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2 days
Test Coverage
import bson.objectid
import copy

from .. import config
from ..auth import has_access
from ..types import Origin

from ..web.errors import APINotFoundException, APIPermissionException

CONT_TYPES = ['acquisition', 'analysis', 'collection', 'group', 'project', 'session']
    'acquisition': 'acquisitions',
    'analysis':    'analyses',
    'collection':  'collections',
    'device':      'devices',
    'group':       'groups',
    'job':         'jobs',
    'project':     'projects',
    'session':     'sessions',
    'subject':     'subjects',
    'user':        'users',
PLURAL_TO_SINGULAR = {p: s for s, p in SINGULAR_TO_PLURAL.iteritems()}

# NOTE: Following structures have subject as a hierarhcy level although
# it is not yet a formalized level of the hierarchy throughout API


# Generate {child: parent} and {parent: child} maps from ordered hierarchy list
CHILD_FROM_PARENT = {p: CONTAINER_HIERARCHY[ind+1] for ind, p in enumerate(CONTAINER_HIERARCHY[:-1] )}
PARENT_FROM_CHILD = {c: CONTAINER_HIERARCHY[ind]   for ind, c in enumerate(CONTAINER_HIERARCHY[1:]  )}

def propagate_changes(cont_name, cont_ids, query, update, include_refs=False):
    Propagates changes down the heirarchy tree recursively.

    cont_name and cont_ids refer to top level containers (which will not be modified here)

    containers = ['groups', 'projects', 'sessions', 'acquisitions']
    if not isinstance(cont_ids, list):
        cont_ids = [cont_ids]
    if query is None:
        query = {}

    if include_refs:
        analysis_query = copy.deepcopy(query)
        analysis_query.update({'parent.type': singularize(cont_name), '': {'$in': cont_ids}})
        config.db.analyses.update_many(analysis_query, update)

    if cont_name in ('groups', 'projects', 'sessions'):
        child_cont = containers[containers.index(cont_name) + 1]
        child_ids = [c['_id'] for c in config.db[child_cont].find({singularize(cont_name): {'$in': cont_ids}}, [])]
        child_query = copy.deepcopy(query)
        child_query['_id'] = {'$in': child_ids}
        config.db[child_cont].update_many(child_query, update)

        # Recurse to the next hierarchy level
        propagate_changes(child_cont, child_ids, query, update, include_refs=include_refs)

def add_id_to_subject(subject, pid):
    Add a mongo id field to given subject object (dict)

    Use the same _id as other subjects in the session's project with the same code
    If no _id is found, generate a new _id
    result = None
    if subject is None:
        subject = {}
    if subject.get('_id') is not None:
        # Ensure _id is bson ObjectId
        subject['_id'] = bson.ObjectId(str(subject['_id']))
        return subject

    # Attempt to match with another session in the project
    if subject.get('code') is not None and pid is not None:
        query = {'subject.code': subject['code'],
                 'project': pid,
                 'subject._id': {'$exists': True}}
        result = config.db.sessions.find_one(query)

    if result is not None:
        subject['_id'] = result['subject']['_id']
        subject['_id'] = bson.ObjectId()
    return subject

def get_stats(cont, cont_type):
    Add a session, subject, non-compliant session and attachment count to a project or collection

    if cont_type not in ['projects', 'collections']:
        return cont

    # Get attachment count from file array length
    cont['attachment_count'] = len(cont.get('files', []))

    # Get session and non-compliant session count
    match_q = {}
    if cont_type == 'projects':
        match_q = {'project': cont['_id'], 'deleted': {'$exists': False}}
    elif cont_type == 'collections':
        result = config.db.acquisitions.find({'collections': cont['_id'], 'deleted': {'$exists': False}}, {'session': 1})
        session_ids = list(set([s['session'] for s in result]))
        match_q = {'_id': {'$in': session_ids}}

    pipeline = [
        {'$match': match_q},
        {'$project': {'_id': 1, 'non_compliant':  {'$cond': [{'$eq': ['$satisfies_template', False]}, 1, 0]}}},
        {'$group': {'_id': 1, 'noncompliant_count': {'$sum': '$non_compliant'}, 'total': {'$sum': 1}}}

    result = config.db.command('aggregate', 'sessions', pipeline=pipeline).get('result', [])

    if len(result) > 0:
        cont['session_count'] = result[0].get('total', 0)
        cont['noncompliant_session_count'] = result[0].get('noncompliant_count', 0)
        # If there are no sessions, return zero'd out stats
        cont['session_count'] = 0
        cont['noncompliant_session_count'] = 0
        cont['subject_count'] = 0
        return cont

