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export default class DI {
     * DI makes classes accessible by a contract. Instances are created when requested and dependencies are injected into the constructor,
     * facilitating lazy initialization and loose coupling between classes.
     * The classes:
     *      class Bar {
     *          constructor($foo, val) { = $foo; this.val = val }
     *      }
     *      class Foo {}
     * Setup:
     *     di.register('$bar', Bar);               // $bar         - is the name of the contract (can be anything),
     *                                             // Bar          - the class reference
     *     di.register('$foo', Foo);               // The order of registration is irrelevant (lazy initialization!)
     * Usage:
     *     let bar = di.getInstance('$bar', 10);   // bar instanceof Bar
     *     // instanceOf Foo -> true
     *     // bar.val === 10
     * @class DI
     * @constructor
    constructor(options = {}) {
        this._injectPropName = options.injectPropertyName || 'inject';


     * Register a class by creating a contract. Use **getInstance** to obtain
     * an instance from this contract. The **params** parameter is a list of contracts or simple values.
     * @method register
     * @chainable
     * @param {String} contract name of the contract
     * @param {Class} classRef the class bind to this contract
     * @param {Array} [params] list of constructor parameters. Only if a parameter is a string and matches a contract, it
     * will be replaced with the corresponding instance
     * @param {Object} [options] configuration
     *      @param {String} [options.singleton=false] create a new instance every time
     *      @param {String} [options.factoryFor] name of the contract for which it is a factory
     *      @param {String} [options.writable=false]  append (=false) or replace (=true) construtor arguments
     * @return {Object} this
     * @example
     App.di.registerType("$ajax", App.AJAX) ;
     App.di.registerType("$ajax", App.AJAX, [], { singleton: true }) ;
     App.di.registerType("$util", App.Util, ["compress", true, ["$wsql", "ls"] ], { singleton: true } ) ;
    register(contractStr, classRef, params = [], options = {}) {
        let paramsOrigin = 'input';

        if (Array.isArray(classRef)) {
            options = params;
            params = classRef;
            classRef = null;
        else if (classRef && typeof classRef === 'object') {
            options = classRef;
            classRef = null;

        if (!Array.isArray(params)) // no params defined
            options = params;
            params = [];

        // --debug-start--
        if (!classRef) {
            if (!options.factoryFor) {
                console.warn(`#register(${contractStr}): 'classRef' is not defined`);
        else if (typeof(classRef) !== 'function') {
            console.warn(`#register(${contractStr}): 'classRef' is not a function`);
        // --debug-end--

        let contract = {
            classRef: classRef,
            name: contractStr,
            options: options,
            params: params


        if (options.augment) {

        if (params.length === 0 && classRef && options.autoDetect !== false) {
            params = params.length === 0 ? this.extractContracts(classRef) : params;
            paramsOrigin = 'auto';

        if (options.augment === true) {
            classRef = this.augment(classRef, options);

        this.contracts[contractStr] = {
            classRef: classRef
            , params: params
            , paramsOrigin: paramsOrigin
            , options: options || {}

        // Prepare factory if not manually defined
        if (!options.factoryFor && !this.contracts[`${contractStr}Factory`]) {
            this.contracts[`${contractStr}Factory`] = {
                options: {
                    factoryFor: contractStr
                    , writable: options.writable
                params: []

        return this;

     * Removes a contract
     * @param {String} contractStr name of the contract
    remove(contractStr) {
        delete this.contracts[contractStr];

     * Removes all contracts
    reset() {
        /** @private
         *  Used to check for circular dependencies
         * @type {Array}
        this.depCheck = [];

         * @private
         * Used to store all the registered contracts
         * @type {{}}
        this.contracts = {};

     * Returns an instance for the given contract. Use <tt>params</tt> attribute to overwrite the default
     * parameters for this contract. If <tt>params</tt> is defined, the singleton will be (re)created and its
     * parameters are updated.
     * @method getInstance
     * @param  {String} contract name
     * @param  {...*} [params] constructor parameters which, if defined, replaces its default arguments (see {{#crossLink "DI/register:method"}}{{/crossLink}} )
     * @return {Object} Class instance
     * @example
     App.di.register("ajax", ["rest"]) ;
     var ajax = App.di.getInstance("ajax") ;
     ajax = App.di.getInstance("ajax", "rest", true) ;
    getInstance(contractStr, ...params) {
        let instance = null
                , contract = this.contracts[contractStr];

        if (contract) {
            if (contract.options.singleton) {
                instance = this.getSingletonInstance(contractStr, params);
            else //create a new instance every time
                if (contract.options.factoryFor) {
                    instance = this.createFactory(contractStr, params);
                else {
                    instance = this.createInstance(contractStr, params);

            if (Array.isArray(contract.options.augment)) {
                contract.options.augment.forEach((contractStr) => {
                    instance[contractStr] = this.getInstance(contractStr);

        return instance;

     * Determine if the provided input need any additional information
     * @private
     * @param contract
    prepareContract(contract) {
        let options = contract.options,
            classRefStr = contract.classRef.toString();

        // `params` is a list of constructor arguments
        if (!contract.params)
            // Check if there is an injectable list
            if (!options.inject && options.autodetect !== false)
                options.inject = this.extractInjectParams(classRefStr);

        // --debug-start--
        if (options.inject && options.augment)
            console.warn(`#register(${contractStr}): the 'inject' setting will be used instead of 'augment'`);
        // --debug-end--

        // Keep it simple; using both is not allowed
        if (!options.inject && options.augment)
            contract.classRef = this.augment(classRef, classRefStr);

