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Test Coverage
API request handlers for the jobs module
import bson
import copy
import os
import StringIO
from jsonschema import ValidationError
from urlparse import urlparse

from . import batch
from .. import config
from .. import upload
from .. import util
from ..auth import require_drone, require_login, require_admin, has_access
from ..auth.apikeys import JobApiKey
from ..dao import hierarchy
from ..dao.containerstorage import ProjectStorage, SessionStorage, SubjectStorage, AcquisitionStorage, AnalysisStorage, cs_factory
from ..util import humanize_validation_error, set_for_download
from ..validators import validate_data, verify_payload_exists
from ..dao.containerutil import pluralize, singularize
from ..web import base
from ..web.encoder import pseudo_consistent_json_encode
from ..web.errors import APIPermissionException, APINotFoundException, InputValidationException
from ..web.request import AccessType

from .gears import validate_gear_config, get_gears, get_gear, get_invocation_schema, remove_gear, upsert_gear, get_gear_by_name, check_for_gear_insertion, add_suggest_info_to_files
from .jobs import Job, JobTicket, Logs
from .batch import check_state, update
from .queue import Queue
from .rules import create_jobs, validate_regexes

class GearsHandler(base.RequestHandler):

    """Provide /gears API routes."""

    def get(self):
        """List all gears."""

        gears   = get_gears()
        filters = self.request.GET.getall('filter')

        if 'single_input' in filters:
            gears = list(filter(lambda x: len(x["gear"]["inputs"].keys()) <= 1, gears))

        return gears

    def check(self):
        """Check if a gear upload is likely to succeed."""

        return None

class GearHandler(base.RequestHandler):
    """Provide /gears/x API routes."""

    def get(self, _id):
        return get_gear(_id)

    def get_invocation(self, _id):
        return get_invocation_schema(get_gear(_id))

    def suggest(self, _id, cont_name, cid):
        Given a container reference, return display information about parents, children and files
        as well as information about which best match each gear input

        Container types acceptable for reference:
          - Groups
          - Projects
          - Collections
          - Subjects
          - Sessions
          - Acquisitions
          - Analyses

        NOTE: Access via this endpoint is not logged. Only information necessary for display should be returned.
        NOTE: Subject level is supported ahead of official separation in DB and API routes.

        # Do all actions that could result in a 404 first
        gear = get_gear(_id)
        if not gear:
            raise APINotFoundException('Gear with id {} not found.'.format(_id))

        storage = cs_factory(cont_name)
        container = storage.get_container(cid)
        if not self.user_is_admin and not has_access(self.uid, container, 'ro'):
            raise APIPermissionException('User does not have access to container {}.'.format(cid))

        cont_name = pluralize(cont_name)

        response = {
            'cont_type':    singularize(cont_name),
            '_id':          cid,
            'label':        container.get('label', ''),
            'parents':      [],
            'files':        [],
            'children':     {}

        if cont_name != 'analyses':
            analyses = AnalysisStorage().get_analyses(cont_name, cid)
            response['children']['analyses'] = [{'cont_type': 'analysis', '_id': a['_id'], 'label': a.get('label', '')} for a in analyses]

        # Get collection context, if any
        collection_id = self.get_param('collection')
        collection = None
        if collection_id:

            if cont_name in ['projects', 'groups']:
                raise InputValidationException('Cannot suggest for {} with a collection context.'.format(cont_name))
            collection = cs_factory('collections').get_container(collection_id)

        # Get children
        if cont_name == 'collections':
            # Grab subjects within the collection context
            children = SubjectStorage().get_all_el({'collections': collection_id}, None, None)
            response['children']['subjects'] = [{'cont_type': 'subject', '_id': c['_id'], 'label': c.get('label', '')} for c in children]

        elif cont_name not in ['analyses', 'acquisitions']:
            query = {}
            if collection_id:
                query['collections'] = bson.ObjectId(collection_id)
            children = storage.get_children(cid, query=query, projection={'files': 0})
            response['children'][pluralize(storage.child_cont_name)] = [{'cont_type': singularize(storage.child_cont_name), '_id': c['_id'], 'label': c.get('label', '')} for c in children]

