluvial Plots.
        #                   "
        #     html <- self$results$todo
        #     html$setContent(todo)
        # } else {
        #     todo <- ""
        #     html <- self$results$todo
        #     html$setContent(todo)
        # }

        # TODO

        # todo <- glue::glue( 'This Module is still under development - - ' )

        # self$results$todo$setContent(todo)

        # read numbers from input ----

        TP <- self$options$TP

        FP <- self$options$FP

        TN <- self$options$TN

        FN <- self$options$FN

        # make table ----

        # table1 <- matrix(c(TP, FP, FN, TN), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE,
        # dimnames = list(c('Test Positive', 'Test Negative'), c('Gold
        # Positive','Gold Negative'))) self$results$text1$setContent(table1)

        table2 <- matrix(c(TP, FP, FN, TN), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE,
            dimnames = list(c("Positive", "Negative"), c("Positive", "Negative")))

        table3 <- as.table(table2)

        names(attributes(table3)$dimnames) <- c("Test", "Golden Standard")

        # Prior Probability ----

        pp <- self$options$pp

        pprob <- self$options$pprob

        # caret result ----

        # if (pp) {
        #     caretresult <- caret::confusionMatrix(table3, prevalence = pprob)
        # } else {
        #     caretresult <- caret::confusionMatrix(table3)
        # }

        # self$results$text2$setContent(caretresult)

        # Cross Table in jamovi style ----

        cTable <- self$results$cTable

        cTable$setRow(rowKey = "Test Positive",
                      values = list(
                          newtest = "Test Positive",
                          GP = TP,
                          GN = FP,
                          Total = TP + FP

        cTable$setRow(rowKey = "Test Negative",
                      values = list(
                          newtest = "Test Negative",
                          GP = FN,
                          GN = TN,
                          Total = FN + TN

        cTable$setRow(rowKey = "Total",
                      values = list(
                          newtest = "Total",
                          GP = TP + FN,
                          GN = FP + TN,
                          Total = TP + FP + FN + TN

        # Self Calculations ----

        # Self Calculation


        TotalPop <- TP + TN + FP + FN

        DiseaseP <- TP + FN

        DiseaseN <- TN + FP

        TestP <- TP + FP

        TestN <- TN + FN

        TestT <- TP + TN

        TestW <- FP + FN

        Sens <- TP/DiseaseP

        Spec <- TN/DiseaseN

        AccurT <- TestT/TotalPop

        PrevalenceD <- DiseaseP/TotalPop

        PPV <- TP/TestP

        NPV <- TN/TestN

        if (pp) {
            # Known prior probability from population
            PriorProb <- pprob
        } else {
            # From ConfusionMatrix
            PriorProb <- PrevalenceD

        PostTestProbDisease <- (PriorProb * Sens)/((PriorProb * Sens) + ((1 -
            PriorProb) * (1 - Spec)))

        PostTestProbHealthy <- ((1 - PriorProb) * Spec)/(((1 - PriorProb) *
            Spec) + (PriorProb * (1 - Sens)))

        LRP <- Sens / (1 - Spec)

        LRN <- (1 - Sens) / Spec

        # nTable Populate Table ----

        nTable <- self$results$nTable
        nTable$setRow(rowNo = 1,
                           values = list(
            tablename = "n",
            TotalPop = TotalPop,
            DiseaseP = DiseaseP,
            DiseaseN = DiseaseN,
            TestP = TestP,
            TestN = TestN,
            TestT = TestT,
            TestW = TestW

        # ratioTable Populate Table ----

        ratioTable <- self$results$ratioTable
        ratioTable$setRow(rowNo = 1,
                      values = list(
            tablename = "Ratios",
            Sens = Sens,
            Spec = Spec,
            AccurT = AccurT,
            PrevalenceD = PriorProb,
            PPV = PPV,
            NPV = NPV,
            PostTestProbDisease = PostTestProbDisease,
            PostTestProbHealthy = PostTestProbHealthy,
            LRP = LRP,
            LRN = LRN

