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Test Coverage
# # @title Display normality test result as a message.
# # @name normality_message
# # @description A note to the user about the validity of assumptions for the
# #   default linear model.
# #
# # @param x A numeric vector.
# # @param lab A character describing label for the variable. If `NULL`, a
# #   generic `"x"` label will be used.
# # @param ... Additional arguments (ignored).
# #
# #
# # @importFrom stats shapiro.test
# # @importFrom crayon green blue yellow red
# #
# #
# # @examples
# # # message
# # normality_message(
# #   x = anscombe$x1,
# #   lab = "x1",
# #   k = 3
# # )
# # @export
# # @inheritParams specify_decimal_p
# # @inherit stats::shapiro.test return value
# # from
# # deleted
# #
# #
# #
# # function body
# normality_message <- function(x,
#                               lab = NULL,
#                               k = 2,
#                               ...) {
#     # if label is not provided
#     if (is.null(lab)) lab <- "x"
#     # works only if sample size is greater than 3 and less than 5000
#     if (length(x) > 3 && length(x) < 5000) {
#         # test object
#         sw_norm <- stats::shapiro.test(x)
#         # exact message
#         message(cat(
#             crayon::green("Note: "),
#             crayon::blue("Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test for "),
#             crayon::yellow(lab),
#             crayon::blue(": p-value = "),
#             crayon::yellow(specify_decimal_p(x = sw_norm$p.value[[1]], k = k, p.value = TRUE)),
#             "\n",
#             sep = ""
#         ))
#     }
# }
# # @title Display homogeneity of variance test as a message
# # @name bartlett_message
# # @description A note to the user about the validity of assumptions for the
# #   default linear model.
# #
# # @param lab A character describing label for the variable. If `NULL`, variable
# #   name will be used.
# # @inheritParams normality_message
# #
# # @importFrom rlang as_name ensym := new_formula
# # @importFrom stats bartlett.test na.omit
# # @importFrom crayon green blue yellow red
# #
# #
# # @examples
# #
# # # getting message
# # bartlett_message(
# #   data = iris,
# #   x = Species,
# #   y = Sepal.Length,
# #   lab = "Iris Species"
# # )
# # @export
# # @inherit stats::bartlett.test return value
# # @inheritParams long_to_wide_converter
# # function body
# bartlett_message <- function(data,
#                              x,
#                              y,
#                              lab = NULL,
#                              k = 2,
#                              ...) {
#     # make sure both quoted and unquoted arguments are allowed
#     c(x, y) %<-% c(rlang::ensym(x), rlang::ensym(y))
#     # if `lab` is not provided, use the variable `x` name
#     if (is.null(lab)) lab <- rlang::as_name(x)
#     # running the test
#     bartlett <-
#         stats::bartlett.test(
#             formula = rlang::new_formula(y, x),
#             data = data,
#             na.action = na.omit
#         )
#     # display homogeneity of variances test result as a message
#     message(cat(
#         crayon::green("Note: "),
#         crayon::blue("Bartlett's test for homogeneity of variances for factor "),
#         crayon::yellow(lab),
#         crayon::blue(": p-value = "),
#         crayon::yellow(specify_decimal_p(x = bartlett$p.value[[1]], k = k, p.value = TRUE)),
#         "\n",
#         sep = ""
#     ))
# }