        # Get parents
        parents = storage.get_parent_tree(cid, cont=container)
        if collection_id and cont_name != 'collections':
            # Remove project and group, replace with collection
            parents = parents[:-2]
            collection['cont_type'] = 'collection'

        response['parents'] = [{'cont_type': singularize(p['cont_type']), '_id': p['_id'], 'label': p.get('label', '')} for p in parents]

        files = add_suggest_info_to_files(gear, container.get('files', []))
        response['files'] = [{'name': f['name'], 'suggested': f['suggested']} for f in files]

        return response

    def upload(self): # pragma: no cover
        r = upload.process_upload(self.request, upload.Strategy.gear, container_type='gear', origin=self.origin, metadata=self.request.headers.get('metadata'))
        gear_id = upsert_gear(r[1])

        config.db.gears.update_one({'_id': gear_id}, {'$set': {
            'exchange.rootfs-url': '/api/gears/temp/' + str(gear_id)}

        return {'_id': str(gear_id)}

    def download(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
        """Download gear tarball file"""
        dl_id = kwargs.pop('cid')
        gear = get_gear(dl_id)
        hash_ = gear['exchange']['rootfs-hash']
        filepath = os.path.join(config.get_item('persistent', 'data_path'), util.path_from_hash('v0-' + hash_.replace(':', '-')))

        stream = open(filepath, 'rb')
        set_for_download(self.response, stream=stream, filename='gear.tar')

    def post(self, _id):
        payload = self.request.json

        if _id != payload.get('gear', {}).get('name', ''):
            self.abort(400, 'Name key must be present and match URL')

            result = upsert_gear(payload)
            return { '_id': str(result) }

        except ValidationError as err:
            raise InputValidationException(humanize_validation_error(err))

    def delete(self, _id):
        return remove_gear(_id)

class RulesHandler(base.RequestHandler):

    def get(self, cid):
        """List rules"""

        projection = None

        if cid == 'site':
            if self.public_request:
                raise APIPermissionException('Viewing site-level rules requires login.')
            projection = {'project_id': 0}
            project = ProjectStorage().get_container(cid, projection={'permissions': 1})
            if not self.user_is_admin and not has_access(self.uid, project, 'ro'):
                raise APIPermissionException('User does not have access to project {} rules'.format(cid))

        return config.db.project_rules.find({'project_id' : cid}, projection=projection)

    def post(self, cid):
        """Add a rule"""

        if cid == 'site':
            if not self.user_is_admin:
                raise APIPermissionException('Adding site-level rules can only be done by a site admin.')
            project = ProjectStorage().get_container(cid, projection={'permissions': 1})
            if not self.user_is_admin and not has_access(self.uid, project, 'admin'):
                raise APIPermissionException('Adding rules to a project can only be done by a project admin.')

        payload = self.request.json

        validate_data(payload, 'rule-new.json', 'input', 'POST', optional=True)
        except APINotFoundException:
            self.abort(400, 'Cannot find gear for alg {}, alg not valid'.format(payload['alg']))

        payload['project_id'] = cid

        result = config.db.project_rules.insert_one(payload)
        return { '_id': result.inserted_id }

class RuleHandler(base.RequestHandler):

    def get(self, cid, rid):
        """Get rule"""

        projection = None
        if cid == 'site':
            if self.public_request:
                raise APIPermissionException('Viewing site-level rules requires login.')
            projection = {'project_id': 0}
            project = ProjectStorage().get_container(cid, projection={'permissions': 1})
            if not self.user_is_admin and not has_access(self.uid, project, 'ro'):
                raise APIPermissionException('User does not have access to project {} rules'.format(cid))

        result = config.db.project_rules.find_one({'project_id' : cid, '_id': bson.ObjectId(rid)}, projection=projection)

        if not result:
            raise APINotFoundException('Rule not found.')

        return result

    def put(self, cid, rid):
        """Change a rule"""

        if cid == 'site':
            if not self.user_is_admin:
                raise APIPermissionException('Modifying site-level rules can only be done by a site admin.')
            project = ProjectStorage().get_container(cid, projection={'permissions': 1})
            if not self.user_is_admin and not has_access(self.uid, project, 'admin'):
                raise APIPermissionException('Modifying project rules can only be done by a project admin.')