        # nTable footnotes ----

        if (self$options$fnote) {

        # nTable$addFootnote(rowKey = "1", col = "TotalPop", "Total Population")

        nTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "TotalPop", "Total Number of Subjects")

        nTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "DiseaseP", "Total Number of Subjects with Disease")

        nTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "DiseaseN", "Total Number of Healthy Subjects")

        nTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "TestP", "Total Number of Positive Tests")

        nTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "TestN", "Total Number of Negative Tests")

        nTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "TestT", "Total Number of True Test Results")

        nTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "TestW", "Total Number of Wrong Test Results")


        # ratioTable footnotes ----

        if (self$options$fnote) {

        ratioTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "Sens", "Sensitivity (True Positives among Diseased)")

        ratioTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "Spec", "Specificity (True Negatives among Healthy)")

        ratioTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "AccurT", "Accuracy (True Test Result Ratio)")

        ratioTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "PrevalenceD", "Disease Prevalence in this population")

        ratioTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "PPV", "Positive Predictive Value (Probability of having disease after a positive test using this experimental population)")

        ratioTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "NPV", "Negative Predictive Value (Probability of being healthy after a negative test using this experimental population)")

        ratioTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "PostTestProbDisease", "Post-test Probability of Having Disease  (Probability of having disease after a positive test using known Population Prevalence)")

        ratioTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "PostTestProbHealthy", "Post-test Probability of Being Healthy (Probability of being healthy after a negative test using known Population Prevalence)")

        # ratioTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "LRP", "")

        # ratioTable$addFootnote(rowNo = 1, col = "LRN", "")


        # Reorganize Table

        # caretresult[['positive']]
        # caretresult[['table']]
        # caretresult[['overall']]
        # caretresult[['overall']][['Accuracy']]
        # caretresult[['overall']][['Kappa']]
        # caretresult[['overall']][['AccuracyLower']]
        # caretresult[['overall']][['AccuracyUpper']]
        # caretresult[['overall']][['AccuracyNull']]
        # caretresult[['overall']][['AccuracyPValue']]
        # caretresult[['overall']][['McnemarPValue']]
        # caretresult[['byClass']]
        # caretresult[['byClass']][['Sensitivity']]
        # caretresult[['byClass']][['Specificity']]
        # caretresult[['byClass']][['Pos Pred Value']]
        # caretresult[['byClass']][['Neg Pred Value']]
        # caretresult[['byClass']][['Precision']]
        # caretresult[['byClass']][['Recall']] caretresult[['byClass']][['F1']]
        # caretresult[['byClass']][['Prevalence']]
        # caretresult[['byClass']][['Detection Rate']]
        # caretresult[['byClass']][['Detection Prevalence']]
        # caretresult[['byClass']][['Balanced Accuracy']] caretresult[['mode']]
        # caretresult[['dots']]

        # Write Summary

        # 95% CI ----

        ci <- self$options$ci

        if (ci) {

        # epiR ----

        epirresult <- epiR::epi.tests(dat = table3)
        # self$results$text3$setContent(epirresult)

        epirresult2 <- summary(epirresult)
        epirresult2 <- %>%
            tibble::rownames_to_column(.data = ., var = 'statsabv')

        epirresult2$statsnames <-
                "Apparent prevalence",
                "True prevalence",
                "Test sensitivity",
                "Test specificity",
                "Diagnostic accuracy",
                "Diagnostic odds ratio",
                "Number needed to diagnose",
                "Youden's index",
                "Positive predictive value",
                "Negative predictive value",
                "Likelihood ratio of a positive test",
                "Likelihood ratio of a negative test",
                "Proportion of subjects with the outcome ruled out",
                "Proportion of subjects with the outcome ruled in",
                "Proportion of false positives",
                "Proportion of false negative",
                "False Discovery Rate",
                "False Omission Rate"


        ratiorows <- c(

        numberrows <- c(

        epirresult_number <- epirresult2[epirresult2$statistic %in% numberrows, ]

        epirresult_ratio <- epirresult2[epirresult2$statistic %in% ratiorows, ]

