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6 days
Test Coverage
import datetime

import bson
import copy

from . import containerutil
from . import hierarchy
from .. import config

from ..util import deep_update
from import Job
from import Queue
from import copy_site_rules_for_project
from ..web.errors import APIStorageException, APINotFoundException, APIValidationException
from .basecontainerstorage import ContainerStorage

log = config.log

# Python circular reference workaround
# Can be removed when dao module is reworked
def cs_factory(cont_name):
    return ContainerStorage.factory(cont_name)

class GroupStorage(ContainerStorage):

    def __init__(self):
        super(GroupStorage,self).__init__('groups', use_object_id=False, parent_cont_name=None, child_cont_name='project')

    def _fill_default_values(self, cont):
        cont = super(GroupStorage,self)._fill_default_values(cont)
        if cont:
            if 'permissions' not in cont:
                cont['permissions'] = []
        return cont

    def create_el(self, payload):
        permissions = payload.pop('permissions')
        return self.dbc.update_one(
            {'_id': payload['_id']},
                '$set': payload,
                '$setOnInsert': {'permissions': permissions}

class ProjectStorage(ContainerStorage):

    def __init__(self):
        super(ProjectStorage,self).__init__('projects', use_object_id=True, use_delete_tag=True, parent_cont_name='group', child_cont_name='subject')

    def create_el(self, payload):
        result = super(ProjectStorage, self).create_el(payload)
        return result

    def update_el(self, _id, payload, unset_payload=None, recursive=False, r_payload=None, replace_metadata=False):
        result = super(ProjectStorage, self).update_el(_id, payload, unset_payload=unset_payload, recursive=recursive, r_payload=r_payload, replace_metadata=replace_metadata)

        if result.modified_count < 1:
            raise APINotFoundException('Could not find project {}'.format(_id))

        if payload and 'template' in payload:
            # We are adding/changing the project template, update session compliance
            sessions = self.get_children_legacy(_id, projection={'_id':1})
            session_storage = SessionStorage()
            for s in sessions:
                session_storage.update_el(s['_id'], {'project_has_template': True})

        elif unset_payload and 'template' in unset_payload:
            # We are removing the project template, remove session compliance
            sessions = self.get_children_legacy(_id, projection={'_id':1})
            session_storage = SessionStorage()
            for s in sessions:
                session_storage.update_el(s['_id'], None, unset_payload={'project_has_template': '', 'satisfies_template': ''})

        return result

    def recalc_sessions_compliance(self, project_id=None):
        if project_id is None:
            # Recalc all projects
            projects = self.get_all_el({'template': {'$exists': True}}, None, None)
            project = self.get_container(project_id)
            if project:
                projects = [project]
                raise APINotFoundException('Could not find project {}'.format(project_id))
        changed_sessions = []

        for project in projects:
            template = project.get('template',{})
            if not template:
                session_storage = SessionStorage()
                sessions = session_storage.get_all_el({'project': project['_id']}, None, None)
                for s in sessions:
                    changed = session_storage.recalc_session_compliance(s['_id'], session=s, template=template, hard=True)
                    if changed:
        return changed_sessions

class SubjectStorage(ContainerStorage):

    def __init__(self):
        super(SubjectStorage,self).__init__('sessions', use_object_id=True, use_delete_tag=True, parent_cont_name='project', child_cont_name='session')
        self.cont_name = 'subjects'

    def _from_mongo(self, cont):
        subject = cont['subject']
        if cont.get('permissions'):
            subject['permissions'] = cont['permissions']
        if cont.get('project'):
            subject['project'] = cont['project']
        if subject.get('code'):
            subject['label'] = subject.pop('code')
            subject['label'] = 'unknown'
        return subject

    def get_el(self, _id, projection=None, fill_defaults=False):
        _id = bson.ObjectId(_id)
        cont = self.dbc.find_one({'subject._id': _id, 'deleted': {'$exists': False}}, projection)
        cont = self._from_mongo(cont)
        if fill_defaults:
        return cont

    def get_all_el(self, query, user, projection, fill_defaults=False):
        if query is None:
            query = {}
        if user:
            if query.get('permissions'):
                query['$and'] = [{'permissions': {'$elemMatch': user}}, {'permissions': query.pop('permissions')}]
                query['permissions'] = {'$elemMatch': user}
        query['deleted'] = {'$exists': False}

        if query and query.get('collections'):
            # Find acquisition ids in this collection, add to query
            collection_id = query.pop('collections')
            a_ids = AcquisitionStorage().get_all_el({'collections': bson.ObjectId(collection_id)}, None, {'session': 1})
            query['_id'] = {'$in': list(set([a['session'] for a in a_ids]))}

        results = list(self.dbc.find(query, projection))
        if not results:
            return []

        formatted_results = []
        for cont in results:
            s = self._from_mongo(cont)
            if fill_defaults:

        # Make sure only one subject is returned per _id
        id_hash = {}
        for r in formatted_results:
            if r['_id'] not in id_hash:
                id_hash[r['_id']] = r

        return id_hash.values()

    def get_children(self, _id, query=None, projection=None, uid=None):
        query = {'subject._id': bson.ObjectId(_id)}
        if uid:
            query['permissions'] = {'$elemMatch': {'_id': uid}}
        if not projection:
            projection = {'info': 0, '': 0, 'subject': 0, 'tags': 0}
        return SessionStorage().get_all_el(query, None, projection)

class SessionStorage(ContainerStorage):

    def __init__(self):
        super(SessionStorage,self).__init__('sessions', use_object_id=True, use_delete_tag=True, parent_cont_name='subject', child_cont_name='acquisition')

    def _fill_default_values(self, cont):
        cont = super(SessionStorage,self)._fill_default_values(cont)
        if cont:
            s_defaults = {'analyses': [], 'subject':{}}
            cont = s_defaults
        return cont

    def create_el(self, payload):
        project = ProjectStorage().get_container(payload['project'])
        if project.get('template'):
            payload['project_has_template'] = True
            payload['satisfies_template'] = hierarchy.is_session_compliant(payload, project.get('template'))
        return super(SessionStorage, self).create_el(payload)

    def update_el(self, _id, payload, unset_payload=None, recursive=False, r_payload=None, replace_metadata=False):
        session = self.get_container(_id)
        if session is None:
            raise APINotFoundException('Could not find session {}'.format(_id))

        # If the subject code is changed, change the subject id to either
        # the Id of the new subject code if there is another session in the same project
        # that has that subject code or a new Id
        if payload and payload.get('subject',{}).get('code') and payload.get('subject', {}).get('code') != session.get('subject', {}).get('code'):
            sibling_session = self.dbc.find_one({'project': session.get('project'), 'subject.code': payload.get('subject', {}).get('code')})
            if sibling_session:
                payload['subject']['_id'] = sibling_session.get('subject').get('_id')
                payload['subject']['_id'] = bson.ObjectId()

        # Similarly, if we are moving the subject to a new project, check to see if a subject with that code exists
        # on the new project. If so, use that _id, otherwise generate a new _id
        # NOTE: This if statement might also execute as well as the one above it if both the project and subject code are changing
        # It should result in the proper state regardless
        if payload and payload.get('project') and payload.get('project') != session.get('project'):
            # Either way we're going to be updating the subject._id:
            if not payload.get('subject'):
                payload['subject'] = {}

            # Use the new code if they are setting one
            sub_code = payload.get('subject', {}).get('code') if payload.get('subject', {}).get('code') else session.get('subject', {}).get('code')

            # Look for matching subject in new project
            sibling_session = self.dbc.find_one({'project': payload.get('project'), 'subject.code': sub_code})
            if sibling_session:
                payload['subject']['_id'] = sibling_session.get('subject').get('_id')
                payload['subject']['_id'] = bson.ObjectId()

        # Determine if we need to calc session compliance
        # First check if project is being changed
        if payload and payload.get('project'):
            project = ProjectStorage().get_container(payload['project'])
            if not project:
                raise APINotFoundException("Could not find project {}".format(payload['project']))
            project = ProjectStorage().get_container(session['project'])

        # Check if new (if project is changed) or current project has template
        payload_has_template = project.get('template', False)
        session_has_template = session.get('project_has_template') is not None
        unset_payload_has_template = (unset_payload and 'project_has_template'in unset_payload)

        if payload_has_template or (session_has_template and not unset_payload_has_template):
            session = deep_update(session, payload)
            if project and project.get('template'):
                payload['project_has_template'] = True
                payload['satisfies_template'] = hierarchy.is_session_compliant(session, project.get('template'))
            elif project:
                if not unset_payload:
                    unset_payload = {}
                unset_payload['satisfies_template'] = ""
                unset_payload['project_has_template'] = ""
        return super(SessionStorage, self).update_el(_id, payload, unset_payload=unset_payload, recursive=recursive, r_payload=r_payload, replace_metadata=replace_metadata)

    def get_parent(self, _id, cont=None, projection=None):
        Override until subject becomes it's own collection
        if not cont:
            cont = self.get_container(_id, projection=projection)

        return SubjectStorage().get_container(cont['subject']['_id'], projection=projection)