        doc = config.db.project_rules.find_one({'project_id' : cid, '_id': bson.ObjectId(rid)})

        if not doc:
            raise APINotFoundException('Rule not found.')

        updates = self.request.json
        validate_data(updates, 'rule-update.json', 'input', 'POST', optional=True)
        if updates.get('alg'):
            except APINotFoundException:
                self.abort(400, 'Cannot find gear for alg {}, alg not valid'.format(updates['alg']))

        config.db.project_rules.replace_one({'_id': bson.ObjectId(rid)}, doc)

    def delete(self, cid, rid):
        """Remove a rule"""

        if cid == 'site':
            if not self.user_is_admin:
                raise APIPermissionException('Modifying site-level rules can only be done by a site admin.')
            project = ProjectStorage().get_container(cid, projection={'permissions': 1})
            if not self.user_is_admin and not has_access(self.uid, project, 'admin'):
                raise APIPermissionException('Modifying project rules can only be done by a project admin.')

        result = config.db.project_rules.delete_one({'project_id' : cid, '_id': bson.ObjectId(rid)})
        if result.deleted_count != 1:
            raise APINotFoundException('Rule not found.')

class JobsHandler(base.RequestHandler):

    def get(self): # pragma: no cover (no route)
        """List all jobs."""
        return list(

    def add(self):
        """Add a job to the queue."""
        payload = self.request.json

        uid = None
        if not self.superuser_request:
            uid = self.uid

        job = Queue.enqueue_job(payload, self.origin, perm_check_uid=uid)
        return { '_id': job.id_ }

    def stats(self):
        all_flag = self.is_true('all')
        unique = self.is_true('unique')
        tags = self.request.GET.getall('tags')
        last = self.request.GET.get('last')

        # Allow for tags to be specified multiple times, or just comma-deliminated
        if len(tags) == 1:
            tags = tags[0].split(',')

        if last is not None:
            last = int(last)

        return Queue.get_statistics(tags=tags, last=last, unique=unique, all_flag=all_flag)

    def pending(self):
        tags = self.request.GET.getall('tags')
        if len(tags) == 1:
            tags = tags[0].split(',')

        return Queue.get_pending(tags=tags)

    def next(self):
        peek = self.is_true('peek')
        tags = self.request.GET.getall('tags')
        if len(tags) <= 0:
            tags = None

        job = Queue.start_job(tags=tags, peek=peek)

        if job is None:
            raise InputValidationException('No jobs to process')
            return job

    def reap_stale(self):
        count = Queue.scan_for_orphans()
        return { 'orphaned': count }

class JobHandler(base.RequestHandler):
    """Provides /Jobs/<jid> routes."""

    def get(self, _id):
        return Job.get(_id)

    def get_config(self, _id):
        """Get a job's config"""
        j = Job.get(_id)
        c = j.config
        if c is None:
            c = {}

        # Detect if config is old- or new-style.
        # TODO: remove this logic with a DB upgrade, ref's reserved upgrade section.

        encoded = None
        if 'config' in c and c.get('inputs') is not None:
            # New behavior

            # API keys are only returned in-flight, when the job is running, and not persisted to the job object.
            if j.state == 'running':
                gear = get_gear(j.gear_id)

                for key in gear['gear']['inputs']:
                    the_input = gear['gear']['inputs'][key]

                    if the_input['base'] == 'api-key':
                        if j.origin['type'] != 'user':
                            raise Exception('Cannot provide an API key to a job not launched by a user')

                        uid = j.origin['id']
                        api_key = JobApiKey.generate(uid, j.id_)
                        parsed_url = urlparse(config.get_item('site', 'api_url'))

                        if parsed_url.port != 443:
                            api_key = parsed_url.hostname + ':' + str(parsed_url.port) + ':' + api_key
                            api_key = parsed_url.hostname + ':' + api_key

                        if c.get('inputs') is None:
                            c['inputs'] = {}

                        c['inputs'][key] = {
                            'base': 'api-key',
                            'key': api_key

            encoded = pseudo_consistent_json_encode(c)

        else: # Legacy behavior
            encoded = pseudo_consistent_json_encode({"config": c})

        stream = StringIO.StringIO(encoded)
        length = len(encoded.encode('utf-8'))

        set_for_download(self.response, stream=stream, filename='config.json', length=length)

    def put(self, _id):
        Update a job. Updates timestamp.
        Enforces a valid state machine transition, if any.
        Rejects any change to a job that is not currently in 'pending' or 'running' state.
        j = Job.get(_id)
        mutation = self.request.json