         # text4 <-
         #     list(

                 # "summary" = epirresult2

         # epirresult[[3]]$aprev,
         # epirresult[[3]]$tprev,
         # epirresult[[3]]$se,
         # epirresult[[3]]$sp,
         # epirresult[[3]]$diag.acc,
         # epirresult[[3]]$diag.or,
         # epirresult[[3]]$nnd,
         # epirresult[[3]]$youden,
         # epirresult[[3]]$ppv,
         # epirresult[[3]]$npv,
         # epirresult[[3]]$plr,
         # epirresult[[3]]$nlr,
         # epirresult[[3]]$pro,
         # epirresult[[3]]$pri,
         # epirresult[[3]]$pfp,
         # epirresult[[3]]$pfn
             # )

        # self$results$text4$setContent(text4)

        # epirTable_ratio -----

        epirTable_ratio <- self$results$epirTable_ratio

        data_frame <- epirresult_ratio
        for(i in seq_along(data_frame[,1,drop=T])) {
            epirTable_ratio$addRow(rowKey = i, values = c(data_frame[i,])) # This code produces a named vector/list, which is what the values argument expects

        # epirTable_ratio footnotes ----

        # if (self$options$fnote) {
        #     epirTable_ratio$addFootnote(
        #         rowNo = 5,
        #         col = "statsnames",
        #         "Proportion of all tests that give a correct result."
        #         )
        # }

        # epirTable_number ----

        epirTable_number <- self$results$epirTable_number

        data_frame <- epirresult_number
        for(i in seq_along(data_frame[,1,drop=T])) {
            epirTable_number$addRow(rowKey = i, values = c(data_frame[i,]))

        # epirTable_number footnotes ----

        # if (self$options$fnote) {
        #     epirTable_number$addFootnote(
        #         rowNo = 1,
        #         col = "statsnames",
        #         "How much more likely will the test make a correct diagnosis than an incorrect diagnosis in patients with the disease."
        #         )
        #     epirTable_number$addFootnote(
        #         rowNo = 2,
        #         col = "statsnames",
        #         "Number of patients that need to be tested to give one correct positive test."
        #     )
        #     epirTable_number$addFootnote(
        #         rowNo = 3,
        #         col = "statsnames",
        #         "Youden's index is the difference between the true positive rate and the false positive rate. Youden's index ranges from -1 to +1 with values closer to 1 if both sensitivity and specificity are high (i.e. close to 1)."
        #     )
        # }


        # Send Data to Plot ----

        plotData1 <- list(
            "Prevalence" = PriorProb,
            "Sens" = Sens,
            "Spec" = Spec,
            "Plr" = LRP,
            "Nlr" = LRN

        image1 <- self$results$plot1

        # plotData2 <- plotData1
        # image2 <- self$results$plot2
        # image2$setState(plotData2)



        .plot1 = function(image1, ggtheme, ...) {

            plotData1 <- image1$state

        plot1 <- nomogrammer(Prevalence = plotData1$Prevalence,
                            Sens = plotData1$Sens,
                            Spec = plotData1$Spec,
                            Plr = plotData1$Plr,
                            Nlr = plotData1$Nlr,
                            Detail = TRUE,
                            NullLine = TRUE,
                            LabelSize = (14/5),
                            Verbose = TRUE



        # ,
        # .plot2 = function(image2, ggtheme, ...) {
        #     plotData2 <- image2$state
        #     plot2 <- nomogrammer(Prevalence = plotData2$Prevalence,
        #                          Plr = plotData2$Plr,
        #                          Nlr = plotData2$Nlr,
        #                          Detail = TRUE,
        #                          NullLine = TRUE,
        #                          LabelSize = (14/5),
        #                          Verbose = TRUE
        #     )
        #     print(plot2)
        #     TRUE
        # }