    def get_all_el(self, query, user, projection, fill_defaults=False):
        Override allows 'collections' key in the query, will transform into proper query for the caller and return results
        if query and query.get('collections'):
            # Find acquisition ids in this collection, add to query
            collection_id = query.pop('collections')
            a_ids = AcquisitionStorage().get_all_el({'collections': bson.ObjectId(collection_id)}, None, {'session': 1})
            query['_id'] = {'$in': list(set([a['session'] for a in a_ids]))}

        return super(SessionStorage, self).get_all_el(query, user, projection, fill_defaults=False)

    def recalc_session_compliance(self, session_id, session=None, template=None, hard=False):
        Calculates a session's compliance with the project's session template.
        Returns True if the status changed, False otherwise
        if session is None:
            session = self.get_container(session_id)
        if session is None:
            raise APINotFoundException('Could not find session {}'.format(session_id))
        if hard:
            # A "hard" flag will also recalc if session is tracked by a project template
            project = ProjectStorage().get_container(session['project'])
            project_has_template = bool(project.get('template'))
            if session.get('project_has_template', False) != project_has_template:
                if project_has_template == True:
                    self.update_el(session['_id'], {'project_has_template': True})
                    self.update_el(session['_id'], None, unset_payload={'project_has_template': '', 'satisfies_template': ''})
                return True
        if session.get('project_has_template'):
            if template is None:
                template = ProjectStorage().get_container(session['project']).get('template')
            satisfies_template = hierarchy.is_session_compliant(session, template)
            if session.get('satisfies_template') != satisfies_template:
                update = {'satisfies_template': satisfies_template}
                super(SessionStorage, self).update_el(session_id, update)
                return True
        return False

    def get_all_for_targets(self, target_type, target_ids, user=None, projection=None):
        Given a container type and list of ids, get all sessions that are in those hierarchies.

        For example, if target_type='projects' and target_ids=['id1', 'id2'], this method will return
        all sessions that are in project id1 and project id2.

        Params `target_ids` and `collection`

        If user is supplied, will only return sessions with user in its perms list.
        If projection is supplied, it will be applied to the session query.

        query = {}
        target_type = containerutil.singularize(target_type)

        if target_type == 'project':
            query['project'] = {'$in':target_ids}

        elif target_type == 'session':
            query['_id'] = {'$in':target_ids}

        elif target_type == 'acquisition':
            a_query = copy.deepcopy(query)
            a_query['_id'] = {'$in':target_ids}
            session_ids = list(set([a['session'] for a in AcquisitionStorage().get_all_el(a_query, user, {'session':1})]))
            query['_id'] = {'$in':session_ids}

            raise ValueError('Cannot get all sessions from target container {}'.format(target_type))

        return self.get_all_el(query, user, projection)

class AcquisitionStorage(ContainerStorage):

    def __init__(self):
        super(AcquisitionStorage,self).__init__('acquisitions', use_object_id=True, use_delete_tag=True, parent_cont_name='session', child_cont_name=None)

    def create_el(self, payload):
        result = super(AcquisitionStorage, self).create_el(payload)
        return result

    def update_el(self, _id, payload, unset_payload=None, recursive=False, r_payload=None, replace_metadata=False):
        result = super(AcquisitionStorage, self).update_el(_id, payload, unset_payload=unset_payload, recursive=recursive, r_payload=r_payload, replace_metadata=replace_metadata)
        acquisition = self.get_container(_id)
        if acquisition is None:
            raise APINotFoundException('Could not find acquisition {}'.format(_id))
        return result

    def delete_el(self, _id):
        acquisition = self.get_container(_id)
        if acquisition is None:
            raise APINotFoundException('Could not find acquisition {}'.format(_id))
        result = super(AcquisitionStorage, self).delete_el(_id)
        return result

    def get_all_for_targets(self, target_type, target_ids, user=None, projection=None, collection_id=None):
        Given a container type and list of ids, get all acquisitions that are in those hierarchies.

        For example, if target_type='projects' and target_ids=['id1', 'id2'], this method will return
        all acquisitions that are in sessions in project id1 and project id2.

        Params `target_ids` and `collection`

        If user is supplied, will only return acquisitions with user in its perms list.
        If projection is supplied, it will be applied to the acquisition query.
        If colllection is supplied, the collection context will be used to query acquisitions.

        query = {}

        # If target_type is 'acquisitions', it just wraps self.get_all_el with a query containing
        # all acquisition ids.
        if target_type in ['acquisition', 'acquisitions']:
            query['_id'] = {'$in':target_ids}
            return self.get_all_el(query, user, projection)

        # Find session ids from projects
        session_ids = None
        if target_type in ['project', 'projects']:
            query['project'] = {'$in':target_ids}
            session_ids = [s['_id'] for s in SessionStorage().get_all_el(query, user, {'_id':1})]
        elif target_type in ['session', 'sessions']:
            session_ids = target_ids
            raise ValueError('Target type must be of type project, session or acquisition.')