        # If user is not superuser, can only cancel jobs they spawned
        if not self.superuser_request and not self.user_is_admin:
            if j.origin.get('id') != self.uid:
                raise APIPermissionException('User does not have permission to access job {}'.format(_id))
            if mutation != {'state': 'cancelled'}:
                raise APIPermissionException('User can only cancel jobs.')

        Queue.mutate(j, mutation)

        # If the job failed or succeeded, check state of the batch
        if 'state' in mutation and mutation['state'] in ['complete', 'failed']:
            # Remove any API keys for this job
            if j.batch:
                batch_id = j.batch
                new_state = check_state(batch_id)
                if new_state:
                    update(batch_id, {'state': new_state})

    def _log_read_check(self, _id):
            job = Job.get(_id)
        except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
            self.abort(404, 'Job not found')

        # Permission check
        if not self.superuser_request:
            if job.inputs is not None:
                for x in job.inputs:
                    job.inputs[x].check_access(self.uid, 'ro')
                # Unlike jobs-add, explicitly not checking write access to destination.

    def get_logs(self, _id):
        """Get a job's logs"""

        return Logs.get(_id)

    def get_logs_text(self, _id):
        """Get a job's logs in raw text"""

        filename = 'job-' + _id + '-logs.txt'

        set_for_download(self.response, filename=filename)
        for output in Logs.get_text_generator(_id):

    def get_logs_html(self, _id):
        """Get a job's logs in html"""


        for output in Logs.get_html_generator(_id):


    def add_logs(self, _id):
        doc = self.request.json

        j = Job.get(_id)
        Queue.mutate(j, {}) # Unconditionally heartbeat

        return Logs.add(_id, doc)

    def retry(self, _id):
        """ Retry a job.

        The job must have a state of 'failed', and must not have already been retried.
        Returns the id of the new, generated job.
        j = Job.get(_id)

        # Permission check
        if not self.superuser_request:
            for x in j.inputs:
                j.inputs[x].check_access(self.uid, 'ro')
            j.destination.check_access(self.uid, 'rw')

        new_id = Queue.retry(j, force=True)
        return { "_id": new_id }

    def prepare_complete(self, _id):
        payload = self.request.json
        success = payload['success']
        elapsed = payload['elapsed']

        ticket = JobTicket.create(_id, success, elapsed)
        return { 'ticket': ticket }

    def accept_failed_output(self, _id):
        j = Job.get(_id)

        # Permission check
        if not self.superuser_request:
            j.destination.check_access(self.uid, 'rw')

        if j.state != 'failed':
            self.abort(400, 'Can only accept failed output of a job that failed')

        # Remove flag from files
        container = j.destination.get()
        container_before = copy.deepcopy(container)
        for f in container.get('files'):
            if f['origin'] == {'type': 'job', 'id': _id}:
                del f['from_failed_job']
        cont_name = pluralize(j.destination.type)
        query = {'_id': container['_id']}
        updates = {'$set': {'files': container['files']}}
        config.db[cont_name].update_one(query, updates)

        # Apply metadata
        hierarchy.update_container_hierarchy(j.produced_metadata, container['_id'], j.destination.type)

        # Mark and save job
        j.failed_output_accepted = True

        # Create any automatic jobs for the accepted files
        create_jobs(config.db, container_before, container, cont_name)

        self.log_user_access(AccessType.accept_failed_output, cont_name=j.destination.type,, multifile=True)

class BatchHandler(base.RequestHandler):

    def get_all(self):
        Get a list of batch jobs user has created.
        Make a superuser request to see all batch jobs.

        if self.superuser_request:
            # Don't enforce permissions for superuser requests or drone requests
            query = {}
            query = {'': self.uid}
        return batch.get_all(query, {'proposal':0})

    def get(self, _id):
        Get a batch job by id.
        Use param jobs=true to replace job id list with job objects.