    # Get subject count
    match_q['subject._id'] = {'$ne': None}
    pipeline = [
        {'$match': match_q},
        {'$group': {'_id': '$subject._id'}},
        {'$group': {'_id': 1, 'count': { '$sum': 1 }}}

    result = config.db.command('aggregate', 'sessions', pipeline=pipeline).get('result', [])

    if len(result) > 0:
        cont['subject_count'] = result[0].get('count', 0)
        cont['subject_count'] = 0

    return cont

def sanitize_info(info):
    Modifies an info key to only include known top-level keys
    formalized_keys = ['BIDS']
    sanitized_info = {}
    for k in formalized_keys:
        if k in info:
            sanitized_info[k] = info[k]
    return sanitized_info

def get_referring_analyses(cont_name, cont_id, filename=None):
    Get all (non-deleted) analyses that reference any file from the container as their input.
    If filename is given, only return analyses that have that specific file as their input.
    query = {
        'destination.type': 'analysis',
        'inputs.type': singularize(cont_name),
        '': str(cont_id),
    if filename:
        query[''] = filename
    jobs =, {'': True})
    analysis_ids = [bson.ObjectId(job['destination']['id']) for job in jobs]
    analyses = config.db.analyses.find({'_id': {'$in': analysis_ids}, 'deleted': {'$exists': False}})
    return list(analyses)

def container_has_original_data(container, child_cont_name=None):
    Given a container, creates a list of all origin types
    for all files in the container and it's children, if provided.
    If the set only includes user and job uploaded files, the container
    is not considered to have "original data".

    for f in container.get('files', []):
        if f['origin']['type'] not in [str(Origin.user), str(Origin.job)]:
            return True
    if child_cont_name:
        for c in container.get(child_cont_name, []):
            for f in c.get('files', []):
                if f['origin']['type'] not in [str(Origin.user), str(Origin.job)]:
                    return True
    return False

class ContainerReference(object):
    # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    # TODO: refactor to resolve pylint warning

    def __init__(self, type, id):
        type = singularize(type)

        if type not in CONT_TYPES:
            raise Exception('Container type must be one of {}'.format(CONT_TYPES))

        if not isinstance(type, basestring):
            raise Exception('Container type must be of type str')
        if not isinstance(id, basestring):
            raise Exception('Container id must be of type str')

        self.type = type = id

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__dict__ == other.__dict__

    def from_dictionary(cls, d):
        return cls(
            type = d['type'],
            id = d['id']

    def from_filereference(cls, fr):
        return cls(
            type = fr.type,
            id =

    def get(self):
        collection = pluralize(self.type)
        result = config.db[collection].find_one({'_id': bson.ObjectId(, 'deleted': {'$exists': False}})
        if result is None:
            raise APINotFoundException('No such {} {} in database'.format(self.type,
        if 'parent' in result:
            parent_collection = pluralize(result['parent']['type'])
            parent = config.db[parent_collection].find_one({'_id': bson.ObjectId(result['parent']['id'])})
            if parent is None:
                raise APINotFoundException('Cannot find parent {} {} of {} {}'.format(
                    result['parent']['type'], result['parent']['id'], self.type,
            result['permissions'] = parent['permissions']
        return result

    def find_file(self, filename):
        cont = self.get()
        for f in cont.get('files', []):
            if f['name'] == filename:
                return f
        return None

    def file_uri(self, filename):
        collection = pluralize(self.type)
        cont = self.get()
        if 'parent' in cont:
            par_coll, par_id = pluralize(cont['parent']['type']), cont['parent']['id']
            return '/{}/{}/{}/{}/files/{}'.format(par_coll, par_id, collection,, filename)
        return '/{}/{}/files/{}'.format(collection,, filename)

    def check_access(self, uid, perm_name):
        cont = self.get()
        if has_access(uid, cont, perm_name):
            raise APIPermissionException('User {} does not have {} access to {} {}'.format(uid, perm_name, self.type,

class FileReference(ContainerReference):
    # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    # TODO: refactor to resolve pylint warning

    def __init__(self, type, id, name):
        super(FileReference, self).__init__(type, id) = name

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__dict__ == other.__dict__

    def from_dictionary(cls, d):
        return cls(
            type = d['type'],
            id = d['id'],
            name = d['name']

    def get_file(self):
        container = super(FileReference, self).get()

        for file in container.get('files', []):
            if file['name'] ==
                return file

        raise APINotFoundException('No such file {} on {} {} in database'.format(, self.type,

def create_filereference_from_dictionary(d):
    return FileReference.from_dictionary(d)

def create_containerreference_from_dictionary(d):
    return ContainerReference.from_dictionary(d)

def create_containerreference_from_filereference(fr):
    return ContainerReference.from_filereference(fr)

def pluralize(cont_name):
    if cont_name in SINGULAR_TO_PLURAL:
        return SINGULAR_TO_PLURAL[cont_name]
    elif cont_name in PLURAL_TO_SINGULAR:
        return cont_name
    raise ValueError('Could not pluralize unknown container name {}'.format(cont_name))

def singularize(cont_name):
    if cont_name in PLURAL_TO_SINGULAR:
        return PLURAL_TO_SINGULAR[cont_name]
    elif cont_name in SINGULAR_TO_PLURAL:
        return cont_name
    raise ValueError('Could not singularize unknown container name {}'.format(cont_name))