        # Using session ids, find acquisitions
        query.pop('project', None)
        query['session'] = {'$in':session_ids}
        if collection_id:
            query['collections'] = collection_id
        return self.get_all_el(query, user, projection)

class CollectionStorage(ContainerStorage):

    def __init__(self):
        super(CollectionStorage, self).__init__('collections', use_object_id=True, use_delete_tag=True)

class AnalysisStorage(ContainerStorage):

    def __init__(self):
        super(AnalysisStorage, self).__init__('analyses', use_object_id=True, use_delete_tag=True)

    def get_parent(self, _id, cont=None, projection=None):
        if not cont:
            cont = self.get_container(_id, projection=projection)

        ps = ContainerStorage.factory(cont['parent']['type'])
        return ps.get_container(cont['parent']['id'], projection=projection)

    def get_parent_tree(self, _id, cont=None, projection=None, add_self=False):
        if not cont:
            cont = self.get_container(_id, projection=projection)

        ps = ContainerStorage.factory(cont['parent']['type'])

        return ps.get_parent_tree(cont['parent']['id'], add_self=True)

    def get_analyses(self, parent_type, parent_id, inflate_job_info=False):
        parent_type = containerutil.singularize(parent_type)
        parent_id = bson.ObjectId(parent_id)
        analyses = self.get_all_el({'parent.type': parent_type, '': parent_id}, None, None)
        if inflate_job_info:
            for analysis in analyses:
        return analyses

    # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
    def create_el(self, analysis, parent_type, parent_id, origin, uid=None):
        Create an analysis.
        * Fill defaults if not provided
        * Flatten input filerefs using `FileReference.get_file()`
        If `analysis` has a `job` key, create a "job-based" analysis:
            * Analysis inputs will be copied from the job inputs
            * Create analysis and job, both referencing each other
            * Do not create (remove) analysis if can't enqueue job
        parent_type = containerutil.singularize(parent_type)
        parent = self.get_parent(None, cont={'parent': {'type': parent_type, 'id': parent_id}})
        defaults = {
            '_id': bson.ObjectId(),
            'parent': {
                'type': parent_type,
                'id': bson.ObjectId(parent_id)
            'created': datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
            'modified': datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
            'user': origin.get('id'),
            'permissions': parent['permissions'],

        for key in defaults:
            analysis.setdefault(key, defaults[key])
        if 'public' in parent:
            analysis.setdefault('public', parent['public'])

        job = analysis.pop('job', None)
        if job is not None:
            if parent_type != 'session':
                raise APIValidationException({'reason': 'Analysis created via a job must be at the session level'})
            analysis.setdefault('inputs', [])
            for key, fileref_dict in job['inputs'].iteritems():

        # Verify and flatten input filerefs
        for i, fileref_dict in enumerate(analysis.get('inputs', [])):
                fileref = containerutil.create_filereference_from_dictionary(fileref_dict)
            except KeyError:
                # Legacy analyses already have fileinfos as inputs instead of filerefs
                analysis['inputs'][i] = fileref.get_file()

        result = super(AnalysisStorage, self).create_el(analysis)
        if not result.acknowledged:
            raise APIStorageException('Analysis not created for container {} {}'.format(parent_type, parent_id))

        if job is not None:
            # Create job
            job['destination'] = {'type': 'analysis', 'id': str(analysis['_id'])}
            tags = job.get('tags', [])
            if 'analysis' not in tags:
                job['tags'] = tags

                job = Queue.enqueue_job(job, origin, perm_check_uid=uid)
                self.update_el(analysis['_id'], {'job': job.id_}, None)
                # NOTE #775 remove unusable analysis - until jobs have a 'hold' state

        return result

    def inflate_job_info(self, analysis):
        Inflate job from id ref in analysis

        Lookup job via id stored on analysis
        Lookup input filerefs and inflate into files array with 'input': True
        If job is in failed state, look for most recent job referencing this analysis
        Update analysis if new job is found

        if analysis.get('job') is None:
            return analysis
            job = Job.get(analysis['job'])
            raise Exception('No job with id {} found.'.format(analysis['job']))

        # If the job currently tied to the analysis failed, try to find one that didn't
        while job.state == 'failed' and job.id_ is not None:
            next_job ={'previous_job_id': job.id_})
            if next_job is None:
            job = Job.load(next_job)
        if job.id_ != str(analysis['job']):
            # Update analysis if job has changed
            self.update_el(analysis['_id'], {'job': job.id_})

        analysis['job'] = job
        return analysis