        get_jobs = self.is_true('jobs')
        batch_job = batch.get(_id, projection={'proposal':0}, get_jobs=get_jobs)
        return batch_job

    def post(self):
        Create a batch job proposal, insert as 'pending' if there are matched containers

        payload = self.request.json
        gear_id = payload.get('gear_id')
        targets = payload.get('targets')
        config_ = payload.get('config', {})
        analysis_data = payload.get('analysis', {})
        tags = payload.get('tags', [])

        # Request might specify a collection context
        collection_id = payload.get('target_context', {}).get('id', None)
        if collection_id:
            collection_id = bson.ObjectId(collection_id)

        # Validate the config against the gear manifest
        if not gear_id or not targets:
            self.abort(400, 'A gear name and list of target containers is required.')
        gear = get_gear(gear_id)
        if gear.get('gear', {}).get('custom', {}).get('flywheel', {}).get('invalid', False):
            self.abort(400, 'Gear marked as invalid, will not run!')
        validate_gear_config(gear, config_)

        container_ids = []
        container_type = None

        # Get list of container ids from target list
        for t in targets:
            if not container_type:
                container_type = t.get('type')
                # Ensure all targets are of same type, may change in future
                if container_type != t.get('type'):
                    self.abort(400, 'targets must all be of same type.')

        objectIds = [bson.ObjectId(x) for x in container_ids]

        # Determine if gear is no-input gear
        file_inputs = False
        for input_ in gear['gear'].get('inputs', {}).itervalues():
            if input_['base'] == 'file':
                file_inputs = True

        if not file_inputs:
            # Grab sessions rather than acquisitions
            containers = SessionStorage().get_all_for_targets(container_type, objectIds)

            # Get acquisitions associated with targets
            containers = AcquisitionStorage().get_all_for_targets(container_type, objectIds, collection_id=collection_id)

        if not containers:
            self.abort(404, 'Could not find necessary containers from targets.')

        improper_permissions = []
        perm_checked_conts = []

        # Make sure user has read-write access, add those to acquisition list
        for c in containers:
            if self.superuser_request or has_access(self.uid, c, 'rw'):

        if not perm_checked_conts:
            self.abort(403, 'User does not have write access to targets.')

        if not file_inputs:
            # All containers become matched destinations

            results = {
                'matched': [{'id': str(x['_id']), 'type': 'session'} for x in containers]

            # Look for file matches in each acquisition
            results = batch.find_matching_conts(gear, perm_checked_conts, 'acquisition')

        matched = results['matched']
        batch_proposal = {}

        # If there are matches, create a batch job object and insert it
        if matched:

            batch_proposal = {
                '_id': bson.ObjectId(),
                'gear_id': gear_id,
                'config': config_,
                'state': 'pending',
                'origin': self.origin,
                'proposal': {
                    'analysis': analysis_data,
                    'tags': tags

            if not file_inputs:
                batch_proposal['proposal']['destinations'] = matched
                batch_proposal['proposal']['inputs'] = [c.pop('inputs') for c in matched]


        # Either way, return information about the status of the containers
        batch_proposal['not_matched'] = results.get('not_matched', [])
        batch_proposal['ambiguous'] = results.get('ambiguous', [])
        batch_proposal['matched'] = matched
        batch_proposal['improper_permissions'] = improper_permissions

        return batch_proposal

    def run(self, _id):
        Creates jobs from proposed inputs, returns jobs enqueued.
        Moves 'pending' batch job to 'running'.

        batch_job = batch.get(_id)
        if batch_job.get('state') != 'pending':
            self.abort(400, 'Can only run pending batch jobs.')

    def cancel(self, _id):
        Cancels jobs that are still pending, returns number of jobs cancelled.
        Moves a 'running' batch job to 'cancelled'.

        batch_job = batch.get(_id)
        if batch_job.get('state') != 'running':
            self.abort(400, 'Can only cancel started batch jobs.')
        return {'number_cancelled': batch.cancel(batch_job)}

    def _check_permission(self, batch_job):
        if not self.superuser_request:
            if batch_job['origin'].get('id') != self.uid:
                raise APIPermissionException('User does not have permission to access batch {}'.format(batch_job.get('_id')))