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# @markup markdown
# @title Change Log

# Change Log

## v2.0.0.pre3 (2024-03-15)

[Full Changelog](

Changes since v2.0.0.pre2:

* 5d4b34e Allow allow_unrelated_histories option for Base#pull

## v2.0.0.pre2 (2024-02-24)

[Full Changelog](

Changes since v2.0.0.pre1:

* 023017b Add a timeout for git commands (#692)
* 8286ceb Refactor the Error heriarchy (#693)

## v2.0.0.pre1 (2024-01-15)

[Full Changelog](

Changes since v1.19.1:

* 7585c39 Change how the git CLI subprocess is executed (#684)
* f93e042 Update instructions for releasing a new version of the git gem (#686)
* f48930d Update minimum required version of Ruby and Git (#685)

## v1.19.1 (2024-01-13)

[Full Changelog](

Changes since v1.19.0:

* f97c57c Announce the 2.0.0 pre-release (#682)

## v1.19.0 (2023-12-28)

[Full Changelog](

Changes since v1.18.0:

* 3bdb280 Add option to push all branches to a remote repo at one time (#678)
* b0d89ac Remove calls to Dir.chdir (#673)
* e64c2f6 Refactor tests for read_tree, write_tree, and commit_tree (#679)
* 0bb965d Explicitly name remote tracking branch in test (#676)
* 8481f8c Document how to delete a remote branch (#672)
* dce6816 show .log example with count in README, fixes #667 (#668)
* b1799f6 Update test of 'git worktree add' with no commits (#670)
* dd5a24d Add --filter to Git.clone for partial clones (#663)

## v1.18.0 (2023-03-19)

[Full Changelog](

Changes since v1.17.2:

* 3c70 Add support for `--update-head-ok` to `fetch` (#660)
* b53d Do not generate yard documentation when building in TruffleRuby (#659)
* 5af1 Correctly report command output when there is an error (#658)
* b27a Add test to ensure that `` works to open a submodule (#655)
* 5b0e Update Git.clone to set multiple config variables (#653)

## v1.17.2 (2023-03-07)

[Full Changelog](

Changes since v1.17.1:

* f43d6 Fix branch name parsing to handle names that include slashes (#651)

## v1.17.1 (2023-03-06)

[Full Changelog](

Changes since v1.17.0:

* 774e Revert introduction of ActiveSupport dependency (#649)

## v1.17.0 (2023-03-05)

[Full Changelog](

Changes since v1.16.0:

* 1311 Add deprecation mechanism (introduces runtime dependency on ActiveSupport) (#645)
* 50b8 Add the push_option option for Git::Lib#push (#644)
* a799 Make Git::Base#ls_tree handle commit objects (#643)
* 6db3 Implememt Git.default_branch (#571)

## v1.16.0 (2023-03-03)

[Full Changelog](

Changes since v1.15.0:

* 536d Fix parsing when in detached HEAD state in Git::Lib#branches_all (#641)
* 5c68 Fix parsing of symbolic refs in `Git::Lib#branches_all` (#640)
* 7d88 Remote#branch and #merge should default to current branch instead of "master" (#639)
* 3dda0 `#branch` name should default to current branch instead of `master` (#638)
* d33d #checkout without args should do same as `git checkout` with no args (#637)
* 0c90 #push without args should do same as `git push` with no args (#636)
* 2b19 Make it easier to run test files from the command line (#635)

## v1.15.0 (2023-03-01)

[Full Changelog](

Changes since v1.14.0:

* b40d #pull with no options should do the same thing as `git pull` with no options (#633)
* 9c5e Fix error when calling `Git::Lib#remove` with `recursive` or `cached` options (#632)
* 806e Add Git::Log#all option (#630)
* d905 Allow a repo to be opened giving a non-root repo directory (#629)
* 1ccd Rewrite worktree tests (#628)
* 4409 Fix Git::Branch#update_ref (#626)

## v1.14.0 (2023-02-25)

[Full Changelog](

Changes since v1.13.2:

* 0f7c4a5 Allow the use of an array of path_limiters and add extended_regexp option to grep (#624)
* 8992701 Refactor error thrown when a git command fails (#622)
* cf74b91 Simplify how temp files are used when testing Git::Base#archive (#621)
* a8bfb9d Set init.defaultBranch when running tests if it is not already set (#620)
* 9ee7ca9 Create a null logger if a logger is not provided (#619)
* 872de4c Internal refactor of Git::Lib command (#618)
* 29e157d Simplify test running and fixture repo cloning (#615)
* 08d04ef Use dynamically-created repo for signed commits test (#614)