     * @private
     * @param contractStr
     * @param initialParams
     * @returns {function()}
    createFactory(contractStr, initialParams) {
        let contract = this.contracts[contractStr]
                , factoryContract = {
            options: contract.options
            , params: this.mergeParams(contract, initialParams)

        return (...params) => {
            return this.getInstance(factoryContract.options.factoryFor, ...this.mergeParams(factoryContract, params));

     * Merge the params with the ones from the contract based on the `writable` property. The first
     * step is to fix auto-determined parameters:
     *     Auto determined parameters are parameters obtained from inspecting the class reference
     * Each non contract string inside the contract params is set to `undefined`
     * In the next step the parameters are merged. If `writable`, each element from `params` which is not `undefined`
     * replaced a contract parameter.
     *     contract.params: [undefined, '$bar', '$foo', undefined]
     *     params: [1, '$baz']
     *     output --> [1, '$baz', '$foo', undefined]
     * If the contract is not writable, `params` only replaces `undefined` contract parameters. The remaining
     * `params` are appended.
     *     contract.params: [undefined, '$bar, '$foo', undefined]
     *     params: [1, '$baz', 10]
     *     output --> [1, '$bar', '$foo', '$baz, 10]
     * @private
     * @param contract
     * @param params
    mergeParams(contract, params = []) {
        let baseParams
                , indexParams = 0
                , mergedParams = [];

        if (contract.paramsOrigin === 'auto') {   // Remove all non contract parameters
            baseParams = => this.contracts[param] ? param : undefined);
        else {
            baseParams = contract.params;

        for (let index = 0; index < baseParams.length; index++) {
            if (baseParams[index] === undefined || (contract.options.writable && params[indexParams] !== undefined)) {
            else {

                if (contract.options.writable) {

        return mergedParams.concat(params.slice(indexParams));

     * @private
     * Returns a new instance of the class matched by the contract.
     * @method createInstance
     * @param {string} contract - the contract name
     * @param {Array} params - list of contracts passed to the constructor. Each parameter which is not a string or
     * an unknown contract, is passed as-is to the constructor
     * @returns {Object}
     * @example
     var storage = App.di.createInstance("data", ["compress", true, "websql"]) ;
    createInstance(contractStr, params) {
        let cr, instance
                , self = this
                , contract = this.contracts[contractStr];

        function Dependency() {
            cr.apply(this, self.createInstanceList(contractStr, params));

        cr = contract.classRef;

        Dependency.prototype = cr.prototype;   // Fix instanceof
        instance = new Dependency();           // done

        return instance;

    /** @private
     * Convert a list of contracts into a list of instances
     * A dependency list can contain arrays with dependencies too:
     *    ["depA", ["depB", "depC"], "depE"]
     * In this case, the constructor would, for example, look like this:
     *    function constructor(instance, array, instance) { .. }
     * */
    createInstanceList(contractStr, params) {
        let constParams = []
                , mergedParams = this.mergeParams(this.contracts[contractStr], params);

        mergedParams.forEach((item) => {
            if (Array.isArray(item)) {
                        (list, c) => {
                            list.push(this.contracts[c] ? this.getInstance(c) : c);
                            return list;
                        }, []));
            else {

        return constParams;

    /** @private
     * Create or reuse a singleton instance
    getSingletonInstance(contractStr, params) {
        let contract = this.contracts[contractStr]
                , mergedParams = this.mergeParams(contract, params);

        if (contract.instance === undefined || (params && params.length > 0)) {
            contract.params = mergedParams;
            contract.instance = this.createInstance(contractStr);

        return contract.instance;

    /** @private
     * @param contract
     * @returns {*}
    createInstanceIfContract(contractStr) {                                     // is a contract
        let problemContract
                , constParam = contractStr;

        if (typeof(contractStr) === 'string' && this.contracts[contractStr])   // is 'contract' just a contructor parameter or a contract?
            if (this.depCheck.indexOf(contractStr) === -1)                     // check for circular dependency
                constParam = this.getInstance(contractStr);                    // create the instance
                this.depCheck.pop();                                           // done, remove dependency from the list
            else { // circular dependency detected!! --> STOP, someone did something stupid -> fix needed!!
                problemContract = this.depCheck[0];
                this.depCheck.length = 0;                                      // cleanup
                throw Error("Circular dependency detected for contract " + problemContract);

        return constParam;

    extractContracts(classRef) {
        let args = classRef.toString().match(/(?:(?:^function|constructor)[^\(]*\()([^\)]+)/);

        return args === null ? [] : args.slice(-1)[0].replace(/\s/g, '').split(',');

    augment(classRef, options) {
        let di = this
                , newClassRef = classRef
                , contractList = classRef.toString().match(/@inject\s*:*\s*([^\n]+)/);

        if (contractList) {
            options.augment = contractList[1].split(/,\s+|\s+?/);
        else {
            let className = classRef.toString().match(/\s([^(]+)/)[1];
            newClassRef = new Function('return function ' + className + '(){ function _classCallCheck() {}; return ' + classRef.toString() + '.apply(this, arguments);}')();
            newClassRef.prototype = Object.create(classRef.prototype); // Fix instanceof

            Object.getOwnPropertyNames(classRef.prototype).forEach((name) => {
                if (name !== 'constructor') {
                    let functionArgs = classRef.prototype[name].toString().match(/\(([^)]+)/)[1].split(/,\s?/);

                    newClassRef.prototype[name] = function () {
                        let index = 0
                                , contracts = []
                                , contract = true
                                , inputArgs =;

                        while (contract) {
                            contract = di.getInstance(functionArgs[index++]);

                            if (contract) {

                        return classRef.prototype[name].apply(this, contracts.concat(inputArgs));

        return newClassRef;