## v1.13.2 (2023-02-02)

[Full Changelog](

Changes since v1.13.1:

* b6e031d Fix `Git::Lib#commit_data` for GPG-signed commits (#610)
* b12b820 Fix escaped path decoding (#612)

## v1.13.1 (2023-01-12)

[Full Changelog](

* 667b830 Update the GitHub Action step "actions/checkout" from v2 to v3 (#608)
* 23a0ac4 Fix version parsing (#605)
* 429f0bb Update release instructions (#606)
* 68d76b8 Drop ruby 2.3 build and add 3.1 and 3.2 builds (#607)

## v1.13.0 (2022-12-10)

[Full Changelog](

* 8349224 Update list of maintainers (#598)
* 4fe8738 In ls-files do not unescape file paths with eval (#602)
* 74b8e11 Add start_point option for checkout command (#597)
* ff6dcf4 Do not assume the default branch is 'master' in tests
* 8279298 Fix exception when Git is autoloaded (#594)

## v1.12.0


## v1.11.0

* 292087e Supress unneeded test output (#570)
* 19dfe5e Add support for fetch options "--force/-f" and "--prune-tags/-P". (#563)
* 018d919 Fix bug when grepping lines that contain numbers surrounded by colons (#566)
* c04d16e remove from maintainer (#567)
* 291ca09 Address command line injection in Git::Lib#fetch
* 521b8e7 Release v1.10.2 (#561)


## v1.10.2


## 1.10.1


## 1.10.0


## 1.9.1


## 1.9.0


## 1.8.1


## 1.8.0


## 1.7.0


## 1.6.0


## 1.6.0.pre1


## 1.5.0


## 1.4.0


## 1.3.0

 * Dropping Ruby 1.8.x support

## 1.2.10

 * Adding Git::Diff.name_status
 * Checking and fixing encoding on commands output to prevent encoding errors afterwards

## 1.2.9

* Adding Git.configure (to configure the git env)
* Adding Git.ls_remote [Git.ls_remote(repo_path_or_url='.')]
* Adding Git.describe [repo.describe(objectish, opts)]
* Adding [, path=nil)]
* Fixing Git::Diff to support default references (implicit references)
* Fixing Git::Diff to support diff over git .patch files
* Fixing Git.checkout when using :new_branch opt
* Fixing Git::Object::Commit to preserve its sha after fetching metadata
* Fixing Git.is_remote_branch? to actually check against remote branches
* Improvements over how ENV variables are modified
* Improving thrade safety (using --git-dir and --work-tree git opts)
* Improving Git::Object::Tag. Adding annotated?, tagger and message
* Supporting a submodule path as a valid repo
* Git.checkout - supporting -f and -b
* Git.clone - supporting --branch
* Git.fetch - supporting --prune
* Git.tag - supporting

## 1.2.8

* Keeping the old escape format for windows users
* revparse: Supporting ref names containing SHA like substrings (40-hex strings)
* Fix warnings on Ruby 2.1.2

## 1.2.7

* Fixing mesages encoding
* Fixing -f flag in git push
* Fixing log parser for multiline messages
* Supporting object references on Git.add_tag
* Including dotfiles on Git.status
* Git.fetch - supporting --tags
* Git.clean - supporting -x
* Git.add_tag options - supporting -a, -m and -s
* Added Git.delete_tag

## 1.2.6

* Ruby 1.9.X/2.0 fully supported
* JRuby 1.8/1.9 support
* Rubinius support
* Git.clone - supporting --recursive and --config
* Git.log - supporting last and [] over the results
* Git.add_remote - supporting -f and -t
* Git.add - supporting --fore
* Git.init - supporting --bare
* Git.commit - supporting --all and --amend
* Added Git.remote_remote, Git.revert and Git.clean
* Added Bundler to the formula
* Travis configuration
* Licence included with the gem

## 1.0.4

* added camping/gitweb.rb frontend
* added a number of speed-ups

## 1.0.3

* Sped up most of the operations
* Added some predicate functions (commit?, tree?, etc)
* Added a number of lower level operations (read-tree, write-tree, checkout-index, etc)
* Fixed a bug with using bare repositories
* Updated a good amount of the documentation

## 1.0.2

* Added methods to the git objects that might be helpful

## 1.0.1

* Initial version